Fun Faction! Who would you choose?


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    I'd be okay with the simple addition of a few more Nighsisters... I'm thinking The Lady of Pain, Vlaakith, Danifae Yauntyrr (as Avatar of Lolth), Fierna & Zuggtmoy (from temple of elemental evil... not 3.5, ew)

    They'll have a short sit down with Palp, Nihilus, Bane and co. Fierna will flirtatiously caress Vaders helm and say, "This is the "Dark" side?" They all laugh. Then, after walking over the meaty-bit leftovers of the sith lords they proceed to show a galaxy far far away what true power really means.

    Then we'll have real end game material.
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    Tom Brady (Leader support)
    Rob Gronkowski (Tank)
    Julio Jones (Attacker)
    Antonio Brown (Attacker)
    LeVeon Bell (Support)

    Fantasy squad right there. Cant lose on offense, bad on defense.
  • Xetal
    218 posts Member
    (L) Leila
    Zap Bannigan

    With alternates of Hermes, Amy, Professor, Flexo, Kiff, Calculon, and Scruffy

    New ships: Planet Express Ship and Nimbus.

    New gameplay mode: Delivery.
  • murphsith
    205 posts Member
    Assassin (enzio)
    Nina from ninja gaiden
  • Options
    Dark Helmet
    President Skroob
    Colonel Sandurz
    Major ****
    Gunners Mate First Class Phillip ****

    Naturally the two **** will have an OP synergy.
  • Dameron
    38 posts Member
    Smapty wrote: »
    Fun fact... you could make a marvel equivalent of this game and it would be awesome...

    Anyone and EA paying attention? Lol


    Same for DC, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, maybe even Power Rangers. All franchises with vast catalogues of interesting, recognizable characters just ripe with potential.

    An Ubisoft version could use characters from Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, Watch Dogs, Splinter Cell, Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon, etc., since they all take place in a shared universe anyway.
  • Dameron
    38 posts Member
    A Nintendo equivalent could use Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon. PlayStation with Metal Gear, Uncharted, and inFamous. A Rockstar version could have characters from Grand Theft Auto, Red Dead, and Max Payne!
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    Galactus (L) - Rancor would NOT stand a CHANCE (Neither would the tank for that matter).
    Hulk (both Hulk/Thor would turn the Rancor and tank into a stew of metal n guts)
  • vostromo
    89 posts Member
    James Bond (L)
    Indiana Jones
    Mr Bean
    Mr Cadburys Parrot
    Mr Snuffleupagus
  • BulYwif
    1977 posts Member
    The Jackson Fives
  • fascizio
    572 posts Member
    Xetal wrote: »
    (L) Leila
    Zap Bannigan

    With alternates of Hermes, Amy, Professor, Flexo, Kiff, Calculon, and Scruffy

    How could you forget Morbo!? Now HE WILL DESTROY YOU!
    Bobby 'the brain' Heenan (unique) The weasel! Stealths with 100% ally assist for all allies

    Mr Perfect (unique) The Perfect team! Full buffs for everyone

    Ric Flair (unique) WOOOOO! inflict Tenacity down on all enemies

    Ted Dibiase (unique) Million Dollar Dream All enemies given potency up for 1 turn but Daze for 2 turns

    Ravishing Rick Rude (unique) Rude Awakening All female enemies stunned for 2 turns, males potency down for 2 turns

    This is great, they should have done this instead of that puzzle game they're promoting now... OG Undertaker with Paul Bearer synergy! Guys like Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Ultimate Warrior are just begging to be in a game like this, lol
    DatBoi wrote: »
    Jon Snow (L), Tormund Giantsbane (tank), Sam the Slayer (support/healer), The Hound: Sandor Clegane, Brienne of Tarth

    Another good GoT team could be Tywin Lannister (L), Robert Baratheon (the crazy strong rebel version, not the drunk fat king version), Arthur Dayne, Gregor Clegane, and Melisandre for support/heals. They wouldn't necessarily have a whole lot of synergy, but they'd all be strong enough it wouldn't really matter, like Rex/Chaze/GK/Nil...
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    You can have any 5 characters from wherever you choose! Their abilities must be true to theirselves..

    For example, you may want Kirk,Spock,Scotty,Bones and Uhura, or Fred, Daphne, Wilma, Scooby and Shaggy! The world is your oyster and you can pick any superhero, Tv show/film, dead presidents etc etc, synergy is good but if you can convince us that Dr.Who can work with family guy Stewie then props to you...

    To start us off i'll propose a disney team that won't be meta but fun to use

    Fantasia Mickey:(dark side, tank) Disney welcome.. 50% chance defense down on target enemy, if successful 40% chance on next enemy, down to 10% on final, Mickey always goes first

    Apprentice Attack: For every debuff a broomstick throws a bucket of water on the enemy exposing them, Droids cannot evade this attack

    Original Gangster (unique) All Disney and SW characters pre 2012 gain 50% tm, any after lose 50% tm

    Hey Pluto! (leader) All disney characters gain 25% tm on Plutos basic

    Donald Duck:(scoundrel, rebel)
    Quack attack: Both enemy and Donald gain a random buff/debuff for 1 turn

    :Duckn Hell: Donald gains tenacity up for 2 turns with a 40% chance a random ally gets the same

    Proud uncle (unique) Donald dispels all buffs on enemy, huey,duey and luey attack with 50% chance of dispel

    Pluto (light side, bonety hunter)
    Im not Goofy: Pluto inflicts daze on all enemies for 3 turns and if dazing all enemies then also on himself

    Hey Mickey! 25% chance aoe ability block, Mickey gains 10% tm for any debuffs

    Guard Dog (unique) Pluto gives 25% Potency up if any ally drops below 50% health, doubled if CHale are still alive

    Chip (rebel, jawa) Go Nuts: Dispel all taunts and apply buff immunity for 2 turns

    Daley bonus: all allies 25% protection up, if pluto is alive speed up for 1 turn

    Nuts in may (unique): if Dale gets crit hit gain 100% TM

    Dale (Jawa, Chipmunk, support)

    ChaleisOP: Any damage dealt goes to a random allys protection, if they have full protection then they gain defense up

    Chip Away:apply stealth for 1 turn with a target ally, all other allys gain speed up for 1 turn, if target ally is chip all buffs are doubled

    Nuts in June (unique) if Chip gets crit hit gain 100% TM

    i know you all can do better.....

    As long as I get Jar-Jar I'm happy.
  • IvoB1987
    495 posts Member
    King Arthur
    Link (from Zelda)
    jaime Lannister
    The Dragonborn
  • 2findaz
    90 posts Member
    IvoB1987 wrote: »
    King Arthur
    Link (from Zelda)
    jaime Lannister
    The Dragonborn

    you had me at dragonborn
  • Iceih_SWG
    301 posts Member
    Chuck Norris -(Empire,Rebel,Attacker ,Tank)
    Basic-Round House Kick-Instakill AoE ability.
    Methods of farming Like K2 but for IOS

    I can not wait to read the "Zhuck Norriz is OP and needs a nerf" threads, and devs answering I do not dare to nerf Chuck...
  • fascizio
    572 posts Member
    Iceih_SWG wrote: »
    Chuck Norris -(Empire,Rebel,Attacker ,Tank)
    Basic-Round House Kick-Instakill AoE ability.
    Methods of farming Like K2 but for IOS

    I can not wait to read the "Zhuck Norriz is OP and needs a nerf" threads, and devs answering I do not dare to nerf Chuck...

    Well you can't nerf Chuck... They could always try to introduce Bruce Lee to balance him out, but there'd be some pretty heavy power creep and we'd just wind up with teams running Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris...
  • Options
    Master Chief
    Rocket Raccoon

  • Metroplex79
    837 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Chopper, K2SO, Deadpool, Rattrap (from Transformers: Beast Wars), and Spock (from Star Trek TOS).

    The sarcasm rating would nearly be off the chart.
    When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

    Started mid-FEB 2017, and not trying to reach the top.
  • Tedbeast
    218 posts Member
    Darth Vader
    Deadpool (Leader)
    William Wallace (not historically but from Braveheart)


    The animaniacs
    (All three)
    Pinky & The Brain (but Pinky is leader in this squad)
    I find your lack of faith disturbing.
  • Tedbeast
    218 posts Member
    vostromo wrote: »
    James Bond (L)
    Indiana Jones
    Mr Bean
    Mr Cadburys Parrot
    Mr Snuffleupagus

    Hah! Actually laughed out loud.
    I find your lack of faith disturbing.
  • Tedbeast
    218 posts Member
    I could go on for days.....

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles w/ Splinter leader


    Rockysteady, Beepbop, Kraang(in suit), General Traag, and Shreddy (Leader)
    I find your lack of faith disturbing.
  • Woofy_MC
    219 posts Member
    Hitl er - [Ability:Damage over time with gas] + Stalin [Ability:Sends in millions of small level 1 troops] + Roosevelt [Ability: If Hideki Tojo is in the game, nuke him at the start of the game] + Hideki Tojo [Ability: If Roosevelt is in the game send you suicide Planes to deal damage over time] + Churchill [Ability: Smoke a cigar....thats it...nothing more...]
  • Options
    Solid snake
    Liquid snake
    Jon Rambo
    Col James Braddock
    Austin powers

  • Options
    Sothe wrote: »

    This team is very underrated...
  • Tedbeast
    218 posts Member
    Woofy_MC wrote: »
    Hitl er - [Ability:Damage over time with gas] + Stalin [Ability:Sends in millions of small level 1 troops] + Roosevelt [Ability: If Hideki Tojo is in the game, nuke him at the start of the game] + Hideki Tojo [Ability: If Roosevelt is in the game send you suicide Planes to deal damage over time] + Churchill [Ability: Smoke a cigar....thats it...nothing more...]

    Churchill special: London Blitz: provide Defense Up
    Tojo: unique: offense increases by same percent as percentage of lost health
    Roosevelt would have to die and apply the Truman buff to allies, then he'd nuke.
    I find your lack of faith disturbing.
  • Woofy_MC
    219 posts Member
    Tedbeast wrote: »
    Woofy_MC wrote: »
    Hitl er - [Ability:Damage over time with gas] + Stalin [Ability:Sends in millions of small level 1 troops] + Roosevelt [Ability: If Hideki Tojo is in the game, nuke him at the start of the game] + Hideki Tojo [Ability: If Roosevelt is in the game send you suicide Planes to deal damage over time] + Churchill [Ability: Smoke a cigar....thats it...nothing more...]

    Churchill special: London Blitz: provide Defense Up
    Tojo: unique: offense increases by same percent as percentage of lost health
    Roosevelt would have to die and apply the Truman buff to allies, then he'd nuke.

    Nice addition good Sir.

  • ilNomad
    236 posts Member
    How has this not been moved to Off Topic yet lol
  • Tedbeast
    218 posts Member
    ilNomad wrote: »
    How has this not been moved to Off Topic yet lol

    It's a general discussion of non Star Wars characters within the parameters of this game.
    I find your lack of faith disturbing.
  • ilNomad
    236 posts Member
  • Wassup
    128 posts Member
    Kinda stupid thread but I'll bite.

    Jimmy Page: he will melt your face.
    Jesus: never dies. 3 turns and he's back.
    The Wright Brothers: they both always go first.
    Tanya Harding: sweep the leg.
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