Character reveal Megathread


  • Jedi_Reach_
    1337 posts Member
    Roken_Fett wrote: »
    The only thing that gets me is that the hints the Devs gave out don't really point towards Thrawn, they point to Jango. I posted this in another thread, but it made sense to me that it was gonna be Jango.


    1) Kamino was "redacted" from the Jedi archives.

    2) The clone army program was "shrouded in secrecy." Obi-Wan himself said this, I believe. And if memory serves me correctly he even mentioned "bounty hunter."

    3) Devs promised to do something with Separatists and have yet to do so.

    So here's my prediction:

    Jango Fett event.
    Need Clones/Republic to unlock
    Grevious rework, possible next Capital ship to balance out ships. (1 Empire vs 1 rebel, 1 Republic vs 1 Separatist)
    MAYBE a few tweaks to other Separatists
    Possibly two generic toons, one being Droideka.
    And last but certainly not least: CLONE HELMETS!!!

    I get a strong feeling Jango is coming but not as the fan favorite.

    Just like Ashoka just did
    Ironically when Ahsoka hit I thought she was the fan favorite. And it's funny, because she is a fan favorite -- but so are many other characters. So much room for CG to tease us with "fan favorite", they must really enjoy seeing all the posts (good and bad) hype up their release.

    Smart thinking gentlemen.
  • Options
    I love star wars, but I don't watch the cartoons. Guess I've been fooling myself all these years, because the "enlightened" ones here on the forums tell me I am not a fan, when I've always considered myself a fan. Wow, all these years I've been living a lie. The least you could have done was be polite and let me live my lie.
    "Anakin, if one is to understand the great mystery, one must study all its aspects, not just the dogmatic narrow view of the Jedi. If you wish to become a complete and wise leader, you must embrace a larger view of the Force. Be careful of the Jedi, Anakin. Only through me can you achieve a power greater than any Jedi! Learn to know the dark side of the Force, and you will be able to save your wife from certain death."

    -Chancellor Palpatine

    I'm not criticizing you. You're solidly a "Star Wars films" fan.

    The Star Wars brand has introduced so much more than what we've seen in the 8 films thus far.

    Hey don't feel bad, by definition, I'm not a "true" fan either. I haven't completed KotOR, played TOR, Force Unleashed, nor the modern Battlefronts. I haven't read any of The New Jedi Order books, I also think I have just a handful of comic books. I'm also missing the Ewoks and Droids cartoon series from the 80s.

    I consider myself majority "visual motion media" fan. So all 8 films, the 2 Ewoks movies, The Holiday Special, The Clone Wars (1.0 and 2.0), and Rebels, along with a variety of video games (I even have Yoda Stories). With a healthy dose of non-motion media via a dozen old EU books.

    Not criticizing you, but does that definition work for you? You can judge me if you wish.

    Lol. I'm a star wars fan as are everyone else playing this game.

    I have no idea what distinction you're making, but it sounds complicated.
    what an ugly thing to say... does this mean we're not friends anymore?
  • Roken_Fett
    1293 posts Member
    Roken_Fett wrote: »
    The only thing that gets me is that the hints the Devs gave out don't really point towards Thrawn, they point to Jango. I posted this in another thread, but it made sense to me that it was gonna be Jango.


    1) Kamino was "redacted" from the Jedi archives.

    2) The clone army program was "shrouded in secrecy." Obi-Wan himself said this, I believe. And if memory serves me correctly he even mentioned "bounty hunter."

    3) Devs promised to do something with Separatists and have yet to do so.

    So here's my prediction:

    Jango Fett event.
    Need Clones/Republic to unlock
    Grevious rework, possible next Capital ship to balance out ships. (1 Empire vs 1 rebel, 1 Republic vs 1 Separatist)
    MAYBE a few tweaks to other Separatists
    Possibly two generic toons, one being Droideka.
    And last but certainly not least: CLONE HELMETS!!!

    I get a strong feeling Jango is coming but not as the fan favorite.

    Just like Ashoka just did

    I hope so. Because as I've stated, I have 20,000 crystals ready to go, and I'll buy more if needed. Plus I have 40 Zeta materials just waiting to be used.

    Odds of Thrawn removing these from my grasp are slim to none.
    CLONE HELMETS!! Now let's get Sabine her epic helmet.
  • Jedi_Reach_
    1337 posts Member
    I love star wars, but I don't watch the cartoons. Guess I've been fooling myself all these years, because the "enlightened" ones here on the forums tell me I am not a fan, when I've always considered myself a fan. Wow, all these years I've been living a lie. The least you could have done was be polite and let me live my lie.
    "Anakin, if one is to understand the great mystery, one must study all its aspects, not just the dogmatic narrow view of the Jedi. If you wish to become a complete and wise leader, you must embrace a larger view of the Force. Be careful of the Jedi, Anakin. Only through me can you achieve a power greater than any Jedi! Learn to know the dark side of the Force, and you will be able to save your wife from certain death."

    -Chancellor Palpatine

    I'm not criticizing you. You're solidly a "Star Wars films" fan.

    The Star Wars brand has introduced so much more than what we've seen in the 8 films thus far.

    Hey don't feel bad, by definition, I'm not a "true" fan either. I haven't completed KotOR, played TOR, Force Unleashed, nor the modern Battlefronts. I haven't read any of The New Jedi Order books, I also think I have just a handful of comic books. I'm also missing the Ewoks and Droids cartoon series from the 80s.

    I consider myself majority "visual motion media" fan. So all 8 films, the 2 Ewoks movies, The Holiday Special, The Clone Wars (1.0 and 2.0), and Rebels, along with a variety of video games (I even have Yoda Stories). With a healthy dose of non-motion media via a dozen old EU books.

    Not criticizing you, but does that definition work for you? You can judge me if you wish.

    Lol. I'm a star wars fan as are everyone else playing this game.

    I have no idea what distinction you're making, but it sounds complicated.
    Yes you are, something the hardcores couldn't begin to fathom.
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    Thrawn is a massive fan favorite from before I graduated high school. Thats 25 plus years ago. His arrival in Star Wars rebel after his character was removed from "canon" by Disney broke the internet more than KK"s backside. If his kit is great or even good, the old peoples with the olds money are going whaling even if they dont whale normally. Thats "fan favorite" right there.
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    So I can't claim to like a band unless I dig out and claim to like all the old bootlegs and material no one thought was worth putting on an album? Good to know.

    Shame. I liked being a star wars fan.

    Thrayawn, more like.
  • Options
    Lol. I'm a star wars fan as are everyone else playing this game.

    I have no idea what distinction you're making, but it sounds complicated.
    Hoping to find common ground on more accurately defining "fan". We're all fans of "Star Wars", and people keep arguing how they are fans, but "ignore" stuff about the franchise.

    So I used you as you were closer to the end of the thread at the time. Plus I felt the Palpatine quote from Ep 3 was appropriate. Especially how Star Wars is huge, with many stories/characters via many avenues.

    While you ARE a fan, you said you don't watch the cartoons. Can I assume you don't use 20% of the Toons in the game because they're not in the films, but in the cartoon?

    While I'm not like you, some people (not on this board), have said I'm not a "true" fan because I'm don't have or seen or own or played dot dot dot. So I kinda know how you feel. Plus to make it certain that I was not attacking you in any way, I provided my "shortcomings" as a fan.

    Not sure how vested you are in the video games, or books, or comics, plus whatever else is outside of the films and cartoons, so I just went by only what you said, and the most basic form of a "Star Wars fan", which is just the films, and nothing else.

    Was my definition of your fan-cred of Star Wars being just based on the films alone accurate? Or was there something else in the various other forms of media that's labelled "Star Wars" that you're really into?
    When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

    Started mid-FEB 2017, and not trying to reach the top.
  • Syrath
    129 posts Member
    Spyda wrote: »
    Then Disney made the excellent decision to taking one of, if not THE most popular EU character of all, Grand Admiral Thrawn

    Most of what you said I agree with but this statement I cannot back. The Heir books are great but they are great because they also introduced Mara Jade and continued the story of the true fan favorites in the EU: Luke, Leia, Han, Chewy and Lando. This and Zahn's great writing along with really how they continued right after the movies boost the love for these novels and Thrawn as well as Mara Jade, who I would argue is true fan favorite and the average movie fan has likely heard of her before unlike Thrawn.

    If we look at recent poles done by Hasbro for "fan favorites" on what action figures to produce Revan won in a landslide yr 1. The 2nd Year Jana Solo won with Darth Talon close behind. Now I like Thrawn and loved the novels but I wouldnt put him as a fan favorite and your grandiose claims of the most popular EU character I would challenge.

    I'd ask my friends but any of my casual SW friends I have polluted the pool by force feeding them SW knowledge and making them play SWTOR.
  • Tatebomb
    797 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    So I can't claim to like a band unless I dig out and claim to like all the old bootlegs and material no one thought was worth putting on an album? Good to know.

    Shame. I liked being a star wars fan.

    Thrayawn, more like.

    If you only liked or awknowledged one album out of the dozens said band has made then I would say no you're not a fan of that band. The movies barely scratch the surface of star wars. You're a fan of the star wars movies. Not a fan of the greater star wars universe.
  • RedDedRedumpton
    68 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    So I can't claim to like a band unless I dig out and claim to like all the old bootlegs and material no one thought was worth putting on an album? Good to know.

    Shame. I liked being a star wars fan.

    Thrayawn, more like.

    Gatekeeping at its finest.
  • Jedi_Reach_
    1337 posts Member
    Whether you decided to spend 1/4 your life fanboying him or not is completely irrelevant. What does matter, however, is please CG, make Thrawn into a fearsome presence that is anti-rebel and for all things holy, ANTI-CHAZE.

    R2 was a total Anti-Dodge, Anti-Zaul counter that no one asked for. Cool. Let's get an anti-dispel, anti-tenacity up hero too.

    No gimmicky rework like Tarkin and no false hope like Krennic (though it is debatable these two have a spot with selective teams) Let Thrawn be the one who puts DS, especially Empire back on the map. Here is the chance to temporarily insert game balance (because let's be honest, if he's OP, then enjoy your underlining power creep problem that will / is fester(ing))

    TLDR: Make Thrawn great and make him a presence that can inspire more DS (especially Empire) teams.
  • WompWompRat
    1833 posts Member
    Will he be the Neo of SWGOH?

  • Jedi_Reach_
    1337 posts Member
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    So I can't claim to like a band unless I dig out and claim to like all the old bootlegs and material no one thought was worth putting on an album? Good to know.

    Shame. I liked being a star wars fan.

    Thrayawn, more like.

    If you only liked or awknowledged one album out of the dozens said band has made then I would say no you're not a fan of that band. The movies barely scratch the surface of star wars. You're a fan of the star wars movies. Not a fan of the greater star wars universe.
    Please, tell us more, gatekeeper of fandom. We are bewildered in your presence.
  • Jedi_Reach_
    1337 posts Member
    Will he be the Neo of SWGOH?

    He's the hero we don't want, but the dark knight (hue, pun) we need? Nolan, help me out here...
  • Tatebomb
    797 posts Member
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    So I can't claim to like a band unless I dig out and claim to like all the old bootlegs and material no one thought was worth putting on an album? Good to know.

    Shame. I liked being a star wars fan.

    Thrayawn, more like.

    If you only liked or awknowledged one album out of the dozens said band has made then I would say no you're not a fan of that band. The movies barely scratch the surface of star wars. You're a fan of the star wars movies. Not a fan of the greater star wars universe.
    Please, tell us more, gatekeeper of fandom. We are bewildered in your presence.

    You should be a comedian. You're so original and funny.
  • Jedi_Reach_
    1337 posts Member
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    So I can't claim to like a band unless I dig out and claim to like all the old bootlegs and material no one thought was worth putting on an album? Good to know.

    Shame. I liked being a star wars fan.

    Thrayawn, more like.

    If you only liked or awknowledged one album out of the dozens said band has made then I would say no you're not a fan of that band. The movies barely scratch the surface of star wars. You're a fan of the star wars movies. Not a fan of the greater star wars universe.
    Please, tell us more, gatekeeper of fandom. We are bewildered in your presence.

    You should be a comedian. You're so original and funny.
    ...that is such a kind thing to say :smile::smile::smile:
  • Options
    Will he be the Neo of SWGOH?

    He's the hero we don't want, but the dark knight (hue, pun) we need? Nolan, help me out here...
    He's the hero galaxy of heroes needs. AND the one it deserves, right now.
    "Because I'm Batman"-me
  • Jedi_Reach_
    1337 posts Member
    Will he be the Neo of SWGOH?

    He's the hero we don't want, but the dark knight (hue, pun) we need? Nolan, help me out here...
    He's the hero galaxy of heroes needs. AND the one it deserves, right now.
    Your username, your post, your timing. All of it. Perfect.
  • Options
  • Tatebomb
    797 posts Member
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    So I can't claim to like a band unless I dig out and claim to like all the old bootlegs and material no one thought was worth putting on an album? Good to know.

    Shame. I liked being a star wars fan.

    Thrayawn, more like.

    If you only liked or awknowledged one album out of the dozens said band has made then I would say no you're not a fan of that band. The movies barely scratch the surface of star wars. You're a fan of the star wars movies. Not a fan of the greater star wars universe.
    Please, tell us more, gatekeeper of fandom. We are bewildered in your presence.

    You should be a comedian. You're so original and funny.
    ...that is such a kind thing to say :smile::smile::smile:

    Shame you're not a real star wars fan though. Such potential.
  • Jedi_Reach_
    1337 posts Member
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    So I can't claim to like a band unless I dig out and claim to like all the old bootlegs and material no one thought was worth putting on an album? Good to know.

    Shame. I liked being a star wars fan.

    Thrayawn, more like.

    If you only liked or awknowledged one album out of the dozens said band has made then I would say no you're not a fan of that band. The movies barely scratch the surface of star wars. You're a fan of the star wars movies. Not a fan of the greater star wars universe.
    Please, tell us more, gatekeeper of fandom. We are bewildered in your presence.

    You should be a comedian. You're so original and funny.
    ...that is such a kind thing to say :smile::smile::smile:

    Shame you're not a real star wars fan though. Such potential.
    Yes, silly me, I failed the Star Wars fan test. Are there any other tryouts coming up soon?
  • Olddumper
    3000 posts Member
    Considering he will be replacing toons like GK DN Tarkin zader DT SA and Krennic they are going to need to make him pretty good to oust triple cleanse. It almost has to be an empire only lead ability that is super anti rebel and helps debuffs stick.

    He is going to need to be 1 hell of a toon to make a difference.
  • Gank_Killer
    1817 posts Member
    He's going to be a rebel, watch.
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    He's going to be a rebel, watch.

    Or strictly anti Phoenix.
  • Ender22
    1194 posts Member
    Remove all buffs from opposing team and inflict ability block. Can't be resisted. Done.
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    He's going to be a rebel, watch.

    I see we share the same prediction. This makes the most sense
    The field of battle is like the mongoose. Slow to joviality, but thirsty for morning sunshine.
    -Sun Tzu
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    If you read any of the Timothy Zahn books, he's an amazing tactician and strategist that learns a lot about cultures/races from their art... he could be an anti everyone....
  • Muaddib
    563 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Boy.... this went downhill.

    On fandom.... we're all fans here. There are absolutely levels of fans (to follow the music example... you like a band and that's great. Do you follow them around like fans of The Dead? Because that's the level of some of our fandom here. Some of us have ALL the B-sides and a concert T-shirt from every tour for the past 30 years.) - doesn't make you a better/worse person depending on your fan level.

    The rub for me... is when fans of just the movies (totally cool, I love the movies too!) call CW and Rebels "children's cartoons" and dismiss them as beneath you. :/
    M'kay... fine. You don't have to love ALL the songs, but don't defecate on those of us who do. You don't know who Thrawn is? Fine. But at least 15 million other people do (based on book sales... even more if you count the people who have watched the past season of Rebels (25 million). So stop telling people he's not a fan favorite. He's just not yours! Which is ALSO FINE!

    So your fandom does not necessarily equal the depths of some other people's fandom.
    That's A-Ok.

    I realize this is a fan forum on the internet... but it's really not necessary to dunk on people's perceived lack of fandom, or to sneer at people who are more involved in the fandom than you are.

    In short...
  • Ender22
    1194 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Learns about the buffs they like to use and how to stop them from using them. Everybody :D. And he learns it all from the art he sees that they enjoy.
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    If they do him right he should be a top Tier toon.

    But CG never does toond right
This discussion has been closed.