Character reveal Megathread


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    Pyrefly wrote: »
    You're right dude, more iconic characters would sell less. Silly me. Let's add salacious b Crum to the game, he's lesser know but he'll still make as much money as Chewy right?
    But it's only your opinion that Jango Fett is somehow more iconic than Grand Admiral Thrawn.

    Does Thrawn have his own game? Did Thrawn have as many books? Was Thrawn in the movies?

    It must seem like I hate Thrawn or that I'm upset he's being added, but I'm not. He'll be another character that I will unlikely use.
  • RacerDejak
    3203 posts Member
    I smell Director Krennic part deux... lots of hype with none of the calories.

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    Way to OP, I like the idea of buffing up empire for sure but we don't need another thing for the entire community to complain about daily on these boards.
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    make him as lead be empire abilities cannot be dodged or resisted
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    Muaddib wrote: »
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    Muaddib wrote: »
    Boy.... this went downhill.

    On fandom.... we're all fans here. There are absolutely levels of fans (to follow the music example... you like a band and that's great. Do you follow them around like fans of The Dead? Because that's the level of some of our fandom here. Some of us have ALL the B-sides and a concert T-shirt from every tour for the past 30 years.) - doesn't make you a better/worse person depending on your fan level.

    The rub for me... is when fans of just the movies (totally cool, I love the movies too!) call CW and Rebels "children's cartoons" and dismiss them as beneath you. :/
    M'kay... fine. You don't have to love ALL the songs, but don't defecate on those of us who do. You don't know who Thrawn is? Fine. But at least 15 million other people do (based on book sales... even more if you count the people who have watched the past season of Rebels (25 million). So stop telling people he's not a fan favorite. He's just not yours! Which is ALSO FINE!

    So your fandom does not necessarily equal the depths of some other people's fandom.
    That's A-Ok.

    I realize this is a fan forum on the internet... but it's really not necessary to dunk on people's perceived lack of fandom, or to sneer at people who are more involved in the fandom than you are.

    In short...
    So you're saying that cartoons weren't meant for children? Because that's just not true.

    Ah yes. All cartoons are meant for kids. Who can forget such family favorites like Archer and metalocalypse.

    Two of my favs so high fives for you!
    Cowboy Bebop
    Rick and Morty
    South Park
    Bob's Burgers
    and the greatest feat of animation to also feature a SW actor....

    But I know what you're trying to say @RedDedRedumpton
    You don't believe these cartoons are on that level. And that's just like, your opinion man.
    There are some underwhelming episodes (Meebur Gaston arc was unbearable imo), and then there are some really stand out well-told stories like Ashoka's arc (leaving the temple).

    Here's my point yet again: YOU don't get to decide what is worthy of consideration for fandom. Neither do I.
    Stop dunking on the cartoons because you don't like them. There are some great stories there, I'm sorry you'll miss them.
    Sure, I'll miss out on them but the point remains that they were made for children, hence the **** art style and Y7 rating.

    Some of the best animations ive seen have been made for children but created classics.

    As long as the story is there who cares if it was made for children

    They could could have made a lot more money releasing better, more iconic characters.

    If they cared about that, Yoda, R2, EP & GK, Raid Gan (fan faves) would not have been released for free.

    Dude, they're a business, they profit off of us. To say they don't care about money is not true, you're also forgetting that they sold handy little booster packs for the characters needed for the events at like $20 each. They were technically free yes, but they still made money off of them.

    Regardless, they'd make more money off of Jango or a more widely known character.

    Your opinion is flawed. They could release R5-D4 and he would make them the most money out of all past releases if he was the most OP toon ever made. Whales care more about meta toons then iconic toons.

    Again, if they cared ONLY about money EVERY toon would be behind a paywall and would NEVER be farmable. Not to mention the app wouldn't be free to download.
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    Rystarvz wrote: »
    Way to OP, I like the idea of buffing up empire for sure but we don't need another thing for the entire community to complain about daily on these boards.

    Uhhh, you do remember that there are factions that are just as good as Rebels right?
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    Pyrefly wrote: »
    VinhSolo wrote: »
    His description needs to be something like: Cunning Empire Support who is always one step ten steps ahead of his enemies.

    Best edit ever.
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    An Ackbar cleanse ability would make sense since the empire needs a cleanser but to keep up with the new powerful characters you could take it a step further and have Thrawn not only cleanse all allies but apply every debuff an empire ally had to all rebel opponents
  • Tatebomb
    797 posts Member
    An ability that starts on cooldown that does something devastating like the enemy team can't get any buffs the rest of the match to coincide with his patience in studying his opponent.
    1232 posts Member
    Rystarvz wrote: »
    Way to OP, I like the idea of buffing up empire for sure but we don't need another thing for the entire community to complain about daily on these boards.

    Make it as his leader ability that rebel Unique's are cancelled. Then you can't just put thrawn onto any team, you have the team around Thrawn.
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    Basic: Generate hype; fill up forums with mindless claims of being overpowered. This ability can stack an unlimited number of times.

    Special: Drain wallet; target whale dishes out hundreds of dollars.

    Unique: Fizzle; end up not being as good as advertised. Place a number of complaints and "I told you so-s" equal to the number of hype posts on target forum.

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    How about:
    Unique or leader:
    One step ahead.
    At the start of each of their turns, Empire allies have a [Insert number]% chance to copy all buffs from an enemy. If the enemy is a rebel, removes the buffs.
    Zeta: [number here]% chance to dispell all debuffs on them at the start of their turn.
  • Allenb60
    2171 posts Member
    Deathtrooper synergy would be cool, just add Thrawn to his unique ability
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    Allenb60 wrote: »
    Deathtrooper synergy would be cool, just add Thrawn to his unique ability

    Agreed. That would make DT's Zeta worth, and it would indirectly benefit Krennic as well.
  • RedDedRedumpton
    68 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Muaddib wrote: »
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    Muaddib wrote: »
    Boy.... this went downhill.

    On fandom.... we're all fans here. There are absolutely levels of fans (to follow the music example... you like a band and that's great. Do you follow them around like fans of The Dead? Because that's the level of some of our fandom here. Some of us have ALL the B-sides and a concert T-shirt from every tour for the past 30 years.) - doesn't make you a better/worse person depending on your fan level.

    The rub for me... is when fans of just the movies (totally cool, I love the movies too!) call CW and Rebels "children's cartoons" and dismiss them as beneath you. :/
    M'kay... fine. You don't have to love ALL the songs, but don't defecate on those of us who do. You don't know who Thrawn is? Fine. But at least 15 million other people do (based on book sales... even more if you count the people who have watched the past season of Rebels (25 million). So stop telling people he's not a fan favorite. He's just not yours! Which is ALSO FINE!

    So your fandom does not necessarily equal the depths of some other people's fandom.
    That's A-Ok.

    I realize this is a fan forum on the internet... but it's really not necessary to dunk on people's perceived lack of fandom, or to sneer at people who are more involved in the fandom than you are.

    In short...
    So you're saying that cartoons weren't meant for children? Because that's just not true.

    Ah yes. All cartoons are meant for kids. Who can forget such family favorites like Archer and metalocalypse.

    Two of my favs so high fives for you!
    Cowboy Bebop
    Rick and Morty
    South Park
    Bob's Burgers
    and the greatest feat of animation to also feature a SW actor....

    But I know what you're trying to say @RedDedRedumpton
    You don't believe these cartoons are on that level. And that's just like, your opinion man.
    There are some underwhelming episodes (Meebur Gaston arc was unbearable imo), and then there are some really stand out well-told stories like Ashoka's arc (leaving the temple).

    Here's my point yet again: YOU don't get to decide what is worthy of consideration for fandom. Neither do I.
    Stop dunking on the cartoons because you don't like them. There are some great stories there, I'm sorry you'll miss them.
    Sure, I'll miss out on them but the point remains that they were made for children, hence the **** art style and Y7 rating.

    Some of the best animations ive seen have been made for children but created classics.

    As long as the story is there who cares if it was made for children

    They could could have made a lot more money releasing better, more iconic characters.

    If they cared about that, Yoda, R2, EP & GK, Raid Gan (fan faves) would not have been released for free.

    Dude, they're a business, they profit off of us. To say they don't care about money is not true, you're also forgetting that they sold handy little booster packs for the characters needed for the events at like $20 each. They were technically free yes, but they still made money off of them.

    Regardless, they'd make more money off of Jango or a more widely known character.

    Your opinion is flawed. They could release R5-D4 and he would make them the most money out of all past releases if he was the most OP toon ever made. Whales care more about meta toons then iconic toons.

    Again, if they cared ONLY about money EVERY toon would be behind a paywall and would NEVER be farmable. Not to mention the app wouldn't be free to download.

    Sorry are we talking about whales or how effective either character would be? No, because we don't have the information. Sure people gravitate towards power but we're talking about popularity among the public.

    Edit: wrong person I thought I was talking to, my bad.
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    So this incredibly long (with no end in sight) commitment to characters this movie fan cares nothing about is exactly why I don't even play daily anymore.

    It's been said quite often that these analysts for EA know what they're doing, but they're losing me here. Just a drop in the bucket, I know, but with so much promise in the product they have....they messed it up for me.

    They've ruined this game for me for months and expect I'm going to stick through all that for a few more? Not worth it.

    Stoked for the Thrawn fans because this game has great promise and was a lot of fun. Enjoy it for as long as you can and at least drop a tip $ to them every now and again like I used to.
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    ITT: people who think that if you don't know who Thrawn is, you're not a SW fan, people who want Jango's BITM, and people writing online masters thesis length posts.
  • Tulkas
    253 posts Member
    For adding thrawn. Take my money.

    Can you add Pre Vizsla and Pong Krell now too Please?
  • BLazteR
    26 posts Member
  • CameronD
    150 posts Member
    "I know"
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    "Insert Cool Name" (Leader): Empire allies gain 20 speed and 10% offense. Whenever an Empire ally's ability is resisted all Empire allies gain 10% turn meter. (Zeta)


    (Leader): Empire allies gain 20 speed and 10% offense. Enemies immediately regain debuffs for 2 turns. (Zeta) This is similar to Vader's Zeta, but it wouldn't have the turn meter manipulations. There would obviously have to be certain constraints on this leadership because it would be super op if it allowed enemies to regain debuffs such as stagger or stun.

    Thrawn should also have a unique that allows him to bypass taunts and invisibility.
  • Olddumper
    3000 posts Member
    Cehmybro wrote: »
    That character picture that they teased is Thrawn. You know it, I know, WE know it. That being said I think a fitting and amazing ability for Thrawn should be that his unique cancels out all unique abilities from rebel opponents. I know that's incredibly powerful so make it a zeta ability and have the basic be to have a chance to apply a random debuff on any opposing rebel at the start of their turn. That way he basically becomes the ultimate Rebel killer and it's a strategic ability that fits his character. What do you think and what are you hoping to see from Thrawn as a character?

    That is way too much.

    His leadership should be

    Empire allies gain 3 percent TM for each empire ally and 3 percent TM for each rebel enemy at the beginning of the match. Empire allies gain 3 percent TM for each empire ally and 3 percent TM for each rebel enemy whenever they land a debuff. Empire allies gain 3 percent TM for each empire ally and 3 percent TM for each rebel enemy whenever a debuff is cleansed.

    His unique, whenever Thrawn is critically hit there is a 50 percent chance to reduce empire allies cooldowns by one.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    shes just not that into you bro.
  • Gamorrean
    2745 posts Member
    But.... Its Jabba the Hutt?
  • Olddumper
    3000 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Allenb60 wrote: »
    Deathtrooper synergy would be cool, just add Thrawn to his unique ability

    Agreed. That would make DT's Zeta worth, and it would indirectly benefit Krennic as well.

    DT's zeta is already extremely powerful. But if people want to add to it then by all means.

    If anything it could give DT better base speed like add 10 percent of DT speed to Thrawn and 10 percent of thrawns speed to DT.
  • Gamorrean
    2745 posts Member
    Give him daze on basic and ignore taunt too
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    Since it's basically confirmed at this point that Thrawn is coming, it's only a matter ot time before we get an idea of what he will do. Now the primary function that he should have is to be an Empire cleanser, duh. The secondary function should be to deal with the stacking of buffs that Rebels are so good at doing, duh. Well why not have a special that kills two birds with one stone.
    Master Strategist: Dispell all debuffs on allies and remove all buffs from enemies. On Zeta, grant each ally any buffs that were removed from enemies(excluding taunt), and have a 50%{or 100% if you are feeling extra nasty}chance to inflict all cleansed debuffs on all enemies for 2 turns.
    Thrawn should absolutely not rely on a leader ability given that we already have Veer, Tarkin, Zader, and EP to work with. That being said he could have a leader ability that works similarly to Zarriss' Unique that cleanses the lowest health ally after each turn or something in that nature. I personally like the idea of Thrawn but have always hated the way he looked, too easy to not take him seriously for me. I hope the devs take this opportunity to make a toon that actually equals out the meta and has the potential to put a stop to the triple cleanse teams that are taking over this game.
  • Jedi_Reach_
    1337 posts Member
    Pyrefly wrote: »
    You're right dude, more iconic characters would sell less. Silly me. Let's add salacious b Crum to the game, he's lesser know but he'll still make as much money as Chewy right?
    But it's only your opinion that Jango Fett is somehow more iconic than Grand Admiral Thrawn.

    Does Thrawn have his own game? Did Thrawn have as many books? Was Thrawn in the movies?

    It must seem like I hate Thrawn or that I'm upset he's being added, but I'm not. He'll be another character that I will unlikely use.
    Unless he's OP af, who cares about the radicalized fanboys? It's amusing to watch them get piped up. The game could care less what book or movie they're from. I, for one, a person who doesn't care about Thrawn, wants Thrawn in this game to bring 'balance to the force' and make DS / Empire great again; particularly empire.

    Thrawn gives us a shot for temporal game balance (because if he's OP, sooner or later, all of us are going to hurt because of it)
    I smell Director Krennic part deux... lots of hype with none of the calories
    Please CG, don't make this mistake again. Make Thrawn great. Make him the Empire hero we DESERVE. Not the one we n-- DarkKnight please help me out here...
  • Gamorrean
    2745 posts Member
    Olddumper wrote: »
    Allenb60 wrote: »
    Deathtrooper synergy would be cool, just add Thrawn to his unique ability

    Agreed. That would make DT's Zeta worth, and it would indirectly benefit Krennic as well.

    DT's zeta is already extremely powerful. But if people want to add to it then by all means.

    If that would mean less chaze, then fine with me!!
  • Gamorrean
    2745 posts Member
    He has to be OP against rebels so people would leave chaze on the bench.
This discussion has been closed.