Is it time to increase level cap?


  • HumbleMaverick
    57 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    I know most don't want to hear it, but we are in desperate need of a level cap and gear increase. The current arena problems in that any team can beat any team irrelevant of stars and mods illustrates this issue (at the top of arena). I have a feeling the end game is level 100 with gear level 12 to 15; which still provides a lot of grind.

    EDIT: this increase should also come with some extra things such as: easier way to get lower gear such as stun cuffs, carbantis, and stun guns; additional tier of credit heist; and additional tiers of challenges
    "You will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view." - Obi-Wan Kenobi

  • htid1987
    124 posts Member
    Yes the level cap should be increased.
    I've been playing since 1 month after release of the game. As much as I love the game and will continue to play it's becoming very stale recently. We need something to work towards and sense of achievement again.
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    No, we do not need a level cap increase.

    The gear grind is already enough of a hassle. Maybe if they add a gear shop or some way we can use the thousands of gears we are not using first, then a level cap increase won't be as bad.

    The other reason I say no is because of the new game mode. We are going to use our entire collection of characters and ships in the new game mode. Increasing the level cap will also require us to level up all these characters. We do not know the difficulty of the new game mode yet, increasing the level cap may be too much and/or stretch our resources even more when trying to level our collection.

    We need more ship content. Some people may not like ships, but it is part of the game and ships are used in the new game mode. Allowing players more time to farm ships and play new content of ships prior to a level cap increase, won't put so much of a strain for players and their resources. It will take more time to get 7 ships to level 90 to do the new ship challenges when you barely played ships compared to having new content of ships, giving more players reason to work on their ships and having ships between lvl 70-85 (as an example) and then have a level cap increase.

    I hope I was able to explain my reasons clearly with my "examples". But I truly do not believe the game is ready for a level cap increase. This is of course only my opinion and time will only tell when the level cap will be increased.
  • Joost
    233 posts Member
    Nooooo, to much credits needed
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    If G12 makes my Poe any faster, then sure. I'm down for some new gear and new grind.
  • Zehava
    41 posts Member
    Level cap should only come after zeta passes have been finished. It'd be awfully poor design to let level 90 zeta characters tear through characters and factions yet to receive that zeta boost in the first place, with characters designed having level 72-80 abilities having to struggle even worse. Variety in the game would die again. Level 90 with the release of The Last Jedi makes sense, assuming they push out a decent amount of zetas in the next 5 months.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Bring it on. We needed a cap raise 3 months ago. Arena needs to be thinned out.

    This is one of the main reasons I don't want it. The competition is fierce and it's helping the game stay alive.

    Can't take the heat?
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    I'm fine with 85 for a while longer. The more time we stay here, the more side characters I can work on. As soon as the cap gets raised, we're all going to be forced to hoard Credits again and all of our side projects get put on hold. And everyone not at 85 will have an even harder time catching up, with the goal post constantly being moves.

    Not to mention that the next level cap should mean characters being able to get to G12.
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    Yes we need a cap increase, if we wait for everybody to be ready for one we will need another one straight away as everyone will max things out within weeks of it hitting.
  • CEG9876
    355 posts Member
    No. I am lvl 85 for 4 months, but, my people are not gear lvl 11. So if they raised the cap they would make gear lvl 12. Which would hurt my arena score and place in the raids.
    So I would vote, PLEASE NO!
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    Vote yes and it is incomming

    I have just shy of 100m credits... granted wont last long with the number of toons to lvl but after every lvl cap is done i hate seeing all the xp earned just vanishing... also makes u feel like your doing something rather than just farming gear
  • JacenRoe
    3016 posts Member
    Saraleb wrote: »
    Vote yes and it is incomming

    I have just shy of 100m credits... granted wont last long with the number of toons to lvl but after every lvl cap is done i hate seeing all the xp earned just vanishing... also makes u feel like your doing something rather than just farming gear

    It makes you "feel" like you're doing something. You aren't. A few weeks of increasing new numbers and you're exactly where you started except with less credits. Actually having new content that we can play with that requires we expand our rosters is really doing something. A higher level cap is just meaningless busywork.

    And if you think that all we're doing now is grinding gear, then a level cap will make that worse. It will more than likely include the addition of level 12 gear.

    I am looking forward to the new content that they are teasing now, and gearing up some lesser used toons (after they get a faction pass to make them stronger) to the current cap. And hopefully it lasts quite a while before Lucy moves the football again.
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    Fahrius wrote: »
    Almost a year and not 85? Wow...
    For me, i dont want an increase of lv cap yet... If its hard to get some toons to lv 85 because of credits... Just imagine all the credits that it will cost to lv them up to 90 or 95... No thanks

    I did take a 3-5 month break from the game, coming back for the ships, soo...

    Literally the exact same me
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  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    I don't think just yet, but we're getting there. If they add more levels, though, they'll also have to add a new source of gear/credits, otherwise new players will never be able to compete with veterans.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • 3mp3r0r
    33 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    I'm fine with 85 for a while longer. The more time we stay here, the more side characters I can work on. As soon as the cap gets raised, we're all going to be forced to hoard Credits again and all of our side projects get put on hold. And everyone not at 85 will have an even harder time catching up, with the goal post constantly being moves.

    Not to mention that the next level cap should mean characters being able to get to G12.

    we can't always wait for others to catch up.

    G12 is a GREAT thing. i've wanted G12 from the min i maxed my EP.
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    3mp3r0r wrote: »
    I'm fine with 85 for a while longer. The more time we stay here, the more side characters I can work on. As soon as the cap gets raised, we're all going to be forced to hoard Credits again and all of our side projects get put on hold. And everyone not at 85 will have an even harder time catching up, with the goal post constantly being moves.

    Not to mention that the next level cap should mean characters being able to get to G12.

    we can't always wait for others to catch up.

    G12 is a GREAT thing. i've wanted G12 from the min i maxed my EP.

    If EP is still the real deal for you then guessing u been playing for 6 months
  • 3mp3r0r
    33 posts Member
    Saraleb wrote: »
    3mp3r0r wrote: »
    I'm fine with 85 for a while longer. The more time we stay here, the more side characters I can work on. As soon as the cap gets raised, we're all going to be forced to hoard Credits again and all of our side projects get put on hold. And everyone not at 85 will have an even harder time catching up, with the goal post constantly being moves.

    Not to mention that the next level cap should mean characters being able to get to G12.

    we can't always wait for others to catch up.

    G12 is a GREAT thing. i've wanted G12 from the min i maxed my EP.

    If EP is still the real deal for you then guessing u been playing for 6 months

    i've been playing for over a year. i've been maxed at 85 since late last year.

    i'm not your typical competitive player. i play toons i like. i don't choose any toon based on skills or ability to win. i strictly play with sith, jedi, and empire.

    EP is my absolute favorite character in the star wars universe. always has been long before i discovered this game. he will always be the real deal for me.
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    I'm personally not ready for a level increase because as a FTP player, it's tough as it is staying in the top 100 of my arena shard and if the update happened, I would be pushed down further in the arena and it would take forever to get back to the top 100. Anyways, that's my thoughts and I'm sure most of the others are ready, but am sure not.
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    Why? How exactly does it benefit the game and the players?
  • Riffinator
    2586 posts Member
    Why? How exactly does it benefit the game and the players?

    Higher levels means higher stats on toons
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    Riffinator wrote: »
    Why? How exactly does it benefit the game and the players?

    Higher levels means higher stats on toons

    Plus gear 12
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    Why? How exactly does it benefit the game and the players?

    It benefits the top 10 - 20 players in each arena shard. Arena is starting to see new names in the top 20 and the people who have spent to get there are nervous. Their top spot that used to be so easy to hold onto is being threatened. I have two opinions on that matter and either one would make me a **** to the other side.

    Usually the top arena players start calling for a level cap increase once the ftp players start to catch up and take higher arena spots. Those players that just got into the top spots fight against the level cap increase because they just got into the top ranks of arena.

    So it becomes a question of knee capping the ftp players for a while longer to let the p2p players stay at the top or making the p2p players upset by letting the ftp "scrubs" fight for top arena spots.

    Unless the gear grind gets easier for things like stun guns, stun cuffs, and carbanti the only thing a level or gear cap increase will accomplish is keeping the top guys in the top. I would be fine with an increase in either or both as long as the gear grind for the hard to get gear gets easier. The gold gear is a worse grind than the cuffs, guns and carbanti. Let the Gold gear be the new gear wall.

  • Bossak
    119 posts Member
    I am a mostly free to play player, probably spent about 200$ on this game and I have been playing since day one ( so getting close to 2 years :) ) and in my opinion a level cap increase right now would not be the best, but I think in about 3 or 4 months it would be appropriate. I know a lot of people that have been playing for over a year have about 10 + toons at G11 and people that have been playing since laugh have 25+ at G11. So I think another couple months would give people time to allocate their resources into what toons they want to continue to progress and develope. With his being said, the more characters they release the more people will complain about not wanting a level cap increase, which is why this game needs more content not more characters as of now.
  • Osisiv
    172 posts Member
    I've been ready for a level increase since February. Collection score is around 85. I have max gear for all of the toons that I use in raids, GW, arena, etc. The game is getting very boring due to the lack of new content.

    I'm now hoarding all of my gear, and I'm hoping the Ewok faction pass is a good one. I'd love to max them out, and attempt to make them high-end arena viable.

    I have the same collection score and the majority (85%) of them are G11.

    I'm not interested in a level increase or new G12 until they come up with something exciting. I'd rather leave the game then take every toon I have to G12 in the current state of the game. No way I'm spending. It's boring right now.
  • Toben
    68 posts Member
    This game is already in danger of causing "choice paralysis" due to how long it takes to gear up characters relative to how long it takes the meta to shift - that is, the game's nearing the point where you never work on any characters because you can't be sure they'll still be "meta" and a good investment by the time you're actually done gearing them up. If we tip past the point where the meta shifts faster than characters can actually be geared up by F2Pers, the feelings of futility that will cause will decimate the F2P population of this game like nothing you've ever seen.

    That doesn't mean they can't ever raise the level cap, but it means if they do raise the level cap, it needs to be combined with a lot of new sources of income, particularly gear income, so that gearing up a character doesn't take outrageously longer. That means there need to be new (and generous) daily challenge tiers, along with better, faster ways of getting gear for gear levels 7-10. There probably will also need to be new content to both provide sources for gear level 12 gear pieces and to give us something to do with our level 90, g12 characters.

    In short: raising the level cap by itself, and doing nothing else, will straight-up kill the game. They'd need to add a new raid, probably increase the GW rewards again, and add some new sources for in-demand lower-tier gear like Mk3 holoprojectors, Mk5 fusion furnaces, stun cuffs, stun guns, etc. IF the new "Territory Battles" mode is that new source of lower-tier gear, and they've also got a new raid in the pipeline that they've been very quiet about, then I could see a level cap increase coming soon. Otherwise, nah, I'm pretty sure they realize how foolish it would be.
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