Looking for my servermates (Magnum Darkwalker, Asic, Erick)


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    Hi Magnum!
    Actually all changes were implement yesterday, so you don't miss anything )
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    Hi guys!
    Actually I think Nute will reborn! His new embodiment will be greedo with lvl8 leader ability. Unfortunately lvl82(
    So the squad is Greedo(lead), lando, phasma, RG and someone fifth. Nute, Fives, Rey, GS, Daka, whatever...
  • Iwan
    336 posts Member
    What about Daka, anybody else notice some difference on her Revive in Arena it just doesnt proc so much anymore.. even in GW when it doesnt proc and i just play around with other team so i can hit revive again it doesnt proc again.... making Daka really worthless with that high CD which is only -1 at lvl 78...

    Yeah nice stuns but keep here for that.... will see if this stays the same otherwise its byebye Daka
  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    I have noticed the self revive is almost never
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    I believe I saw somewhere that she was fixed and she have not self revive since than.
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    Wow Asic! Just wow. 04:58 it was very near. I clicked auto after 2:00 (barris dead) and thought I wouldn't finish at time.
    Seems fisto is not good... Do you have savage?
  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    So I am thinking we should start our own guild yet but spread out and find one we like collectively and regroup.

    It's going to be messy as the guild system won't be able to communicate well outright.

    Other bet is we just try to make one and beat the first challenge. 3 k guild formation isn't terrible so I will commit if needed
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    Hi, Asic.
    I think that it would be more efficient if we will join ANY guild with more players, than we will create our own. More players = more rewards.
    The only case, if you actually WANT to organize guild, find members, and be the real guild leader - in that case I'm with you, but we should prepare to do a lot of work. It's not the thing I dream of, but if you really want I can help.
    But if it isn't your final target, in case of temporary home - it's better to join someone and then to think is it final destination or we should find something better.
    For example:
    1. https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/30502/having-to-join-guilds#latest (I did PM this guy and he reserved slots, please tell me if it is an option for you)
    2. Some upper in this thread we were invited to guild

    Also I think that we should be in 1 guild, because we are looking for something similar, correct me if I'm wrong:
    1. We are looking for maximizing rewards, and expecting that all members are like us
    2. Everyday active
    3. Spending some money
    4. Do at least 5-7 energy refreshes a day
    5. Complete all the stuff that is possible to complete

    The only difference - timezone.
    But in case of minimum timeframe for raid is 2 days - it's not bad, it's actually good. Leaders timeframe is for guild achievements, but if mine timeframe is differ - I can do any actions twice for a leaders timeframe. 16 challenges, etc.

    Sorry for my English, not native, make me know if you understand me....
  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    I just want to be able to have access to the most challenges. I don't need to "win all" but I like the access.

    I play with arena mixes so I can get to the point that I make top ten without trying anymore. I don't drop below 20 with me HP pool team. I do need HK as one of my last toons to get to 7 star, otherwise I wouldnt even care about top 10.

    Glad to join anything that works.
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    Hello chaps
  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    Hi. Welcome to fun show. Glad to have you.
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    Welcome Fruman!
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    So guys forum name is Baldo (https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/profile/Baldo)
    He posted the requirements: "looking for guys that refresh cantina twice daily, regular energy 3 times and top 10 rank! Message me if interested!"
    Then he will ask do download LINE app, he's ID there is pbaldo93
    Then he will add you to guild chat.
    I've already said that I will invite servermates, so you can mention me.
    Let's try?
  • Iwan
    336 posts Member
    Hope u guys save a spot for me, still no safe place in top 20, but always atleast in top 50...
    Doing daily cantina refresh, and like 5 missions refreshes for Rey/RG because they not max, and like 5 energy refreshes daily.

    I do prefer we make our own Guild, looking at how many top players we already have from our own shard in here and getting more wouldnt be so hard.

    Just set some minumum requirements (play daily, spend a little bit, minimum arena rank, line chat or whatever until guild chat works, bla bla) and we be good to go..

    But all up to you guys
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    I'm on your shard, a little below you
    Ally code 797-111-992
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    Competitive top end of our server aint it :s
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    Keep me in mind as well for a spot in the guild. Would be great to join up with you guys whether it be in our own guild or as a part of another.
  • Iwan
    336 posts Member
    Cool, so who will create the guild? Soul_jah? If nobody wants I can do, but then help me out with Guild name. And minimum requirements.. Only few spots for officers which ofcourse will be the high ranked Arena guys (ouch dont look at my rank hehe)

    My plan is not to just let everybody in, but with few dedicated players we would be able to clear of raids anyways. from there we will grow.. Will not let ppl ride along for free, and drama will be kicked.

    Btw minkywinkster dont see u at all on the rank list.. unless u have another ingame name LoL.

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    Iwan wrote: »
    Btw minkywinkster dont see u at all on the rank list.. unless u have another ingame name LoL.

    My IGN is Blonki hatoo, we've fought a great many times lol
    Ally code 797-111-992
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    Guys I thought you contacted Baldo, I've posted info here 2 days ago. Now he hasn't slots unfortunately. I'm pretty sure some players will be kicked after the first week cause inactive or not doing daily guild stuff, but now it's not reliable.
    I will stay his guild for a while to understand how it works. There is a lot should be done to gain top tier rewards (200 Ls battles a day is Big) by all members and guys are doing really great job to organize all members.
    You need to join a guild next 2 days, since update will come in Monday and its better to join existing one than create own if you want to gain good rewards and don't want to spend hours for organizing invites and other stuff.
    Please let me know if you all will join one guild will be happy to be with you all
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    Soul_Jah I think it's a good idea to see how it goes. Magnum Darkwalker, if you're still guildless I can set you up with one on a temporary basis. That goes for everyone who is still guildless
    Ally code 797-111-992
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    Thanks Minkywinkster - I am still currently guildless. Was going to start looking over the weekend.

    Will want to look for one that will at least be competitive but if this one is competitive I would be happy to join it
  • Iwan
    336 posts Member
    If you will be active on the recruting and all and stuff i posted already i will join, otherwise i will create it and set requirements bla bla..
    Like i said before dont want low levels who think they can get a free ride.
  • Fruman_Hump
    66 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Dont know where to start with this guild stuff, would be happy to join any of you guys. Can we not be invited to join a guild through the app?

    What is the line app? put in play search, there are 6 or 7 results
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    Thanks Iwan
  • Iwan
    336 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Ok what about this [Team Steroid]

    requirements : minimum lvl 75, daily full clear GW, minimum arena rank 50, participate on the daily guild activities listed below

    Monday - tier 5 - atleast 700 energy spend in LS missions (easy u have arena rank 50 atleast so u get 150 free shards plus the daily/shards 240+(4*45)+120+120+120= 860 energy daily with only 3 refills)

    Tuesday - tier 7 - everybody just full clear GW

    Wednesday - tier 5 - atleast 700 energy spend in hard missions (same story 240+(4*45)+120+120+120= 860 energy daily with only 3 refills, 200 shards only! which u will have anyways)

    Thursday - tier 7 - everybody just do all challanges

    Friday - tier 5 - atleast 700 energy spend in DS (bla bla 240+(4*45)+120+120+120= 860 energy daily)

    Saturday - tier 7 - everybody needs to do 10 pvp battles easy just 1 refill

    Sunday - tier 5 - everybody just needs to get 1 refill in cantina

    If you not participate it will show on the Guild Leaderboard and you will be kicked and replaced

    These Numbers only work if we have full Guild, but who doesnt want to be in a tier 5/7 free guild
  • Iwan
    336 posts Member
    Can ask some more input like monday/wednesday/friday for every member to put in more refills but then u need 5 refills (240+(4*45)+120+120+120+120+120)=1080 tier 7 requires 50.000 / 50 = 1.000 each member very doable
    Only the sunday will be more expensive with 3 cantina refills (100+200+400- (200 what u get already for free))

    Think beter get full 50 member tier 5/7 guild
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    Never spent 400 crystals on a cantina refresh yet, and dont intend to start. Have found a guild, will see how it goes ;)
  • Iwan
    336 posts Member
    Not say i plan that. beter just keep that tier 5 on sunday
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    I'm game for joining a guild with you guys but this Saturday I'll be leaving the country for 2 weeks so I wouldn't want to join just yet and be inactive. I spend roughly 400 crystals a day (1 cantina refresh, 4 energy refresh), always clear GW, always in top 20, and always finish daily activities. I don't spend money on the game anymore just to give you guys an idea of where I'm at as far as commitment. Hopefully we can get something going.
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