Just take your time and make the updates work


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    *** So be it... Jedi ***
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    I agree an update of when would be nice.
    Devs said intended to be released today. So please tell us the NEW intended release
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    Keep working to get it right devs. Whatever the issue. Content looks fantastic. The hard work is appreciated.

    Just know that even though those among us who are reasonable, and patient adults completely understand, you will be subject to good natured teasing if "taking back August" ends with Territory Battles being pushed back to September 1st.

    Don't worry. There's always next year. :D
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    I don't understand all the whining especially that it might be a short delay, maybe a day! Moreover nobody lost money, sales profits or anything!

    CG said that the booster pack will be replaced with something similar so we should wait and see.

    Phasma as daily login for September only tells us she will be needed soon, confirmed by Kozi. If you already have her 7*, consider the free shard currency. For a lot of people that didn't bother farming her it will be a incentive for getting her now.

    The new content is coming, it was not cancelled only delayed. We can see and feel that the excitement is here!

    I'm happy to see some positive feedback in this thread!
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    About phasma...
  • Blackbeardpepe
    1481 posts Member
    edited August 2017
    Bobby777 wrote: »
    Vorgen wrote: »
    Everyone is so fixated on the visual bug mentioned in the delay notification. I haven't seen one post regarding the 2nd part of that sentence. You know, something about certain characters during pack opening sequence. Does anyone really believe they would delay an entire new content release for just a visual bug on training droids? What I took out of that 2nd part of the reason for delay is that the new packs to be offered up for sale are probably favoring the gamblers (us) rather than the house (CG) on that 5-330 shard roll.

    They probably need to recode the odds, then releas TB a few hours behind schedule.

    Never tell me the odds!!!!!!!

    Ill be honest, i rather there be a law that they tell me the odds.
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    The mindless rage in these forums.

    Rage should be directed at things that actually matter, like removal of the daily crystal booster that allowed many to feel they could make this game playable by giving CG some of their money.

    To complain that they're delaying a release so they can make sure the game works right is ridiculous. It's also people in this thread (the ragers, not the level-headed ones) that make them feel like giving us less and LESS information, because you grab onto, minimize, and twist any information they do give us.
  • TVF
    36771 posts Member
    LtGenStu wrote: »
    CG said that the booster pack will be replaced with something similar so we should wait and see.

    Maybe /= Definitely
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    So, visual bugs? I know of one visual bug that needs to be fixed...

    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • StarSon
    7525 posts Member
    Pyrefly wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Vorgen wrote: »
    Everyone is so fixated on the visual bug mentioned in the delay notification. I haven't seen one post regarding the 2nd part of that sentence. You know, something about certain characters during pack opening sequence. Does anyone really believe they would delay an entire new content release for just a visual bug on training droids? What I took out of that 2nd part of the reason for delay is that the new packs to be offered up for sale are probably favoring the gamblers (us) rather than the house (CG) on that 5-330 shard roll.

    Oh, sorry. I'm mad that they're delaying a major content release for TWO visual bugs. Oh no! What shall we do?! We have never had to play this game with VISUAL BUGS before, sure something like, idk, PINK LASERS, will make the game completely unplayable. Do you think the characters shoot PINK LASERS at you when you open the packs?
    Except that this visual bug concerning character packs could lead people to think that they'd been given one reward for their money while receiving another. If people opened a pack, thought they received a 3-star Captain Han Solo, only to find out that they only have a 2-star Captain Han Solo, that would cause an obvious backlash against CG, regardless of the fact that it was just a "visual bug".
    In that case, it's clear that delaying the release of those packs (and thus TB) until they can get the fix in for the visual bug is a smart decision.
    But I get that people just like to complain.

    Except that it's a *visual* bug that does not affect gameplay. Remember the pink lasers? Those existed for days. Remember the guild ticket counter? That STILL exists. And yet here we are, playing a game with visual bugs.

    And, in case you didn't realize, the visual bug is just a star bug. So your 2-star training droid will show 3-star instead. Who cares? When was the last time you counted out the XP from the training droids you selected? The pack portion is similar. If you pull an HR Soldier shard and your HR Soldier is 5-stars, the image says it's really 6-stars. But surely you *know* that you only have a 5-star HR Soldier.

    If these are really the only two bugs that stopped the release, then no, it was not a smart decision.
  • Sev112
    110 posts Member
    collapsE wrote: »
    Sev112 wrote: »
    It not free, people have spent 'thousands'. As you know, once you spend thousands on something a company is obligated to address your concerns indefinitely no matter how unreasonable.

    I mean, when you buy a car the dealership is totally there to help you out with any problem instantly for no extra money, right?

    And who's fault is that? Spent thousands on an app game you can play for free? Lol. A fool and his money. They don't owe you anything.

    if ppl don't spend this money there would be no new things or game itself.. So you better be quite and be happy for whales who keep this game alive.
    You are the only fool here tbh.

    Yeah... I'm the one thousands of dollars richer because i don't dump it all on one app game, while playing other free games or enjoying life in my free time. Silly me, you got me there
  • Options
    StarSon wrote: »
    Pyrefly wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Vorgen wrote: »
    Everyone is so fixated on the visual bug mentioned in the delay notification. I haven't seen one post regarding the 2nd part of that sentence. You know, something about certain characters during pack opening sequence. Does anyone really believe they would delay an entire new content release for just a visual bug on training droids? What I took out of that 2nd part of the reason for delay is that the new packs to be offered up for sale are probably favoring the gamblers (us) rather than the house (CG) on that 5-330 shard roll.

    Oh, sorry. I'm mad that they're delaying a major content release for TWO visual bugs. Oh no! What shall we do?! We have never had to play this game with VISUAL BUGS before, sure something like, idk, PINK LASERS, will make the game completely unplayable. Do you think the characters shoot PINK LASERS at you when you open the packs?
    Except that this visual bug concerning character packs could lead people to think that they'd been given one reward for their money while receiving another. If people opened a pack, thought they received a 3-star Captain Han Solo, only to find out that they only have a 2-star Captain Han Solo, that would cause an obvious backlash against CG, regardless of the fact that it was just a "visual bug".
    In that case, it's clear that delaying the release of those packs (and thus TB) until they can get the fix in for the visual bug is a smart decision.
    But I get that people just like to complain.

    Except that it's a *visual* bug that does not affect gameplay. Remember the pink lasers? Those existed for days. Remember the guild ticket counter? That STILL exists. And yet here we are, playing a game with visual bugs.

    And, in case you didn't realize, the visual bug is just a star bug. So your 2-star training droid will show 3-star instead. Who cares? When was the last time you counted out the XP from the training droids you selected? The pack portion is similar. If you pull an HR Soldier shard and your HR Soldier is 5-stars, the image says it's really 6-stars. But surely you *know* that you only have a 5-star HR Soldier.

    If these are really the only two bugs that stopped the release, then no, it was not a smart decision.

    Bottom line is you don't know anything. None of us do. All your rage will change nothing. It seems you just want to feel smart or authoritative in some form by raging about visual bugs and how they don't relate to a content release and belittling. Maybe that tactic works in your world to get results, but it doesn't really in a forum. They'll release it when they'll release it. If they tell you another date/time for release and still can't meet it, you'll just come in here raging about that.

    Show me your game development degree or certificate and your CG work ID and I'll start giving your assessment some weight.

  • StarSon
    7525 posts Member
    Veritasum wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Pyrefly wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Vorgen wrote: »
    Everyone is so fixated on the visual bug mentioned in the delay notification. I haven't seen one post regarding the 2nd part of that sentence. You know, something about certain characters during pack opening sequence. Does anyone really believe they would delay an entire new content release for just a visual bug on training droids? What I took out of that 2nd part of the reason for delay is that the new packs to be offered up for sale are probably favoring the gamblers (us) rather than the house (CG) on that 5-330 shard roll.

    Oh, sorry. I'm mad that they're delaying a major content release for TWO visual bugs. Oh no! What shall we do?! We have never had to play this game with VISUAL BUGS before, sure something like, idk, PINK LASERS, will make the game completely unplayable. Do you think the characters shoot PINK LASERS at you when you open the packs?
    Except that this visual bug concerning character packs could lead people to think that they'd been given one reward for their money while receiving another. If people opened a pack, thought they received a 3-star Captain Han Solo, only to find out that they only have a 2-star Captain Han Solo, that would cause an obvious backlash against CG, regardless of the fact that it was just a "visual bug".
    In that case, it's clear that delaying the release of those packs (and thus TB) until they can get the fix in for the visual bug is a smart decision.
    But I get that people just like to complain.

    Except that it's a *visual* bug that does not affect gameplay. Remember the pink lasers? Those existed for days. Remember the guild ticket counter? That STILL exists. And yet here we are, playing a game with visual bugs.

    And, in case you didn't realize, the visual bug is just a star bug. So your 2-star training droid will show 3-star instead. Who cares? When was the last time you counted out the XP from the training droids you selected? The pack portion is similar. If you pull an HR Soldier shard and your HR Soldier is 5-stars, the image says it's really 6-stars. But surely you *know* that you only have a 5-star HR Soldier.

    If these are really the only two bugs that stopped the release, then no, it was not a smart decision.

    Bottom line is you don't know anything. None of us do. All your rage will change nothing. It seems you just want to feel smart or authoritative in some form by raging about visual bugs and how they don't relate to a content release and belittling. Maybe that tactic works in your world to get results, but it doesn't really in a forum. They'll release it when they'll release it. If they tell you another date/time for release and still can't meet it, you'll just come in here raging about that.

    Show me your game development degree or certificate and your CG work ID and I'll start giving your assessment some weight.

    Well, I know what they told us. They told us it's a visual bug. We have screenshots all over proving the visual bug. Those people getting the visual bug are *gasp* still playing the game.

    Maybe my rage will change nothing, but it doesn't change the fact that I *am* angry. I could sit and stew, but if I do that then the company I'm mad at will never know, and that also does nothing.
  • Options
    I don't mind delays.

    Anything to prevent the game from crashing during mid-battle is always a good thing.
    When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

    Started mid-FEB 2017, and not trying to reach the top.
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    DarthGazza wrote: »
    Sev112 wrote: »
    It not free, people have spent 'thousands'. As you know, once you spend thousands on something a company is obligated to address your concerns indefinitely no matter how unreasonable.

    I mean, when you buy a car the dealership is totally there to help you out with any problem instantly for no extra money, right?

    And who's fault is that? Spent thousands on an app game you can play for free? Lol. A fool and his money. They don't owe you anything.

    You missed my point.

    I got your point, I understand the frustration.
    Look at it this way, you paid for an expensive holiday but when you get to the airport all excited you hear your flight is delayed. It sucks but wouldn't you rather there's no problem with the plane before jumping on?

    You didn't, but it's ok. My own fault for being sarcastic. Once a car dealership gets your money, they really don't care how much you complain. Next time, I'll use [sarcasm] tags for clarity.
  • StarSon
    7525 posts Member
    DarthGazza wrote: »
    Sev112 wrote: »
    It not free, people have spent 'thousands'. As you know, once you spend thousands on something a company is obligated to address your concerns indefinitely no matter how unreasonable.

    I mean, when you buy a car the dealership is totally there to help you out with any problem instantly for no extra money, right?

    And who's fault is that? Spent thousands on an app game you can play for free? Lol. A fool and his money. They don't owe you anything.

    You missed my point.

    I got your point, I understand the frustration.
    Look at it this way, you paid for an expensive holiday but when you get to the airport all excited you hear your flight is delayed. It sucks but wouldn't you rather there's no problem with the plane before jumping on?

    You didn't, but it's ok. My own fault for being sarcastic. Once a car dealership gets your money, they really don't care how much you complain. Next time, I'll use [sarcasm] tags for clarity.

    That's not true at all. Car dealerships in particular are reliant upon the local customer base. If enough people are complaining then others in the area will know about it, and they'll start to lose business. And they *will* care about that.
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    I wonder how much currency has been lost in total by the game crashing? I for one am down by at least several hundred fleet store currency.
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    Yes, take the time to get it right. But don't tell use it releases on Day X and then delay it on that day after we've spent refreshes for it. If you can't give us an accurate date don't give us one. Or phrase it something like "We aim to have the update released by Date X, but it's still in progress so that's not set in stone."
  • JacenRoe
    3016 posts Member
    Yes, take the time to get it right. But don't tell use it releases on Day X and then delay it on that day after we've spent refreshes for it. If you can't give us an accurate date don't give us one. Or phrase it something like "We aim to have the update released by Date X, but it's still in progress so that's not set in stone."

    That's ridiculous. You're getting your undergarments knotted over nothing. Nobody can ever tell you anything is ever going to happen with 100% certainty ever. Especially if it involves people.

    They are keeping us in the loop about things to come more than ever before. Cut them some slack, and chill out. It will get here when it gets here.
  • Options
    JacenRoe wrote: »
    Yes, take the time to get it right. But don't tell use it releases on Day X and then delay it on that day after we've spent refreshes for it. If you can't give us an accurate date don't give us one. Or phrase it something like "We aim to have the update released by Date X, but it's still in progress so that's not set in stone."

    That's ridiculous. You're getting your undergarments knotted over nothing. Nobody can ever tell you anything is ever going to happen with 100% certainty ever. Especially if it involves people.

    They are keeping us in the loop about things to come more than ever before. Cut them some slack, and chill out. It will get here when it gets here.

    People spent resources based on the update being applied yesterday, because CG directly stated it would be there. Now some of those resources are going to waste. How is that not a problem?
  • JacenRoe
    3016 posts Member
    JacenRoe wrote: »
    Yes, take the time to get it right. But don't tell use it releases on Day X and then delay it on that day after we've spent refreshes for it. If you can't give us an accurate date don't give us one. Or phrase it something like "We aim to have the update released by Date X, but it's still in progress so that's not set in stone."

    That's ridiculous. You're getting your undergarments knotted over nothing. Nobody can ever tell you anything is ever going to happen with 100% certainty ever. Especially if it involves people.

    They are keeping us in the loop about things to come more than ever before. Cut them some slack, and chill out. It will get here when it gets here.

    People spent resources based on the update being applied yesterday, because CG directly stated it would be there. Now some of those resources are going to waste. How is that not a problem?

    We new an update was being prepared for yesterday. But it's a very large, complicated program. Things can go wrong. If you spent resources you did so at your own risk. They kept us informed as best they could.

    And by the way I never saw it said Territory Battles were starting today until after the fact. I saw that an update was being prepared, and then after they informed us of the delay was the first time I saw them definitely say that they had intended the first TB for today.

    But even if they swore under oath it was today, it's not a big deal. I'm personally sitting on 900 cantina energy waiting to hear news today about what to do with it. Is it a problem? No. Being flooded out of your home is a problem. Spending a small amount of imaginary video game money too early because of an honest mistake that's being fixed as quickly as possible is not a problem. It is the most minor of all first world inconveniences.
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    I wonder how much currency has been lost in total by the game crashing? I for one am down by at least several hundred fleet store currency.

    I have lost last turn on my arena 5 minutes before payout more than once.
    So game crashes suck
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    Only free crystals can dampen the pain of this travesty!
  • Hskull55
    2263 posts Member
    Only free crystals can dampen the pain of this travesty!

    I want my chewie shards
    My collection https://swgoh.gg/u/Hskull55/
    Sorry for my English :]
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    Only free crystals can dampen the pain of this travesty!

    Crystals and zeta.
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    Hskull55 wrote: »
    Only free crystals can dampen the pain of this travesty!

    I want my chewie shards
    A lot of people make this joke, but honestly, I wouldn't mind a few more. My Chewie is only at 5* (29/85).
    When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

    Started mid-FEB 2017, and not trying to reach the top.
  • Options
    StarSon wrote: »
    DarthGazza wrote: »
    Sev112 wrote: »
    It not free, people have spent 'thousands'. As you know, once you spend thousands on something a company is obligated to address your concerns indefinitely no matter how unreasonable.

    I mean, when you buy a car the dealership is totally there to help you out with any problem instantly for no extra money, right?

    And who's fault is that? Spent thousands on an app game you can play for free? Lol. A fool and his money. They don't owe you anything.

    You missed my point.

    I got your point, I understand the frustration.
    Look at it this way, you paid for an expensive holiday but when you get to the airport all excited you hear your flight is delayed. It sucks but wouldn't you rather there's no problem with the plane before jumping on?

    You didn't, but it's ok. My own fault for being sarcastic. Once a car dealership gets your money, they really don't care how much you complain. Next time, I'll use [sarcasm] tags for clarity.

    That's not true at all. Car dealerships in particular are reliant upon the local customer base. If enough people are complaining then others in the area will know about it, and they'll start to lose business. And they *will* care about that.

    You're right. If enough people complain. But there's plenty of low to medium end dealerships that make more money from less than ethical means. They don't need to care as much about legitimate customers.
  • Kozispoon
    3245 posts EA Staff (retired)
    We know you're working hard. Thanks

    The team certainly is.
    Thank you for your patience 8D Forum Guidelines
  • Big_Boss
    2326 posts Member
    We know you're working hard. Thanks

    The team certainly is.

    Did Jesse quit? He was the messenger but honestly I like you more cause......... gifs.............. I'm serious
  • Kozispoon
    3245 posts EA Staff (retired)
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