Nerf of Genosian Soldier


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    MenaceTEC wrote: »
    It's total **** he one shots any character on my roster with his assist.

    Get one for yourself in cantina battles. It's node 1-a, if you refresh energy twice a day you are going at 15 shards a day rate, will get it to 7* in 3 weeks from zero. Or refresh cantina once for 10 shards
    SinnerWill wrote: »
    Not voting, but he (and other high-speed high damage units) need some sort of re-balancing. As it stands, Geo has very high HP and tenacity for the early (and very often) burst damage he puts out.

    Also, you shouldn't compare Geo to QGJ, they're completely different beasts. QGJ's health is lower, his tenacity is lower, his crit chance is lower, and he can't get a turn-meter bonus when calling for an assist.

    QGJ has HUGE utility alongside HUGE dps - speed leader bonus, buff clearance with offence buff teamwide, turn meter on base hit. He is different from GS - lower HP char with same dps and much more utility.

    Leia is higher dps than GS, harder to kill with her stealth and provides utility with buffs, also may be accompanied by ackbar speed leader. Maybe nerf Leia first?

    Obi wan is a tank with huge HP and incredible set of debuffs, with huge buffs for the team on death. It's by far more utility than pure dps - maybe nerf Obi wan?

    Rey is a higher dps than GS and not dependent on assist (which may fail due to stun) - maybe nerf Rey first?

    GS doesn't do anything that can not be provided by other characters, he is just a good pure dps character which can be used by anyone who wants to, but is used not by anyone because there are also other options available.
  • whatevercee
    141 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    It is really an easy fix. Bring GS speed down to ~141

    That way people with Poe/Han (with Akhbar), can take the bullet.

    Otherwise, let him keep his speed advantage and bring him down to Darth Maul hp/tenacity levels (9K and 16%), so there is one reason to give the other assist characters consideration.
  • TerraArran
    341 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    If all fast DPS had their speed reduced to 141 I wouldn't mind...I especially want Rey and GS to get hit by it...but GS is Gear 9 right now, so I can see why he has that much speed and HP.
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    TerraArran wrote: »
    If all fast DPS had their speed reduced to 141 I wouldn't mind...I especially want Rey and GS to get hit by it...but GS is Gear 9 right now, so I can see why he has that much speed and HP.

    Rey, GS, Leia and Dooku. Lets put them all at 141 speed and after that start "Nerf Poe once more" topic.
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    Sounds like your Mace Windu never got a turn cause he got shot by a bug with a gun, then called for an assist and out the window Mace goes again. OOWWww OOOWWWwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!
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    Ivan_Drago wrote: »
    TerraArran wrote: »
    If all fast DPS had their speed reduced to 141 I wouldn't mind...I especially want Rey and GS to get hit by it...but GS is Gear 9 right now, so I can see why he has that much speed and HP.

    Rey, GS, Leia and Dooku. Lets put them all at 141 speed and after that start "Nerf Poe once more" topic.

    What? Dooku is fast but he still hits like a wet noodle and that is why I don't even use him. Also, Poe did need a nerf before the updates, but not as bad as that. Anyways they need to focus more on defense and completely redesign it because right now it does **** against damage, but hey speed+damage is easier for them to make and much easier for scrubs to use because hey we don't need to think too much when our guys one-shot tanks.
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    If you want him, farm him. If not, don't.

    Any toon with a big gun in the star wars universe SHOULD have the capability of massive damage. Jedi and sith can die from blasters quite easily. The key is they alway dodge, deflect, etc. So just give all force users 90% dodge chance. Gosh that would be a fun game.

    Quit whining and farm him, or don't.
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    TerraArran wrote: »
    What? Dooku is fast but he still hits like a wet noodle and that is why I don't even use him.

    You'd rather do. He can easily do 6k damage AND stun TWO characters during the first turn of the battle. After that he will counter to any aoe (if you use), often twice - and you can also find yourself without an assist (computer loves it when you use a call an assist ability while having someone stunned). Yes, and he also has more health than Rey.
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    As it is now,
    Sounds like your Mace Windu never got a turn cause he got shot by a bug with a gun, then called for an assist and out the window Mace goes again. OOWWww OOOWWWwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!

    Mace will usually get a turn.

    because nobody will attack him lol
  • TerraArran
    341 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Ivan_Drago wrote: »
    TerraArran wrote: »
    What? Dooku is fast but he still hits like a wet noodle and that is why I don't even use him.

    You'd rather do. He can easily do 6k damage AND stun TWO characters during the first turn of the battle. After that he will counter to any aoe (if you use), often twice - and you can also find yourself without an assist (computer loves it when you use a call an assist ability while having someone stunned). Yes, and he also has more health than Rey.

    Uhmmm what? Dooku doesn't do that much unless he has someone like Sidious or Boba as lead or an attack buff. He also rarely stuns my characters when I go up against him him in Arena. I also find it more annoying to go up against Old Daka and the assists Phasma provides with her skill as the leader. Daka also revives, has lots of speed, heals, and can stun two people at the time as well, with her basic attacks.
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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    @Ivan_Drago that's what I told people about Poe.

    Simple fact is you all root for the home team.

    "Nerf whatever I don't have and keep my toys the same!"

    It's great..

    And no by experience I won't spend ANY time on GS. So many people said "you knew Poe would be nerfed he was too OP"

    Well now all new users as well as old should stop farming him and prepare for the incoming nerf to their favorite bug. You have been put on notice, same as Poe users.

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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    Stop asking nerf of every strong character, please, please!!
    GS works, it's only a soldier with a very cool cannon. All huge cannons does great hurts :wink: But he don't do much else, he doesn't be nerfed.
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    Geonosio Soldiero is a wolf. And the nerf talks need to end, just enjoy the game
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    Someone should just start asking to buff the defense mechanic....then we wouldn't have tanks getting one shotted anymore.
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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    The problem is there is no reason to farm any other assist character over him at the moment. He is 149 speed without any leader buff, 42% tenacity, over 12K hp, hits HARD with his basic.

    It's a simple fix. Nerf his speed to ~141 OR reduce his HP and tenacity. A minor adjustment to give incentive for alternative farming.
  • garcia_george99
    164 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    The thought that GS is better then han, mace, koon, assaj, and many other characters is absurd. I have him and have fought against him but if you are calling for a nerf be aware this wont fix the problem untill they nerf every other unimportant character ie. Ig86, JC, hoth rebel scout, FOO, FOTP, and any other character that isnt even important enough to have a name
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    The problem is there is no reason to farm any other assist character over him at the moment. He is 149 speed without any leader buff, 42% tenacity, over 12K hp, hits HARD with his basic.

    It's a simple fix. Nerf his speed to ~141 OR reduce his HP and tenacity. A minor adjustment to give incentive for alternative farming.

    Well, he had 140 ... at gear 8 completed
    At gear 9 he gained 9 speed.
    Other toons will also have a gain in speed at gear 9 ... Happy now?
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    I don't get the "hive" special. There is only one other Geo character in the game: Poggle.

    If I don't level this ability at all, am I missing anything?
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    Poll should be changed to:

    Yes! I don't have him and hate it when other people do!

    No! I put two months farming that stupid first node in the cantina so if he gets nerfed I'm throwing my phone into my neighbors yard and never playing swgoh again.
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    GS for the win! Considering his actual movie status as apposed to his in game high dps attacker status... I would say there is an imbalance in the force - not the funest character to use but deadly.
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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    Bostonmess wrote: »
    The problem is there is no reason to farm any other assist character over him at the moment. He is 149 speed without any leader buff, 42% tenacity, over 12K hp, hits HARD with his basic.

    It's a simple fix. Nerf his speed to ~141 OR reduce his HP and tenacity. A minor adjustment to give incentive for alternative farming.

    Well, he had 140 ... at gear 8 completed
    At gear 9 he gained 9 speed.
    Other toons will also have a gain in speed at gear 9 ... Happy now?

    This lame argument needs to go away. "Don't nerf him now, because he won't be OP in 2 months when they raise the level..."

    Happy now? No - because they don't now. They might - but don't.

    How about they nerf him now, then buff him back when everyone else can gear up to 9? Happy now?

    Which is why that argument makes absolutely no sense.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Bostonmess wrote: »
    The problem is there is no reason to farm any other assist character over him at the moment. He is 149 speed without any leader buff, 42% tenacity, over 12K hp, hits HARD with his basic.

    It's a simple fix. Nerf his speed to ~141 OR reduce his HP and tenacity. A minor adjustment to give incentive for alternative farming.

    Well, he had 140 ... at gear 8 completed
    At gear 9 he gained 9 speed.
    Other toons will also have a gain in speed at gear 9 ... Happy now?

    This lame argument needs to go away. "Don't nerf him now, because he won't be OP in 2 months when they raise the level..."

    Happy now? No - because they don't now. They might - but don't.

    How about they nerf him now, then buff him back when everyone else can gear up to 9? Happy now?

    Which is why that argument makes absolutely no sense.


    Nobody gives a **** about where he will stand in 2017. The character is absolutely necessary right now if you want to maximize your arena potential on competitive servers.
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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    Only argument I'm seeing for not needing him is "I spent months to farm him he's mine"

    Now you get to feel the Poe sting.... Love it.
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    If they nerf another character im farming im out. He only seems strong because he is a gear level above everyone else.
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    Where's the neutral option or the "no, because he doesn't need nerfing he's perfectly fine as he is" option? You just assume that those who vote yes must use him and love him, why else would they disagree with you, right?

    +1 you've got my response exactly. Let's not even pretend to have an unbiased poll.

    @PruttRussin On top of clearly biasing your poll it seems the majority disagree with you. This is a clear sign GS may not need a nerf. Let's save nerfing for clearly over powered characters.

    A meta buff to armor or defense or HP could easily make GS and all other assist characters less relevant. Just wait :smile:
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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    Yea, it would be great if EA could just nerf all the characters I don't have . . .
    Character Name: Nofaultius
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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    Naugrin wrote: »

    Quit whining and farm him, or don't.
    And another person who is totaling missing the point. I have him - and would be fine if he was nerfed. Having a lowly Geo soldier blasting the likes of a fully geared and leveled Jedi into oblivion simply seems wrong in the Star Wars universe. Should he be nerfed to the point of being irrelevant? Absolutely not. But to the point where he is balanced both from a game play as well as a "Star Wars common sense" standpoint? Sure.

    "Anyone can have him" is not an argument against nerfing. Anyone can have Poe too - and he was nerfed (and should have been). I HAVE GS - and again, feel he should be nerfed. Not whining, just stating my opinion, just as you are yours.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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