Nerf of Genosian Soldier


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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    "Qleak wrote: »
    @PruttRussin On top of clearly biasing your poll it seems the majority disagree with you. This is a clear sign GS may not need a nerf. Let's save nerfing for clearly over powered characters.

    Looks about the same as the nerf Poe poll. Was just about the same ratio last I remember. Seems close to 50-50.
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    How about they nerf him now, then buff him back when everyone else can gear up to 9? Happy now?

    Yeah, no Problem. Then poggle buffs him at 142 speed and his damage output is even more nasty than now.
    What are U guys trying to tell? That GS is Poe 2.0?
  • Options
    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    Most people who visit the forums (can be consider as hardcores) have Geo maxed or are working on it. The fact that he is anywhere near 50% is telling.
  • cby
    105 posts Member
    DarthBooey wrote: »
    I don't get the "hive" special. There is only one other Geo character in the game: Poggle.

    If I don't level this ability at all, am I missing anything?

    Datamined info - if you believe it, it's been accurate thus far including about Yoda recently - in the future there are plans for geonossian fighter, geonossian spy, geonossian commander, and geonosis Padme, as well as a geonossian leader named Sun Fac.

    Makes sense as there have been other geonossian characters in light and dark side battles already?
  • Options
    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    cby wrote: »
    plans for geonossian fighter, geonossian spy, geonossian commander, and geonosis Padme, as well as a geonossian leader named Sun Fac.

    Lol does he AOEKO everyone in his first move?
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    Rey, Leia and tie pilot do higher dps. QGJ similar dps plus huge utility. Dooku huge speed and huge utility with limited dps. GS is a very good dps character with no additional utility. Old Ben gives utility beyond merit. Sid is all-rounded toon with great lead skill. Lumi is good dps with amazing heal. Old Daka gives great utility and revives. Poggle gives unbelievable buff. Yoda...Yoda is yet to be mastered but definitely huge utility potential.

    All the above belong in top arena teams in many combinations. Isn't it what the game should be about (variety of choices)? Like GS - use him. Prefer others - use them

  • Options
    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    Currently this bug is the No1 shooter in the game. It destory all the variety people can have。It must be rebalanced。
  • walkyourpath
    27 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    The whole "doesn't make sense for the Star Wars universe" argument resonates emotionally, but unfortunately it does not track intellectually.

    If things made sense for the SW EU, then we'd only ever need to get Yoda and Sidious to dominate. And I guarantee despite the emotional dissonance you'd be calling for nerfs on those two with a quickness.

    I don't see an argument that sways me for a nerf on GS yet. He is overpowered for his place in the cannon (pun intended), but he doesn't imbalance the game like Poe did for many.

    Edited: for grammar
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    iamabitkh wrote: »
    Currently this bug is the No1 shooter in the game. It destory all the variety people can have。It must be rebalanced。

    It just gives f2p counters to p2w options like Leia (not farmable) and Rey / tie pilot (very hard and long farm. It's not stronger than those, but it's a factor that doesn't give p2w a guaranteed win - hence all this childish whining. Nothing more than that really - people are **** that they spend thousands of dollars, yet there is a free char that may kill those thousands. But there would be no point to play if there were no free options to kill these thousands of dollars, that's the irony of the situation.
  • Vampire_X
    1435 posts Moderator
    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    Buggggggggg juice

    Call in the rico's roughnecks
    Wicked Sith Queen with the Pink Saber
  • Bostonmess
    176 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    I don't see an argument that sways me for a nerf on GS yet. He is overpowered for his place in the cannon (pun intended), but he doesn't imbalance the game like Poe did for many.

    There is none.
    He s just as "overpowered" as a handful or more other toons. Or they are simply good.
    Some ppl would take the competition to bring him down before he can act. Others cry for nerf
  • Options
    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Naugrin wrote: »

    Quit whining and farm him, or don't.
    And another person who is totaling missing the point. I have him - and would be fine if he was nerfed. Having a lowly Geo soldier blasting the likes of a fully geared and leveled Jedi into oblivion simply seems wrong in the Star Wars universe. Should he be nerfed to the point of being irrelevant? Absolutely not. But to the point where he is balanced both from a game play as well as a "Star Wars common sense" standpoint? Sure.

    "Anyone can have him" is not an argument against nerfing. Anyone can have Poe too - and he was nerfed (and should have been). I HAVE GS - and again, feel he should be nerfed. Not whining, just stating my opinion, just as you are yours.
    Order 66....lots of jedi killed by blasters fired by no name characters.
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    The only thing I see wrong with this one in arenas is he goes with out even having his turn meter full
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    Poll should be changed to:

    Yes! I don't have him and hate it when other people do!

    No! I put two months farming that stupid first node in the cantina so if he gets nerfed I'm throwing my phone into my neighbors yard and never playing swgoh again.

    Thats pretty much the reason behind peoples argument
  • Options
    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    Naugrin wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Naugrin wrote: »

    Quit whining and farm him, or don't.
    And another person who is totaling missing the point. I have him - and would be fine if he was nerfed. Having a lowly Geo soldier blasting the likes of a fully geared and leveled Jedi into oblivion simply seems wrong in the Star Wars universe. Should he be nerfed to the point of being irrelevant? Absolutely not. But to the point where he is balanced both from a game play as well as a "Star Wars common sense" standpoint? Sure.

    "Anyone can have him" is not an argument against nerfing. Anyone can have Poe too - and he was nerfed (and should have been). I HAVE GS - and again, feel he should be nerfed. Not whining, just stating my opinion, just as you are yours.
    Order 66....lots of jedi killed by blasters fired by no name characters.

    Yep. Because an arena battle is just like a shot in the back by your own allies. *sigh*

    I don't care - don't nerf, I have him. That's fine.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Options
    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    AdamW wrote: »
    Poll should be changed to:

    Yes! I don't have him and hate it when other people do!

    No! I put two months farming that stupid first node in the cantina so if he gets nerfed I'm throwing my phone into my neighbors yard and never playing swgoh again.

    Thats pretty much the reason behind peoples argument

    Throwing the phone make me lol
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    Is this a joke?
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    Wow! Every time they nerf or perform "game balancing" people quit, and tons more get upset, and here we are 4 pages in about an easy to farm second tier character who will get weaker once cap is raised. A character who might be on a lot of teams now, but who'll quickly get replaced with newer more powerful ones.

    And I don't want to violate the TOS (even though I'd like to) I'll keep this civil, the OP clearly needs to brush up on how to design a poll so that it is not biased, which this one clearly is. To say it's 50-50 is wrong. The poll does not offer adequate choices. It would be like having a poll saying: Do you vote for hamburgers and hot dogs at the super bowl party, or do you want to be a twinkle toes and have rabbit food. Many people might want vegetables but many won't vote simply because of the way it was worded.

    The OP's entire argument is not whether GS is overpowered. It is whether GS should have the ability he does, seeing as he is a minor character in SW lore. It's a silly argument, but that was what was put forth. And here we are now. Amazing.
  • SinnerWill
    370 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Ivan_Drago wrote: »
    MenaceTEC wrote: »
    It's total **** he one shots any character on my roster with his assist.

    Get one for yourself in cantina battles. It's node 1-a, if you refresh energy twice a day you are going at 15 shards a day rate, will get it to 7* in 3 weeks from zero. Or refresh cantina once for 10 shards
    SinnerWill wrote: »
    Not voting, but he (and other high-speed high damage units) need some sort of re-balancing. As it stands, Geo has very high HP and tenacity for the early (and very often) burst damage he puts out.

    Also, you shouldn't compare Geo to QGJ, they're completely different beasts. QGJ's health is lower, his tenacity is lower, his crit chance is lower, and he can't get a turn-meter bonus when calling for an assist.

    QGJ has HUGE utility alongside HUGE dps - speed leader bonus, buff clearance with offence buff teamwide, turn meter on base hit. He is different from GS - lower HP char with same dps and much more utility.

    Leia is higher dps than GS, harder to kill with her stealth and provides utility with buffs, also may be accompanied by ackbar speed leader. Maybe nerf Leia first?

    Obi wan is a tank with huge HP and incredible set of debuffs, with huge buffs for the team on death. It's by far more utility than pure dps - maybe nerf Obi wan?

    Rey is a higher dps than GS and not dependent on assist (which may fail due to stun) - maybe nerf Rey first?

    GS doesn't do anything that can not be provided by other characters, he is just a good pure dps character which can be used by anyone who wants to, but is used not by anyone because there are also other options available.

    QGJ and Rey have about 4k HP less than Geo (putting them easily into OHKO territory by other glass cannons, including Geo's swarm on first action with Sid, Fett, or Poggle leading). They also don't have Geo's tenacity.

    Leia without stealth you can compare to Geo, but keep in mind she doesn't pick up turn-meter with actions like Geo. And don't forget Geo is self-efficient utility (offense up).

    Not even going to bother about Obi or Poe. They're completely different classes of characters and shouldn't be compared to Geo. Albeit, I would never claim they need a nerf before Geo.

    Oh, and I have a 7* Geo. This isn't a biased accusation made by someone that loses to a unit he doesn't have. It's simply a statement based upon my experiences with him concerning how I feel that he over-performs.

  • Ivan_Drago
    639 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    SinnerWill wrote: »
    Ivan_Drago wrote: »
    MenaceTEC wrote: »
    It's total **** he one shots any character on my roster with his assist.

    Get one for yourself in cantina battles. It's node 1-a, if you refresh energy twice a day you are going at 15 shards a day rate, will get it to 7* in 3 weeks from zero. Or refresh cantina once for 10 shards
    SinnerWill wrote: »
    Not voting, but he (and other high-speed high damage units) need some sort of re-balancing. As it stands, Geo has very high HP and tenacity for the early (and very often) burst damage he puts out.

    Also, you shouldn't compare Geo to QGJ, they're completely different beasts. QGJ's health is lower, his tenacity is lower, his crit chance is lower, and he can't get a turn-meter bonus when calling for an assist.

    QGJ has HUGE utility alongside HUGE dps - speed leader bonus, buff clearance with offence buff teamwide, turn meter on base hit. He is different from GS - lower HP char with same dps and much more utility.

    Leia is higher dps than GS, harder to kill with her stealth and provides utility with buffs, also may be accompanied by ackbar speed leader. Maybe nerf Leia first?

    Obi wan is a tank with huge HP and incredible set of debuffs, with huge buffs for the team on death. It's by far more utility than pure dps - maybe nerf Obi wan?

    Rey is a higher dps than GS and not dependent on assist (which may fail due to stun) - maybe nerf Rey first?

    GS doesn't do anything that can not be provided by other characters, he is just a good pure dps character which can be used by anyone who wants to, but is used not by anyone because there are also other options available.

    QGJ and Rey have about 4k HP less than Geo (putting them easily into OHKO territory by other glass cannons, including Geo's swarm on first action with Sid, Fett, or Poggle leading). They also don't have Geo's tenacity.

    Leia without stealth you can compare to Geo, but keep in mind she doesn't pick up turn-meter with actions like Geo. And don't forget Geo is self-efficient utility (offense up).

    Not even going to bother about Obi or Poe. They're completely different classes of characters and shouldn't be compared to Geo. Albeit, I would never claim they need a nerf before Geo.

    Oh, and I have a 7* Geo. This isn't a biased accusation made by someone that loses to a unit he doesn't have. It's simply a statement based upon my experiences with him concerning how I feel that he over-performs.


    He performs due to level 9 gear, not due to him being "better". Developers added 9 level gear not to chromium-only chars for a reason: there MUST be a counter that is free of charge, otherwise f2p lose interest in the game (due to result being pre-determined), and application loses the number of active users, leading to negative impact on the equity value for the shareholders.

    Number of active users is the most important metric for a newly developed application, users growth rate is God. And it is f2p or nearly f2p that provide this, while "whales" are simply a motivation for f2p to play and kick whales' butt. If f2p may compete, they gladfully buy subscriptions, and it yield more income than spending of hard core whales.

    Those who invest still have advantage, but it is somewhat limited, and it should remain limited
  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    This is embarrassing that Geo is being talked about for a nerf. Not surprising though, since people will just move on to the next person after a character has been rebalanced.

    Geo is easy to get, and should be a staple of all teams. If I had any pull at CG I would tell them not to nerf such an easy to get character. It's one thing to have a game breaking character that only a few people have, it's another to give everyone access to a strong character.

    PS: Cannon doesn't matter in this game. How many times did you see Vader fight Anakin in the movies? Or Luke kill Leia? Or Han murder Chewie? So don't ever use that as reasoning for something happening in this game.
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    SinnerWill wrote: »
    Ivan_Drago wrote: »
    MenaceTEC wrote: »
    It's total **** he one shots any character on my roster with his assist.

    Get one for yourself in cantina battles. It's node 1-a, if you refresh energy twice a day you are going at 15 shards a day rate, will get it to 7* in 3 weeks from zero. Or refresh cantina once for 10 shards
    SinnerWill wrote: »
    Not voting, but he (and other high-speed high damage units) need some sort of re-balancing. As it stands, Geo has very high HP and tenacity for the early (and very often) burst damage he puts out.

    Also, you shouldn't compare Geo to QGJ, they're completely different beasts. QGJ's health is lower, his tenacity is lower, his crit chance is lower, and he can't get a turn-meter bonus when calling for an assist.

    QGJ has HUGE utility alongside HUGE dps - speed leader bonus, buff clearance with offence buff teamwide, turn meter on base hit. He is different from GS - lower HP char with same dps and much more utility.

    Leia is higher dps than GS, harder to kill with her stealth and provides utility with buffs, also may be accompanied by ackbar speed leader. Maybe nerf Leia first?

    Obi wan is a tank with huge HP and incredible set of debuffs, with huge buffs for the team on death. It's by far more utility than pure dps - maybe nerf Obi wan?

    Rey is a higher dps than GS and not dependent on assist (which may fail due to stun) - maybe nerf Rey first?

    GS doesn't do anything that can not be provided by other characters, he is just a good pure dps character which can be used by anyone who wants to, but is used not by anyone because there are also other options available.

    QGJ and Rey have about 4k HP less than Geo (putting them easily into OHKO territory by other glass cannons, including Geo's swarm on first action with Sid, Fett, or Poggle leading). They also don't have Geo's tenacity.

    Leia without stealth you can compare to Geo, but keep in mind she doesn't pick up turn-meter with actions like Geo. And don't forget Geo is self-efficient utility (offense up).

    Not even going to bother about Obi or Poe. They're completely different classes of characters and shouldn't be compared to Geo. Albeit, I would never claim they need a nerf before Geo.

    Oh, and I have a 7* Geo. This isn't a biased accusation made by someone that loses to a unit he doesn't have. It's simply a statement based upon my experiences with him concerning how I feel that he over-performs.


  • Options
    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    sigh wish ppl would stop whining and just play the game, he is no more overpowered than dooku, strange how ppl who dont grind for these toons, tend to complain, he is an easy ftp toon to get, so stop the crying and get your own, if the devs nerf every toon everyone complains about, then whats he use of collecting them.
  • Options
    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    Nerf him!
    1. I dont have him, but you nerfed the half of my squad. So nerf others
    2. He is Jar Jar on halloween dress. Too OP, nerf him!
    3. Hes not representative of Star Wars heroes. Nerf him to the level of movie droids (garbage)
    4. I dont care what GS has to say. Nerf him!
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    This thread is so stupid. There are so many characters who are better than GS.

    Dooku - his chain of attacks for instance.
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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    Nerf Dooku too!
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    Copy and Pasted

    Qui Gon has 10.6K health. IG 86 has 10.9. GS has 12.3

    Qui Gon's basic attack does **** for damage so he is not as valuable when he is the one getting called in for an assist

    IG 86 is slow at 116 speed (without leader) and still slower than GS with Lobot as lead
    Qui Gon's tenacity is 37%. IG 86 is 31%. Geonosian is 42%.

    Qui Gon has a lot of counters like Sid (dodge) and Dooku (stuns, ability blocks, and outrageous potency). IG 86 does as well, but those characters are not as prevalent at the top of most brackets.

    GS is a step above in almost every conceivable way. That took me a few minutes to put together so I hope you take the minute to read it. Though, I suspect you are aware and just defending him because he is benefiting you.

    Here we have someone who understands the problem! Great post!
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Naugrin wrote: »

    Quit whining and farm him, or don't.
    And another person who is totaling missing the point. I have him - and would be fine if he was nerfed. Having a lowly Geo soldier blasting the likes of a fully geared and leveled Jedi into oblivion simply seems wrong in the Star Wars universe. Should he be nerfed to the point of being irrelevant? Absolutely not. But to the point where he is balanced both from a game play as well as a "Star Wars common sense" standpoint? Sure.

    "Anyone can have him" is not an argument against nerfing. Anyone can have Poe too - and he was nerfed (and should have been). I HAVE GS - and again, feel he should be nerfed. Not whining, just stating my opinion, just as you are yours.

    You are so much better on writing down my thoughts then myself! Great comment!
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    Too much complain. Im 100% sure that people asking for nerfs are those people that dont have the character or did have a mistake on investing on wrong heroes instead of taking those better characters like GS.
    Make your own server/game nerf lord people
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    Firstly, ridiculous poll options

    Secondly, just think about how it would play out if characters reflected their canon strength. Sith would be all powerful, followed by Jedi. Why would anyone use Jawa,Ewoks,Tuskens,no name Empire/Rebel/Resistance/First order soldiers, Droids, etc? I too at first thought the lack of resemblance to canon is a bit silly but just think what the game would be like otherwise-no diversity.
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Having a lowly Geo soldier blasting the likes of a fully geared and leveled Jedi into oblivion simply seems wrong in the Star Wars universe.

    In that case, I would expect you would be for nerfing FOTP, since he can do pretty much the same thing, and he is just a lowly pilot.

    And in fact, I would imagine you would be more for nerfing FOTP's power, since I would expect a pilot to not be good with a gun, since they probably spend most of their time practicing flying. Same goes for ResPilot.

    Basically, what you are asking for is for any unnamed character to essentially be cannon fodder for the named characters, since that is essentially what they are in the movie.

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