Nerf of Genosian Soldier


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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    Just another day with a nerf rant thread. :| Who's next? Sid? Lumi? Rey?
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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    @Randall how is it not game breaking that you can kill any toon on my team with his assist.

    Add a Rey (or FOTP, Lea, etc) and I'm down two toons before I can act.

    Tell me what team can fight 3 vs 5.

    Game broken.

    Poe didn't need nerfed the game needs fixed.
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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    Jaden_Zen wrote: »
    Just another day with a nerf rant thread. :| Who's next? Sid? Lumi? Rey?

    @Jaden_Zen yes, yes and yes.
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    I don't get this. I've seen them in the arena and never have an issue with them. Seem pretty easy to deal with. Not too sure what all of the hype is about.
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    @MenaceTEC QGJ also has an assists and his gives the ally even more damage. Rey, Leia, and FOTP all do massive damage. He is special but not game breakingly.
  • Ztyle
    1970 posts Member
    Wow I did not know that Genosian Soldier have a nerf

    Wookiepedia quote:
    Nerfs were a species of long-furred herding animals noted for their strong body odor, which Humans regarded as disgusting. Their bleats somewhat resembled the language used by the Aqualish people. There existed distinct breeds of nerfs, one of which could be found on Jaresh, and another one on Alderaan. Nerf meat could be used in various food dishes, including nerf steak and nerf stew, and their skin could be used to make leather.
    I'm Danish , Leader of the Space Slug Alliance , living the SlugLife , My collection
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    xJazzx wrote: »
    On the other hand, QGJ also needs some balancing. He's has dispel, speed, assist and meter gain.

    Dooku can keep him on lockdown and he will miss Sidious more often than not (not sure how that 35% is calculated but it is off by a long shot)

    Geonosian does not have this problem

    Geonosian has the problem of being oneshot by QGJ, who is faster, however
  • l3end3r
    895 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    No, I'm sick of EA nerfing characters. Might as well nerf QGJ, Rey, 86, Phasma, Kylo and 88 while you're at it if this is the trend.

    I don't even have GS, and I feel like most people who want a character nerfed are just upset that they don't have said character
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    i gave up reading half way because the same stuff get said over & over, nothing new...

    Yes GS good, has a awesome self attack buff (which is were most of his power comes from & a lot of you have overlooked), not good armor but can stand in a fight but if targeted can drop like a fly (pun intended). He synergies super well with other geo's.


    I see this thread as a child like effort to get Poe back to where he was pre nerf. Not once has a GS been brought up as a OP unit in a thread except to compare to maybe FOTP & how broken FOTP was. Look I'm not saying he's not a good addition to anyone's roster & that at some point he will have to receive a nerf to his synergies with other geos but to flat out make another FOTP in a bug skin is mental ret ardation. The purpose of a game, especially one that has so many characters is to create variety! If every dps is going to be a glass cannon, every tank just has high health with high armor & every healer just heals... The game will fall flat on its face & make absolutely no money.

    You are suppose to have different combinations of stats on different Heros. Sometimes the meta of a game is such like it is now where dps rains supreme & dps characters are more sought out characters than the others. Once game balancing is closer to what it should be. Then trivial spiteful threads like this won't exist... Because children will learn to complain about something new.

    The argument that he's a bug & shouldn't be so strong in the Star Wars universe I feel is a farce! Are the Geonosians not a fighting nation? They had their huge droid factories on Geonosis, they have an arena type stadium that promotes fights & they built the **** Death Star there... How is this not valid in a game that's made of a said universe? All this should be more than enough justification to have a strong, above medium health bug that kicks ****?

    I don't know if you can remember, but in clone wars majority of the Jedi were taken out when they came to the rescue of Obiwan & Anakin...
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    MenaceTEC wrote: »
    I don't want nerfs.

    Could you please show me one gsme with some sort of PVP or competitive system that havent nerfed something?
  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    Just slow him down a bit and don't let his assist happen every turn like how it's supposed to on the next level cap raise. Maybe reduce his HP like 10%. I pulled him a few weeks back but he's still 1*. He's not impossible to fight against but he is a noticeable step above the other DPS/assist callers
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    So depressing seeing these threads. This is the true "Poe effect".
    There can never be true balance between all the characters, and as more are added, balance becomes more difficult. Some toons will always be more desirable than others. Nerfing these toons will just make the next toon more desirable, which brings that toon to the chopping block.
    The only difference? People spend real life time and effort leveling these toons, and every nerf punishes people's real life time, effort, and money.
    If GS is nerfed, then the next toon that is most desireable becomes farmed, until you see it everywhere, and then THAT toon will be dragged into a poll, asking for it to be nerfed.
    An endless cycle, started by neophytes that don't truly understand the magnitude and ramifications of what they are asking for.
    Everyone asking for a nerf is playing directly into EA's hands. We all have to level toons. Which toons get asked to get nerfed? Ackbar? Lando? No, popular toons. Toons a lot of people spend time, money, and effort leveling. So once Poe, GS, and whoevers next get the nerf bat, then all that effort is wasted, and we are forced to level someone else. I feel like Sisyphus.
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    One of the best toons in this game right now is named Genosian Soldier. Is it a Jedi? A sith? No, its a bug with a gun. Is it the only of its type? No, its one of probably 100.000 other bugs with guns.

    This have to change! Right now iconic characters from the movies, especially Mace Windu, is unplayable. EA and CG have to change this.

    Do Genosian Soldier need a nerf?

    SUPEREDIT: The hate flood has now filled my house to the limit. Im sitting here in my room crying, thinking back on the first time i saw the Geonosian Soldiers in the Battle of Geonosis. They were wery scary to a 7 year old boy that all his life was scared of insects. This has nothing to do with him being easy to get and for the F2P players, its only because his creepy looks. Please EA & CG change his looks to a more friendly and likeable character. Im out, peace on the streets.

    Why don't you nerf yourself?
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    The more they nerf the more this game gets worse. Ive used him from day 1 and he is a huge asset. You may as well nerf FOTP and QGJ or Leia or luke. They do big damage and you dont hear of talk about them. Who cares if they are big names. The game works right now. Why **** with it?
  • slmcmr
    875 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    Are the Geonosians not a fighting nation? They had their huge droid factories on Geonosis, they have an arena type stadium that promotes fights & they built the **** Death Star there... How is this not valid in a game that's made of a said universe? All this should be more than enough justification to have a strong, above medium health bug that kicks ****?

    I don't know if you can remember, but in clone wars majority of the Jedi were taken out when they came to the rescue of Obiwan & Anakin...

    Finally someone remembers how powerful Geonosians are. If i don't remember it wrong, even 'beloved Mace Windu' said something about how strong they were while they were going to the Geonosis for the second war (clone wars). And remember what Geonosian + Droid army did to the Jedis on that arena (Episode II)
    Just slow him down a bit and don't let his assist happen every turn like how it's supposed to on the next level cap raise.

    His speed is the only thing that makes him different from other dps characters. As for his swarm (assist) ability i agree with you. Eventhough he is in my main squad (7*, level 70, gear level 9) i must admit that i think getting that cool down ability will make him OP. But there are also some other abilities to be introduced with level 80 cap (QGJ's speed will be applied to everyone) That means no matter who is in your team QGJ will ALWAYS be the leader. That needs to be changed too....

    Post edited by slmcmr on
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    Arijit wrote: »
    I don't have toon X, please nerf it. CG, next time pm me before you buuf anyone. Ok
    Next patch - Grandma Leia obtainable for 99.99.
    We will nerf it for you.


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    Enough with the nerfing already!:) i would just want to see def and health made viable too since third of toon set is based on def which is still useless. I too have that 7* max gear gs but it would be a shame to lose one of my top toons i have farmed from day1 since it looked easy and accidentally paid off
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    MenaceTEC wrote: »
    @Randall how is it not game breaking that you can kill any toon on my team with his assist.

    Add a Rey (or FOTP, Lea, etc) and I'm down two toons before I can act.

    Tell me what team can fight 3 vs 5.

    There are many toons one-shooting others. The most awful combination atm is Poe, Poggle, Sid (L), 88 and Ren.
    Sid starts and If you lose flipcoin, Poe taunts, Poggle buffs and Ren and 88 wipe away your whole Team
    No GS is needed for devastating experiences
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    Let's nerf every single dps in this game so they all hit like Chewie yeah, and make everyone have the same speed :)
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    Again; Leia, Rey, and TIE Pilot all do more damage than GS, with QGJ on equal footing. All the first three are not assist-dependent (which may fail due to stuns), with Leia and especially QGJ providing a lot of utility (which GS has none of).
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    Ivan_Drago wrote: »
    Again; Leia, Rey, and TIE Pilot all do more damage than GS, with QGJ on equal footing. All the first three are not assist-dependent (which may fail due to stuns), with Leia and especially QGJ providing a lot of utility (which GS has none of).

    Someone give that man a whiskey!
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    I´m sure this has been said more than a few times in this thread but I just can´t be bothered to read all...

    I don´t understand the complaints...seriously Geo Soldier is one of the earliest accessible toons for a f2p player, he is just a good character, so if you can´t deal with him just farm him yourself, don´t be lazy.

    Also I don´t like the options offered by the OP in the poll. Geo is of course not my favorite character in the Star Wars Universe but also I don´t want him to be nerfed either, what´s up with this ranting all the time? If you can´t beat a character, grow up and learn how to!
  • Ovechkin08
    76 posts
    edited February 2016
    I want to lie and say no. Geo Soldier is a staple of my arena team and basically stays with me through all GW, every day.

    That said, he's pretty frickin strong. Not only that, he's fast, can give himself offense up, and has a very nasty special with a 1 turn cooldown. He also has over 12k health (very high for a big time Leia/Rey level damage dealer).

    But how about rather than nerf him, we just let him chill? Because he already has 5/6 of his level 9 gear, he's not gonna increase in power as much as other characters during the next level cap increase. So basically I say rather than nerf him, let's just not give him as big an increase in power next time the level cap is raised. They kind of did this with Sidious in between 60 and 70 and I very much prefer it over a nerf.

    But yeah, GS is gooood. It may not make much sense in terms of Star Wars Lore (we watch each Jedi cut like 1000 of them to shreds in that one scene in episode II) but deal with it. I love the little winged dingus.

    Edit: I wish they let you use more than one of non unique characters. Could you imagine a team of 5 GS's? Those stacking crit rates and all the extra assist damage? Yum
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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    Rey and Leia often do very little damage with their openers. Variance is high. That is VERY much not the case with GS. He will either KO you or have you clinging on to life, with a consistency.

    Also, those two are a p.i.t.a to get leveled up, while GS is one of the easiest in game at 8 energy unlimited attempts per day.

    TIE pilot is slowly becoming yesterday's news. Don't believe me, wait a couple weeks til everyone catches up. Hint: it is a speed issue.
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    Nerfing Poe has done nothing but solidify obvious dps speed choices. At least with Poe the coin flips had more variance due to the tier speed system. Now it's all about who one shots the other first with quiggles and geo. next time think about the ramifications of crying over toons. Poe was the only enabler for slower toons. Now there is no point to using 2/3rds of the Star Wars hero roster. Get your bug and use him while you still can. when top 10 whales have geo in the line up you can expect action.
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    Darthbinks wrote: »
    Is this a joke?

    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    Poe was meta defining.
    GS is not.
    Rey and FOTP are still better than GS.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    Noktarn wrote: »
    Nerfing Poe has done nothing but solidify obvious dps speed choices. At least with Poe the coin flips had more variance due to the tier speed system. Now it's all about who one shots the other first with quiggles and geo. next time think about the ramifications of crying over toons. Poe was the only enabler for slower toons. Now there is no point to using 2/3rds of the Star Wars hero roster. Get your bug and use him while you still can. when top 10 whales have geo in the line up you can expect action.

    Could not agree more. There was at least some diversity at the top of my bracket before Poe got neutered. Now, I see the same 7-8 chars in every lineup.
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    this is the problem with EA/CG caving in to the calls for a Poe nerf. now people will just call a nerf for any hard to deal with toon that shows up in a lot of arena squads. childish, really. GS isn't the problem, the speed meta is.
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