The state of the galaxy: a player’s perspective


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    Everything in his video couldn't be said much better. Even in my guild's discord we had been discussing all of these topics for a week or so. With all that being said, I can't help but want to criticize CG and their response to McMole2. I've heard the joke in here already but they call them Game Changers but they shut them down once they start saying how they want the game to change. Yes, he was somewhat heavy handed with his criticism but I honestly feel that is justified given the topics.
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    Sheytan wrote: »
    The video is very negative, and I don't think that accurately reflects the overall mood of the community. This is still a great game that we all love to play. I wish McMole2 would have added more positivity about that to the state of swgoh.

    That said, everything he mentions in the video is valid. This game takes a massive amount of time every day, and we love the game, so we keep putting in that time, but it IS burning people out. The zeta/gear issue is something we all feel daily, and yeah, a bit of warning so we can prepare for events would be nice, but I do understand wanting to make it so people can't prepare - it rewards those who pay, and rightfully so. My only issue is it also rewards those who "get lucky" and happen to have the right toons, and feeling "unlucky" enough to miss out on a big event sucks.

    Not sure what communities you are in, but just about every message board that is not this one feels exactly the same way.... frustrated, angry, and burnt out. The overall sentiment for those that have played for an extended period is that it is no longer fun for them, to much content that you have to buy and not enough new engagements.

    very true.
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    This vid, plus GG rework. Amen and +10000 yes.
  • maxpayne99
    24 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    A lot of people are expressing their complaints about this game, as Frenchman, I will do what you guys think French people do all the time (laught, you won't be after reading this).

    1st: Communication.
    This comes back to the first Palpatine legendary event back in August 2016. After that, EA/CG said that in the future this kind of events will be communicated earlier to prepare for them, because a week before is before the event... Cheeky devs...

    2nd: QoL.
    No QoL update for nearly a year, the confort of the players doesn't mean anything to you? I have so much ally tokens that I'm actualy too lazy to open all of those bronzium packs... If you wan't to stay competitive in the game, you wan't to have a good rank in arena, for that you need time and... Zetas! Before with omegas, you only needed 5 of them with one garanteed a day, however now... More and more abilities requiering zetas and no way to get them elsewhere then fleet store or fleet challenges (with complaints for nealy a year for the drop rates, nothing done), what's the problem? I mean, you can't buy zetas with cristals... Comming back to the confort of players, the game is more time consuming with terretory battles. If only it was possible to make things take less time to do... (Daily challenges rework?)

    3rd: Put more ships slots with more ships in Galactic War Store.
    Nearly every player has Slave I or Scimitar at 7 stars, want if the point of making these ships so unaccessable? I mean 4 ships on 1 slot? But that is not the worse, you have more chance of the Imperial TIE Fighter not to drop than finding Rex's ship in the fleet store...
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    For gear, and perhaps Omega/Zeta mats, we need something like Watto's Junk Shop.

    The benefit is that you get to pick what type of salvage you win, and you can go conservative where you're almost guaranteed to get the salvage you want or go risky and win more if you win, but have a greater chance to lose.

    I have also done the math elsewhere to show that if you care about a mod's quality, primary and secondaries (and not just the set bonus) then as soon as you get those mods that are highly statistically likely because that mod shape is common (and may only have one Primary type), then actually getting the remainder of the mods you need can require literally years for one mod:

    Level 5 Mod challenge doesn't always give Mk5 mods, but it is likely. Say 80%.
    Getting the shape you want is less than 1/6, call it 15%.
    Getting Purple or gold quality is less than 10%.
    If you want something like a Protection Primary Circle, then now that you have the right shape, the chance of correct primary is good - maybe 50%. If you want a Speed primary, even once you have an arrow the chance is low, perhaps 20%. (I think it's less, but let's be generous).
    Are the 3 or 4 secondaries on your mods the ones you want? There's less than 20% chance the mod has any speed. There's maybe a 50% chance of getting any offense, etc. Let's say speed is the most demanding secondary you desire, so 50% x 50% (to get the first 2 secondaries you desire) x 20% (to get your speed secondary) = 5% chance of getting the secondaries you desire, even if you only care about 3 and will happily take Defense as your 4th.
    Then there's the matter of the bumps going to the right place. If you care about this (so that your speed secondary gets better before your protection secondary gets better), then you have 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 for purple. For Gold, it's 1/4 each time, but we'll be generous and say that if you get 3 bumps you want, the 4th can be anywhere. Of 256 possible outcomes, there are 12 combinations that get you 3 specified bumps = 12/256 = 4.7%

    So, 0.8 x .15 x .1 x .2 x .05 x .047 = 0.00000564 = 1/ 177,305, meaning 177,305 attempts to get one of these.

    and 0.8 x .15 x .1 x 0.5 x .05 x .047 = 0.0000141 = 1 / 70,922, meaning 70,922 attempts are needed to get 1 of these.

    It requires 16 energy to get one attempt. Therefore, you'll need 1,134,752 to 2,836,880 cantina energy to get the mod you've been waiting for. Of course this is just an average. It might take some unlikely soul 5 or 10 times this much, and others might get it on the first try. But as an average, it is useful.

    Of course, you get lots of energy per day, right? Let's assume you get 165 cantina energy per day, and spend 200 crystals every day on refreshes just for mod hunting, a total of 405 energy per day.

    After 2800 to 7000 days, you'll have that mod. It's no big deal, just 8 years, on average, at the low end. It's still less than 20 years, on average, at the high end. What are you complaining about?

    Yeah. Mods are stupidly broken.
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    Can we bring back the upvote/downvote feature? There’s a lot of posts in here I’d like to do both to.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    They listen. Check the Feedback fora. The problem is people want all kinds of kitten crazy and don't realize how insane they sound when asking for stuff.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Georgemi6
    1236 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    NicWester wrote: »
    They listen. Check the Feedback fora. The problem is people want all kinds of kitten crazy and don't realize how insane they sound when asking for stuff.

    So a GG rework is kitten crazy that sounds insane? I've seen lots more grievous and droid rework threads than I have night sister rework threads.
  • NightfallsCurse
    537 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Georgemi6 wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    They listen. Check the Feedback fora. The problem is people want all kinds of dumb s--- and don't realize how insane they sound when asking for stuff.

    So a GG rework is kitten that sounds insane? I've seen lots more grievous and droid rework threads than I have night sister rework threads.

    I fee like a GG rework has been needed since his release. Was there EVER a point where people looked at him and thought "Wow, that's great!"?
  • Anna_214_0
    19 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Post edited by Anna_214_0 on
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    U can give everybody everything they want and there will still be complaints. The one that I just can't understand is the time constraint of the game. What? The reason this game take along time is because the player playing it want to spend that time playing it. There is no gun to people's head forcing them. One can cite all sort of arguments about how they will fall behind or they won't get a certain character right away the answer to that is; so. Get it next time u want a company who is in the business to make money not do so buy not given u a reason to spend it. The reason u get gear u don't need is to pompt u to buy some. The zeta' s are to better a character than normal so why would they make it easy to obtain. Back to time constraint especially in the battles if filling platoons is not something u can do bye now w just the guild chat and do it quickly I don't think u should be playing the game or some people think micro managing is the way to go.
  • Tassadonia
    5 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Well guys, posting anything defamatory violates the TOS on this forum so I had my post deleted. To say it in a way that is not defamatory, I'm sad about the signs that this McMole interaction shows (at least publicly, we don't know all the details obviously) because it 1. Is rough for us as content consumers now that we are aware our youtubers need to stay away from criticism to maintain their status and 2. that if I want to create a swgoh channel and get into the program, I essentially need to be like a "hype" man.

    I agree that we need to be positive, I mean, we all love the game, but it is really discouraging to see what happened today/yesterday with McMole. At least, how these public events have unfolded. Obviously we have no idea if McMole was doing other things to get himself axed. But that does seem hard to believe.
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    @Tassadonia What do you mean, Mcmole got the axe? Hes not employee by CG, is he? I thought he was just a very popular youtuber gamer. Just curious.

    It doesnt seem like Mcmoles video admission would hurt his reputation. Hes gotten a downpouring of support from the community despite not a single dev making any sort of comment or acknowledgement. However if Mcmole indeed was employed by CG, the dude has cohones. Either way, in the world of fame in this country we are seeing our celebrities using their PLATFORM to speak for the people and I deeply appreciate that sentiment. Its the right thing to do and its risky. Salute to you Mcmole.

    Anyways, on to the content. First let me start off by saying my guild has lost 5 of our most senior members this month due to burnout and I recently uninstalled about a week ago. I will continue staying informed on forums to watch for changes and then will consider returning.

    The panic farming events are one of the main causes for my departure. Nothing slaps a religously dedicated player in the face more than springing a CLS type event on us, and then making him a requirement in TB. Not cool. Thrawn as well, and soon to be Talzin. You know what the requirements are but wont tell us. You show us the kit and how important they will be moving forward, then give us 3 days to prepare. Im done with that nonsense.

    The game took up too much of my time. TB takes too long, raids take up alot of time, farming challenges is so not fun. Needing 900 carbantis also isnt fun. The gear crunch has always been unreal and Ive always dealt with it but its not slowing down.

  • sho
    39 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    U can give everybody everything they want and there will still be complaints. The one that I just can't understand is the time constraint of the game. What? The reason this game take along time is because the player playing it want to spend that time playing it. There is no gun to people's head forcing them. One can cite all sort of arguments about how they will fall behind or they won't get a certain character right away the answer to that is; so. Get it next time u want a company who is in the business to make money not do so buy not given u a reason to spend it. The reason u get gear u don't need is to pompt u to buy some. The zeta' s are to better a character than normal so why would they make it easy to obtain. Back to time constraint especially in the battles if filling platoons is not something u can do bye now w just the guild chat and do it quickly I don't think u should be playing the game or some people think micro managing is the way to go.

    You are that 1% of players playing the game who dont understand nothing about it. So its up to you to have an opnion based on your experience and knowledge. Its like an kitten - evwrbody has one, but some are just full of ...

    For me this video does adress the real problems the longterm players have...i am playing this game since day one and i do agree with McMoles video in 90% of things said in it.

    Still i dont see the devs or CG reply to this on proper manner. They need to adress this issues or they will loose a bunch of players on this platform.

    It feels like they are stuck and do only the things that bring them enormus profits without making the game better but only makin it more expensive and full of bugs and glitches...

    Its still my fave rpg game and i have invested time and miney in it...
  • sho
    39 posts Member
    McMole video just showed you the way most of us think...are devs going to adress this or keep ignoring him and us?
    I mean come on we all invested time and money in the game and to get such treatment in just bad... very bad...
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    Listen to us. Games do die!! Just ask Everquest what happens when you ignore your players.
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    sho wrote: »
    U can give everybody everything they want and there will still be complaints. The one that I just can't understand is the time constraint of the game. What? The reason this game take along time is because the player playing it want to spend that time playing it. There is no gun to people's head forcing them. One can cite all sort of arguments about how they will fall behind or they won't get a certain character right away the answer to that is; so. Get it next time u want a company who is in the business to make money not do so buy not given u a reason to spend it. The reason u get gear u don't need is to pompt u to buy some. The zeta' s are to better a character than normal so why would they make it easy to obtain. Back to time constraint especially in the battles if filling platoons is not something u can do bye now w just the guild chat and do it quickly I don't think u should be playing the game or some people think micro managing is the way to go.

    You are that 1% of players playing the game who dont understand nothing about it. So its up to you to have an opnion based on your experience and knowledge. Its like an kitten - evwrbody has one, but some are just full of ...

    For me this video does adress the real problems the longterm players have...i am playing this game since day one and i do agree with McMoles video in 90% of things said in it.

    Still i dont see the devs or CG reply to this on proper manner. They need to adress this issues or they will loose a bunch of players on this platform.

    It feels like they are stuck and do only the things that bring them enormus profits without making the game better but only makin it more expensive and full of bugs and glitches...

    Its still my fave rpg game and i have invested time and miney in it...
    sho wrote: »
    U can give everybody everything they want and there will still be complaints. The one that I just can't understand is the time constraint of the game. What? The reason this game take along time is because the player playing it want to spend that time playing it. There is no gun to people's head forcing them. One can cite all sort of arguments about how they will fall behind or they won't get a certain character right away the answer to that is; so. Get it next time u want a company who is in the business to make money not do so buy not given u a reason to spend it. The reason u get gear u don't need is to pompt u to buy some. The zeta' s are to better a character than normal so why would they make it easy to obtain. Back to time constraint especially in the battles if filling platoons is not something u can do bye now w just the guild chat and do it quickly I don't think u should be playing the game or some people think micro managing is the way to go.

    You are that 1% of players playing the game who dont understand nothing about it. So its up to you to have an opnion based on your experience and knowledge. Its like an kitten - evwrbody has one, but some are just full of ...

    For me this video does adress the real problems the longterm players have...i am playing this game since day one and i do agree with McMoles video in 90% of things said in it.

    Still i dont see the devs or CG reply to this on proper manner. They need to adress this issues or they will loose a bunch of players on this platform.

    It feels like they are stuck and do only the things that bring them enormus profits without making the game better but only makin it more expensive and full of bugs and glitches...

    Its still my fave rpg game and i have invested time and miney in it...

    Really? Why did u even respond ? Don't even know how to respond but I'm going to go easy on u . It is not my opinion that a company that puts out a product wants to make money it's life everything that they have done good or bad is in pursuit of not only making money but making a profit. There is no gear and zeta crunch because if u are not given what u want the solution buy crystals to buy gear u need. If u want more zeta buy ship packs to get better in fleet than can buy zetas more frequently. If u are a long term player and can't understand that this game like 99% of games are structured to make money u might want to consider not playing a freemium game.
  • Options
    sho wrote: »
    U can give everybody everything they want and there will still be complaints. The one that I just can't understand is the time constraint of the game. What? The reason this game take along time is because the player playing it want to spend that time playing it. There is no gun to people's head forcing them. One can cite all sort of arguments about how they will fall behind or they won't get a certain character right away the answer to that is; so. Get it next time u want a company who is in the business to make money not do so buy not given u a reason to spend it. The reason u get gear u don't need is to pompt u to buy some. The zeta' s are to better a character than normal so why would they make it easy to obtain. Back to time constraint especially in the battles if filling platoons is not something u can do bye now w just the guild chat and do it quickly I don't think u should be playing the game or some people think micro managing is the way to go.

    You are that 1% of players playing the game who dont understand nothing about it. So its up to you to have an opnion based on your experience and knowledge. Its like an kitten - evwrbody has one, but some are just full of ...

    For me this video does adress the real problems the longterm players have...i am playing this game since day one and i do agree with McMoles video in 90% of things said in it.

    Still i dont see the devs or CG reply to this on proper manner. They need to adress this issues or they will loose a bunch of players on this platform.

    It feels like they are stuck and do only the things that bring them enormus profits without making the game better but only makin it more expensive and full of bugs and glitches...

    Its still my fave rpg game and i have invested time and miney in it...
    sho wrote: »
    U can give everybody everything they want and there will still be complaints. The one that I just can't understand is the time constraint of the game. What? The reason this game take along time is because the player playing it want to spend that time playing it. There is no gun to people's head forcing them. One can cite all sort of arguments about how they will fall behind or they won't get a certain character right away the answer to that is; so. Get it next time u want a company who is in the business to make money not do so buy not given u a reason to spend it. The reason u get gear u don't need is to pompt u to buy some. The zeta' s are to better a character than normal so why would they make it easy to obtain. Back to time constraint especially in the battles if filling platoons is not something u can do bye now w just the guild chat and do it quickly I don't think u should be playing the game or some people think micro managing is the way to go.

    You are that 1% of players playing the game who dont understand nothing about it. So its up to you to have an opnion based on your experience and knowledge. Its like an kitten - evwrbody has one, but some are just full of ...

    For me this video does adress the real problems the longterm players have...i am playing this game since day one and i do agree with McMoles video in 90% of things said in it.

    Still i dont see the devs or CG reply to this on proper manner. They need to adress this issues or they will loose a bunch of players on this platform.

    It feels like they are stuck and do only the things that bring them enormus profits without making the game better but only makin it more expensive and full of bugs and glitches...

    Its still my fave rpg game and i have invested time and miney in it...

    Really? Why did u even respond ? Don't even know how to respond but I'm going to go easy on u . It is not my opinion that a company that puts out a product wants to make money it's life everything that they have done good or bad is in pursuit of not only making money but making a profit. There is no gear and zeta crunch because if u are not given what u want the solution buy crystals to buy gear u need. If u want more zeta buy ship packs to get better in fleet than can buy zetas more frequently. If u are a long term player and can't understand that this game like 99% of games are structured to make money u might want to consider not playing a freemium game.

    And freemium games weren't always run like this either, and many still aren't. But, this is Star Wars and apparently that's a free pass to do whatever they want. The fact that people can find this acceptable, and don't see the difference between making a profit and making a profit at all costs, is why this part of this discussion is even taking place. Yes, addressing some of the issues outlined in the video could potentially be at the expense of potential revenue, but overall customer satisfaction would undoubtedly increase across the board, well, maybe with a few absolutely insane outliers that enjoy a good 5-10 year repetitive grind.
  • Options
    snowhut wrote: »
    sho wrote: »
    U can give everybody everything they want and there will still be complaints. The one that I just can't understand is the time constraint of the game. What? The reason this game take along time is because the player playing it want to spend that time playing it. There is no gun to people's head forcing them. One can cite all sort of arguments about how they will fall behind or they won't get a certain character right away the answer to that is; so. Get it next time u want a company who is in the business to make money not do so buy not given u a reason to spend it. The reason u get gear u don't need is to pompt u to buy some. The zeta' s are to better a character than normal so why would they make it easy to obtain. Back to time constraint especially in the battles if filling platoons is not something u can do bye now w just the guild chat and do it quickly I don't think u should be playing the game or some people think micro managing is the way to go.

    You are that 1% of players playing the game who dont understand nothing about it. So its up to you to have an opnion based on your experience and knowledge. Its like an kitten - evwrbody has one, but some are just full of ...

    For me this video does adress the real problems the longterm players have...i am playing this game since day one and i do agree with McMoles video in 90% of things said in it.

    Still i dont see the devs or CG reply to this on proper manner. They need to adress this issues or they will loose a bunch of players on this platform.

    It feels like they are stuck and do only the things that bring them enormus profits without making the game better but only makin it more expensive and full of bugs and glitches...

    Its still my fave rpg game and i have invested time and miney in it...
    sho wrote: »
    U can give everybody everything they want and there will still be complaints. The one that I just can't understand is the time constraint of the game. What? The reason this game take along time is because the player playing it want to spend that time playing it. There is no gun to people's head forcing them. One can cite all sort of arguments about how they will fall behind or they won't get a certain character right away the answer to that is; so. Get it next time u want a company who is in the business to make money not do so buy not given u a reason to spend it. The reason u get gear u don't need is to pompt u to buy some. The zeta' s are to better a character than normal so why would they make it easy to obtain. Back to time constraint especially in the battles if filling platoons is not something u can do bye now w just the guild chat and do it quickly I don't think u should be playing the game or some people think micro managing is the way to go.

    You are that 1% of players playing the game who dont understand nothing about it. So its up to you to have an opnion based on your experience and knowledge. Its like an kitten - evwrbody has one, but some are just full of ...

    For me this video does adress the real problems the longterm players have...i am playing this game since day one and i do agree with McMoles video in 90% of things said in it.

    Still i dont see the devs or CG reply to this on proper manner. They need to adress this issues or they will loose a bunch of players on this platform.

    It feels like they are stuck and do only the things that bring them enormus profits without making the game better but only makin it more expensive and full of bugs and glitches...

    Its still my fave rpg game and i have invested time and miney in it...

    Really? Why did u even respond ? Don't even know how to respond but I'm going to go easy on u . It is not my opinion that a company that puts out a product wants to make money it's life everything that they have done good or bad is in pursuit of not only making money but making a profit. There is no gear and zeta crunch because if u are not given what u want the solution buy crystals to buy gear u need. If u want more zeta buy ship packs to get better in fleet than can buy zetas more frequently. If u are a long term player and can't understand that this game like 99% of games are structured to make money u might want to consider not playing a freemium game.

    And freemium games weren't always run like this either, and many still aren't. But, this is Star Wars and apparently that's a free pass to do whatever they want. The fact that people can find this acceptable, and don't see the difference between making a profit and making a profit at all costs, is why this part of this discussion is even taking place. Yes, addressing some of the issues outlined in the video could potentially be at the expense of potential revenue, but overall customer satisfaction would undoubtedly increase across the board, well, maybe with a few absolutely insane outliers that enjoy a good 5-10 year repetitive grind.

    Run like what? Wanting to make money " at all cost" quit being dramatic. The video addresses what exactly want stuff given to people free cause again there is no gear crunch no zeta crunch cause if u want them u freaking by them or wait till u get them free. All the video did was complain about stuff that can be resolved by simply spending that dollar there should be a separation between those that spend and those who don't they should get the gear first. Addressing nothing in that video would accomplish nothing cause again if I want gear buy some csytral and buy that gear buy the ship shards get that arena fleet and buy zeta when I was getting 800 in fleet currency that a zeta every three days .
  • OldGreyBeard
    32 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Interesting video and perhaps worth a listen. Could have come across slightly better but the frustration is heard and the points are worth discussing.
    Post edited by Sunnie1978 on
    Real Old Timers and Misfits - Officer

    OldGreybeard 763-474-659
  • sho
    39 posts Member
    sho wrote: »
    U can give everybody everything they want and there will still be complaints. The one that I just can't understand is the time constraint of the game. What? The reason this game take along time is because the player playing it want to spend that time playing it. There is no gun to people's head forcing them. One can cite all sort of arguments about how they will fall behind or they won't get a certain character right away the answer to that is; so. Get it next time u want a company who is in the business to make money not do so buy not given u a reason to spend it. The reason u get gear u don't need is to pompt u to buy some. The zeta' s are to better a character than normal so why would they make it easy to obtain. Back to time constraint especially in the battles if filling platoons is not something u can do bye now w just the guild chat and do it quickly I don't think u should be playing the game or some people think micro managing is the way to go.

    You are that 1% of players playing the game who dont understand nothing about it. So its up to you to have an opnion based on your experience and knowledge. Its like an kitten - evwrbody has one, but some are just full of ...

    For me this video does adress the real problems the longterm players have...i am playing this game since day one and i do agree with McMoles video in 90% of things said in it.

    Still i dont see the devs or CG reply to this on proper manner. They need to adress this issues or they will loose a bunch of players on this platform.

    It feels like they are stuck and do only the things that bring them enormus profits without making the game better but only makin it more expensive and full of bugs and glitches...

    Its still my fave rpg game and i have invested time and miney in it...
    sho wrote: »
    U can give everybody everything they want and there will still be complaints. The one that I just can't understand is the time constraint of the game. What? The reason this game take along time is because the player playing it want to spend that time playing it. There is no gun to people's head forcing them. One can cite all sort of arguments about how they will fall behind or they won't get a certain character right away the answer to that is; so. Get it next time u want a company who is in the business to make money not do so buy not given u a reason to spend it. The reason u get gear u don't need is to pompt u to buy some. The zeta' s are to better a character than normal so why would they make it easy to obtain. Back to time constraint especially in the battles if filling platoons is not something u can do bye now w just the guild chat and do it quickly I don't think u should be playing the game or some people think micro managing is the way to go.

    You are that 1% of players playing the game who dont understand nothing about it. So its up to you to have an opnion based on your experience and knowledge. Its like an kitten - evwrbody has one, but some are just full of ...

    For me this video does adress the real problems the longterm players have...i am playing this game since day one and i do agree with McMoles video in 90% of things said in it.

    Still i dont see the devs or CG reply to this on proper manner. They need to adress this issues or they will loose a bunch of players on this platform.

    It feels like they are stuck and do only the things that bring them enormus profits without making the game better but only makin it more expensive and full of bugs and glitches...

    Its still my fave rpg game and i have invested time and miney in it...

    Really? Why did u even respond ? Don't even know how to respond but I'm going to go easy on u . It is not my opinion that a company that puts out a product wants to make money it's life everything that they have done good or bad is in pursuit of not only making money but making a profit. There is no gear and zeta crunch because if u are not given what u want the solution buy crystals to buy gear u need. If u want more zeta buy ship packs to get better in fleet than can buy zetas more frequently. If u are a long term player and can't understand that this game like 99% of games are structured to make money u might want to consider not playing a freemium game.

    Take a chill pill man... you think you are smart but you cant see whats in front of you. Yes i do spend couple of dollars per month on the game but it still is what it is...and thats what McMole pointed out...
    Maybee you should leave it be because you dont seem to get it ....remeber everyone else seems to get it but not you.
    Its ok, you will get better some day. Kisses and hugs and much love to you.
    ...and dont forget if everyone sees it then it must be there...

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    sho wrote: »
    sho wrote: »
    U can give everybody everything they want and there will still be complaints. The one that I just can't understand is the time constraint of the game. What? The reason this game take along time is because the player playing it want to spend that time playing it. There is no gun to people's head forcing them. One can cite all sort of arguments about how they will fall behind or they won't get a certain character right away the answer to that is; so. Get it next time u want a company who is in the business to make money not do so buy not given u a reason to spend it. The reason u get gear u don't need is to pompt u to buy some. The zeta' s are to better a character than normal so why would they make it easy to obtain. Back to time constraint especially in the battles if filling platoons is not something u can do bye now w just the guild chat and do it quickly I don't think u should be playing the game or some people think micro managing is the way to go.

    You are that 1% of players playing the game who dont understand nothing about it. So its up to you to have an opnion based on your experience and knowledge. Its like an kitten - evwrbody has one, but some are just full of ...

    For me this video does adress the real problems the longterm players have...i am playing this game since day one and i do agree with McMoles video in 90% of things said in it.

    Still i dont see the devs or CG reply to this on proper manner. They need to adress this issues or they will loose a bunch of players on this platform.

    It feels like they are stuck and do only the things that bring them enormus profits without making the game better but only makin it more expensive and full of bugs and glitches...

    Its still my fave rpg game and i have invested time and miney in it...
    sho wrote: »
    U can give everybody everything they want and there will still be complaints. The one that I just can't understand is the time constraint of the game. What? The reason this game take along time is because the player playing it want to spend that time playing it. There is no gun to people's head forcing them. One can cite all sort of arguments about how they will fall behind or they won't get a certain character right away the answer to that is; so. Get it next time u want a company who is in the business to make money not do so buy not given u a reason to spend it. The reason u get gear u don't need is to pompt u to buy some. The zeta' s are to better a character than normal so why would they make it easy to obtain. Back to time constraint especially in the battles if filling platoons is not something u can do bye now w just the guild chat and do it quickly I don't think u should be playing the game or some people think micro managing is the way to go.

    You are that 1% of players playing the game who dont understand nothing about it. So its up to you to have an opnion based on your experience and knowledge. Its like an kitten - evwrbody has one, but some are just full of ...

    For me this video does adress the real problems the longterm players have...i am playing this game since day one and i do agree with McMoles video in 90% of things said in it.

    Still i dont see the devs or CG reply to this on proper manner. They need to adress this issues or they will loose a bunch of players on this platform.

    It feels like they are stuck and do only the things that bring them enormus profits without making the game better but only makin it more expensive and full of bugs and glitches...

    Its still my fave rpg game and i have invested time and miney in it...

    Really? Why did u even respond ? Don't even know how to respond but I'm going to go easy on u . It is not my opinion that a company that puts out a product wants to make money it's life everything that they have done good or bad is in pursuit of not only making money but making a profit. There is no gear and zeta crunch because if u are not given what u want the solution buy crystals to buy gear u need. If u want more zeta buy ship packs to get better in fleet than can buy zetas more frequently. If u are a long term player and can't understand that this game like 99% of games are structured to make money u might want to consider not playing a freemium game.

    Take a chill pill man... you think you are smart but you cant see whats in front of you. Yes i do spend couple of dollars per month on the game but it still is what it is...and thats what McMole pointed out...
    Maybee you should leave it be because you dont seem to get it ....remeber everyone else seems to get it but not you.
    Its ok, you will get better some day. Kisses and hugs and much love to you.
    ...and dont forget if everyone sees it then it must be there...


    I do get it and it not every one there plenty of people who "get it" as u put it . I don't think I'm no smarter than any one else and going to keep it nice since u gave me husband kisses and just say maybe u should see what is in front of your face there is nothing free or lightly given in this world as it relates to economics even when " free promotion" happens it is just to further the aim towards money and not just money but profits. The minute this game isn't profitable it done. Asking for more free stuff more gear possibilities of stuff U need is like going to a casino and asking that the slots to pay out more. Here is a solution take all of the people who don't have a gear crunch , which would be the people who keep the game going or the whales, and make everybody else gear equal to their problem solved right? Sounds kind of stupid just like not understanding gear and zeta crunch is a gate to keep the game flowing a goal in casinos it is the action or the pursuit of money in this game it's the competition or the pursuit of characters and then the subsequent pursuit to gear them up. Can that be frustrating some times sure it can but this is necessary. Everything that follow this method fall out of balance thus correction is warranted like being about to get gear from the shard shop cause before say what u will getting gear was slow since than I gotten so much more. They the developers open the gate a little to have balance and set it higher and let the game flow what I don't get why that is not seen by every body else. Thank again for the hugs and kisses I do hope u are a women but if not no judgements.
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    I didn't know this subforum existed.
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    So it has been several days and there has still be no dev response about anything in the video or what has occurred.
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    sho wrote: »
    McMole video just showed you the way most of us think...are devs going to adress this or keep ignoring him and us?
    I mean come on we all invested time and money in the game and to get such treatment in just bad... very bad...

    The silence from the devs on this and the QoL threads is deafening. One sure way to lose paying customers is to keep ignoring them.
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    So there's a follow up to this video where McMole2 admits he made mistakes and apologizes for that:
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    Globuhl wrote: »
    So there's a follow up to this video where McMole2 admits he made mistakes and apologizes for that:

    His points are still valid though, and have been brought many times in the past. Nothing even acknowledging these issues has come out from the Devs.
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    I'm confused by the whole thing with zeta materials. You can't buy them. Challenges or fleet store, that's where you get them, and has nothing to do with being free-to-play or not. There's no zeta packs for anyone to go and buy.

    I'm looking at the issue being the accessibility of zeta materials vs the number of zeta abilities on characters. Just, generically, we can farm 20 Zetas a month while CG releases, say, 4 toons a month with zeta abilities. The mats are rare and we've got to be choosy about how we use them. Fine. That then becomes - we farm 20 mats a month while CG releases 11 abilities a month. It's relative. After a couple months, then what? You just draw out a three year plan of action? It feels completely unbalanced now. There's abilities I'd love to try out, teams to experiment with, especially with territory battles, but, no way. Not even an option at this rate.
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