Adaptive F2P Guide 2.0


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    whitemeat wrote: »
    - With the new power level of EP/Vader, I think that abandoning the Wiggs team all together is the way to go. I'd rather get Phoenix to g8/9 and Ezra to g10 while focusing on farming an Empire team over farming Wedge. By abandoning Wedge early, it also lets you dump that cantina energy into TFP, which helps the R2 grind, and buffs your fleet earlier.

    If you go with a Wiggs rebel team instead of Phoenix, and make Lando and TFP your first two farms out of the cantina, then you can probably finish both before you even unlock Wedge's node depending on how much focus you put on farming out of cantina early on. It doesn't have to be one or the other.

    Now, if you do go the Phoenix route, I agree. You'll probably want to wait a bit on farming Wedge in that case.
  • Azeotrope
    58 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Kai_Mulai wrote: »
    One of my guildmates noticed an important detail from the last update: Colonel Starck is now ALWAYS in the guild store. In other words, he’s not just in the rotation; he will always show up. That makes him a prime target for farming as part of an Empire team for anyone in a guild that’s regularly doing raids and territory wars.

    How would 7 * Colonel Stark do in place of 7* Vader? I would like to get a 7* team together for the R2 event but my Thrawn is 6 * and I am worried I won't be able to get Vader to 7* because his shards are extremely rare in fleet store.

    The characters I am working on now: TFP, Stormtrooper, Tarkin. I already have EP at 7*. I think I can get the others to 7*.

    I was also thinking about Magmatrooper but have not heard good things about him for the R2 event. His shards would be more consistent because they are in GW store.

    So would it be a good idea to try and get Stark to 7* as a backup to Vader if I can't get him to 7*? I have also got some gear from this store so it would hurt not getting any gear.
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    Thank you so much for this guide! It has been making this game much more enjoyable and given much guidance, even though I ask so many questions :smile:

    Here is some feedback. I am currently level 78 and in the top 20 or 10 in arena and fleet.

    1. I would add a suggestion for starting a new account. Explain the hording phase if desired to get a head start at the beginning. Play the game up to level 27 then don't get any XP but save all the cantina and normal energy. Suggestion is to save enough energy so that you can jump from level 27 to 40 on your first couple of days. This will let you start the Galatic War. This is how I started and it put me at the top 5 arena spots for at least a couple months. Those extra crystals are extremely useful for getting the suggested three cantina and normal energy refreshes each day.

    2. Cantina Nodes: I was not able to get Lando to 5* and TFP to 4* before lvl 69 when I started to get Wedge. I also only put about a couple days of cantina energy into mods (I also unlocked almost all the mod battles which I shouldn't have spent the energy to do at the time). I think I missed only one round of credit heist tier III. After Wedge was 7* then I spent more energy on Health Mods then got Lando to 5*. I am just now working on TFP and have him only at 3* but plan to get him to 7* for Empire team (he has been on my fleet but just really weak, mainly use him to try and get target lock at the beginning of the fight)

    3. Cantina Store: Followed your order except I haven't worked on Hoth Rebel Soldier because I am doing Stroomtrooper right now for Empire team for R2 event.

    4. Squad arena store: I changed this a little because squad arena tokens are harder to get. As I said, I was in top 5 for two months and still seems to be short on arena tokens. So I went 7* Kanan then 7* STH. Since I needed another character for credit heist, I didn't get IG-88 (didn't want to spend the valuable arena credits on him) instead I got Cad Bane from the GW store.I am now in the spot of choosing between AA, Leia, and Tarkin. I use AA in fleet but probably will switch to Tarkin because I am going to 7* Tarkin for my Empire team for R2 (I wish I knew this earlier because I spend valuable fleet upgrade credits on AA's ship). Then maybe Leia for CLS.

    5. GW store: followed your advise but added Cad Bane to 5* for credit heist. Right now I am contemplating getting Magmatrooper to 7* just in case I can't get Vader to 7* but really don't know if I should.

    6. Fleet store: followed your advise here but decided not to get Scimitar ship shards (after i got about 40) because I didn't want to put more resources toward getting Darth Maul. I unlocked Bobba ship but still need more Vader ship shards. I would emphasize that you need to get Vader shards because at the beginning I didn't get them because I thought you could get most of them through achievements but now it doesn't look like I can 7* him for the R2 event.

    7. Guild Store: This has been a hard one to get the characters to the level you mention. I still only have Old Ben at 4* and Luke at 5*. Rex is at 6* and I have also been getting his shards from the fleet store. He is my arena leader so I need him 7* but it is taking forever for the shards to show up. I have not unlocked Darth Maul, partly because I am not getting his ship and partly because I need gear for my arena team.

    8. Hard nodes: followed your advise. Unlocked JC at 7* with only hard nodes but took forever. I always get FOST and HRS. I have FOST at 6* right now. I just upgraded HRS to 5* (he will take forever to get to 7* with one hard node).

    9. Guild event store: I have never bought anything from here. Just saving until I know what I want to do. Currently have 12.5k

    So I kept top 5 in arena with pheonix for a couple months. I struggled to decide when to transition into my Rex, Wiggs, Bobba, STH team. Arena started to become much more difficult to stay at the top soon after all my pheonix were 7* because others soon after were also 7* their pheonix. When I couldn't get into top 5 and it was difficult to be top 10 (because there were so many pheonix teams and pheonix vs pheonix is a pain...race against the clock) I decided to switch arena teams. I fell to the top 20 but then eventually got back to top 10 with the Rex team (much easier to kill pheonix teams now).

    Also, I think I was having a hard time staying at the top with my pheonix team because I couldn't gear them as fast as others once I hit the point they all needed tons of Mk 5 Stun Guns. I was preparing my Rex team instead of putting all resources into gearing my pheonix team more.

    I haven't even thought about First Order or Resistance. Focusing on Empire team now.
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    Naraic, I am in your Arena shard! We are in the same boat with the same plans (Phoenix->empire). I am extremely curious to see how things change in our middle-game meta - will we get so many switches to Empire that something else like Nightsister/FO takes over? Or will Phoenix/Wiggs continue to be strong?

    I'm looking forward to seeing what happens. Do you know if our shard has a discord server?
  • Naraic
    2243 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Glauron wrote: »
    Naraic, I am in your Arena shard! We are in the same boat with the same plans (Phoenix->empire). I am extremely curious to see how things change in our middle-game meta - will we get so many switches to Empire that something else like Nightsister/FO takes over? Or will Phoenix/Wiggs continue to be strong?

    I'm looking forward to seeing what happens. Do you know if our shard has a discord server?

    Well Vader Palpatine counters nightsisters hard

    We've a small discord server theres only 4 or 5 in there, here is an invite link

    What's your name in game?

    A Wiggs rebels team gives Vader at least 40 speed. Actually I'm thinking that the top rebel meta in mid game may be aa lead as the extra speed counters Vader unique and tenacity will help resist a big force crush other mass debuff and culling blade to kill someone.
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    Azeotrope wrote: »
    1. I would add a suggestion for starting a new account. Explain the hording phase if desired to get a head start at the beginning. Play the game up to level 27 then don't get any XP but save all the cantina and normal energy. Suggestion is to save enough energy so that you can jump from level 27 to 40 on your first couple of days. This will let you start the Galatic War. This is how I started and it put me at the top 5 arena spots for at least a couple months. Those extra crystals are extremely useful for getting the suggested three cantina and normal energy refreshes each day.

    I am somewhat tempted to reroll because I didn't horde the first time around and so that I can go straight to Empire after Phoenix instead of wasting resources preparing for Rex/Wiggs.

    The problem is not knowing when the events are. Depending on when the next EP and Thrawn events happen, this strategy could go great or it could go horribly wrong.
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    so that I can go straight to Empire after Phoenix instead of wasting resources preparing for Rex/Wiggs.

    I don't think it was a waste at all. My Biggs' ship is probably my MVP. I also have Wedge's ship and Bobba's ship. So preparing my arena team has really helped my fleet.
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    Biggs, STH, and Boba are not wastes, you need them anyway, but the one that bugs me is Rex especially since that store competes with so many other things.
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    Biggs, STH, and Boba are not wastes, you need them anyway, but the one that bugs me is Rex especially since that store competes with so many other things.

    Believe it or not, Rex is probably the only constant "strong" character used since his itroduction 2 years ago. Currently with all NS/CLS/RJT/Sith is still 5th most used leader, bear in mind that is w/o having any zeta ability. HE can be easily farmed and geared. It was like this since I started playing over a year ago. You might not believe me, but facts speak for themselves. I'm not saying he is indispensable, but in our current rebel/crit based meta, he is the best solution for a f2p player.
    From my experience - I ran a variation's of Rex since I reached 75lvl and never used anything else in arena. I survived CLS, Thrawn, OG Han, NS, Zaul meta's using him. It's just a matter how you use him.
    On this new Vader rework - it's nice and all, but for full power they need zeta's, so I wouldn't bank on Sith ruling mid game. And a team of Rex, Boba, STH(OB), Wiggs will handle any Empire/debuff based team with ease.
    Ppl aren't to fond of Rex, because... he's just a trooper, nothing flashy or well known.
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    That is good to know, thank you. It's outside of the scope of this guide, but do you have any advice on where to head after Rex, Boba, STH(OB), Wiggs? TIA
  • Naraic
    2243 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    On this new Vader rework - it's nice and all, but for full power they need zeta's, so I wouldn't bank on Sith ruling mid game. And a team of Rex, Boba, STH(OB), Wiggs will handle any Empire/debuff based team with ease.
    Ppl aren't to fond of Rex, because... he's just a trooper, nothing flashy or well known.

    Maybe you are right. I think it's all about timing.

    If you have Thrawn Palpatine Vader all at 7 stars now you have a good empire core. I think empire is the perfect mid game because I have the core ready. If I started two weeks later I would have a 5 or 6 star thrawn instead of a 7 star.

    While you say Palpatine/Vader needs zetas to be fully effective I would agree however the changes from before are pretty massive

    1. 80-100 or so speed (empire team facing either rex lead with wiggs and sth or ob or rex lead facing wiggs and rebels)
    2 . Damage boost (I believe 15% on basic 25% on culling blade)
    3. Force crush can't be countered which sucks for phoenix teams.

    1. Crackling doom has been upgraded significantly

    I fully understand that I may be getting caught up in excitement of having thrawn Palpatine and Vader good to go.
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    That is good to know, thank you. It's outside of the scope of this guide, but do you have any advice on where to head after Rex, Boba, STH(OB), Wiggs? TIA

    This is the exact team I have been using. I actually just got the rewards for rank 4 in both squad and fleet arena.

    I am also interested in this transition. I am going to try and get R2D2 which sounds like an awesome character. Maybe replace Boba with R2....?

    There is one team at the top of my arena with Wiggs, Ezra, and Chaze. His Chaze characters are only 4 and 5 star but he still is in the top. I had Chirrut as my first chromium pull but have never used him once I got pheonix group together. Baze is just too hard to get right now.

    I also wonder how much to invest in Wiggs and Rex. Will I use them forever, lol?
  • Naraic
    2243 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Azeotrope wrote: »
    I also wonder how much to invest in Wiggs and Rex. Will I use them forever, lol?

    Wiggs and red are characters that you can use long term in a lot of different game modes.

    Wiggs is a pair that you can use in a lot of situations even after you stop using them in arena so keep investing in them.

    You can have a cls team with cls Wiggs r2d2 and thrawn with r2d2 using stealth to juggle damage.

    They can be core of a good second team for lstb after you have jtr and replace them in arena.

    Territory war.

    You can solo rancour in 10 minutes with Wiggs and cls (and no 4th or 5th though red as a 4th would actually help).

    Rex is in a lot of rancour solo teams too.

    There's an argument that there is no wasted gear in them. Especially since you can use them in ships too. Biggs is currently end game ships meta. Wedge isn't a bad replacement at any level to choose to use.
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    I would like to know is wiggs + chaze + Ezra (later R2) strong enough to fight those empire. I am finishing Phoenix soon and I am choosing between empire and the above them.
    If I go for empire, I could concentrate on building my fleet because I am doing better in that arena (#3). But my thrawn is 5* only and I am not sure I could 7* EP, also I never see Vader shard in store.
    But I get baze in my first pull and I heard chaze are good even at low star. That's why I didn't farm Rex because I want to fit in wiggs and chaze make good use of my best Ezra.
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    Naraic wrote: »
    On this new Vader rework - it's nice and all, but for full power they need zeta's, so I wouldn't bank on Sith ruling mid game. And a team of Rex, Boba, STH(OB), Wiggs will handle any Empire/debuff based team with ease.
    Ppl aren't to fond of Rex, because... he's just a trooper, nothing flashy or well known.

    I fully understand that I may be getting caught up in excitement of having thrawn Palpatine and Vader good to go.

    You're right with everything you said. Soon you'll find out that at end game arena everybody can win against everyone else, there is no surefire defensive squad, especially once you get any legendary/hero journey characters.
    I would probably also go for Empire/Sith if I had Thrawn like you do at this stage. It's jsut a matter of what characters you have at your disposal.
    Azeotrope wrote: »
    That is good to know, thank you. It's outside of the scope of this guide, but do you have any advice on where to head after Rex, Boba, STH(OB), Wiggs? TIA

    This is the exact team I have been using. I actually just got the rewards for rank 4 in both squad and fleet arena.

    I am also interested in this transition. I am going to try and get R2D2 which sounds like an awesome character. Maybe replace Boba with R2....?

    I also wonder how much to invest in Wiggs and Rex. Will I use them forever, lol?

    To upgrade you can choose from R2D2, OG Han, Thrawn, OB, General Kenobi. All depends on what you get and how fast. Zeta skills play a huge role in choosing a team. ANy of these characters (including initial team youmentioned) can be maxed out (g12) since they will be used in Territory Battles, fleet arena, Territory Wars or raids. Literally everyone of these 10 will be very useful later on.
    Chupika wrote: »
    I would like to know is wiggs + chaze + Ezra (later R2) strong enough to fight those empire. I am finishing Phoenix soon and I am choosing between empire and the above them.
    If I go for empire, I could concentrate on building my fleet because I am doing better in that arena (#3). But my thrawn is 5* only and I am not sure I could 7* EP, also I never see Vader shard in store.
    But I get baze in my first pull and I heard chaze are good even at low star. That's why I didn't farm Rex because I want to fit in wiggs and chaze make good use of my best Ezra.

    Yes, that team should fare quite well, they have a lot of passive healing that wouldhelp them recover from initial Vader attack. Any legendary unit, even at 5*, is better than a normal 7* one, so Thrawn or R2 shoudl be slotted in as soon as you gear them up.
    For tanks like Baze most important is to get them geared up. They gain 7k+ protection with each lvl. I think you did a good job choosing to go a different route.Remember that you can give tenacity up to your team using Chirrut's special. Usually ppl use it as a heal, but against debuffers tenacity up helps more.
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    wawrzon wrote: »
    I would probably also go for Empire/Sith if I had Thrawn like you do at this stage. It's jsut a matter of what characters you have at your disposal.

    Well, i've just started my second account and i'm playing for fun and without one of those phoenix guides, which i already follow with my other account. Is there any good dark side team i can build with these characters for the beginning?! Right now i'm around rank 450. Here's my link:
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    wawrzon wrote: »
    Any legendary unit, even at 5*, is better than a normal 7* one, so Thrawn or R2 shoudl be slotted in as soon as you gear them up.

    So my arena team is Rex, Wiggs, Bobba, STH. Should I replace one of them since I have Thrawn 6*? I haven't been using him. Which character would be best to replace if that is a good idea?

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    Azeotrope wrote: »
    wawrzon wrote: »
    Any legendary unit, even at 5*, is better than a normal 7* one, so Thrawn or R2 shoudl be slotted in as soon as you gear them up.

    So my arena team is Rex, Wiggs, Bobba, STH. Should I replace one of them since I have Thrawn 6*? I haven't been using him. Which character would be best to replace if that is a good idea?

    My guess would be boba. One of boba's best features is that you can fire ability block and hope it stops taunt/drain force etc. Thrawns fracture would have a similar but more guaranteed effect.
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    Naraic wrote: »
    Azeotrope wrote: »
    wawrzon wrote: »
    Any legendary unit, even at 5*, is better than a normal 7* one, so Thrawn or R2 shoudl be slotted in as soon as you gear them up.

    So my arena team is Rex, Wiggs, Bobba, STH. Should I replace one of them since I have Thrawn 6*? I haven't been using him. Which character would be best to replace if that is a good idea?

    My guess would be boba. One of boba's best features is that you can fire ability block and hope it stops taunt/drain force etc. Thrawns fracture would have a similar but more guaranteed effect.

    Yeah, when I thought about it, I thought the same thing. Would be really good against Pheonix. I could fracture Ezra and kill Chopper. Then use my STH taunt and not worry about it being broken.
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    Azeotrope wrote: »
    wawrzon wrote: »
    Any legendary unit, even at 5*, is better than a normal 7* one, so Thrawn or R2 shoudl be slotted in as soon as you gear them up.

    So my arena team is Rex, Wiggs, Bobba, STH. Should I replace one of them since I have Thrawn 6*? I haven't been using him. Which character would be best to replace if that is a good idea?

    Yes, Thrawn is a much better option than Boba, especially against countering opponents like phoenix, R1. His fracture is unavoidable and goes through foresight. You can also use his second special to swap TM with STH, then he taunts giving 20% TM to all and Thrawn goes again immediatelly (whole team as well). Thrawns kit is arguably the best under AI as well, so it's a great solution to put in squad. Boba can be great against some matchups when you need aoe or ability blocks like NS.
    wawrzon wrote: »
    I would probably also go for Empire/Sith if I had Thrawn like you do at this stage. It's jsut a matter of what characters you have at your disposal.

    Well, i've just started my second account and i'm playing for fun and without one of those phoenix guides, which i already follow with my other account. Is there any good dark side team i can build with these characters for the beginning?! Right now i'm around rank 450. Here's my link:

    Best team you can field is Vader (L), TFP, Sidious, Stormtrooper, Dooku. Going forward you can also use Royal Guard as a tank (against much faster opponents).
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    This guide and thread have been really helpful for playing and enjoying this game. Thank you everyone.

    Question on mods - on my Phoenix squad I did the health mod tier 3 challenge a bunch of times and used those to outfit my team. Now that I am transitioning to my mid game team (probably Empire), I was wondering, is that still the best approach, or at this point do you start getting more nuanced with all the different types available? Or is that more of an end game stage project?
  • Naraic
    2243 posts Member
    This guide and thread have been really helpful for playing and enjoying this game. Thank you everyone.

    Question on mods - on my Phoenix squad I did the health mod tier 3 challenge a bunch of times and used those to outfit my team. Now that I am transitioning to my mid game team (probably Empire), I was wondering, is that still the best approach, or at this point do you start getting more nuanced with all the different types available? Or is that more of an end game stage project?

    To me you should start farming critical chance mods second. 90% of characters late game should have either a critical chance mod set a critical damage mod set or a speed mod set.

    The scoundrels you use for credit heist should be able to do critical chance challenge so that would be my second challenge.
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    Azeotrope wrote: »

    There is one team at the top of my arena with Wiggs, Ezra, and Chaze. His Chaze characters are only 4 and 5 star but he still is in the top. I had Chirrut as my first chromium pull but have never used him once I got pheonix group together. Baze is just too hard to get right now.

    That's me, it have worked really well until the recent Palp/vader rework, the last few days we have had a lot of new people in the top, I manage to kill the phoenix team thats in the top with 15k more GP then me, but I'm having a hard time with the new empire teams...

    Baze is a really slow farm from Shipmenst 150 crystals for 3 shards and he share the spot with all other Rouge 1 characters so he don't show up to often.
  • Naraic
    2243 posts Member
    There's one guy in my shard that is about 5 levels behind the rest of the shard that pulled himself upto top 10 since the Vader Palpatine rework. Sometimes moving with the meta makes a bigger difference than anything else.
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    What’s the best Empire team to run at level 66?

    Is it even viable at 66 when the opponents are NS & Phoenix with Chaze/Wiggs coming thru the ranks?

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    Should I farm Lando at cantina note 1-E or 5-F?
  • Azeotrope
    58 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Ez0ghul wrote: »

    That's me, it have worked really well until the recent Palp/vader rework, the last few days we have had a lot of new people in the top, I manage to kill the phoenix team thats in the top with 15k more GP then me, but I'm having a hard time with the new empire teams...

    @Ez0ghul Have you found a discord for our arena shard?
  • Naraic
    2243 posts Member
    Should I farm Lando at cantina note 1-E or 5-F?

  • BiigsBob
    13 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Should I farm Lando at cantina note 1-E or 5-F?


    I had same question when I first started this game, but extra credit or exp are not worth it.

    What’s the best Empire team to run at level 66?

    Is it even viable at 66 when the opponents are NS & Phoenix with Chaze/Wiggs coming thru the ranks?

    It depends what your situation is.

    If you have EP and Vader, yes it's viable against NS and other phoenix.

    If you''ve been following this guide, your empire only squad will be like EP, Vader, TFP, Thrawn, Stormtrooper/RG, but at lv 66 you might not have those toon ready.

    At your level I recommend to stick to the guide and Phoenix. (You will be farming for Wedge soon or drop wedge and go for the full empire)

  • Options
    This guide and thread have been really helpful for playing and enjoying this game. Thank you everyone.

    Question on mods - on my Phoenix squad I did the health mod tier 3 challenge a bunch of times and used those to outfit my team. Now that I am transitioning to my mid game team (probably Empire), I was wondering, is that still the best approach, or at this point do you start getting more nuanced with all the different types available? Or is that more of an end game stage project?

    IMO you might consider other types of mods saving for later. Health Mods should be fine at your stage(secondary speed stats important.try to mod all your arena characters at least 60 speeds+) and think there's other toons to farm at cantina at your current situation.

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