Version update 11/22 MEGA


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    It's obvious they weren't happy with the large number who got CLS. I think it is what it is.
  • Viserys
    461 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Many players are preparing right now, to ramp up for a panic farm on the Veteran Smugglers - this is for the vast majority of players, a farm for which money spending (buying crystals or packs) will be mandatory.

    It's not my favorite thing that the Vets are both on 16 energy cantina nodes, but you know -- fine. I can live with that, but the real danger here is that CG is baiting players into a planning a money-mandatory farm on absolute speculation of the exact parameters of that farm. How much time do we have? People are assuming we have enough to finish it with refreshes. How highly starred do the vets need to be? People are assuming we need them at 7. People are certainly assuming we have to have the vets for the event (this seems a relatively safe assumption at this point)

    When CG does finally actual divulge the requirements for this farm, if they cut the legs off players who planned and started a money-mandatory farm to get these Vets (surprise, you have only two weeks!) you're going to start a nuclear eruption that will make the CHS 7* thing seem small.

    Many players don't mind spending some for major milestones and events, but asking players to plan money expenditure on conjecture is extremely dangerous. CG needs to divulge what the time frame for the event is before players start pulling the trigger on this farm. They need to feed more information, tell us what the packs will be soon.
    Post edited by Kozispoon on
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    Preach!!!! Don't forget BB 8. If we farm vets, and need them, cool. What if we need BB 8 and don't have a chance before Rey?
  • ChaosDragoon
    41 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    What is want to know is- why didn't they make those qol updates worldwide? What's so special about Poland?!?!

    Whole update is worlwide, but its not out yet. We have downloaded the patch but the update is not active yet. Sometime today they should push a client restart and it should be active for everyone.
    Post edited by ChaosDragoon on
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    I’m getting the vets to 7* without spending money. I’ve been using all of my daily crystal rewards to buy shards. If they aren’t a requirement, I’ll be disappointed at the huge waste of my time and resources. But I gambled on their being a requirement and have been preparing.

    If I had waited for official confirmation, it would be too late to do it for free.
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    Complaint with this version since update pushed today:

    Running iOS 11.1.1
    iPhone 6s Plus

    Previous to the update, if I sat my phone down mid-battle, and my phone went to sleep, I could pick it up and the battle I was in would be paused. Specifically, in GW, as it takes the most time to complete.

    Now, if I let my phone go to sleep, when I wake it, I am greeted with the app's intro splash screen.

    No bueno. In one GW run, I've had to double play 3 nodes because of this.
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    That's why I am not spending any money until the details are known. I have learned a lot over the past two years of playing this game:

    1) Don't spend money if you don't have a plan.
    2) Don't spend money if you don't have specific and clear requirements officially stated.
    3) Don't spend money if the character/gear you are spending it on will only be useful for one part of the game.
    4) When in doubt abide by 1-3 above - but only the part before the "if".

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Snake2
    1455 posts Member
    This game used to be a fun strategy game. At some point it turned into a guessing game about which month long farms you need to do to stay competitive.
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    Yes that's part of my point. The ball is now rolling (as kicked off by the update). Players know they cannot wait for info because each day they wait the less likely they are to be able to complete it in time. The window is closing fast to make this information clear before possible consequences accrue.
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    Viserys wrote: »
    Many players are preparing right now, to ramp up for a panic farm on the Veteran Smugglers - this is for the vast majority of players, a farm for which money spending (buying crystals or packs) will be mandatory.

    It's not my favorite thing that the Vets are both on 16 energy cantina nodes, but you know -- fine. I can live with that, but the real danger here is that CG is baiting players into a planning a money-mandatory farm on absolute speculation of the exact parameters of that farm. How much time do we have? People are assuming we have enough to finish it with refreshes. How highly starred do the vets need to be? People are assuming we need them at 7. People are certainly assuming we have to have the vets for the event (this seems a relatively safe assumption at this point)

    When CG does finally actual divulge the requirements for this farm, if they cut the legs off players who planned and started a money-mandatory farm to get these Vets (surprise, you have only two weeks!) you're going to start a nuclear eruption that will make the CHS 7* thing seem small.

    Many players don't mind spending some for major milestones and events, but asking players to plan money expenditure on conjecture is extremely dangerous. CG needs to divulge what the time frame for the event is before players start pulling the trigger on this farm. They need to feed more information, tell us what the packs will be soon.

    @CG_Kozispoon @CG_RyDiggs @CG_TopHat @CG_JohnSalera @CG_Carrie
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
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    The panic farming tactic from EA is just a giant kitten you in the [redacted] to their customers.
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    You can always get her the second time around. I waited months for a 7* Thrawn.
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    Whole update is worlwide, but its not out yet. We have downloaded the patch but the update is not active yet. Sometime today they should push a client restart and it should be active for everyonw

    this is true. Thanks

  • Gawejn
    1142 posts Member
    Finally good post about Vets and requirments for new Rey event. CG should give info about what will be needed.
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    dad2my3 wrote: »
    You can always get her the second time around. I waited months for a 7* Thrawn.

    This is far too reasonable a response. ;)
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    Judging by the last heroes journey, we will need 7*.
  • DBane
    56 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    dad2my3 wrote: »
    I’m getting the vets to 7* without spending money. I’ve been using all of my daily crystal rewards to buy shards. If they aren’t a requirement, I’ll be disappointed at the huge waste of my time and resources. But I gambled on their being a requirement and have been preparing.

    If I had waited for official confirmation, it would be too late to do it for free.

    holy guacamole you are officially the "Vegan" of this forum. Telling everybody in each single thread related to the topic vets, that you spent all your efforts on them beforehand even though nobody asked.

    I mean well done and great achievement but do you think its necessary to mention in each single discussion? The issue is still valid for like 99,99% of the playerbase

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    “Make mine a double”

    -a reference to the Christmas bonus after tricking us all into farming vets to 7* before releasing the “real” required toons for Rey.
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    dad2my3 wrote: »
    You can always get her the second time around. I waited months for a 7* Thrawn.

    Considering all the requirements for dark side TB that need to be farmed, I agree - Rey can wait. Farming the vets also means giving up or minimizing mod farming, and now quite a bit of my roster needs better mods because of TW and DSTB. Just not good timing for Rey.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
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    This post absolutely will be removed or move to somewhere else.
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    dad2my3 wrote: »
    You can always get her the second time around. I waited months for a 7* Thrawn.

    You're right. I could.

    But if I spend money to get her, and then I can't because the actual requirements were obfuscated and have to get her the second time around (which is likely to be six months down the line) I'd have a reasonable cause to be angry I think.
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    Just playing devil's advocate, but until it's officially stated, this is a player induced panic farm.

    In other words....chill out, bruh.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Viserys wrote: »
    dad2my3 wrote: »
    You can always get her the second time around. I waited months for a 7* Thrawn.

    You're right. I could.

    But if I spend money to get her, and then I can't because the actual requirements were obfuscated and have to get her the second time around (which is likely to be six months down the line) I'd have a reasonable cause to be angry I think.

    This is already shaping up to be something similar to the "5* wait 7*!" HRS requirement.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Anyone have some ideas? I’m thinking Finn, Poe, bb8, vet han and vet chewie. Bb8 is a given, so is Finn, but vets are pretty much speculation at this point.

    Anyone have some ideas on who else if it isn the vets? I’m trying to prepare for everything
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    This is already shaping up to be something similar to the "5* wait 7*!" HRS requirement.

    It is. The grave danger comes from players committing resources (especially money) to something and then the parameters change. CG needs to define what the parameters of this farm *are* and not allow the players to all individually assume what they will be. This is why they got burned on 7* CHS. They accidentally let out one set of parameters through the promotional media for TB and then after players started to move and commit, they're like "No it's this."
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    It’s going to be the vets. I believe that was confirmed by data miners who find the requirements for all the other events we have seen.
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    Putnam wrote: »
    Anyone have some ideas? I’m thinking Finn, Poe, bb8, vet han and vet chewie. Bb8 is a given, so is Finn, but vets are pretty much speculation at this point.

    Anyone have some ideas on who else if it isn the vets? I’m trying to prepare for everything

    Don't forget Scavenger Rey.

    I'm skeptical you'll need Poe because Rey and Poe don't interact in TFA - but it doesn't hurt to be prepared if having at Poe at 7* doesn't interfere with the more likely reqs.
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    You left out Rey, but I assume you have her. The only other credible possibility I've seen is the Millenium Falcon.
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    It's Rey not Poe. They didn't have any interactions at all..
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    Viserys wrote: »
    Many players are preparing right now, to ramp up for a panic farm on the Veteran Smugglers - this is for the vast majority of players, a farm for which money spending (buying crystals or packs) will be mandatory.

    It's not my favorite thing that the Vets are both on 16 energy cantina nodes, but you know -- fine. I can live with that, but the real danger here is that CG is baiting players into a planning a money-mandatory farm on absolute speculation of the exact parameters of that farm. How much time do we have? People are assuming we have enough to finish it with refreshes. How highly starred do the vets need to be? People are assuming we need them at 7. People are certainly assuming we have to have the vets for the event (this seems a relatively safe assumption at this point)

    When CG does finally actual divulge the requirements for this farm, if they cut the legs off players who planned and started a money-mandatory farm to get these Vets (surprise, you have only two weeks!) you're going to start a nuclear eruption that will make the CHS 7* thing seem small.

    Many players don't mind spending some for major milestones and events, but asking players to plan money expenditure on conjecture is extremely dangerous. CG needs to divulge what the time frame for the event is before players start pulling the trigger on this farm. They need to feed more information, tell us what the packs will be soon.

    100% agree with your points. I will farm them and take the risk, I've hammered myself to get First Order sorted and ready for the next BB8 but all of this takes its toll on players. I missed CLS (which is fine, I've not even been playing a year) but I've found it hard to keep up since then.

    I think we need a little more transparency on what will be needed for major events and some sort of countdown to help structure our time with all the other great additions.
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