Nightsister Zombie Broke



  • Hammoth
    1 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Endless Horde should only remain active while daka or talzin is alive in the squad. There is no other means of revival. The team needs balancing when the likes of the acolyte can simply hide behind the zombie in stealth. Impossible to burst down or even get access to it unless you have large AOE damage teams.

    Either that or fix the acolyte
  • Options
    Rsaetan wrote: »
    Mobewan wrote: »
    I think everyone just doesn't know how to counter this team therefore everyone thinks they are OP when really they are just meh. These people that do have all of the NS at 7* probably sold the family farm on them cause all they have are the expense packs .

    I think you dont know what you are talking about.

    A 4* mt with 2* zombie and 2* spirit is beating 100k gp CLS team easily in our shard, plus all the other rex, wedge, you name it led teams tjat we have all spent mo ths farming and gearing.

    Not everyone has all the characters needed to beat them, like thrawn, dn, han solo, cls. I have boba, but plugging him into my rebel team just doesnt work.

    Even when you have some of the required characters to help, they are extremely difficult, says everyone in my shard. When you have most of these characters, it is easy and i guarantee this is not a learn to play issue as you suggest.

    Just stop the NS crying already. Broke this, broke that, I dont have a toon that can counter them. So anyone that does not have CLS should cry its not fair too? Maybe I should cry because my old DN lead team could not beat CLS and his +50% to every stat and TM gain and removal every time he sneezes?

    Who cares about the GP, get over it.

    Plenty of CLS teams still holding in the top 50.

    All meta's have a counter that grows purely because it is a counter to the meta.

    /thread closed

    Why dont you learn how to read?

    Someone said this is a learn to play issue.
    I said it isnt a learn to play issue.
    What you wrote agrees with ME.

  • Mobewan
    702 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Rsaetan wrote: »
    Mobewan wrote: »
    I think everyone just doesn't know how to counter this team therefore everyone thinks they are OP when really they are just meh. These people that do have all of the NS at 7* probably sold the family farm on them cause all they have are the expense packs .

    I think you dont know what you are talking about.

    A 4* mt with 2* zombie and 2* spirit is beating 100k gp CLS team easily in our shard, plus all the other rex, wedge, you name it led teams tjat we have all spent mo ths farming and gearing.

    Not everyone has all the characters needed to beat them, like thrawn, dn, han solo, cls. I have boba, but plugging him into my rebel team just doesnt work.

    Even when you have some of the required characters to help, they are extremely difficult, says everyone in my shard. When you have most of these characters, it is easy and i guarantee this is not a learn to play issue as you suggest.

    Just stop the NS crying already. Broke this, broke that, I dont have a toon that can counter them. So anyone that does not have CLS should cry its not fair too? Maybe I should cry because my old DN lead team could not beat CLS and his +50% to every stat and TM gain and removal every time he sneezes?

    Who cares about the GP, get over it.

    Plenty of CLS teams still holding in the top 50.

    All meta's have a counter that grows purely because it is a counter to the meta.

    /thread closed

    You should really learn how to read my fried.

    Someone said NS is a learn to play issue.
    My comment disagreed strongly with that.
    Your post agrees with what i said, but u say i cry

    And stop crying about people expressing their views.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
  • Jack92
    179 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Nuriela wrote: »
    PHENIX1 wrote: »
    Nuriela wrote: »
    You are very proud of your NS and you should be, but you have a long way to go before you can tell other people anything about NS. First you are not using acolyte, you are using Talia. It's ok because that's a beginners mistake. Second you are missing some gear levels. Also send me a link of you account.

    Here's mine:

    On a side note I get a kick out of watching people who ran the CLS meta for the longest time have now moved to the dark side and have switched to NS. Amell and Dalvian switched sides.

    Beginner mistake? Lol yeah ok. Couldn’t break top 20 with the Acolyte but can stay top 10 with Talia. I love how everyone puffs their chest when someone does something they apparently can’t. I’ll teach you how to use Talia properly one day newbie

    Lol, do I need to post you my lineup again? You will never understand why NSA > Talia until you get them all to GL 12. I can understand that when you don't have the full picture, because your NS are weak and only works with 2 healers, it's hard to be able to accept the truth. I am usually #1 every day (have been for 2 months now on a Nov 2015 shard) I was beating a meta team with GP of 109k, until he changed to NS (Amell). I was taking #1 without MT too, I used Asajj, Daka, NSA, NSZ and at the time Talia. As soon as I had MT 6* GL11 I subbed out Talia for MT. I hold much better on defense now, keep calling people newbs who are telling you to use NSA instead of talia. Makes you look real mature and it certainly will not make you any better, it's ok though man I am ok if you give people bad information it makes beating other NS easier if they follow it.

    Another newbish mistake that I am sure you are making is trying to hold #1 all day long, keep doing that eventually people will get **** off at you and dump you back to above 50 and they will lock you there. You should only be trying to be #1 at your time of payout

    Oh and that comment about showing those who can't do, again you are not looking at the big picture your Talia GL 11, mine GL12 fully maxed mods. I can do what you can do, but through my experience I
    and others have developed a Meta NS team, and Talia is not a part of that.

    Take a look then post me your's I am interested in seeing.

    I think you should follow your own advice.
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