Rey's Hero's Journey Character Requirements (12/06/2017) [MEGA]


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    Once again another forum post of someone salty due to not being able to get the new character. I will be person A, planning and sacrifices was all that was nweded to get the new Rey. I have many guildmates who will get Rey and have never put a dollar in the game. Yes it might take some investment. Yes it requires sacrifices but the thing is, IT IS A LEGENDARY CHARACTER. It isnt meant for everyone to get. Of course those pay will get the advantage in a FREE game. I swear people think this game runs on activity. You dont see ads in your game do you? They have to generate currency some how. So those of us who knew this decided to make the sacrifice and save crystals and plan on 2x drops and planned o vets being required will be rewarded. Crystals are easy to geet and save with SELF CONTROL. You say it is i.possible to place high w/o CLS not only is that not true, but if you didnt get CLS there is an obvious trend of you not knowing how to co serve and direct your resources. You can place high in both arenas and save the crystals you get no problem. You can cry as much as you want but at the end of the day IT IS your fault you dont have Rey. Stop getting on the forums to whine and do like the other portion of the community and continue to upgrade your roster and look forward to next time.
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    I felt 99% certain they would be needed since they announced it as a heros journey. Same structure as CLS. I chose to farm for thrawn though
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    Lots of players take 1st / 2nd in both fleet and arena so F2P can and will unlock her but otherwise i agree
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    Same thing Jack92 said easily possible, just because you didnt plan well isnt anyone elses fault.
    Does not matter if you, me or EA have right and everything should be OK. Does not matter if lets say 50% are Ok, you are Ok. If the other 50% are not OK then is not OK for all of us.
    If what happen with this update does many people angry and decide to give up then this is an issue that affects us all.
  • dad2my3
    1561 posts Member
    A requirement in order to participate is not the same as a requirement in order to complete it fully.
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    This is what the game is about. Working towards something. If you didn’t have something to work towards or look forward to, the game would be bland and have no desire to play it. I’m not going to get Rey this time and I didn’t get CLS first time either round but I’ve grinded and will get CLS next time. If they just made every character easy to get it doesn’t make the game challenging nor satisfying for completing something that’s tough and worthwhile. I’m F2P and if I have to wait till next time so be it. For all the people saying, that oh I didn’t know what characters. The Force Awakens has been around for ages so your had ample time to farm those characters or you simply just chose to farm others instead. So you should just require the Vets. Even though yes they were never ‘confirmed’. Just use your brain. Who do you think is part of ‘Rey’s Journey?’ Honestly you’re not that much of a Star Wars fan if you don’t know who’s been part of Rey’s journey. Take an educated guess and go with it rather than having a moan. Rant over.
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    I do think this event is for mostly p2w players, but actually I'm happy about the requirements! I am a completely f2p player and most probably i will be able to unlock 7* Rey!
    Since the first announcement came with Reys heroes journey I startee preparing!
    Moved up in fleet arena to regular top10 to earn more crystals exclusively for this event and kept on fighting in arena top3 each day! The new events came but nothing distracted me to spend unnecessary crystals on them, just to have it when this event comes!
    This way completely f2p I will be able to unlock the new Rey and I would have been very sad if everyone else could unlock without this kind of dedication or without investing money in it!
    The hints were very clear what is needed and special thanks for bringing back the BB8 event!
    Anyway I understand that many player are upset, but I do think that an exclusive character should be hard to obtain, but with a chance to f2p players! And this is the case here, unlike Talzin who can be 7* exclusively with money!
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    DarkPiece wrote: »
    If they keep doing this the game won’t have a future

    It does have a future, and it’s gonna lean more towards P2P, as it is the best business model, start cheap( remember them 80 shards for 4.99)
    Then slowly go lower value for money until you lock many people out so you have to pay less servers, less servers to play, means less cost for EA, less complaints and less people to manage the game, it’s the way it will go, can just see this lately and being pulled out from the game, love it so much that I’m sticking to it, but it’s going to end with like 20 guilds full krakens and that’s enough for EA as they will have very little cost there.
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    Han is done; Chewy is 8/85. I only need 12.7 shards per day to make it. And the juicy double drop isn’t accounted into the equation.

    Don’t Panic, Carth. Don’t Panic.
  • Mahbrethir
    234 posts Member
    edited December 2017

    One of the worst forum posts I have ever read.

    You haven't been on enough forums. Come on, I wrote that at like 4am, and I'm grumpy and tired, let me rant incoherently a little.

    EDIT: I view it this way. You announce a dinner. You say, "to attend, you need to pay 5 dollars." But, as it turns out, you need to pay a thousand to sit a table, and a thousand to eat. The host says, "I only said it was 5 dollars to attend, nothing about the cost of food. Sure, they're technically right, it's just like... why even say that?
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    We got plenty of time to farm the vets for those who miss the first event. They won’t bring it back for a long time. Just look at cls cadence.
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    you shouldnt work on vets, since they are without any faction and are totally useless in most game modes.
    this is a pure money grab. putting 2 toons in expensive farm have one purpose : waste money, get rey.
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    100% agree with Durmir...
    Rey's journey will be a completely pay-to-win event.
    The ascertainment that, even starting weeks ago, is impossible to farm the vets without spending insane amounts of money, can be a sort of consolation...
    In this situation, I'm happy for having completed my program: I used cantina energy to farm Hera and Ezra (I need one whole month to get them from 6 to 7 stars!) and so I had my 7 stars Thrawn, and he helped me and my guild to complete our first HAAT...
    Another consideration:
    I think that really very few people will have this new Rey, only the most crazy and out of control compulsive money spenders. And I think this is a wrong commercial strategy. They will not earn the same amount of euro/dollars that would have come form a large mass of normal players who, having her, would spend to gear her quickly to g12... this would be the same for CLS.
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    Ive got no chance (Struggling to even get BB8), but thats fine. Looking at it as a six month or so warning for a future event :)
  • Ulon
    35 posts Member
    All those complainments cause you just don‘t manage being #1 in fleet and arena as f2p. Maybe you should overthink your priorities.

    I saved up crystals from arena and fleet, got 1000 energy on double drops, and buying those vets of the shop from saved crystals and doing 3 refreshes a day. 140 shards missing to 7* as f2p. Besides it was long ago speculated that vets going to be needed for this on reddit.
    So if you don‘t inform abd believe in something just don‘t whine about the way it is desinged.

    Btw f2p should not have acess to everything right away.
  • JaggedJ
    1352 posts Member
    Soapboxes, soapboxes everywhere.
  • dad2my3
    1561 posts Member
    Nickperson wrote: »
    Ive got no chance (Struggling to even get BB8), but thats fine. Looking at it as a six month or so warning for a future event :)

    I didn’t get 7* Thrawn when he was initially introduced into the game. I spent the next few months getting ready for his return and have him now. I don’t always get everything the first time around.
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    Durmir wrote: »

    I can see already 2 kinds of people coming over:
    - the kind "of course F2P players can have her! All you had to do was to prepare, you knew with the movie coming there would be something! You should have stockpiled 900k crystals like me and you'd be fine". Yeah, ok, thanks for that. I will think about that next time: pausing my game for an entire year for the hope of maybe having something later.
    - the kind "stop expecting to have everything day 1" people. Who would be right, provided there was no pay-to-win option. But the fact that there is one transforms the game into P2W rather than "be patient and work hard".

    Please call me Nostradamus.
  • dad2my3
    1561 posts Member
    You’re right—games like this require long term goals. I missed 7* Thrawn, and that motivated me to farm Phoenix stars and gear for months. Having something to work towards keeps you focused and coming back.
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    Durmir wrote: »
    Durmir wrote: »

    I can see already 2 kinds of people coming over:
    - the kind "of course F2P players can have her! All you had to do was to prepare, you knew with the movie coming there would be something! You should have stockpiled 900k crystals like me and you'd be fine". Yeah, ok, thanks for that. I will think about that next time: pausing my game for an entire year for the hope of maybe having something later.
    - the kind "stop expecting to have everything day 1" people. Who would be right, provided there was no pay-to-win option. But the fact that there is one transforms the game into P2W rather than "be patient and work hard".

    Please call me Nostradamus.

    I predict the sun will come up tomorrow. I'll be back in a day to tell everyone how right I was ;)
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    I would like to know what proportion of SWGOH players will have the requirements to play it, especially in comparison with the past Luke's hero's journey or Thrawn event (in its first appearance, which was not kind in terms of farming..).
    My hypothesis is less than 1% of players, probably even less (1/500? 1/1000?)
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    Merge it ->
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    I didn’t pause my game for a year. I paused it for a month or two. That’s a lot less than a year. Today’s confirmation made it worthwhile. The Falcon farming didn’t pay off, though. That suspicion was proved wrong.
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    Once again another forum post of someone salty due to not being able to get the new character. I will be person A, planning and sacrifices was all that was nweded to get the new Rey. I have many guildmates who will get Rey and have never put a dollar in the game. Yes it might take some investment. Yes it requires sacrifices but the thing is, IT IS A LEGENDARY CHARACTER. It isnt meant for everyone to get. Of course those pay will get the advantage in a FREE game. I swear people think this game runs on activity. You dont see ads in your game do you? They have to generate currency some how. So those of us who knew this decided to make the sacrifice and save crystals and plan on 2x drops and planned o vets being required will be rewarded. Crystals are easy to geet and save with SELF CONTROL. You say it is i.possible to place high w/o CLS not only is that not true, but if you didnt get CLS there is an obvious trend of you not knowing how to co serve and direct your resources. You can place high in both arenas and save the crystals you get no problem. You can cry as much as you want but at the end of the day IT IS your fault you dont have Rey. Stop getting on the forums to whine and do like the other portion of the community and continue to upgrade your roster and look forward to next time.

    None of your friends will get Rey without spending money. Fact.
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    Free to play can get Rey.

    Remember, when they changed the old Rey's name?
    Remember, when they announced the new movie date?

    If you simply started collecting the crystals at that time, now you could buy all the Veterans you need.
    And for those not having a FO team for a SECOND time bb8 - it aint even a funny joke. If you are an old player - who's fault is that? If you are a new player - guess you are not even supposed to.

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    Dyakoff wrote: »
    Free to play can get Rey.

    Remember, when they changed the old Rey's name?
    Remember, when they announced the new movie date?

    If you simply started collecting the crystals at that time, now you could buy all the Veterans you need.
    And for those not having a FO team for a SECOND time bb8 - it aint even a funny joke. If you are an old player - who's fault is that? If you are a new player - guess you are not even supposed to.

    My whole point when I forecasted this kind of replies was precisely that you have to pause everything in the game for this for an extended period of time. Which is ultimately NOT the way the game is intended to be played. If you cannot have the vets on time while farming them from day 1 with 3 refreshes a day, then it was NOT designed to be ibtainable by F2P. You will always have this handful of players (my guess us about 0.05% of the F2P player base) who are capable of *abusing* some mechanics to solve this, but it was not designed like that. And these people who think they are representative of good practices will then come and tell everyone they just don't know how to organise.

    I believe it is fair to think there are on average around 800 F2P players per arena shard. How many of them can make it in the top 10? That's right, no more than 10! Who can save all these crystals, at the expense of *everything else* in the game. It's not sacrifice, it's suicide. Stop thinking you are a majority. You are not. We will see how many F2P players get Rey. If it's less than 2%, then my point is proven. And my guess is: less than 0.2%.

    This is *designed* to be pay-to-win, no matter how you can exploit a mechanic. Therefore Rey will not be meta changing, and it's no big deal not to have her.
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    It has been almost a year that now this game became a pay-to-win like all other mobile games. You just have to accept it.That's the business model now.
    F2P (like me) players won't be able to get Rey and will fall down even more in every aspects of the game (Arena, Raids, TB, GvG). If you want to be able to be really competitive you will have to pay period.
    If you F2P stop the game or be patient and accept your fate. You will always stand behind. Once you accept it you just have to find a nice guild that will help you and make the game fun again (but in another way)
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    There is something i don't get it with all the complains ... Why is it so important to get the new rey at the first time ? Don't go inside the EA plan : $$$ . Build the toons you want and not the toons that they want ..
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