Rey's Hero's Journey Character Requirements (12/06/2017) [MEGA]


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    Vesch wrote: »
    Still CG/EA doesn't seem to understand that participation in this event will be a lot lower. Most people had most if not all needed for cls. These vets are too new, share the same energy on the farm all while they pulled us in 45 different directions with their ls tb pull, then jerking us back to ds tbs then full roster pull with wars... I wonder when they think we had the time or energy to go after the two...

    They make content to keep players engaged and working to achieve out in to the future. They do NOT want most players being all done for LS / DS TB, TW, and Rey's journey all in the first days those events are launched.
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    It should also be noted that it is NOT trivial to 3-star the last two cantina nodes that currently exist.

    This is just like EA's battlefront debacle. They place the requirements so high that no one can realistically achieve them and cause a complete fan revolt.
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    45/100 finn 55/65 Han and Chewie :/

    too much work in too little time and too broke to afford packs lol

    funny how everyone complains about Bf2 Pay2win but this game is the Epitome of P2W lol and nobody says anything about it lol

    Cause getting Rey isn't required to win - just as getting CLS wasn't. Nov '15 shard and a simple GK / Barriss setup for a guy that didn't have CLS has served him very well - #1 easily and actually holds better than sheep-meta CLS teams with better mods.

    The “sheep” meta IS GK/Zarriss. Lol
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    I should add - they've actually screwed themselves in a way, because unless you're going to spend huge amounts of money there's no way you are going to get the Vets. That means no Rey, and if there's no Rey there's no point in panic spending to get BB8, either.

    So, if the requirements had been Resistance team with BB8 7* then I might have spent to get my FO and Resistance team up, but as it stands, the requirements are so high that there's no point in spending money on Rey the first time around, and by the second time around you'd probably be able to free-farm them.

    Just stupid
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    Risz wrote: »
    I would advise to not run after them, everyone should boycott these two toons so CG would maybe understand that they are doing something wrong here.

    Yes, yes, yes!
    100% agree
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    Mirkraag wrote: »
    It has been almost a year that now this game became a pay-to-win like all other mobile games. You just have to accept it.That's the business model now.
    F2P (like me) players won't be able to get Rey and will fall down even more in every aspects of the game (Arena, Raids, TB, GvG). If you want to be able to be really competitive you will have to pay period.
    If you F2P stop the game or be patient and accept your fate. You will always stand behind. Once you accept it you just have to find a nice guild that will help you and make the game fun again (but in another way)

    If you can't win with free / very low spend in GoH you're not a dedicated player. All the top meta now and for the past few months has been a handout character. Raid Han - free. GK - free. zeta Barriss - free. Thrawn - free. R2 - free. Rex - free. Maybe it's pay to collect all the heroes "P2C" but it's absolutely not a P2W game ... the poor AI also assures that everyone wins.
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    Sewpot wrote: »
    45/100 finn 55/65 Han and Chewie :/

    too much work in too little time and too broke to afford packs lol

    funny how everyone complains about Bf2 Pay2win but this game is the Epitome of P2W lol and nobody says anything about it lol

    Cause getting Rey isn't required to win - just as getting CLS wasn't. Nov '15 shard and a simple GK / Barriss setup for a guy that didn't have CLS has served him very well - #1 easily and actually holds better than sheep-meta CLS teams with better mods.

    The “sheep” meta IS GK/Zarriss. Lol

    CLS lead still used 2 to 1 ratio over GK / Barriss...before CLS GK / Barriss had a single-digit usage rate. The full sheep-ness of CLS is what pushed GK / Barriss up.
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    Oh ... bet soon cls will lose his top spot as leader to either asajj, mt or daka.
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
  • mjaycocks
    15 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    That is the point, spend a little is fine a lot then you have to weigh up the game versus a nice holiday somewhere. When I started playing I was so close to getting Yoda so that is when I first spent some money, but it was < £50, which is OK. I can't be bothered to work out how many 1000s one would have to spend to meet the requirements needed for Rey's journey. Might as well save the money for a nice holiday instead.

    I have to admit I have known for a while what the requirements were as someone guessed it not longer after it was mentioned that Rey's journey was coming. So I started farming FO even though I knew 7* was out of the question (takes about 4-6 months to get 7* FO), but at least I get to unlock BB-8. Rey I got to 7 star, Finn nearly 7 star. The VETs however, impossible so not worth bothering. Therefore no point in spending any money on it either.
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    caldera wrote: »
    I should add - they've actually screwed themselves in a way, because unless you're going to spend huge amounts of money there's no way you are going to get the Vets. That means no Rey, and if there's no Rey there's no point in panic spending to get BB8, either.

    So, if the requirements had been Resistance team with BB8 7* then I might have spent to get my FO and Resistance team up, but as it stands, the requirements are so high that there's no point in spending money on Rey the first time around, and by the second time around you'd probably be able to free-farm them.

    Just ****

    Well, that is not exactly correct. In your case there woudn’t Be anything to spend money on. So it is hard to guess...
  • Jouh
    64 posts Member
    Great job to the developers to create this event to celebrate the release of the movie. Only those 1- 2% who finance this game will get to enjoy this event.

    Guys, its year end, lets buy crystals and spend money on the packs to give the developers a big paycheck for the holidays.

    Just a small suggestion, and to be factual, pleaset add a note in the update to inform us this is a paying-customer and whale exclusive event?
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    onestone wrote: »
    The release of the new movie should be an occasion to celebrate with the whole community. But it feels like most of us are not invited.

    This player gets it!!!
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    Plenty of new characters coming for the new movie like UMK
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    Orba wrote: »
    Woohoo, celebrate the new Star Wars film with an event only a small amount of players will be able to take part in...

    We are of liked minds... the other narcissistic players who call out "I'll get my new Rey", "just save you f2player" don't care about the community fun and Star Wars aspect of the game..
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    Someone created a calculator just for this.

    Roughly if your veterans are at 3* only it will take roughly $20 in crystals for the next 15 days strait. *this calculator does not take into effect the double drops or cash $ packs.

    All in all it if your vets are both at 3* and you want Rey (Jedi training) it will cost you close to $300, that is if your BB-8, Finn and Rey (scavenger) are 7* gl9+

    Dig deep in those pockets! But remember Rey (Jedi training) is F2P!
  • TVF
    36773 posts Member
    J_Starseed wrote: »
    CLS has been confirmed to be returning very soon.

    Not very soon, but "soon."

    Just a reminder, ship hardware has been coming "soon" for a long time.
    I need a new message here.
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    I don't know if anyone mentioned this yet..but chewie and Han are only the tip of the iceberg here.

    With TLJ coming out can you imagine how many toons cg/ea is gonna add to this game after the movie comes out? This movie is gonna give them the perfect incentive to keep adding more toons designed to make players spend irrationally because most of us do have what is called "an addictive nature".

    It blows but what else can we do? Either plan our farms(or at least try to), pay money to get stuff quicker or skip events the first time they come around and get it the 2nd or 3rd time. Last option would be just to walk away from the game.

  • Uoza
    10 posts Member
    Pure evil. Even the dark lords of sith aren't this bad. What a waste you greedy gamemakers...
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    Some are defending the requirements with "EA needs to make money somehow." EA is already making a killing off this game. However, they will continue to push the envelope to see what people are willing to pay. Short-term gain is the American business model. Whether the direction they're going pleases most of the player base or is a good long-term strategy are probably not questions they are asking themselves. It's about immediate profits and pleasing investors.
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    Trilips wrote: »
    Someone created a calculator just for this.
    All in all it if your vets are both at 3* and you want Rey (Jedi training) it will cost you close to $300, that is if your BB-8, Finn and Rey (scavenger) are 7* gl9+

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    There's a pack again 50 shard each for a good value

    And that's why we can't have nice things.
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    LordDirt wrote: »
    As soon as vets hit the store they should have been farmed. Then as soon as they hit cantina they should have been farmed. Now we have a pack to buy. Yes they might take a little money but the developers need some $ sometime or this game doesnt exist. There is always next time too.

    Oh, I'm sure they are aren't hurting for money...

    It is panic farming, but with 3 refreshes a day and farming them both since they hit Cantina you should be fine to 7* them. It's annoying as it locks you into farming these guys for a while instead of other characters or mods, but it is what it is. Would have been nice if they were farmed with separate game currency.
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    There's a pack again 50 shard each for a good value

    It does seem like good value, but only a one time buy. That's gets to four stars. I bet if that pack could be bought multiple times, They'd make a killing.
    Still waiting on that edit forum profile setting so I can change my name...
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    Risz wrote: »
    I would advise to not run after them, everyone should boycott these two toons so CG would maybe understand that they are doing something wrong here.

    I started farming FOST only weeks ago, sitting at 5 stars. My arena team was more important :-) Couldn't make a run on vets and matter anyway lol
    Still waiting on that edit forum profile setting so I can change my name...
  • Kurrgan
    100 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    LordDirt wrote: »
    It is panic farming, but with 3 refreshes a day and farming them both since they hit Cantina you should be fine to 7* them. It's annoying as it locks you into farming these guys for a while instead of other characters or mods, but it is what it is. Would have been nice if they were farmed with separate game currency.

    I wish! I have been doing 3 refreshes a day since they dropped and am only 10/85 and 0/85. The pack won't be enough so I won't buy it unless I am sitting on 50/100 for both of them. Being directed exactly what to farm since Thrawn dropped sucks bad enough but at least it always paid off. This one really stinks not getting the payoff at the end.
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    Thats all its about money money money
  • Bz183
    170 posts Member
    %100 f2p here. Will get Rey no problem. I finish at top of both arenas though. Don't say it's not possible.
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    I don’t really ever comment here. But I don’t get it, I’m completely ftp since yoda first event. I manage top 5 in both arenas a day. And as long as you plan ahead to should be fine for events. Seems like a lot of complaining because of bad planning not really ea fault. Don’t get me wrong they do a lot of wrong and bad things but if your ftp, you have to gamble on the predictions and vets were predicted a long time ago. Well anyway I’m going back to just watching the forums.
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    45/100 finn 55/65 Han and Chewie :/

    too much work in too little time and too broke to afford packs lol

    funny how everyone complains about Bf2 Pay2win but this game is the Epitome of P2W lol and nobody says anything about it lol

    Cause getting Rey isn't required to win - just as getting CLS wasn't. Nov '15 shard and a simple GK / Barriss setup for a guy that didn't have CLS has served him very well - #1 easily and actually holds better than sheep-meta CLS teams with better mods.

    Thank you I have cls and my allies use him more than me. I'm ftp and this is the only heroic character I won't get on th first try cause I didn't really didn't prepare I'm not whining about it cause if they don't make money no game so u spender get to spending so in six months I can get my Rey thanks in advance.
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