I think it is time to retire the rancor raid!

Let's face it, rancor has been a joke since the day CLS came into the game. The raid is easy to solo even for a person with half a brain as long as they have CLS. Every time there are a bunch of solos and positioning is 100% rng. You solo and you get 1st, you solo and you get 20th. There is simply no point.

The raid gets completed in around 10 minutes by most players and many times you have to sit and wait for a "post time" for damage.

I remember when I first started doing rancor, it was a cool experience. Each rancor was an improvement from the one before, constant trial and error, fighting for those extra 200k to pass more people in placement. Now it's just a boring routine that we leave it on auto and come back 10 minutes later to pause at 2% and wait for the time to post. It's a chore that has lost it's meaning and all interest.

Then the rewards. Although rancor supposedly drops the most needed gear in the game it also has horrible rates. Getting a fully crafter piece is rare and getting the good ones is even more rare. If you don't get a useless Nubian piece then it's a few salvages...

The raid is simply not interesting, not entertaining, not challenging, not fun but instead it's a necessary gring. Basically it's nothing of what a game mode should be and everything of what it shouldn't! If it weren't for the rewards most people would choose to skip it!

I think it's time for a change. Give us a few more weeks after CLS has returned so that people who haven't used him can get a chance to have some fun with him on rancor and experience the skilless solo. Then you should just retire the raid.

The raid should enter a "legendary" status making it a monthly event that brings a few zetas, gear, guild currency, credits and mods. No need for raid tickets or any of that.

It's difficulty should be raised to make it "legendary" but with phases remaining exactly the same in structure for originality. Perhaps up the hp of each phase by a bit and allow the raid to prevent TM removal. This way you will force more people to participate in order to get it done. It will have 3 tiers of difficulty. One for guilds up to 50 million GP. One for guilds between 50 and 80 and one for guilds over 80 million. Those will be recommended values and not force guilds to fight those specific tiers. The rewards will be universal for all participants of that guild.

Now in order to replace the current raid rewards you can either add them to aat or even better give us a new raid! Perhaps one from the dark side perspective!

It could be an invasion on Coruscant where you get to fight against Jedi bosses including Anakin, Yoda, General Kenobi, Mace Windu, ect. Or perhaps fighting agaisnt Jabba and his guards and bounty hunters where you get to beat the rancor in one of the 4 phases instead of having 3 phases to it.

Maybe battle of endor, battle of Jakku, battle of Scarriff. Basically anything new!

Lastly about raid Han shards. I think it's a challenge for sure. I think any battle could reward Han shards even if it's not story related. It's gonna have to be a price we pay. I would be willing to wrap my head around invasion of Coruscant rewarding Han shards easier than to keep doing this rancor mess indefinitely!


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    If they replace it, the gear won't be as good. People need the gear. This game IS the grind. Nothing in this game is really strategic.
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    No. This thread comes up every now and then but it always feels selfish when it does.

    The Rancor raid is one step in the process for EVERY player.

    If there's no point then don't do it but there would be a lot of players/guilds who still benefit from it and why should they miss out on it because longtime players see "no point"?
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    Make theme based rancor. It makes it fun and interesting. Also shakes up the leader boards. Guild leaders pick a theme for the raid. Could be anything. Jedi only, covered face squad, only tanks you choose.
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    JaggedJ wrote: »
    No. This thread comes up every now and then but it always feels selfish when it does.

    The Rancor raid is one step in the process for EVERY player.

    If there's no point then don't do it but there would be a lot of players/guilds who still benefit from it and why should they miss out on it because longtime players see "no point"?

    Well sounds selfish on your end too. Why put raid gear behind a repetitive mode that has lost its value for older players and has become a grind?

    Also if you have any idea of how games work then you would know that if you start a game 2 years late then you will miss content.

    I also suggested to make it a monthly event so that all future and old players have the opportunity to experience the raid every month. I suggested they remove TM removal to make it more challenging but that could only be for the last tier which would be for guilds over 80 million.

    The vast majority of the player base has played long enough to where rancor is a grind. The percentage of new players who want to experience it is too small and again, they will be able to do it once a month
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    Rancor is a critical step in progression to HAAT. It's necessary to gear characters.

    It may not challenge YOU, someone who's advanced past it, but it still has a purpose.
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    Yea I agree that is selfish you need to just Solo it like you say you can get your rewards of a bunch of free stuff and walk and stop complaining about getting free stuff.
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    caldera wrote: »
    Rancor is a critical step in progression to HAAT. It's necessary to gear characters.

    It may not challenge YOU, someone who's advanced past it, but it still has a purpose.

    No it is actually not. I have never used my rancor team in haat, the mechanics are very different. The only issue is the gear and if you changed the raid for the sake of a fresh and fun restart I don't see how the rewards would be impacted... Do you honestly I would ever wanna receive less gear? If anything I proposed a monthly rancor event on top of that that would reward ADDITIONAL rewards, such as zetas, gear, credits, guild currency and mods.

    Your arguement is totaly invalid
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    cadwane wrote: »
    JaggedJ wrote: »
    No. This thread comes up every now and then but it always feels selfish when it does.

    The Rancor raid is one step in the process for EVERY player.

    If there's no point then don't do it but there would be a lot of players/guilds who still benefit from it and why should they miss out on it because longtime players see "no point"?

    Well sounds selfish on your end too. Why put raid gear behind a repetitive mode that has lost its value for older players and has become a grind?

    Also if you have any idea of how games work then you would know that if you start a game 2 years late then you will miss content.

    I also suggested to make it a monthly event so that all future and old players have the opportunity to experience the raid every month. I suggested they remove TM removal to make it more challenging but that could only be for the last tier which would be for guilds over 80 million.

    The vast majority of the player base has played long enough to where rancor is a grind. The percentage of new players who want to experience it is too small and again, they will be able to do it once a month

    You could say the same thing about haat for most it's pointless to actually spend any time on it. The only reason I still participate in it is for gear. I personally enjoy rancor way more then haat.
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    You presume that your experience extrapolates to everyone else. Our guild has a mix of players who have 7* Han, folks who are leveling Han, and folks who are working to unlock him. Plus the raid gear that is exclusive to Pit is needed across the spectrum for G9-10. While I agree that the loot tables need a major overhaul, and another tier (maybe in the vein of the Mythic Events) would be nice, making the raid rewards harder to access would penalize more of the player base. If you're getting bored solo'ing with CLS, why not try some other teams? See how high you score with bounty hunters, or an all-female team.
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    And where would the Han Solo shards be for those new players that apparently only need a rancor raid once a month?
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    Yea I agree that is selfish you need to just Solo it like you say you can get your rewards of a bunch of free stuff and walk and stop complaining about getting free stuff.

    What are you even talking about? Who asked for "free stuff"? Are you some type of old school anti liberal with your "stop asking for free stuff" overused quote?

    I have no idea how long you've played but rancor is not fun for anyone any more. It's the same thing over and over again on auto for anyone who owns CLS. And there ar about to be many people who own him very soon
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    So screw any new players? Its not hard to just press auto. Could they make changes, yes. But getting rid of it would be a detrement to anybody starting off.
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    xanderxman wrote: »
    And where would the Han Solo shards be for those new players that apparently only need a rancor raid once a month?

    They will be added to a new raid
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    RunSilent wrote: »
    You presume that your experience extrapolates to everyone else. Our guild has a mix of players who have 7* Han, folks who are leveling Han, and folks who are working to unlock him. Plus the raid gear that is exclusive to Pit is needed across the spectrum for G9-10. While I agree that the loot tables need a major overhaul, and another tier (maybe in the vein of the Mythic Events) would be nice, making the raid rewards harder to access would penalize more of the player base. If you're getting bored solo'ing with CLS, why not try some other teams? See how high you score with bounty hunters, or an all-female team.
    If i tried other teams i wouldn't be able to solo, that would mean i would be placed behind everyone who does and that would throw me in the top 20
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    I agree the drop rates on gear totally needs a revamp. Maybe 1 in 5 raids drops something I actually need. The rest of the time it's more pieces I already have 2,000 of. At this point all it's useful for is han Solo if you don't have him already maxed and guild tokens. But getting rid of it or making it monthly removes half my income of guild tokens for raid gear in guild shop. Here is my list:
    1. Rework the drop rate formula. Make complete gear pieces more common and gear drops more suited to what a player already has. If I already have over a hundred of something it shouldn't drop at all.
    2. Add another tier. Make a legendary tier above heroic balanced for gear 12 teams and gaurantee complete gear pieces.

    This goes for tank raid as well. My guild can beat haat in 2 hours.
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    cadwane wrote: »
    Yea I agree that is selfish you need to just Solo it like you say you can get your rewards of a bunch of free stuff and walk and stop complaining about getting free stuff.

    What are you even talking about? Who asked for "free stuff"? Are you some type of old school anti liberal with your "stop asking for free stuff" overused quote?

    I have no idea how long you've played but rancor is not fun for anyone any more. It's the same thing over and over again on auto for anyone who owns CLS. And there ar about to be many people who own him very soon

    If you no longer enjoy using cls for rancor why are you. It's a game have fun with it. I would never personally use cls in rancor.
  • Options
    cadwane wrote: »
    RunSilent wrote: »
    You presume that your experience extrapolates to everyone else. Our guild has a mix of players who have 7* Han, folks who are leveling Han, and folks who are working to unlock him. Plus the raid gear that is exclusive to Pit is needed across the spectrum for G9-10. While I agree that the loot tables need a major overhaul, and another tier (maybe in the vein of the Mythic Events) would be nice, making the raid rewards harder to access would penalize more of the player base. If you're getting bored solo'ing with CLS, why not try some other teams? See how high you score with bounty hunters, or an all-female team.
    If i tried other teams i wouldn't be able to solo, that would mean i would be placed behind everyone who does and that would throw me in the top 20

    But you dont need rancor rewards I thought?
  • Dawnofdeadeye
    233 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Kitten thread. You think every player has been around since the beginning? I still have people in my guild that don’t have cls or thrawn. Newbies won’t even have all the toons needed for getting cls. They should work towards getting raid Han as well. Don’t do it if it bores you and autoing for free gear is beneath you
    Post edited by Fauztin on
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    ProximaB1_ wrote: »
    cadwane wrote: »
    Yea I agree that is selfish you need to just Solo it like you say you can get your rewards of a bunch of free stuff and walk and stop complaining about getting free stuff.

    What are you even talking about? Who asked for "free stuff"? Are you some type of old school anti liberal with your "stop asking for free stuff" overused quote?

    I have no idea how long you've played but rancor is not fun for anyone any more. It's the same thing over and over again on auto for anyone who owns CLS. And there ar about to be many people who own him very soon

    If you no longer enjoy using cls for rancor why are you. It's a game have fun with it. I would never personally use cls in rancor.

    It doesn't matter who you use, it's the same battle over and over again
  • Options
    cadwane wrote: »
    xanderxman wrote: »
    And where would the Han Solo shards be for those new players that apparently only need a rancor raid once a month?

    They will be added to a new raid

    Then I would like to add to your suggestion. We have three players in our guild that can beat the entire tank raid by themselves. So it is becoming boring. So I suggest we scrap that raid as well. Make it once a month. Make two new raids and make it infinitely harder for new players to ever catch up. Us old school players should be catered to and these new folks coming in should be forced to suck it up as we are getting bored.

    Or, you could just do one rancor raid a month and pretend your idea was a good one. That way you won't get bored but the rest of us that don't mind it can continue to play the game as we wish.

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    Jamesm wrote: »
    cadwane wrote: »
    RunSilent wrote: »
    You presume that your experience extrapolates to everyone else. Our guild has a mix of players who have 7* Han, folks who are leveling Han, and folks who are working to unlock him. Plus the raid gear that is exclusive to Pit is needed across the spectrum for G9-10. While I agree that the loot tables need a major overhaul, and another tier (maybe in the vein of the Mythic Events) would be nice, making the raid rewards harder to access would penalize more of the player base. If you're getting bored solo'ing with CLS, why not try some other teams? See how high you score with bounty hunters, or an all-female team.
    If i tried other teams i wouldn't be able to solo, that would mean i would be placed behind everyone who does and that would throw me in the top 20

    But you dont need rancor rewards I thought?

    Of course i need the rewards, who doesn't. That's why it's a boring and necessary grind that sucks
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    We need the Rancor raid whether you like it or not. Instead of removing it, I would like to opt a change after beating Heroic X times at a specific time limit, a guild should be able to auto complete it for all of it's members and equalize the rewards rather than pit us against each other.
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    Another thread started by op .
    What do you have against other players finally getting cls after a 4month wait?
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    cadwane wrote: »
    JaggedJ wrote: »
    No. This thread comes up every now and then but it always feels selfish when it does.

    The Rancor raid is one step in the process for EVERY player.

    If there's no point then don't do it but there would be a lot of players/guilds who still benefit from it and why should they miss out on it because longtime players see "no point"?

    Well sounds selfish on your end too. Why put raid gear behind a repetitive mode that has lost its value for older players and has become a grind?

    Also if you have any idea of how games work then you would know that if you start a game 2 years late then you will miss content.

    I also suggested to make it a monthly event so that all future and old players have the opportunity to experience the raid every month. I suggested they remove TM removal to make it more challenging but that could only be for the last tier which would be for guilds over 80 million.

    The vast majority of the player base has played long enough to where rancor is a grind. The percentage of new players who want to experience it is too small and again, they will be able to do it once a month

    Not sure how it's selfish on my end, seems like you're just throwing the word back without any sense of logic because I dared to say it first. That's pretty petty.

    I also solo/auto Rancor and have been doing it for some time. I'm in the exact same situation as you are where there's not alot of point for me.

    However, unlike you I don't have the "it's no longer relevant to me therefore get rid of it" attitude.

    The Rancor is a rung on the ladder for a lot of players. If you remove too many rungs they hit a wall and end up quiting.

    Your argument about raid gear is also misplaced. As an end game player you would earn far more rewards in TB, shard shop, fleet/arena etc to get gear that is now cheaper than ever to acquire that newer players wouldn't have the luxury of accessing. Again, Rancor fills that rung on the ladder of progression.

    And finally, it's funny how you use the condescending "if you knew how a game works" line when if you knew how a game works you would know that a games longevity is about recycling and replenishing the player base over time as older players drop off. To say the percentage of players who want to do Rancor is too small to justify it is just flat out wrong.
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    cadwane wrote: »
    ProximaB1_ wrote: »
    cadwane wrote: »
    Yea I agree that is selfish you need to just Solo it like you say you can get your rewards of a bunch of free stuff and walk and stop complaining about getting free stuff.

    What are you even talking about? Who asked for "free stuff"? Are you some type of old school anti liberal with your "stop asking for free stuff" overused quote?

    I have no idea how long you've played but rancor is not fun for anyone any more. It's the same thing over and over again on auto for anyone who owns CLS. And there ar about to be many people who own him very soon

    If you no longer enjoy using cls for rancor why are you. It's a game have fun with it. I would never personally use cls in rancor.

    It doesn't matter who you use, it's the same battle over and over again

    So is the tank raid.
  • Options
    xanderxman wrote: »
    cadwane wrote: »
    xanderxman wrote: »
    And where would the Han Solo shards be for those new players that apparently only need a rancor raid once a month?

    They will be added to a new raid

    Then I would like to add to your suggestion. We have three players in our guild that can beat the entire tank raid by themselves. So it is becoming boring. So I suggest we scrap that raid as well. Make it once a month. Make two new raids and make it infinitely harder for new players to ever catch up. Us old school players should be catered to and these new folks coming in should be forced to suck it up as we are getting bored.

    Or, you could just do one rancor raid a month and pretend your idea was a good one. That way you won't get bored but the rest of us that don't mind it can continue to play the game as we wish.

    Exaggerating, the percentage of people who can solo tank as opposed to the percentage of people who can solo rancor is incredibly disproportionate. Also noone could solo tank up until BB8 came into the game only 2 months ago, as opposed to rancor.
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    I disagree fight meta squad with empire then fight it with rebels. The fight isn't even close to the same. Player mechanics change everything.
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    Tavanh wrote: »
    We need the Rancor raid whether you like it or not. Instead of removing it, I would like to opt a change after beating Heroic X times at a specific time limit, a guild should be able to auto complete it for all of it's members and equalize the rewards rather than pit us against each other.

    I didn't say remove it. I said make it more rare and replace it with a new raid with the same rewards
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    Shellzbutt wrote: »
    Another thread started by op .
    What do you have against other players finally getting cls after a 4month wait?
    Obviouly i was taking about the rancor, not CLS
  • xanderxman
    505 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    cadwane wrote: »
    xanderxman wrote: »
    cadwane wrote: »
    xanderxman wrote: »
    And where would the Han Solo shards be for those new players that apparently only need a rancor raid once a month?

    They will be added to a new raid

    Then I would like to add to your suggestion. We have three players in our guild that can beat the entire tank raid by themselves. So it is becoming boring. So I suggest we scrap that raid as well. Make it once a month. Make two new raids and make it infinitely harder for new players to ever catch up. Us old school players should be catered to and these new folks coming in should be forced to suck it up as we are getting bored.

    Or, you could just do one rancor raid a month and pretend your idea was a good one. That way you won't get bored but the rest of us that don't mind it can continue to play the game as we wish.

    Exaggerating, the percentage of people who can solo tank as opposed to the percentage of people who can solo rancor is incredibly disproportionate. Also noone could solo tank up until BB8 came into the game only 2 months ago, as opposed to rancor.

    I am in no way exaggerating. And the percentage of people that agree with your idea as opposed to those that think it is a bad one is also incredibly disproportionate.
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