Ahsoka Ta-slow

I figured with all the buffing going around for this small patch tomorrow, can't hurt to remind you guys that one of the quicker heroes in Star Wars is the third slowest. I mean Tarkin is even faster....we know you know, you know you know, the ghost of old Ben knows. How is her speed still a thing. If it's balancing, take out some damage, who knows. I'm all for every hero being "viable" and useful, and I'll always support a Jawa being as powerful as Vader in a turn based game...but her speed is an issue. Being so slow she should hit like a truck, but she doesn't. Waiting for her to go last only to see mediocre damage doesn't make sense...


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    She's actually at a point when they could add speed and she still wouldn't see play in arena. The has a lot of weird design decisions. She has a stacking hp buff, but that buff only puts her to almost decent hp so its really jsut playing catch up, not buffing anything. She has turn meter gain on evade as a leader ability, but only for herself and only while she is leader. She has a skill that triggers on crit, but no skill crit bonus and a huge basic crit bonus.

    She could be a cool attrition based character if she was in the 130-140 speed range and her special triggered regardless of crit. Probably move meter bonus on evade to her passive and just put the passive hp bonus directly into her health pool as well.
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    medetec wrote: »
    She's actually at a point when they could add speed and she still wouldn't see play in arena. The has a lot of weird design decisions. She has a stacking hp buff, but that buff only puts her to almost decent hp so its really jsut playing catch up, not buffing anything. She has turn meter gain on evade as a leader ability, but only for herself and only while she is leader. She has a skill that triggers on crit, but no skill crit bonus and a huge basic crit bonus.

    She could be a cool attrition based character if she was in the 130-140 speed range and her special triggered regardless of crit. Probably move meter bonus on evade to her passive and just put the passive hp bonus directly into her health pool as well.

    At first glance her abilies look "good" until it's broken down just as you said, then she's actually really disappointing. She has all these abilities that need a proc, or additional modifiers to be active...and when they are active it only brings her to "average". Out of everyone currently in the game I'd say this is the hero they missed on the most.

    I mean, she has an ability called "quick steps" and evasion has a role in her playstyle, yet...she is molasses.
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    One of the oddest character skill sets in the game indeed. Based on evade but slow as a slug.

    She is unusable, even with QGJ as leader she is still too slow, is weak as a kitten and her abilities are extremely weak.
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    I just looked up her speed on the spreadsheet and wow. LOL...93 for one of the fastest and most acrobatic heroes in the Starwars galaxy? I'd welcome a stealthy unannounced buff :)
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    Ventress is the slowest. I know it serves a purpose, but in the star wars universe, I'd expect her to be ninja-fast!
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    They really need to up her speed to at least 115
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    At 115 she'd still be crap
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    137 seems perfectly fine, she still wouldn't see much play unless they fixed her kit in addition to that.
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    medetec wrote: »
    137 seems perfectly fine, she still wouldn't see much play unless they fixed her kit in addition to that.

    Precisely. She also needs to hit harder and her second skills needs to actually heal once in a while.
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    Old_Tallen wrote: »
    One of the oddest character skill sets in the game indeed. Based on evade but slow as a slug.

    She is unusable, even with QGJ as leader she is still too slow, is weak as a kitten and her abilities are extremely weak.

    And the strangest ability is her +%HP. I'm sure the plan strategically was making players decide if they should focus her or her teammates. The idea is cool, but poorly executed because of her speed / dmg. With proper balancing of her damage / speed, it could create quite the dynamic for focus with her in a party.

    The decision should go something like this for players:
    "Well Ahsoka hits hard and has all that HP, do I try to burn her down so she can't do much damage to me, or do I focus on her teammates effectively *damaging* both her and her teammates, but I have to take what she can dish out in the meantime."

    But currently it's
    "I can completely ignore her because she isn't a threat to me at ALL, and by the time I get to her after killing everyone else that HP bonus will be useless and gone and I can one shot her."
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    PrimeTime wrote: »
    I just looked up her speed on the spreadsheet and wow. LOL...93 for one of the fastest and most acrobatic heroes in the Starwars galaxy? I'd welcome a stealthy unannounced buff :)

    Ya she is super slow.

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    out of all the toons available, theres only about 12 that are viable for pvp
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    Now I see why the long time players are calling for a rebalance.
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    Well, simply making armor and or defense up do anything at all would put a lot more characters in the viable category.

    But yes, Snips needs a lot of help and her being slow as a brick is disappointing to fans of the show.
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    +1 definitely needs a redo then again Mace still needs one as well *sigh*. Lol
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    medetec wrote: »
    Well, simply making armor and or defense up do anything at all would put a lot more characters in the viable category.

    But yes, Snips needs a lot of help and her being slow as a brick is disappointing to fans of the show.

    And to be honest, I've only seen a bit of The Clone Wars long long ago, so I don't have the biggest attachment to her as far as lore or characters go (compared to most), but even I know she isn't being portrayed correctly in this game. I can't imagine how disappointed hardcore fans of the show were when she was revealed as a character. I was attracted to her skillset from the start as it seemed unique, but is severely (and sadly) underpowered so I left her behind. If she was even remotely viable I'd give her some resources in farming.

    It's funny because my nephews play Infinity and I was reading the description of Ahsoka there: "Headstrong Padawan hero with lightning-fast dual Lightsabers™." I would imagine there is a big giant cheat sheet that game developers have that at least give a sense of continuity when they use heroes from franchises lol.
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    I do have an attachment to the character, and I have been farming and gearing her just because of that. Even geared and leveled she's still unplayable outside of a second or third string GW team.

    Barriss actually has a pretty odd kit as well as far as the show goes but at least shes a top tier GW leader and has a place in arena bulk based squads. Snips is both wrong and bad.

    If you get bored you might want to try the Clone Wars back again. It picks up steam as it goes (season 1 is the weakest by far) and the entire series is on Netflix now.
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    medetec wrote: »
    If you get bored you might want to try the Clone Wars back again. It picks up steam as it goes (season 1 is the weakest by far) and the entire series is on Netflix now.

    Oh it's on my list of things to watch ;) I do remember enjoying it and I think I got through 2 seasons maybe but just ran out of time to see it through. With Rebels now it's my plan to finally power through Clone Wars...then I'll probably be making even more "Ahsoka is all wrong!!" posts...
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    I got her in spite of all the bad reviews. I needed another character for the light side table because I didn't want to level the ewok scout past 40, and I just like her from the show (Clone Wars is pretty good - I'm almost through season 3, I just don't understand why it's not 121 episodes of Ahsoka and Bariss!!! If they don't run far, far away together and live happily ever after, George Lucas is getting a sternly worded email lol!) Ahem. So, I knew what I was getting ahead of time, and that I'd only be using her for LS battles and on the cannon fodder squad in GW, but I can't help but hope they give her a decent fix at some point, because my 3yo pretending to be Ahsoka moves faster than GoH Ahsoka!
    Barris irl imo idk
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    She is super slow so I only use her in GW sometimes. She does hit hard at 7* and max gear but several heroes hit harder and her speed reduces her overall damage during an entire encounter. As a Jedi she is completely blocked by Dooku and can't hit Sid reliably.

    Any one of these issues would negate a hero being used in the arena but she has 3 factors reducing her use:

    1. Really, really low speed. Reduces overall damage.
    2. Doesn't hit has hard as many other heroes, even at 7* gear 8
    3. Is a Jedi and inherits the anti-Jedi weaknesses.

    She definitely needs a rework.
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    HanSlowMo wrote: »
    medetec wrote: »
    She's actually at a point when they could add speed and she still wouldn't see play in arena. The has a lot of weird design decisions. She has a stacking hp buff, but that buff only puts her to almost decent hp so its really jsut playing catch up, not buffing anything. She has turn meter gain on evade as a leader ability, but only for herself and only while she is leader. She has a skill that triggers on crit, but no skill crit bonus and a huge basic crit bonus.

    She could be a cool attrition based character if she was in the 130-140 speed range and her special triggered regardless of crit. Probably move meter bonus on evade to her passive and just put the passive hp bonus directly into her health pool as well.

    At first glance her abilies look "good" until it's broken down just as you said, then she's actually really disappointing. She has all these abilities that need a proc, or additional modifiers to be active...and when they are active it only brings her to "average". Out of everyone currently in the game I'd say this is the hero they missed on the most.

    I mean, she has an ability called "quick steps" and evasion has a role in her playstyle, yet...she is molasses.

    It'd be great to get input from you two on this thread: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/14568/a-call-for-an-ahsoka-tano-rework#latest
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