Chimarea comin back nxt week? [MERGE]


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    No they are moving Chimera so it ends on the 25th so they overlap. It is still on the 25th
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    I spent 1,799 crystals last month to make sure I was ready. I don’t think f2p should get it this round.
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    It's a holiday tomorrow but they are due to hotfix it next week so that they overlap.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Yesac wrote: »
    Liath wrote: »
    Yesac wrote: »
    Not sure about this move to redo the calendar. I get the anger that f2p have over that schedule, but at the same time, those who did use crystals (some even f2p use crystals on these things if you can imagine that !?!?!?!) to refresh Home One or get a pack or two to 7* the ship are a little undercut here. In all honesty, people who spend do so for an advantage, and it sounds like that advantage may have been taken away from some people who spent <cough>. Either way, it is what it is, and what's the use in complaining (vault-gate). I'm sure all those f2p out there who weren't ready for Chimeara will think this perspective is so much more wildly selfish than their own selfishness.

    People who refreshed did so on speculation. They did it because they thought it was possible chimaera would come back first and wanted to play it safe. They knew they were taking the risk they would be wrong and that was their choice. They weren’t told it would be necessary. They aren’t entitled to anything if it gets changed.

    Why do people always bring up the word "entitled"? And now it's used by both sides so I'm not even sure what meaning it has. Isn't entitled usually used to describe how someone who hasn't put in work still want reward? So... do the people who complained about the calendar feel "entitled" to one more Home One event before Chimeara returns? Would you make that same statement about them?

    You understand that entitled was actually a normal English word in the sense that I used it before it became a slam on whatever generation people feel like whining about today? I didn’t use it as an adjective to describe anybody as entitled. I said you are not entitled TO something.

    Yes, I would similarly say that the people who complained about the calendar before are not entitled to have it changed. But the devs can certainly choose to change it in their favor, which they have apparently done. And anybody who says “that’s ridiculous I demand my 800 crystals be refunded” is crazy since those people spent those crystals on speculation and at their own risk.
  • Dark_Light
    499 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    I want a crystal refund if they’re giving away the chimeara. I’ll be seeking one if they change the date to allow f2p to get it.
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    Yes, It is arriving. I don't know why They didn't decleare It in The event calendar
    Do or don't there is no try
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    Idk why ppl are so upset tht they will do the hotfix. It was a given tht they would had the h1 pk n store at time of chimaera so neone close n needed one more h1 battle to finish would had got their 7* h1 n chimaera neway an now they can save 800 crystals big whoop. Is tht 800 crystals their savin gonna chg the game n make them unbeatable,no they will waste them somewhere else. Its not like them doin the hotfix is gonna give everyone n game a 7* chimarea. Only the ppl tht was almost there n would had got it neway will truly benefit from the hotfix. Im one of those ppl. At 90/100 on h1 so I would had got mine with or without the fix. Maybe sum tht wouldn’t had got a chimarea at all will now get a 5* one. Still not gonna brk game. Is it worth all the cryin on here,no. The real whales have already had their 7* chimarea for few months now an us tht will get it this time well we r not whales obviously so why we expect to get chimarea n run over the newbs for while longer is beyond me. Just be glad tht devs r willing to listen to their players whether its to ur benefit or not. Its a game n not worth all the stress an cryin tht sum of u do.
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    Is the post above me in english?
  • TuncBlack
    409 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    Be patient. Resistance and first order capital ships are on the way. General hux and general leia will be more destructive them chimera.
    Pls confirm @CG_Kozispoon @CG_CapGaSP
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    I think all guilds will benefit from more chimaeras. So i don't see the problem with chancing the dates. Everybody benefits.
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    Gamorrean wrote: »
    • We see the scheduling conflict
    • This was not our intention
    • Stay tuned for a hotfix and further details on how this will be addressed next week.

    For those who can, have a great three day weekend folks!

    Whaaat? I have Home One at 7* and am FTP. I think it took one 800 gem refresh.
    If I have it....then everyone else had the chance as well.

    Please leave the schedule as it is. Put a pack in the shop for the paying customers and have the rest of the ftp smurfs who did not invest in their home one sweat it out for a couple of months.

    Omg, that was your own choice lol

    selfish to think like that imo

    Home one event right after thrawn ship is a troll move to players who did hard work on getting phoenix and ships ready with crystals refreshes... Im in no need of crystals but i know a lot others are.

    Its more selfish to want something for nothing. I agree, keep the calendar the way it is and reward those for spending, even a little.
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    More chimera make tw better. Zetas to be had boys and girls.
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    Running this before the return of Thrawn would blow.

    They brought him back in December. That's how I got him to seven star. They just didn't do the Chimera at the same time. The devs have already said the two events won't usually run together. They only did that the first time.
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    I spent 1,799 crystals last month to make sure I was ready. I don’t think f2p should get it this round.

    It’s the 2nd time around. Everything has been available the 2nd time around to FTP. Requiring crystals to get a character after waiting for 3 months is pretty much unprecedented. Breaking the precedent of FTP getting him the 2nd time without previous notification will make people pretty upset, as you saw. It would be like if they ran the Talzin event and didn’t tell people it wouldn’t follow the normal cadence.
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    I spent 1,799 crystals last month to make sure I was ready. I don’t think f2p should get it this round.

    This is simply not the reality of this situation.

    Any decent FTP player is still gonna get Chimera, it’s just gonna be the difference of a couple thousand crystals. I haven’t done a refresh, and 25 shards to go, cuz I missed the first home one event. So now if they run the event, I do one refresh for 800 and get him, or if they don’t run the event I spend 3000 on 3 packs, which would be super annoying, but absolutely worth still doing.

    For those who’ve done all the times, they’ll be at 90 shards, and easily buy 1 pack for 1000 crystals and get it.

    No matter what, FTP people are getting Chimera 7 Star this round.

    Also, FTP always get legendaries quite easily the second time around, why are you feeling so salty towards them in this case?
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Kronen wrote: »
    Running this before the return of Thrawn would blow.

    They brought him back in December. That's how I got him to seven star. They just didn't do the Chimera at the same time. The devs have already said the two events won't usually run together. They only did that the first time.

    They are running together this time, it’s right there on the calendar.
  • Pieeater420
    232 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    Exactly thts what im saying. If u didnt 7* chimarea the first time then ur not a whale so don’t pretend u are. Ur most likely a f2p player or a guppie at the most. Like ploosh said f2p normally get legendarys 2nd time around unless they just do very bad management. Im 90/100 on h1 an would spent the 1k crystals to get 7* chimarea an any other player n my position an theres lots of them would done same but by them doin hotfix tht saved everyone few crystals but isnt gonna chg the fact they would got their 7* chimarea no matter what. So u ppl cryin it isnt fair u shouldn’t do the fix,ur just bein silly. Even the ppl not goin for the 7* chimarea an was just few shards short of a 5* chimarea would had spent crystals on the pk to get it an if u try say tht the h1 pk wouldn’t been released with chimarea event ur either lying or have no clue how this game wrks so honestly whts gonna change by them doin the fix except everyone saved a few measly crystals. U just thought because u spent few crystals last month to max h1 tht all of sudden ur a whale an when ur chimarea showed up n arena n the ppl behind u didnt have it would say oo wow he must be a whale. If u planned early n got it right then i give u pat on ur back good job but again the fix isn't gonna change anything. Everyone tht will get 7* chimarea would had anyway an same goes even at 5*. Noones gonna let chimarea fly by over 1k crystals. Sorry to bust ur whale of a bubble
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    Stay in school, don't do drugs.
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    The fleet master events were not in this order last month. In December we had Endurance before Home One. By this it should not come as a surprise that Home One come as the last one this month.

    I don't understand why you say it is unprecedented. Sure it is the first time Chimera event comes right before Home One, so maybe you can call it "unprecedented". But by analyzing developers' past behavioral pattern and what they have been wanting, this is hardly "unprecedented". Maybe it's because nobody was tipping y'all off last month? Well they will probably release the pack for you to buy during Chimera event, but even if they don't you will at least have a 6* Chimera. Why are y'all still so upset?[/quote]

    I checked it out and there was a pattern. I just got the order wrong. In November and December the ship events have come around 3 times in the order of Endurance, Home One and Executrix. Then in January Executrix suddenly starts the next round right after we had Executrix 10 days before in Dec.

    I'm sorry, but you don't establish a pattern and then "accidentally" break it just when it becomes critically important for another event.

    Oversight? I highly doubt it, despite what that dev guy earlier claims. I'm in the business of dealing with work worth up to tens of millions of dollars and people who aren't necessarily always going to be truthful.

    So, when someone says "oops!" and there's money involved I tend to believe that the decision involving making more money wins out more often than not. It's just the way the world works, unfortunately.

    That being said, it is possible that it could have been an oversight by the devs.... I just give it a very small likelihood of that being the case.
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    @Darth_Julienus1 news flash bub, 5* chimera can beat a 7* chimera. It’s already flooded the top arena teams and basically like any arena. Any team can beat every single team on offense.

    So chill out and it would be nice to see people being less selfish but hey I guess it’s human nature.

    The calendar was badly organized, they are making amends. More people get to play. Where’s the problem? Oh you thought ahead so it makes you more eligible to it. Here let me send you some pixel cookies to make you feel better
  • Winstar
    2429 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    There's 800 crystals wasted. CG screws you not matter what.


    Thank you, can I have a'notha type-ah?
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    JasFonz wrote: »
    @Darth_Julienus1 news flash bub, 5* chimera can beat a 7* chimera. It’s already flooded the top arena teams and basically like any arena. Any team can beat every single team on offense.

    So chill out and it would be nice to see people being less selfish but hey I guess it’s human nature.

    The calendar was badly organized, they are making amends. More people get to play. Where’s the problem? Oh you thought ahead so it makes you more eligible to it. Here let me send you some pixel cookies to make you feel better

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    It seems a little odd to me that the next Home One event is scheduled the day after the Chimera event ends. Seeing as how a 7* Home One is required to unlock a 7* Chimera, and we have to wait 3 months between Chimera events, it would be nice to have a shot to level up Home One in time and not have to wait another 3 months. Is this something the developers would be willing to change?
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Kozi already said they are looking at changing it.
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    Before it was CG screwing F2P and rewarding casual spenders. Now it's free Chimaera for people that never put in penny in this game. Cool I guess.
  • Jedi_of_Oz
    547 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    I spent 1,799 crystals last month to make sure I was ready. I don’t think f2p should get it this round.

    I did this also. Early in December 2017 there was a suspicion it was coming out later that month, so I spent the 1,799 crystals to 7* Home One in case it was fact.

    It turns out that I've overspent 999 crystals given the eventual Chimaera timing but it is what it was.
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    So let me get this straight, we don't get ackbar's ship before chimaera returns?
  • Vinny_Vader_Vedi
    4626 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    cadwane wrote: »
    So let me get this straight, we don't get ackbar's ship before chimaera returns?

    At first that’s what we all thought. People were quite angry!

    Then out of nowhere ... Kozi came in and said it would be fixed in a hot fix.

    And now...... some people are mad they spent crystals to get it to 7* when they didn’t need to. And also others haven’t read the entire thread and still think it won’t be rectified.

    TLDR we will.
  • Yesac
    362 posts Member
    Everyone jumping in here late, please read before posting. We’ve gone over this like 20x by now. They are looking at the calendar to see how they can accommodate those who didn’t get their H1 to 7*.

    I made a few posts on here earlier about planning ahead and spending crystals on H1, but after further consideration, leveling Phoenix ships was way more time consuming. I spent the last three months doing that, which is why I missed out on even a 5* Chimeara earlier. The H1 really shouldn’t be the ship holding you back from getting a 7* (or even 5* Chimeara), it was those pesky Phoenix ships. If you farmed them, then good on you and I hope you get your Chimeara.
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