Chimarea comin back nxt week? [MERGE]


  • Decay
    112 posts Member
    What- so people who paid for the Home one upgrade get slammed upon by you capitulating to a few people complaining. Way to go !
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    Im interested in hearing the gear requirements for crew from someone who completed it. Anybody?
  • Spang
    286 posts Member
    Decay wrote: »
    What- so people who paid for the Home one upgrade get slammed upon by you capitulating to a few people complaining. Way to go !

    You really can't understand what you read, do you?
  • Yesac
    362 posts Member
    Spang wrote: »
    Yesac wrote: »
    this perspective is so much more wildly selfish than their own selfishness.

    Yep, this is the only correct part of your comment. Those, who complained didn't do that in order to 'let ME have that, but no others'. You, on the other hand, did exactly that. This is the perfect example for selfishness.
    Liath wrote: »
    People who refreshed did so on speculation. They did it because they thought it was possible chimaera would come back first and wanted to play it safe. They knew they were taking the risk they would be wrong and that was their choice. They weren’t told it would be necessary. They aren’t entitled to anything if it gets changed.


    Besides that, let me highlight one sentence of Kozi for all those who are frustrated thinking that this is the result of whining, and who think that only they are entitled to 7* Chimaera because of their super planning skills:

    This was not our intention

    I read Kozi's post, I anticipate H1 swapping places with Endurance, so this is all beside the point, but... Why would anyone pay to advance faster in a game if not for selfish reasons? I said this already. I clearly admit it. I am not the only one who did this. So it is not me against everyone, it is the paying community (no matter how little that may be) against the f2p community - and it could be even more about people who prepare intently against people who wait for stuff to happen for them.

    I don't see why you think this particular issue is any worse than any other aspect of the game and feel the need to call me out on something I freely admit in two posts. I invested in the vets too for selfish reasons, and there was a huge outrage from this community saying that it was unfair to make them a requirement for Rey. Or how about having FO ready for BB8. A whole lot of people got upset about that, too. It seems, the majority of complaints tend to come from people who are constantly behind the curve. So I guess when you see an opinion from someone who tried to stay ahead of the curve not get the advantage he hoped for, you want to rail against him???

    Sometimes putting in the crystals works out, sometimes it doesn't. I was hoping for Chimeara at Christmas, and that's why I went all in on H1. Oh well. No big deal. Just don't pretend that anybody does anything in this game for selfless purposes. We all want to get an advantage on our competition.
  • Spang
    286 posts Member
    Yesac wrote: »

    I read Kozi's post, I anticipate H1 swapping places with Endurance, so this is all beside the point, but... Why would anyone pay to advance faster in a game if not for selfish reasons? I said this already. I clearly admit it. I am not the only one who did this. So it is not me against everyone, it is the paying community (no matter how little that may be) against the f2p community - and it could be even more about people who prepare intently against people who wait for stuff to happen for them.

    I don't see why you think this particular issue is any worse than any other aspect of the game and feel the need to call me out on something I freely admit in two posts. I invested in the vets too for selfish reasons, and there was a huge outrage from this community saying that it was unfair to make them a requirement for Rey. Or how about having FO ready for BB8. A whole lot of people got upset about that, too. It seems, the majority of complaints tend to come from people who are constantly behind the curve. So I guess when you see an opinion from someone who tried to stay ahead of the curve not get the advantage he hoped for, you want to rail against him???

    Sometimes putting in the crystals works out, sometimes it doesn't. I was hoping for Chimeara at Christmas, and that's why I went all in on H1. Oh well. No big deal. Just don't pretend that anybody does anything in this game for selfless purposes. We all want to get an advantage on our competition.

    So, basically, you say everybody is selfish, but it's only ok if you're selfish. If others are selfish, it's not ok. Congrats. :)
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    • We see the scheduling conflict
    • This was not our intention
    • Stay tuned for a hotfix and further details on how this will be addressed next week.

    For those who can, have a great three day weekend folks!

    Whaaat? I have Home One at 7* and am FTP. I think it took one 800 gem refresh.
    If I have it....then everyone else had the chance as well.

    Please leave the schedule as it is. Put a pack in the shop for the paying customers and have the rest of the ftp smurfs who did not invest in their home one sweat it out for a couple of months.

    Omg, that was your own choice lol

    selfish to think like that imo

    Home one event right after thrawn ship is a troll move to players who did hard work on getting phoenix and ships ready with crystals refreshes... Im in no need of crystals but i know a lot others are.
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    I don't mind spending crystals but will there be no chance of me getting 7* chimera despite having 7* everything bar home one? Will there be a crystal pack for home one during the event?
  • Yesac
    362 posts Member
    No. I say it's not a big deal. Learn to read dude.
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    xanderxman wrote: »
    Corey5068 wrote: »
    Of course they did. They intentionally attacked the player who make this game great. Good call.

    Convincing people to part with their money is not the same as attacking players. I am the first to call out a bad move when I see it. This is not that. Everyone had the chance to refresh the event and get the shards. If you chose not to do it you don't get the chance for Chimaera. I still don't get why f2p people think every single ship and character in the game should be handed to them.

    I am f2p and I get what I can get. I work hard to build teams to do events so I can get the new stuff. But when I miss them, I miss them. I missed NRAJ Rey. I didn't start a thread whining about it. I'm working on Vet Han so I can get her next time.
    Because that was the 1st time and this is the 2nd time for chimarea. They purposefully did home one the day after it ends and they changed the schedule so stop defending them. I don't even have any ships for home one 7 star but it's still a greedy move.

  • NoobSaibot12321
    191 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    If the event isn't coming back can you guys put the pack in the shop so we can purchase it to unlock Chimaera 7*. I know you'll be losing $70 from me if you don't. I am willing to bet many other people would throw money at it to get 7* this time around.
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    A dev posted about this issue:
    CG_Kozispoon wrote: »
    We see the scheduling conflict
    This was not our intention
    Stay tuned for a hotfix and further details on how this will be addressed next week.

    For those who can, have a great three day weekend folks!
  • Spang
    286 posts Member
    Yesac wrote: »
    No. I say it's not a big deal.

    Not a big deal, but you still wrote at least about 600 words complaining about the complaining people, and questioning the devs' intents. Kozi clearly stated that this was not their intention. That's why they want to fix it. Not that they fix it because of people complaining. So this is not the "first time ever".

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    Gamorrean wrote: »
    A dev posted about this issue:
    CG_Kozispoon wrote: »
    We see the scheduling conflict
    This was not our intention
    Stay tuned for a hotfix and further details on how this will be addressed next week.

    For those who can, have a great three day weekend folks!

    Thanks for the info, I am happy to hear there will be a way to get those 70 shards I still need.
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    Gamorrean wrote: »
    A dev posted about this issue:
    CG_Kozispoon wrote: »
    We see the scheduling conflict
    This was not our intention
    Stay tuned for a hotfix and further details on how this will be addressed next week.

    For those who can, have a great three day weekend folks!

    Thanks for the info, I am happy to hear there will be a way to get those 70 shards I still need.
    You can only refresh the event once, so you're only getting 30.
  • Decay
    112 posts Member
    Maybe CG should make some things more difficult to get. After the nightgsister disgrace where they have never fixed the AI to only attack the zombie and that team can beat any team on auto now just give away thrawns ship. Great job!
  • NoobSaibot12321
    191 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    Gamorrean wrote: »
    A dev posted about this issue:
    CG_Kozispoon wrote: »
    We see the scheduling conflict
    This was not our intention
    Stay tuned for a hotfix and further details on how this will be addressed next week.

    For those who can, have a great three day weekend folks!

    Thanks for the info, I am happy to hear there will be a way to get those 70 shards I still need.
    You can only refresh the event once, so you're only getting 30.

    Every time the Home One event was open, the pack was in the store and available to purchase for Home One shards. If this is not the case this time around then this is a first. So it's 1 refresh + 4 purchases of the pack = 70 shards. If you can... show me a link where they say the pack isn't coming around this time for the first time ever.
  • Pieeater420
    232 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    Lmao i opened this thread only to ask the devs to pls place the home one pk in store because i like alot of others didnt plan on chimarea comin back b4 i tho the home one would n tht was my bad. I tho id have time to 7* h1 for free n save crystals but once i seen i was wrg i opened this thread not to complain of the scheduling but to just ask the devs to pls put the pk n the store. Am i happy tht they will do a hotfix uh yes. Thk u
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    Lol at the outrage
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    This scheduling fiasco does not effect me either way, but I think people need to keep in mind that this is the second time the chimarea event will be happening. I could be wrong, but I can't think of a time this game has not made the return of an event ftp. It is technically ftp either way, but without another home one, that is only through refreshes. One crystal refresh is definitely not unreasonable, but a lack of communication about the return puts such a decision in bad taste. Thanks to the developers for putting the players first and putting home one first.

    Also, the people saying that they have the requirements, so CG shouldn't make this change, that's awful and I'd love to see your reaction if you ever miss out on anything.
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    Correct me if I'm wrong since I wasn't really tracking it but wasn't the order we were getting the ship events in: Home One , Endurance and Executrix?

    I seem to recall that it was this way the last couple of times, BUT the last round had Executrix being last with it then going first this time around. This would suggest that the devs intentionally changed the order to take away the chance for us to get Home One to 7* for the Chimaera event.

    You all also seem to forget that for most events it's only the ones who pay that get the opportunity to own the full ship/toon when it is initially offered. Typically, when it is offered the 2nd time most people have had the chance to fulfill the requirements (ie. F2P people) to get it. This is how the devs do it to give the P2P people a head start on having the ship/toon before everyone else does.

    So, we are in to our 2nd chance at Chimaera. Not everyone will get it this time around either if they haven't bothered to 7* their Phoenix ships, but all F2P potentially could.... except they've prevented that because no F2P person can possibly have a 7* Home One ship.

    This situation caused by the devs is unprecedented if we compare it to how almost every other similar event is run.

  • dad2my3
    1561 posts Member
    JermChu wrote: »
    This would suggest that the devs intentionally changed the order to take away the chance for us to get Home One to 7* for the Chimaera event.

    They already confirmed that this was unintentional and would be fixed in time.
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    JermChu wrote: »
    Correct me if I'm wrong since I wasn't really tracking it but wasn't the order we were getting the ship events in: Home One , Endurance and Executrix?

    I seem to recall that it was this way the last couple of times, BUT the last round had Executrix being last with it then going first this time around. This would suggest that the devs intentionally changed the order to take away the chance for us to get Home One to 7* for the Chimaera event.

    You all also seem to forget that for most events it's only the ones who pay that get the opportunity to own the full ship/toon when it is initially offered. Typically, when it is offered the 2nd time most people have had the chance to fulfill the requirements (ie. F2P people) to get it. This is how the devs do it to give the P2P people a head start on having the ship/toon before everyone else does.

    So, we are in to our 2nd chance at Chimaera. Not everyone will get it this time around either if they haven't bothered to 7* their Phoenix ships, but all F2P potentially could.... except they've prevented that because no F2P person can possibly have a 7* Home One ship.

    This situation caused by the devs is unprecedented if we compare it to how almost every other similar event is run.

    The fleet master events were not in this order last month. In December we had Endurance before Home One. By this it should not come as a surprise that Home One come as the last one this month.

    I don't understand why you say it is unprecedented. Sure it is the first time Chimera event comes right before Home One, so maybe you can call it "unprecedented". But by analyzing developers' past behavioral pattern and what they have been wanting, this is hardly "unprecedented". Maybe it's because nobody was tipping y'all off last month? Well they will probably release the pack for you to buy during Chimera event, but even if they don't you will at least have a 6* Chimera. Why are y'all still so upset?
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    Wow the sense of entitlement of some people. How anybody could not be properly prepared for this event is beyond me. Why throw terms like F2P around anyway. If you wanted 7* Thrawn every player regardless has had ample opportunity to prepare since the event first landed.

    As others have stated it’s a resource management game. Some people spent hard earned gems to make sure they had all the elements 7* others decided to prioritise other things. Either way it’s a risk. The self righteousness of people who cry because it doesn’t go their way but then have the audacity to jump on people who then express dismay at their choice.

    The schedule wasn’t an ‘oversight’ we all realise that. It was hardly a money grab either. Loads of opportunity to get the requirements and at no point were any of those options only available through a direct monetary transaction. Keyboard warriors are always keyboard warriors the speed you flip between indignation to righteousness is mind blowing.
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    Some of us planned for the return of the Chimaera and invested crystals to be ready. Appeasing the FTP horde is one thing, but don’t penalise the crystal spenders. CG should refund my 800 crystals.

    I get that you need to attract both FTP and spenders to keep the game going; however to incentivise spending you need to maintain a gap worth something. Now fleets will be flooded with thrawn and just like making cheese low power NS FTP team easily obtaining top arena slots, there are fewer reasons to actually spend in this game.
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    Great so Fleet arena is turning into Squad Arena. Everyone will have Chimaera 7*, be able to beat anyone on Offense and it will become a massive source of stress, where we have to fight relentlessly around our payout because you live in one of the most populated time zone in the world. As if a broken arena system was not enough, now we have two.

    Thanks a lot @CG_Kozispoon
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    A lot of whales that dosen’t wanna fight for payout huh?

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    Haven't seen one in a while and REALLY need that to prepare for Chimera event. Please add it EA!
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    It is on the January event list. Coming back the 25th. We just had one before Christmas also.
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    They are moving it to before/during Chimaera. Fix to the scheduling conflict coming after the long weekend according to Kozi.
This discussion has been closed.