Version Update 2/28/18 QoL + Sith Raid + Characters [MEGA]


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    Really don’t see why people are so upset. If you’re already taking 3+ attempts to clear 1 squad you’re doing something wrong and hurting your guilds chances of clearing a zone or winning the war.
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    Pa_lin wrote: »
    Really don’t see why people are so upset. If you’re already taking 3+ attempts to clear 1 squad you’re doing something wrong and hurting your guilds chances of clearing a zone or winning the war.

    TW principle was that you can use ALL your teams..I would send my JAWAS against NS,take down MT and Daka and then finish them off with a weak team. The new implementations give space only to strong teams unless you want to be a liability to your guild and leaves half of useless roster just to stagnate and to be deployed in TB. So you reckon that taking from players the chance to use a FULL roster doesn’t decrease the fun of the game? you either have all your toons 7* g12 or you’re a boring person that likes using the same teams over and over again.
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    An official response outside of a gif would be nice Considering there’s stuff that does need to be addressed
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    Pa_lin wrote: »
    Really don’t see why people are so upset. If you’re already taking 3+ attempts to clear 1 squad you’re doing something wrong and hurting your guilds chances of clearing a zone or winning the war.

    In addition to what Icebringer92 said, using multiple weaker squads to defeat one powerful team has actually helped us win a few wars. And it illustrates, to me, the fun of the war. The cooperation and teamwork required to take down a squad that one person alone can't. That sort of thing will hurt your guild with the news rules. And I think that's a pity.
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    Pa_lin wrote: »
    Really don’t see why people are so upset. If you’re already taking 3+ attempts to clear 1 squad you’re doing something wrong and hurting your guilds chances of clearing a zone or winning the war.

    In addition to what Icebringer92 said, using multiple weaker squads to defeat one powerful team has actually helped us win a few wars. And it illustrates, to me, the fun of the war. The cooperation and teamwork required to take down a squad that one person alone can't. That sort of thing will hurt your guild with the news rules. And I think that's a pity.

    I agree. Taking out a key character with a ragtag group of nobodies was part of the fun, now it'll be a liability.
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    Agrew with the above. I would also sometimes pair 2-3 of my strongest toons with some weaker ones but the whole "points for survival" makes that tactic less useful as well.

    I'll say it again, all we wanted was a simple tiebreaker. That's it.
  • CleverWes
    648 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Pa_lin wrote: »
    Really don’t see why people are so upset. If you’re already taking 3+ attempts to clear 1 squad you’re doing something wrong and hurting your guilds chances of clearing a zone or winning the war.

    I've geared up my bounty hunters for dark side territory battles. They're horrendous for arena style combat though. The nice part is I could combine them with my jawa as a 1-2 punch to take out a decent squad in TW.

    You know, using all of my roster including factions that haven't be reworked since they were released...

  • Kronen
    306 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Two qol updates now and still no bronzium multi-pull. They tote how they are building qol around player response but a third of the tweeks are things ive never seen mentioned on the forums and they are still ignoring the most asked for feature.
    Post edited by Kyno on
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    Kronen wrote: »
    Two qol updates now and still no bronzium multi-pull. They tote how they are building qol around player response but a third of the tweeks are things ive never seen mentioned on the forums and they are still ignoring the most asked for feature.

    agreed. Insane they wont acknowledge the bronzium multi spend. so many people have 100's of thousands of ally points just sitting there
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    Pa_lin wrote: »
    Really don’t see why people are so upset. If you’re already taking 3+ attempts to clear 1 squad you’re doing something wrong and hurting your guilds chances of clearing a zone or winning the war.

    than you should read in this thread the few posts with reasons why this new pointsystem is a mess, and not the small talk...
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    Guys,guys let’s stop replying to Pa_lin. Of course he doesn’t understand,he is in a 39M GP guild. He wants to pretend to be smart,telling people who are in high tier Guilds that they are doing something wrong if they use multiple weak teams to take down a strong one. Go back to your cave Nehandertalis and stop pretending you know how long time players should fight in TW.
  • Garlion
    2 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    AnnerDoon wrote: »
    Garlion wrote: »
    The items I see missing are:

    1) Ability for smaller guilds to participate in tw... as small as 10.
    2) chromium pack multi purchase
    3) Global chat for your shard... WHY do we need to leave the game to recruit players? It's a basic function that should have been in game at launch.
    4) mod management.
    5) shard shuffle. My account is about a year old and I have most of the items on some tabs. I can't imagine what more veteran players do with their currencies.

    1) Is a guild with only 10 members really even a guild?
    2) I think you mean bronzium, not chromium
    3) Agree. But most players would still use 3rd party chat apps.
    4) Definitely agree
    5) Speaking as a veteran player that has no character farms remaining from GW/Fleet/Squad Arena/Cantina shops, I honestly see no reason to shuffle. GW and Cantina tokens exchange for Shard Shop tokens to buy gear. Fleet tokens buy zetas. Squad Arena tokens buy credits.

    Yup I meant bronzium... and a guild with more than just the founder(s) is a guild. You have to start somewhere. Why exclude smaller guilds? Even clash of clans recognizes that.

    Edit: swear filter doesn't like abbreviations

  • PremierVenoth
    2285 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    I wouldn’t mind one from @CG_Leviathan either since he posted the QoL patch. Maybe a gif saying this QoL was just a joke and the real one is coming. Lol

    IDK - that a single banner on a Defense win was that was really needed to break a tie, and the only thing everyone was asking for (EDIT: @leef was indded the one person who didn't want it, but I doubt he wanted this either). No one wanted tournament mechanics brought back. What gives?

    Then also, will we get any bug fixes? Things that have been not working for a long time have yet to be addressed. MT not getting her 5% TM for the team on her lead as been verified since Halloween.... among the virtual bug cornucopia that is SW-GOH.

    And by cornucopia, I clearly mean...

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    May the odds be ever in your favor!
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    I don't know who the chick is in that gif but I want either myself or my wife or both of us to have relations with her
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    Ooookay, so another 6 days until we get that update?
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    I would expect everything will drop at the end if the month. Game Changers visit wraps up the 23rd so there's still another 5 days to reveal it.

    It's funny but I looked again at the first, incomplete, announcement about the QoL update. We were told about simming, raid ticket fix, filtering, and TW changes, all sans the full details.

    The only addition we got was setting characters based on height, delete inbox stuff, device linking. Exciting.

    I'm happy for folks that are all giddy about this, what has been shared, but it really is nothing of consequence.

    Outside of the new raid adding a new way to earn gear or currency (albeit no mention of removing challenge gear from raids) there's zero here that is going to advance the rate of progression to keep on par with the increase in demands.

    And, as Venoth stated, no mention of lots of fixes that have all been lost somewhere in purgatory.

    Fingers crossed something mind blowing comes from this developer's shindig. Carrot got too far away from me.
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    Can we bring back being able to buy ally points in the GW since we are resurrecting tournament style game play? I would really much like to have a decent amount of ally points if any rework in bronzium pack were to happen.
  • TVF
    36767 posts Member
    Jellyglob wrote: »
    we are resurrecting tournament style game play

    I need a new message here.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Jellyglob wrote: »
    we are resurrecting tournament style game play


    I hope this doesn't happen.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Jellyglob wrote: »
    we are resurrecting tournament style game play


    A comment before me suggest that the tournament system is going to be implemented in some ways into TW.
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    I guess I would rather talk about the picture... That is Hillary Duff?
  • TVF
    36767 posts Member
    Jellyglob wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Jellyglob wrote: »
    we are resurrecting tournament style game play


    A comment before me suggest that the tournament system is going to be implemented in some ways into TW.

    Ah, an unsubstantiated rumor out of nowhere repeated as fact. Par for the course here, unfortunately.
    I need a new message here.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Jellyglob wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Jellyglob wrote: »
    we are resurrecting tournament style game play


    A comment before me suggest that the tournament system is going to be implemented in some ways into TW.

    Ah, an unsubstantiated rumor out of nowhere repeated as fact. Par for the course here, unfortunately.

    If I remember correctly, the reference was to the convoluted and complicated method of scoring, not that anyone would be spending ally points or something to win.
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    Cridiron wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Jellyglob wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Jellyglob wrote: »
    we are resurrecting tournament style game play


    A comment before me suggest that the tournament system is going to be implemented in some ways into TW.

    Ah, an unsubstantiated rumor out of nowhere repeated as fact. Par for the course here, unfortunately.

    If I remember correctly, the reference was to the convoluted and complicated method of scoring, not that anyone would be spending ally points or something to win.

    Yep, that was the point of my post:
    kalidor wrote: »
    I agree, it's like the took the complexity of Tournament scoring and applied it to Territory Wars. While this was not too difficult to manage by yourself, when applied to a guild it's not going to be fun.
    Tournaments can stay dead ad infinum. They were terrible.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
  • TVF
    36767 posts Member
    Ok my bad, instead of an unsubstantiated rumor, it was was a game of telephone.
    I need a new message here.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Ok my bad, instead of an unsubstantiated rumor, it was was a game of telephone.

    You're not wrong about the countless unsubstantiated rumors on this forum though! :)
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
  • TVF
    36767 posts Member
    Was was?

    Someone slap my wrist.
    I need a new message here.
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    Another day and still no real response from the devs yet...this is getting ridiculous now.
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