[Feedback] JTR back w/ BB8 [MERGE]


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    JoeSolo wrote: »
    Am I the only one who’s kinda mad that they just decided to drop JTR again 50 days sooner than they did CLS or Thrawn for their second releases? I was under the impression I was going to have at least another month to finish my farm for JTR and put my farm on hold for a week to farm KRU. This is a cheap move to bring a meta legendary character back in a completely different pattern than was followed with literally every other legendary event character in the game and is going to leave those of us under the impression we’d have a reasonable amount of time to complete this farm out to dry, destroying our arena shards and setting us even farther back in your dumb Sith raid that you royaly screwed up. Bringing JTR back is a bandaid to a problem you caused that has caused even more problems than before. At least give us some heads up next time if you’re going to completely go off the rails with your character rotations. Thanks a lot.

    Did you 7* KRU in a week? When did you start the farming the Vets?

    Well yeah it was obviously longer than a week but not by much the drop rates for him were insane. And I started the Vets a few days before the original JTR drop and have been working diligently ever since minus the hiatus I took for KRU, which I stress once again was the shortest farm of my life.
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    Pick one:

    Look at me! I farmed the necessary toons and I'm ready, thanks CG!

    I procrastinated because I made up some timeline for myself that turned out to be wrong, I blame you CG!

    Or the third: been farming since she came around first, 2-3 refreshes a day and still need 150 shards for Vet Han since RNGesus can suck my kitten.
  • Hoenur
    28 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    It is so nice of EA/CG to give us time to prepare for this event...
    Since everybody probably thought that she is coming around that early again :#
    You know if there would have been some time to prepare i might have even used some money, but since there is no way of finishing them even with dropping some money (no i wouldnt use a lot) i wont even bother...
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    JoeSolo wrote: »
    Am I the only one who’s kinda mad that they just decided to drop JTR again 50 days sooner than they did CLS or Thrawn for their second releases? I was under the impression I was going to have at least another month to finish my farm for JTR and put my farm on hold for a week to farm KRU. This is a cheap move to bring a meta legendary character back in a completely different pattern than was followed with literally every other legendary event character in the game and is going to leave those of us under the impression we’d have a reasonable amount of time to complete this farm out to dry, destroying our arena shards and setting us even farther back in your dumb Sith raid that you royaly screwed up. Bringing JTR back is a bandaid to a problem you caused that has caused even more problems than before. At least give us some heads up next time if you’re going to completely go off the rails with your character rotations. Thanks a lot.

    Did you 7* KRU in a week? When did you start the farming the Vets?

    Well yeah it was obviously longer than a week but not by much the drop rates for him were insane. And I started the Vets a few days before the original JTR drop and have been working diligently ever since minus the hiatus I took for KRU, which I stress once again was the shortest farm of my life.

    So how long did it take to farm KRU? I’ve been farming the Vets since the first run of RJT and I’m only 3 Han shards short of being ready. My point is you choose what to farm in this game. It was possible to be ready for this upcoming RJT event if you stick to your farm, complete it and then you can move on to the next farm project. 3 days sucks for those that didn’t farm in time but it’s going to pay off for those that did. It’s almost like a pop quiz. You don’t know when it’ll happen but you better be ready when it does. You chose to farm KRU for a length of time and that cut into your Vet farm.
  • Edward
    651 posts Member
    Hoenur wrote: »
    It is so nice of EA/CG to give us time to prepare for this event...
    Since everybody probably thought that she is coming around that early again :#

    While it’s early because they know most aren’t ready or expect her in April. Next time, we will all be ready and it may return late instead.
  • Edward
    651 posts Member
    JoeSolo wrote: »
    Am I the only one who’s kinda mad that they just decided to drop JTR again 50 days sooner than they did CLS or Thrawn for their second releases? I was under the impression I was going to have at least another month to finish my farm for JTR and put my farm on hold for a week to farm KRU. This is a cheap move to bring a meta legendary character back in a completely different pattern than was followed with literally every other legendary event character in the game and is going to leave those of us under the impression we’d have a reasonable amount of time to complete this farm out to dry, destroying our arena shards and setting us even farther back in your dumb Sith raid that you royaly screwed up. Bringing JTR back is a bandaid to a problem you caused that has caused even more problems than before. At least give us some heads up next time if you’re going to completely go off the rails with your character rotations. Thanks a lot.

    Did you 7* KRU in a week? When did you start the farming the Vets?

    Well yeah it was obviously longer than a week but not by much the drop rates for him were insane. And I started the Vets a few days before the original JTR drop and have been working diligently ever since minus the hiatus I took for KRU, which I stress once again was the shortest farm of my life.

    Kind of hard to believe, two 16 Cantina node plus a 10 Cantina node
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    I think its very good idea to bring her back now. Because when cls back everyone got him . This time it doesn't seem everyones getting her. I hope I can.
  • Edward
    651 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    I think its very good idea to bring her back now. Because when cls back everyone got him . This time it doesn't seem everyones getting her. I hope I can.

    Couldn’t agree as I only need her for Sith Raid which is her sole purpose for me, since she is nerfed specifically for the raid, she lost 50% value. I would rather not to waste too many crystals on her.
  • Joost
    233 posts Member
  • Narseph
    141 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Can’t see it announced anywhere, are we to assume it’s during the weekend the legendary is up ?
  • Narseph
    141 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    (P.S. : how to link dem gifs to posts lol ?)
  • Deda
    12 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    I'm just a silent creeper in these forums but I had to take this opportunity to take the load off my chest.
    I was going to write a full story about how I farmed both vets and their missing 438 shards in approx. two months, starting from January 5th. How it took a lot of commitment and calculation with very limited resources (only top100 in pvp arena and no crystals from fleet arena).

    Imagine the situation I was in, as was the majority of people who didn't get Rey the first time: It's 5th of January, JTRs in your arena shard are already geared up and zetad. They are destroying everything. They are awesome for the AAT raid, they are awesome for TW and LSTB. JTR resistance are THE team.

    What other priorities could there be other than ditching everything and going all in for veterans and FO in order to survive this kind of situation where it comes up more than a month in advance? I honestly don't get it. This game is all about focus and it has been ever since the beginning.

    There is only so much cantina energy to do one thing at the time and I'm worried that a lot of people are missing that. Believing that the game should do all it can to make it super flexible for casual players to strategize everything in advance verges on ludicrous.

    I don't have nightsisters, don't have KRU, don't have Empire troopers, don't have ewoks, but **** them all to hell, I will have JTR in 2 days.

    I'm literally amazed at the notion that you should be able to enjoy all these awesome factions all at once if you're F2P and didn't do everything right and focused on making the right choices like some have from day one.
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    Deda wrote: »
    I'm just a silent creeper in these forums but I had to take this opportunity to take the load off my chest.
    I was going to write a full story about how I farmed both vets and their missing 438 shards in approx. two months, starting from January 5th. How it took a lot of commitment and calculation with very limited resources (only top100 in pvp arena and no crystals from fleet arena).

    Imagine the situation I was in, as was the majority of people who didn't get Rey the first time: It's 5th of January, JTRs in your arena shard are already geared up and zetad. They are destroying everything. They are awesome for the AAT raid, they are awesome for TW and LSTB. JTR resistance are THE team.

    What other priorities could there be other than ditching everything and going all in for veterans and FO in order to survive this kind of situation where it comes up more than a month in advance? I honestly don't get it. This game is all about focus and it has been ever since the beginning.

    There is only so much cantina energy to do one thing at the time and I'm worried that a lot of people are missing that. Believing that the game should do all it can to make it super flexible for casual players to strategize everything in advance verges on ludicrous.

    I don't have nightsisters, don't have KRU, don't have Empire troopers, don't have ewoks, but **** them all to hell, I will have JTR in 2 days.

    I'm literally amazed at the notion that you should be able to enjoy all these awesome factions all at once if you're F2P and didn't do everything right and focused on making the right choices like some have from day one.

    Then there’s me who has been working on vets since the first appearance of JTR. Took me til well into January just to get Han with crap drop rates. Now just about to 5* chewy. I also am in the top 50-100 for payout in arena and get no ship crystals.

    Today I did two cantina refreshes and all my other cantina energy focused on vet chewie and got a total of 4 shards. It was like this for Han and continues with chewie. Oh well. I’ll atleast have bb8 this time.
  • Edward
    651 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    As the title says.
  • Edward
    651 posts Member
    I feel your anger. What they have been doing didn’t consider our interests at all.
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    DJphenom wrote: »
    Guys, they use the same release cadence for every legendary character. I have been telling my guildmates that JTrey would be coming back in March since the first event ended. 3 months after first release is the normal cadence.

    It took six months for CLS
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    Why are you all so ****. It's not like JTR is a win condition for anything these days.
  • MrGrips
    521 posts Member
    As someone who also misplanned for JTR - have ~150 shards total to go- I can't help but agree that it was silly of me to assume itd follow the same cadence as CLS, the only other heroes journey character. Not really a strong precedent, and it does make sense theyd release her with the TLJ blu-ray.

    Dunno if Ill get her, but Im happy for the many who have planned and will get her this time around.
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    I am way to far from completing the vets to farm them in time even if she came back in April.
    BUT they could at least have announced her when they made the calendar. Three days is just ridiculous. Once again i'm not pretending I had a chance to unlock her but what is the point to make a calendar anymore? Everyone know hiw the TB and TW rotates and nobody gives a **** about omega battles. The calendar is only good for legendary/journeys so wth. Heck they could at least have announced bb8.
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    DJphenom wrote: »
    Guys, they use the same release cadence for every legendary character. I have been telling my guildmates that JTrey would be coming back in March since the first event ended. 3 months after first release is the normal cadence.

    It took six months for CLS

    CLS was in august first time around, then returned in december.. Although it felt like it while CLS was dominating the arena, it wasn’t as long as people seem to think.
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    Are we at least getting double drops?
    “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”
  • Edward
    651 posts Member
    Are we at least getting double drops?

    While don’t think we ever get double drops when an event returns, only first time. Even we do this time, it will be 2 days, doesn’t help.
  • Globuhl
    751 posts Member
    That’s sooner than I expected. I started farming vets actively early January and used two refreshes a day. Even then, as of today, I’m 26 shards short for Chewie. I’ll get them in time, no worry, but that says a lot. Many will miss this event once again.
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    So I understand JTR returning amidst the raid hype she's getting. But I thought Thrawn event would be returning first so I just about finished Phoenix. I'm really not ready for JTR on such short notice. I'm just wondering, if I miss her this time will she return in another couple months again or is this like the only other time this year she's coming since she she came early?
  • UdalCuain
    5046 posts Member
    I highly doubt it will be the last time she comes this year. Carry on with Thrawn, then you are guaranteed to be ready when he comes back.

    Just start making your preparations for JTR as soon as you are done for Thrawn. I just finished the Vets last week and they are not a fun farm.
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    Phoenix will be done in like a week. Vets I could fast track in about 40 days...
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    TVF wrote: »
    The calendar that only shows some events? And not the big ones?

    Element of surprise!

    Panic Farming is the key to sell packs. lol

    All about dem dollars. Now that a toons been nerfed may as well bring it back
  • Edward
    651 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Stenun wrote: »
    Having been farming the Vets since before JTR came around the first time and still only have Vet Han on 5*, I am irritated.

    I have been spending 300 crystals almost every day to be able to farm the relevant Cantina nodes as much as possible (and yes, that has involved spending money sometimes) but thanks to the RNGods not being in my favour, I'm not going to be ready in time. Even if I manage 10 more shards every day between now and the end of the Event, I will just miss out on her. Just.

    Even having spent money on the game, I still can't get it. What's the point? How much do the Devs want me to have spent in order to get her?

    I understand the Devs need to coordinate things to make money; they're a business, after all. But I think in this particular case they are asking too much.

    Same for me, even spend $, still can’t get her.
    Post edited by Sunnie1978 on
  • Sumbu
    30 posts Member
    Thanks to CaptialGames staff for this fantastic raid and for the opportunity to get F2P to JTR as well. Anyone who has stayed behind will be happy with me now. JTR incoming!
  • Kbeef999
    21 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    I and many others I’m sure were planning for JTR to return around May, in line with the legendary hero cadence so far. The Sith Raid makes her key as well. Three days notice? What is that all about? I don’t mind dropping money here and there, but they are forcing people to make extremely time limited decisions, in order to stay relevant in this game. It’s playing on our love for the Star Wars universe, it’s akin to emotional blackmail.
    Post edited by Kyno on
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