End of Week Raid Reward Update - 4/13/18 [MEGA]



  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    RawdSW wrote: »
    JPBrunel wrote: »
    ...still waiting to hear something this week @cg_carrie Still nothing. I'm so glad we've entered this new "era of open and honest communication" by the devs... :|

    At this point I'd rather not have another vague "we understand but" post.We all know how this story will end - some bonus crystals in an email and marginal reward increase.

    Wow, aren't we the optimistic one. :D

    Honestly, if that's what we get, I'd be happy. lol.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    More likely fix.

    In order to address your concerns about raid rewards we will be rotating challenge gear back in.
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    RawdSW wrote: »
    JPBrunel wrote: »
    ...still waiting to hear something this week @cg_carrie Still nothing. I'm so glad we've entered this new "era of open and honest communication" by the devs... :|

    At this point I'd rather not have another vague "we understand but" post.We all know how this story will end - some bonus crystals in an email and marginal reward increase.

    Wow, aren't we the optimistic one. :D

    Honestly, if that's what we get, I'd be happy. lol.

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    What kind of compensation do people expect every time? A 7 star toon? Take the Crystal's and Chewie shards and smile.
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    I am not 100% certain but I think because this thread has been merged so many times Heroic and Tiers 1-6 have been merged. I thought I read somewhere that Cg_Carrie posted it seemed heroic raiders wanted Carbanti and Furnaces instead of GS12 gear.

    This is what happens when threads are merged which seem similar, but are not the same. Heroic Raiders want salvage gear from the daily salvage challenge removed. They want better salvage options for needed gear to make GS12 pieces or complete pieces.

    The Tier 4-6 need to have items needed for GS9-11 increased to full sets and salvage and the daliy salvage challenge gear removed. The occasional yellow GS11 salvage would be appreciated in Tier 6.

    No one is asking for more carbontis, furnace, droid callers etc except in the appropriate Sith Raid Tier, 4 or 5, NOT for heroic Sith rewards! We want to make sure H Rancor and HAAT are preserved with the salvage gear from the daily salvage challenge removed, plus any new goodies that may be added.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    keiths9216 wrote: »
    What kind of compensation do people expect every time? A 7 star toon? Take the Crystal's and Chewie shards and smile.

    Honestly, the issue isn't the compensation specifically. It's two things related to how this all went down:

    1) They set the bar for rewards, then nerfed them. Either because they didn't sufficiently extrapolate the effects or they underestimated the ability of guilds to complete the raid. Both of which are symptomatic of a larger problem, which is, they don't seem to test things sufficiently before releasing them to the beta-testers (us).

    2) The second (and more frustrating) is the fact that they basically mislead everyone, saying they were increasing the raid rewards, when, in fact, they nerfed them. There is no possible way by any method you want to use to quantify and qualify that the rewards are now better than before the change. But on April 2nd it was clearly stated that they were going to make them better.

    Now we can also discuss the entire "time/effort vs. rewards" point of view. But honestly, at least for me, it's about the two points above.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    We've been down the "sorry, here's 500 crystals" road before.

    We've been down the "our commitment to do better" road before.

    We've been down the "say one thing, then do another" road before.

    We've been down the "oops didn't forsee that happening " road before.

    I'm tired of that road, aren't you?

    I really like this game. Longest mobile game I have played, and the only one I've spent money on. So when I see buggery afoot, I gotta call like I see it.

    We all thought we'd get a Corvette, but got a Chevette.
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    Ok, I feel for the heroic guys here who have obviously taken the biggest hit in the rewards department. Earning 1-2 fully crafted gear pieces per raid and the getting those taken away and replaced with less than satisfactory new and improved rewards after being lead to believe the new rewards would be better as a whole. They aren’t and it seems as though the devs are diligently making and effort to appease the higher end players with their vague and less than clear solutions.

    As a member of a middle of the pack guild (85 mil gp) struggling to complete T5 in a timely fashion, it seems like we and the rest of the guilds completing tiers T1-T6 have been left out of the thoughts and considerations of the devs completely. All we’ve been told until now is how the heroic guilds are going to be taken care of and honestly it feels like a slap in the face to the rest of the games loyal players who aren’t spending 1000s of dollars on the game. Are rewards have also been gutted although not to the extent of the heroic ones but if the devs main intention was to help lower guilds gear up more quickly to progress through the tiers I feel like they have missed the mark considerably.

    Numerous posts in this thread have spelled out the data points showing how minuscule the amount of gear being given is overall so I’m not going to point that data out specifically but it would be nice for the devs to consider and reach out to the player base as a whole instead of only the players completing STR in a heroic guild.
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    Changing the rewards for the top 3 positions is a step to the right direction but not sufficient. What about the damage bug in p4 and how it can impact the ranking? That could create massive tensions within guilds when a legit top 3 finisher gets kicked out of his position because some dude got 10m rewarded with a g5 team...
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    Unbelievable just got 36 crappy pit salvage for reward HSTR no full . My wallet is forever closed CG good job killing the game.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Jabba wrote: »
    Unbelievable just got 36 **** pit salvage for reward HSTR no full . My wallet is forever closed CG good job killing the game.

    @CG_Carrie - I just want to point out the "date joined" on the above poster's account. November of 2015. This thread is full of people who have played (and paid for) this game for 2+ years that are unhappy with the way this was handled. Please keep that in mind as you decide how to proceed - and how you handle event roll-outs in the future.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Kyleslater
    438 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    keiths9216 wrote: »
    What kind of compensation do people expect every time? A 7 star toon? Take the Crystal's and Chewie shards and smile.

    Honestly, the issue isn't the compensation specifically. It's two things related to how this all went down:

    1) They set the bar for rewards, then nerfed them. Either because they didn't sufficiently extrapolate the effects or they underestimated the ability of guilds to complete the raid. Both of which are symptomatic of a larger problem, which is, they don't seem to test things sufficiently before releasing them to the beta-testers (us).

    2) The second (and more frustrating) is the fact that they basically mislead everyone, saying they were increasing the raid rewards, when, in fact, they nerfed them. There is no possible way by any method you want to use to quantify and qualify that the rewards are now better than before the change. But on April 2nd it was clearly stated that they were going to make them better.

    Now we can also discuss the entire "time/effort vs. rewards" point of view. But honestly, at least for me, it's about the two points above.

    Well... to be fair they said they were removing challange gear... what they forgot to mention... was they were removing everything else too. And I agree it sounded like it was going to be an improvement.

    Ima go re read it see if that was just my impression or if it was really there

    Edit:.... well...

    “Given the difficulty of the raid, we will be increasing the rewards a bit. Skip down to the meat of the post for this info, along with a Q&A based on expected questions we think you may have. The credit for all of this information goes to our data & analytics specialists who are too shy to introduce themselves in the forums...for now.”

    That definitly looks like I should have been expecting better rewards... I thought maybe I’d read wrong but that sure as hell isnt the case. I guess this is where we say. Well **** we’ve been had.

    I’d like to know how we went from “we will be increasing rewards” on the 2nd to the chance for a full piece has been nerfed and you noticed on the 11th...
    I hate these new timesinks called Tb/tw. Annoying features.
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    I joked that they were adding the challenge rewards back and they did. Now that is some sweet customer service.
  • Sunnie1978
    2937 posts Moderator
    There has been a dev update regarding Sith Raid rewards. The megathread for the new post can be found here: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/166829/sith-raid-reward-rollback-4-17-18-mega/p1

    Closing this thread.
This discussion has been closed.