Post here if you like current Ships and don't wan't Ship 2.0


  • kalidor
    2124 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    Gorem wrote: »
    Can I just vote for ships 3.0 now?

    Ships 3.0 will be the Rollback of Ships 2.0 back to ships 1.0 along with Chewy shards given out and a gaggle of youtube videos.

    I'd put my bets in for this!

    All we asked for was more content, not a complete redesign :D Why not give us the more ships, more capital ships and the pve table, and leave everything else as is <3

    Because everything else as-is is bad. The existing ships need a redesign to go along with all these changes. Millennium Falcon is a bad ship. It's too slow to take turns, takes too many turns to set up, and is exceedinly fragile.

    If the reinforcement bonus it gets is unchanged once the update goes live, this will flip around and it will be overpowered instead of underpowered...and my not even unlocked **** will be an anchor dragging me down the ranks.

    It looks like the stacks of TR didn't apply extra attacks on the Falcon's AoE in the videos, looked more like it increased offense. So I think they've tweaked how TR works a bit in order to balance it out.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
  • TVF
    36757 posts Member
    Ah, thanks.

    I don't watch videos. ;)
    I need a new message here.
  • TVF
    36757 posts Member
    Haha I just realized my abbreviation for the ship in question was censored. :blush:
    I need a new message here.
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    Does something need to be done with ships - Yes, but I'm unsure 3v3 is the answer.

    I'd rather see them release ships for all characters in the game who have ships and rework the under used ships to make them more viable.

    The rng also really needs sorted you shouldn't be able to lose a match killing at most 1 opponent ship restart the match and win with losing at most 1 ship.
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    How can you prefer one way over the other when we haven't tried the new way yet?
  • TVF
    36757 posts Member
    DarthGazza wrote: »
    How can you prefer one way over the other when we haven't tried the new way yet?

    It's called "the official SWGOH forums."
    I need a new message here.
  • kalidor
    2124 posts Member
    DarthGazza wrote: »
    How can you prefer one way over the other when we haven't tried the new way yet?

    I know I prefer the 7 1/2 minute battle time over the 5 minute time, because it leaves me vulnerable for only a bit over 2 1/2 minutes. Being vulnerable for 5 minutes is looking like it'll be a serious problem on my server, there's a lot of players climbing at my payout time. Have to draw out the battle to the full duration just to avoid being attacked between battles.

    Now if they were to change the battle timer and the time between attempts to 5 minutes, I'd absolutely prefer that. Then I could just fire off 5 battles in quick succession, and be done in half the time that it currently takes me. That would be a great ships 2.0 and QoL improvement. Likelihood though? Not high.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
  • Options
    I don't even play ships right now except for my daily activities so I hope ships 2.0 makes it fun for me
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    ZCD_9915 wrote: »
    I don't even play ships right now except for my daily activities so I hope ships 2.0 makes it fun for me

    In essence, that's what I think they are hoping for. Getting more people playing it cause of the many that dislike it.

    The problem here is many do like the current style, And they are not really finding a middle ground for anyone.

    In essence, this is a thread that length will detail how many forum users dislike the new format, even people wanting the change or saying things like "we don't even know what it will be like yet" Is increasing the length of a thread designed for posting in if you dislike the direction 2.0 is taking, essentially feels like a separate thread for players who want to discuss 2.0 should be made, and this one kept for just the people who don't want 2.0, such as myself, because I am pushing top 5 on my server this week after much fighting to get past top 100. its been an effort, and I've spent a bit, and now this change will be dumped on us.

    I hope it stays an effort, is my concern. I really hope they don't go full casual on us and make the weakest ships, like the vids seem to show, suddenly the best ships.

  • Options
    Gorem wrote: »
    I really hope they don't go full casual on us and make the weakest ships, like the vids seem to show, suddenly the best ships.

    I think that it is likely many currently weak ships will become much stronger and they hinted at some currently meta ships seeing "adjustments" (likely meaning nerfs). Also just adjusting the size of the starting fleets and adding reinforcement abilities will change ship strengths and reinforcements will instantly become much more important. Old strategies will likely made to be ineffective and forcing new strategies and ships to the forefront.

    I too fear all my hard work will be undone. It will still be an effort, in all likelihood, but my fear is my effort will be completely undone as my ships go from meta to average and stuff like Resistance X-Wing an Geonosian Spy's Starfighter dominates the top spots, flushing six months of effort down the drain. I am basically a newer F2P player who lives off of fleet crystals, and can't change my fleet on a dime.

    But something needed to be done. You see the same ships over and over. Fact is I am at the top of my shard it is stagnate. That shows a lack of interest in ships. While this change will likely hurt me, I hope they get this right and interest is sparked. I love ships but a stagnate meta and a disinterested player base isn't a good thing.

    I am nervous, but hopeful. I am fearing how this change can wreck me. I also know if ships are going to be a fun and important thing in SWGOH it needs to be shaken up. I would have preferred they done it the way the shake up squad arena, isolated reworks, new ships, and more prize support instead of a complete reworking of ships. But something needed to be done.

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    of all the things they felt needed a change, it was 3v3? No new ships, let alone a new capital ship, and no changes in the dismal farming mechanic that takes an extra 17x400 to reach 7 stars or snail pace hard node farming. The reward system should have more crystals included up to level 40 or even 50. Arena has it until 500...
    I guess that tie swarm from executrix may be affected by 3v3 as well..or any ability for that matter as the first turns will be reinforcements--scimitar and slave 1...
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    of all the things they felt needed a change, it was 3v3? No new ships, let alone a new capital ship...

    *devs add something new*
    Forum: Why don't you fix older stuff first?
    *devs fix older ships*
    Forum: Why don't you give us new ships instead?

    Also, there is no certainty that they are releasing no new ships, they just didn't show any in the videos. Considering how much space was given to the Geonosians, I would say that chances of a Sep capital are pretty high.
  • JJay
    368 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    PeteSolo wrote: »
    I hate the idea of reworking ships because we are still going to need gear to boost their stats. We've spent a considerable amount of resources to gear our pilots and to risk losing all that progress is scary. Imagine if you have to gear your Geonosians to 12...

    That’s exactly what you’re going to have to do.
    Huatimus wrote: »
    Knowing their modus, they're going to make the current least used ships useful and force you to G12+3 those pilots and kitten over those of us who've already G12+3 the current meta. (TIEs Bistan)

    And of course sell those brand new shiny reinforcement/hardware materials in a premium pack.

    Yup, I have no doubt that most of the ships being used now wont be in the top teams, this “rework” is nonsense, and the fact they are changing the stats of all ships is an insult, I’ve invested so much into my fleet arena pilots, fully geared Shoretrooper and Death Trooper, Vader , TFP, FOTFP, Biggs.. two of those aren’t even useful elsewhere in the game, and once Traya takes over arena I doubt Vader will be useful either.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    of all the things they felt needed a change, it was 3v3? No new ships, let alone a new capital ship, and no changes in the dismal farming mechanic that takes an extra 17x400 to reach 7 stars or snail pace hard node farming. The reward system should have more crystals included up to level 40 or even 50. Arena has it until 500...
    I guess that tie swarm from executrix may be affected by 3v3 as well..or any ability for that matter as the first turns will be reinforcements--scimitar and slave 1...
    Did you not read past the lineup change?

    3v3 (and, at that, 3 starting ships vs 3 starting ships--you'll still have a maximum of 5 v 5) is just one change. They're adding a pve board with its own energy so you can farm Cantina and Hard Nodes for those characters and gear you want without impacting your ship acquisition; they haven't said what'll be on the pve board, but do you honestly not think it's going to have ships on it? You think, for real, it's just going to be credits and training droids and absolutely nothing else?

    Every ship is going to be updated. That includes Executrix, Scimitar, and Slave-1. It also includes Resistance X-Wing and Geonosian Spy and Millennium Falcon and other awful joke ships.

    Practically the only thing that ISN'T changing is the number of ships and capital ships. And you think they're going to do all of this and never introduce something new again? No, man, they're giving us time to figure out the changes with what we've already got before adding more on top of all of that. Relax.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    I'm really dreading the new ships. I'm in first consistently or at least top 5 depending on this one dude that loves to snipe my position. I'm not good in arena. Around 80 or so, but I realized ships was my way to Crystal's. I absolutely hate the idea that my ship shard is about to get harder for me and easier for those who didn't put in the time and resources into their pilots like I have. All because people complained it takes to long or that's biggs is OP. So now I'm the one who is going to suffer so that others can feel more (included). Feels more like I'm being pushed out of the game entirely... So little enjoyment left in the game, and what little I have is about to be taken away. I've been playing this game for 2 years. I love star wars. Thus I love this game, but that love is quickly being soured.
  • Options
    of all the things they felt needed a change, it was 3v3? No new ships, let alone a new capital ship, and no changes in the dismal farming mechanic that takes an extra 17x400 to reach 7 stars or snail pace hard node farming. The reward system should have more crystals included up to level 40 or even 50. Arena has it until 500...
    I guess that tie swarm from executrix may be affected by 3v3 as well..or any ability for that matter as the first turns will be reinforcements--scimitar and slave 1...
    First off, the farming of ships isn't much harder than farming toons. Farming is not the issue. Besides they are addressing that with the new ships table. Stagnate game play was. I do agree they need to give more love to the rewards in fleet arena. After all 20 spots for a shard with thousands is a joke.

    But still with everyone at the top playing the same fleet outside of one or two ships out of ten is boring. Something needed to be done about that and they did. It is not what I would have done, but ships as it is was dying. So give it a chance.

  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    Nauros wrote: »
    of all the things they felt needed a change, it was 3v3? No new ships, let alone a new capital ship...

    *devs add something new*
    Forum: Why don't you fix older stuff first?
    *devs fix older ships*
    Forum: Why don't you give us new ships instead?

    Also, there is no certainty that they are releasing no new ships, they just didn't show any in the videos. Considering how much space was given to the Geonosians, I would say that chances of a Sep capital are pretty high.

    The problem with this post, is that people were always asking for new ships and new capital ships, and what are they doing? They are not doing just "Something new" they are doing both something new AND completely changing the entire format.

    Noone ever said "new ships instead" People just said "new ships/pve table" what we get instead is a complete redesign of that entire side of the game, with no thought to the repercussions. Think about TB, suddenly needing less ships to defend/attack with, that whole side of the game will also be flipped over. Again, we still only have four capital ships, that's hardly anything. Especially with so many so obviously better then the others.

    Ships needed balancing yes, and needed more ships and capital ships and more to do such as pve tables, yes.

    But no one was asking for what the devs have planned for us instead of doing just that.

  • TVF
    36757 posts Member
    TB is already 3v3. I assume you mean TW.
    I need a new message here.
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    lesismore wrote: »
    Don't like, besides they will nerf some of the best ships we like most and make us farm and gear other less used ships and their pilots even they are not worthy of the gear

    That is my fear.
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    I'm surprised no one has made the connection that with this change to starting from 3 vs 3 total fleet size goes from 9 to 7 which means that there are exactly enough ships for all 4 7 star capitol ships to field a full 7 ship fleet. Saves them the effort of creating 8 new ships.
  • Klocko
    1017 posts Member
    Ugh. Not reading all that. I'm not looking forward to the new 3v3 system. I'm not looking forward to underused ships becoming viable. I already have all the ships at 7* except the somewhat new FO tie. As a collector, it's what I do. I've spent a lot of time and resources, and frankly a decent bit of irl money maxing out what works now. When I'm available, I'll take top 10. I could take #1, but due to lack of availability I'm not in payout rotation.

    That all said, it's not right that there's a very real possibility that I'll soon have to compete with others who mostly ignored ships until the rework. If they didn't put in the time and effort, they shouldn't suddenly get an "easy button". As it is now, all battles win or lose are over before the 3 minute mark. If I take a battle to the end of the clock it's because I'm locking before payout. This is a completely unnecessary change.

    Bring on the PvE table though. That sounds fun.
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    3v3 will be just more same ship lineups

    The defence will be even worse - meaning all non win traders will get the shaft

    I guess its in line with newest Sith raid - half baked

    The fleet arena i even think should get 6 ships in start line up for more different line ups and different strategies. But its okay, its no fleet its more a mini squad battle than :-)

    Just think about it in advance - i doubt the final result will be an improvement in gameplay and feeling
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    I think 3 vs 3 will eventually lead to even less variety of the ship line up since you have less tolerance for bad RNG than 5 vs 5.
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    Please remove ships !!!
    Please remove ships !!!
    Please remove ships !!!
    Please remove ships !!!
    Please remove ships !!!
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    I am looking forward to the the changes for the most part, i do worry it will reach the same stagnation as the current model which would mean we may not gain aything.

    But i am hopeful that having more options for the bench to give you more chances to turn the battle in your favour would be a great way to bypass the current reliance on a target lock only team to be comptattive.

    Starting with much fewer ships and working way up to 5 has great potential with this comes 2 major concerns however.

    1) ai on defense needing to be smart enough to be a challange without out playing the human without a suprioer postion to do so from.

    2) rng needs to not be favoring the defense so much that it becomes impossable just due to rng

    But i fell if these condtions are balanced then it will make ships more fun and open up more varity just with what we have already, let alone any new ships to be coming our way.

  • TVF
    36757 posts Member
    Jos33680 wrote: »
    Please remove ships !!!
    Please remove ships !!!
    Please remove ships !!!
    Please remove ships !!!
    Please remove ships !!!

    Please don't play them if you don't like them, but you don't get to take content away from me just because you don't like it.
    I need a new message here.
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    Im willing to try the new ship format, sure. However, if I had a choice, I'd keep ship arena exactly as is. 3v3, to me, sounds dumb. I like how it is currently, 5v5, more intense that way.
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    Jos33680 wrote: »
    Please remove ships !!!
    Please remove ships !!!
    Please remove ships !!!
    Please remove ships !!!
    Please remove ships !!!

    Please don't play them if you don't like them, but you don't get to take content away from me just because you don't like it.

    Lol I do what I want :)

    They spend time and ressources on this part of the game ... by consequence not on the content I like.

    Remove shiiiiiiiiiips :)
  • Options
    Jos33680 wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Jos33680 wrote: »
    Please remove ships !!!
    Please remove ships !!!
    Please remove ships !!!
    Please remove ships !!!
    Please remove ships !!!

    Please don't play them if you don't like them, but you don't get to take content away from me just because you don't like it.

    Lol I do what I want :)

    They spend time and ressources on this part of the game ... by consequence not on the content I like.

    Remove shiiiiiiiiiips :)

    Ummm they hadn't spent much time at all on ships since they were released. But your (and other people, not trying to single you out, but will anyways) refusal to play ships forced them to spend more time and resources on it taking away from the areas you do enjoy. Good job @Jos33680
This discussion has been closed.