Sith Triumvirate Raid Feedback Thread


  • ohgreatitsryan
    53 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    To get a refund:

    Always email. That way when you're confronted by the script reading garbage water people they employ refusing to help you, you can use a screenshot of the emails to show Google or Apple that the developer is failing at customer support, nearly guaranteeing you a refund.

    You always want a paper trail when dealing with useless **** s.
    Post edited by ohgreatitsryan on
    To get a refund:

    Always email. That way when you're confronted by the script reading garbage water people they employ refusing to help you, you can use a screenshot of the emails to show Google or Apple that the developer is failing at customer support, nearly guaranteeing you a refund.

    You always want a paper trail when dealing with useless **** s.
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    I'll check it out...
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    Bounty hunters are now completely useless in sith raid as they cannot remove bonds of weakness. RIP Bossk. And thanks @CG_SBCrumb
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    Our guild has voted to finish current tier 3 and no longer run this raid at any level until it’s worth our time.

    We've just been running Tier 1, if only for a few credits and guild tokens. It takes us about 3-4 days to finish, then we take a couple days off. It's not fun so it really more of a background activity when you finish doing everything else.
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    We can do tier 2 in about 24 hours, Tier 3 about 3 days...Tier 4 more than a week. Most don’t even try anymore.
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    Run Heroic and it’s so boring and predictable. With new nerf now we can expect to just throw teams at it doing 100-300k in damage due to Traya continuous attacks. Yep, we attack once to Trayas 6-12 attacks. <makes sense. While we are at it, lets just nerf Pao and any other useful character. Rewards are garbage mostly getting 2 of something which is not worth the time while the top 5 or 10 gets useful new gear, but not always. #1 got jack nothing yesterday. But hey, Acolyte is broken but Wampa is working as intended with 250k stacked. Can’t wait to see this raid with all the new changes. Should be good for a laugh.
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    This thread, the raid, and the game as a whole are a sorry joke. Why do we put up with this. Disney needs to pass on the IP, because this is just insulting to the customers at this point. If the people who own star wars will put up with this its making very uninterested in Star Wars anymore.
  • ohgreatitsryan
    53 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    To get a refund:

    Always email. That way when you're confronted by the script reading garbage water people they employ refusing to help you, you can use a screenshot of the emails to show Google or Apple that the developer is failing at customer support, nearly guaranteeing you a refund.

    You always want a paper trail when dealing with useless **** s.
    Post edited by ohgreatitsryan on
    To get a refund:

    Always email. That way when you're confronted by the script reading garbage water people they employ refusing to help you, you can use a screenshot of the emails to show Google or Apple that the developer is failing at customer support, nearly guaranteeing you a refund.

    You always want a paper trail when dealing with useless **** s.
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    Thought I'd check back after 2 months to see if anything at all was done on this thread . . .

    Oh, nothing, figures.

    Here's why your raid sucks, no fewer than 100 resets to get decent runs in p1-4. That is 100 times frustrated, wasting time, watching a load screen. It's a horrible mess. Worse, you are making broad sweeping game changes, rather than just adjust easy fixes on the raid, Why is this raid so protected? Fix it - fix the crappy mechanics and horrible rng.
  • Drazhar
    784 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    We are at page 49. Is this enough feedback @CG_SBCrumb?

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    So can we get better gear? Remove garbage challenge gear? Anything? If you're going to continue nerfing every viable team.. heck, my 0 score in both HPIT and HAAT are better than when I try and get first in tier 4 and 5.. the difference? Literally no effort in first 2, and hours into sith raid for garbage.
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    I stopped playing a month ago and stopped by to see if anything has changed. Sadly, it hasn't.

    Until CG starts listening to their players, life will continue to be much better on the other side.

    I'll keep checking in every once in a while because I really loved this game.
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    1Sandman1 wrote: »
    You are hurting those without Traya because those with Traya found your mistake. Why not nerf Traya and leave the other 90% of your players alone. And Zombie, really?!? The game is about strategy, or at least I thought it was.

    Yes, it’s about money, yours. Ok, then try this. Before this overall nerf I had one player in my guild threatening to quit because of this raid, now I have ten. They each spend between 100-200 per year. So max $1000 per year. How many guilds do you have? If you only have 500, well I’ll let you do the math.

    This is pathetic.

    200 a year... this game caters for guys that spend 500 a week.

    To get those 4 new toons to 7* and G12 would cost about 1500-2000. The top players have that already
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    Sith raid is awful! Boycott it!
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    Sith raid is awful! Boycott it!

    I've no idea why I keep bothering TBH. Guess it's because it's actually something to play, get done with GW and what's left? The rest of it is Farmer Giles' Gear 'n' Shard Grind.
    Hey, it's still better than MSF
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    Sith raid is awful! Boycott it!

    I've no idea why I keep bothering TBH. Guess it's because it's actually something to play, get done with GW and what's left? The rest of it is Farmer Giles' Gear 'n' Shard Grind.

    Perhaps if nobody played it, they’d be forced to address the issues head on, remember when the community got tournaments removed? That was good!
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    Oooo 49 pages.
    I heard or saw that crumb is suppose to make a statement monday about the Sith raid?
    It's time for us to boycott the raid and keep making discussion post named "Hey, fix STR."
    Keep making them and blow up the feed. Find their Twitter. Blow up their twitter feed.
    Lets take the fight to them.

    Red Dawn anybody?
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    After the mess from this weekend, not expecting changes to the rewards. They can’t make one minor change without messing up everything else.
  • ohgreatitsryan
    53 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    Post edited by ohgreatitsryan on
    To get a refund:

    Always email. That way when you're confronted by the script reading garbage water people they employ refusing to help you, you can use a screenshot of the emails to show Google or Apple that the developer is failing at customer support, nearly guaranteeing you a refund.

    You always want a paper trail when dealing with useless **** s.
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    Came to see whats been happening, and all is as usual. More problems cause by STR and all that related to it. Not amazed. P.S since Daka is getting zeta refunds, can i have 20x(203÷0.25) energy for Talzin, 20x(210÷0.25) energy for Zombie, gear returned in form of crystals or guild store/guild event store currency so i can re purchase gear that i need elsewhere. Credits and ability mats for 4 lvl 85 characters with maxed abilities. As i was led to believe these were good choices and they turn out to be reduced to ashed by developers as of recently.
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    Making the raid actually FUN, would be nice. This raid is work. The guild is about to just give up forever on it.

    You designed it to take away everything that you gave our Toons. Basic attacks add protection turn meter removal doesn't work, debuffs get resisted, buffs get stolen and cleansed, resurrections doesn't work, teams can't work together do to Isolate, and the list goes on and on.

    I'm honestly curious who thought these together was a fun way to design a game.
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    I’m all for a mass boycott on the sith raid.
  • jstehly
    108 posts Member
    A few ideas that might make the raid more fun:

    1) A common theme on this thread is that only a fraction of the guild participates in this raid. If the maximum attacks for Tiers 1-6 was upped to 8 from 5, it would make the raids go faster and it gives you the option of experimenting with new squads.

    2) Something that I was hoping for with this raid was to allow up to seven characters to join in the attack. It would be really fun to attack with all seven Ewoks or different squads of Rebels, for example.

    Just some ideas that would make things more interesting
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    I honestly think Sith Raid is great in idea and on paper.

    Horrible execution, though.

    Much worse follow up.

    Everyone makes mistakes. It is how you react and followup to to your mistakes that differentiate truly great people and just a piece of garbage driving their own selfish agenda.
  • Madpup
    279 posts Member
    Here is how you fix this game in general.

    1. Fire whomever is the driving force behind all this aweful decisions.
    2. Hire someone who actually cares about the game and/or has enough of a spine to stand up to EA.
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    Hey guys, we have been reading your posts and we want to keep the spirit of the raid alive so we fixed it! We nerfed the nightsisters so that the majority of players can’t get heroic rewards. We used playable 7* Darth traya as an excuse for the nerf because almost no one has one and we thought it would bother you more if we blamed it on Traya. See you on the holotables!
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    I think most of us grinding the non-heroic Sith raid find it less than great. I know I do at least.

    How about lowering the HP for each phase, and at the same time lower the number of attempts per day to only one? And make the bosses HP 20% (or maybe 30%) of what it is today. You can use one team per 24h, and it could even reset between phases, so if phase 1 is beaten you get to use another team in phase 2.

    This would make it more like the heroic raid, where you use specific teams for each phase. In my guild very few people use all 5 attempts, and I think this would make the lower tiers a lot more fun, and less of a chore.

  • Gama_Fox
    627 posts Member
    Reduce the health, but keep the 5 attempts (more chances to do damage for people who actually participate). And while they're at it double the rewards to make them worth the time invested...

    It's all false hopes though. They don't give the slightest **** about us otherwise they would have changed things by now.
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    I want more than one attempt per day
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    Yeah with only one attempt you can't expirament to find how to maximize your damage. Btw they can either up the rewards or lower the difficulty I don't see them ever doing both, and i would prefer a reward boost
This discussion has been closed.