Young Han solo & Vandor Chewbacca How To Use Them(The Silent Scoundrel Rework)


  • TVF
    36786 posts Member
    Clone War Chewie?

    Come on.
    I need a new message here.
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    Speed is what matters in arena so i will say what is the fastest speed of the team in 50th position in your arena thats how fast you need to get. Rex lead currently tops my arena amongst palpitine & traya teams

    So you might as well just say get any team super, super fast and they will make Top 200 then?

  • InstantDoneWithYou
    175 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Speed is what matters in arena so i will say what is the fastest speed of the team in 50th position in your arena thats how fast you need to get. Rex lead currently tops my arena amongst palpitine & traya teams

    So you might as well just say get any team super, super fast and they will make Top 200 then?

    Yup supers fast ewoks in to 100 in my arena shard
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  • Damodamo
    1589 posts Member
    Speed is what matters in arena so i will say what is the fastest speed of the team in 50th position in your arena thats how fast you need to get. Rex lead currently tops my arena amongst palpitine & traya teams

    So you might as well just say get any team super, super fast and they will make Top 200 then?

    Yup supers fast ewoks in to 100 in my arena shard
    So at least your admitting that speed is what matters, maybe now you can stop with the pile of kitten repetition of nonesensical capitalised posts.

    Happy Friday.
  • Krjstoff
    635 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    You propose a team consisting of a zetaed Raid Han ... I'm willing to go out on a limb and say, that if you have zRaid Han, you will also have 4 better toons than Old Ben, CWChewie, Young Han and Vandor Chewie.

    Most will have R2 by the time they get to Raid Han, and as such also have a pretty decent Empire team. Following the most used beginners guide, the route to a decent Empire team goes through Phoenix and Thrawn.

    Furthermore all beginners guides advice you to farm scoundrels early on to be able to do heists. So you'll most probably also have Boba, STH and Lando. And focus on a few rebels like Wedge and Biggs and so on.

    Before you even get to 7* Raid Han (and gear him to at least G11, because he is way to fragile until then), you'll have accumulated a lot of other great toons like Rex, maybe some FO's (KRU, FOX and Kylo are relatively easy to get), some Resistance (Finn, Poe, RT - and you've got the spine of an awesome offensive team),

    So by the time you are ready to assemble the mentioned team, your roster will leave you with way better options.

    In my eyes, Young Han and Chewie are only going to be good for two things: Heists and filling platoons in TB. Just like they olders selves - the veterans. Except that the veterans at least gives you access to JTR, which makes the young guns just a tiny bit worse than the veterans.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    I Havent Really Tried Them ...

    But still you claim that:
    1.FIRST question are the new toons viable?
    My answer is YES. They are worth acquiring and Are Very arena viable when the lair are used with the right synergy. Young Han Solo & Vandor Chewbacca work brilliantly well against a variety of enemies.

    I'm not surprised.


  • Damodamo
    1589 posts Member
    Waqui wrote: »
    I Havent Really Tried Them ...

    But still you claim that:
    1.FIRST question are the new toons viable?
    My answer is YES. They are worth acquiring and Are Very arena viable when the lair are used with the right synergy. Young Han Solo & Vandor Chewbacca work brilliantly well against a variety of enemies.

    I'm not surprised.

    And this is my point with his posts :/
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Waqui wrote: »
    I Havent Really Tried Them ...

    But still you claim that:
    1.FIRST question are the new toons viable?
    My answer is YES. They are worth acquiring and Are Very arena viable when the lair are used with the right synergy. Young Han Solo & Vandor Chewbacca work brilliantly well against a variety of enemies.

    I'm not surprised.

    Damodamo wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    I Havent Really Tried Them ...

    But still you claim that:
    1.FIRST question are the new toons viable?
    My answer is YES. They are worth acquiring and Are Very arena viable when the lair are used with the right synergy. Young Han Solo & Vandor Chewbacca work brilliantly well against a variety of enemies.

    I'm not surprised.

    And this is my point with his posts :/

    To be fair he says "My answer is yes". As all shards are different and at different places, along with the fact that we all have different ideas of what arena viability and "being competitive" on a shard are. He is expressing a fair opinion.

    He shows a good understanding of synergy, and some strategy. Let's stay on topic and discuss the point of the post please.

    On topic: I would love to see CWC become a top 50 meta toon. It would make all those random chewie shards so much more valuable. :smiley:
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    @Kyno Try CWC lead in the Bonus Tier with Vandor. Only take 5 toons. Watch CWC protection regen everytime he takes a hit. His lead has a very good synergy with Vandor.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    VonZant wrote: »
    Kyno Try CWC lead in the Bonus Tier with Vandor. Only take 5 toons. Watch CWC protection regen everytime he takes a hit. His lead has a very good synergy with Vandor.

    I know, on paper these are good ideas, not sure they will work in a actual arena but it's a good idea.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    love it, there are 2 threads, one claiming they're arena viable, the other where the OP (different person) is dissappointed because they're not arena viable.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    VonZant wrote: »
    Kyno Try CWC lead in the Bonus Tier with Vandor. Only take 5 toons. Watch CWC protection regen everytime he takes a hit. His lead has a very good synergy with Vandor.

    I know, on paper these are good ideas, not sure they will work in a actual arena but it's a good idea.

    Yeah Im not sure if arena viable, but I think they will make a solid TW defense team, especially with the new scoundrel TW bonus. CWC, both vets, Vandor and either YHS or STH or Capyy Han.
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    Having tried them out with lowish geared toons on the event Bonus tier I think the OB,Raid Han, YHS, VChewwy and STH team could be arena viable. Maybe not META but with the right gearing & mods could hold its own. Plus remember we have almost certainly got another Lando and maybe another scoundrel to come.
    I remember many on this forum slating the EP/DV rework until they worked out what to do with them and Sion came along. Watch this space I think....
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    Ultimately, at least in my opinion, they just aren't worth the farm for anyone save for those lucky few who have nothing left to do. Even if they could top 200 I could think of 3 dozen other characters I'd prefer to waste weeks of precious farm on.
  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    We'll see how they land once they're F2P. If they're relatively accessible, they could be viable scoundrels for early players.

    Also, we'll see how they interact with other Solo toons who will probably interact with the Prepared mechanic and synergize better than existing scoundrels. At the very least, we're probably getting a new scoundrel leader.


    Could be interesting if that new leader's ability applied to scoundrels and folks with Prepared, letting you cross-seed under that lead with a bit of setup.
    Still not a he.
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    I was sorting scoundrels earlier and realized they are approx the 3rd largest faction behind rebels and galactic republic. Lots of possibilities.

    Dont know why and havent seen the movie but would love to see the Woody Harrelson character. Just because its him.
  • crzydroid
    7386 posts Moderator
    VonZant wrote: »
    @Kyno Try CWC lead in the Bonus Tier with Vandor. Only take 5 toons. Watch CWC protection regen everytime he takes a hit. His lead has a very good synergy with Vandor.

    I get CWC on paper, but the bonus tier is not a good test. I just stuck all five Hans in and think it could have been done on auto despite a couple g7s in there.

    That being said, I don't get all the hate saying they're not worth having at all because they may not be an arena meta. With TW, we have the perfect playground for a bunch of different teams. I find the Vets to actually be a good thing to have on TW offense--you get extra stuns in there and even a dispell. That can be very handy in late game TW when you've gone through a lot of your heavy hitters, and I may put a little more gear into them soon. I really like this prepared mechanic and think there could be a spot for the Younglings even if it's not arena.
  • TVF
    36786 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Krjstoff wrote: »
    You propose a team consisting of a zetaed Raid Han ... I'm willing to go out on a limb and say, that if you have zRaid Han, you will also have 4 better toons than Old Ben, CWChewie, Young Han and Vandor Chewie.

    I've never liked Old Ben, I've never used Old Ben, but that doesn't stop me from appreciating that he's a good toon. This is a shardmate:

    Top 10 with CLS R2 Han Thrawn Old Ben
    I need a new message here.
  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    CLS zeta lead with Old Ben is such a hilarious combo.
    Still not a he.
  • Vertigo
    4497 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Krjstoff wrote: »
    You propose a team consisting of a zetaed Raid Han ... I'm willing to go out on a limb and say, that if you have zRaid Han, you will also have 4 better toons than Old Ben, CWChewie, Young Han and Vandor Chewie.

    I've never liked Old Ben, I've never used Old Ben, but that doesn't stop me from appreciating that he's a good toon. This is a shardmate:

    Top 10 with CLS R2 Han Thrawn Old Ben

    Yeah and if you look at the one day he obviously didn't have time he landed at 52 for payout. As in the team drops like a rock on defense. He's also got a 5pm EDT payout, so probably doesn't have a whole lot of competition as he's 2 hours before the US east coast and 3 hours after the UK. My guess is he probably shares with 1 other person. Not saying it's a bad team, it's just not exactly the best choice unless you want to spend multiple hours climbing from the 50s back up to the top 5 every day. Old Ben is not the best choice of a tank anymore, he's still quite solid at times, and is great for TW teams, but not the best arena tank unless you're pairing him with an auto-taunting character as well.
  • Options
    Vertigo wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Krjstoff wrote: »
    You propose a team consisting of a zetaed Raid Han ... I'm willing to go out on a limb and say, that if you have zRaid Han, you will also have 4 better toons than Old Ben, CWChewie, Young Han and Vandor Chewie.

    I've never liked Old Ben, I've never used Old Ben, but that doesn't stop me from appreciating that he's a good toon. This is a shardmate:

    Top 10 with CLS R2 Han Thrawn Old Ben

    Yeah and if you look at the one day he obviously didn't have time he landed at 52 for payout. As in the team drops like a rock on defense. He's also got a 5pm EDT payout, so probably doesn't have a whole lot of competition as he's 2 hours before the US east coast and 3 hours after the UK. My guess is he probably shares with 1 other person. Not saying it's a bad team, it's just not exactly the best choice unless you want to spend multiple hours climbing from the 50s back up to the top 5 every day. Old Ben is not the best choice of a tank anymore, he's still quite solid at times, and is great for TW teams, but not the best arena tank unless you're pairing him with an auto-taunting character as well.

    Exactly Old Ben is best with another disruptive tank like General Kenobi, Royal Guard, etc i particularly love pair the Bens together
  • Options
    Damodamo wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    I Havent Really Tried Them ...

    But still you claim that:
    1.FIRST question are the new toons viable?
    My answer is YES. They are worth acquiring and Are Very arena viable when the lair are used with the right synergy. Young Han Solo & Vandor Chewbacca work brilliantly well against a variety of enemies.

    I'm not surprised.

    And this is my point with his posts :/
    Damodamo wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    I Havent Really Tried Them ...

    But still you claim that:
    1.FIRST question are the new toons viable?
    My answer is YES. They are worth acquiring and Are Very arena viable when the lair are used with the right synergy. Young Han Solo & Vandor Chewbacca work brilliantly well against a variety of enemies.

    I'm not surprised.

    And this is my point with his posts :/

    @waqui I tried them in bonus tier remember they have no gears there though VChewy hits like wet noodles & Yolo could do better damage i rank them sane as FirstOrder faction they are very useful outside the arena TW Defense especially
  • InstantDoneWithYou
    175 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Ultimately, at least in my opinion, they just aren't worth the farm for anyone save for those lucky few who have nothing left to do. Even if they could top 200 I could think of 3 dozen other characters I'd prefer to waste weeks of precious farm on.

    The fun in the game is collecting all of them & have a variety of teams at your disposal that said yesterday one dude was on my case in arena battling me each time i beat his team were at a stale mate for some time before i just switched up my line up sure he was furious as hell when he couldn't beat the new lineup lol
  • Options
    Krjstoff wrote: »
    You propose a team consisting of a zetaed Raid Han ... I'm willing to go out on a limb and say, that if you have zRaid Han, you will also have 4 better toons than Old Ben, CWChewie, Young Han and Vandor Chewie.

    Most will have R2 by the time they get to Raid Han, and as such also have a pretty decent Empire team. Following the most used beginners guide, the route to a decent Empire team goes through Phoenix and Thrawn.

    Furthermore all beginners guides advice you to farm scoundrels early on to be able to do heists. So you'll most probably also have Boba, STH and Lando. And focus on a few rebels like Wedge and Biggs and so on.

    Before you even get to 7* Raid Han (and gear him to at least G11, because he is way to fragile until then), you'll have accumulated a lot of other great toons like Rex, maybe some FO's (KRU, FOX and Kylo are relatively easy to get), some Resistance (Finn, Poe, RT - and you've got the spine of an awesome offensive team),

    So by the time you are ready to assemble the mentioned team, your roster will leave you with way better options.

    In my eyes, Young Han and Chewie are only going to be good for two things: Heists and filling platoons in TB. Just like they olders selves - the veterans. Except that the veterans at least gives you access to JTR, which makes the young guns just a tiny bit worse than the veterans.

    I will post something today on the younglings diversity ensure you get the most out of the game that Lineup is best for TW Defense
  • Options
    Damodamo wrote: »
    Speed is what matters in arena so i will say what is the fastest speed of the team in 50th position in your arena thats how fast you need to get. Rex lead currently tops my arena amongst palpitine & traya teams

    So you might as well just say get any team super, super fast and they will make Top 200 then?

    Yup supers fast ewoks in to 100 in my arena shard
    So at least your admitting that speed is what matters, maybe now you can stop with the pile of kitten repetition of nonesensical capitalised posts.

    Happy Friday.

    Thank you for viewing
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    Damodamo wrote: »
    @InstantDoneWithYou so second thread about the same subject? I’m guessing nobody stroked your ego enough in the other thread?

    Have you personally zeta’d both of the toons? Have you levelled the new toons to 85 and g10/11? As that’s the only way you can say they are worthwhile!!

    Post your gg account

    Not exactly i posted before i even realized that Vchewy & st hans recovery protection was significant
  • TVF
    36786 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Ultimately, at least in my opinion, they just aren't worth the farm for anyone save for those lucky few who have nothing left to do. Even if they could top 200 I could think of 3 dozen other characters I'd prefer to waste weeks of precious farm on.

    The fun in the game is collecting all of them & have a variety of teams at your disposal

    It should be pointed out that not everyone plays for the same reasons and not everyone finds the collection part to be the most satisfying.
    Post edited by TVF on
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    Ultimately, at least in my opinion, they just aren't worth the farm for anyone save for those lucky few who have nothing left to do. Even if they could top 200 I could think of 3 dozen other characters I'd prefer to waste weeks of precious farm on.

    The fun in the game is collecting all of them & have a variety of teams at your disposal

    It should be pointed out that not everyone plays for the same reasons and not everyone finds the collection part to be the most satisfying.

    Following that same logic, just keep in mind that some of us don't have arena and arena viability as our top priorities.

  • TVF
    36786 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Ultimately, at least in my opinion, they just aren't worth the farm for anyone save for those lucky few who have nothing left to do. Even if they could top 200 I could think of 3 dozen other characters I'd prefer to waste weeks of precious farm on.

    The fun in the game is collecting all of them & have a variety of teams at your disposal

    It should be pointed out that not everyone plays for the same reasons and not everyone finds the collection part to be the most satisfying.

    Following that same logic, just keep in mind that some of us don't have arena and arena viability as our top priorities.



    But also keep in mind that some have raid success as a priority, which also would not require a large collection of toons.
    I need a new message here.
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