Young Han solo & Vandor Chewbacca How To Use Them(The Silent Scoundrel Rework)



  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    So, inspired by blue zombie, how about "Blue Han" just for kicks: Zeta Vandor and Put him on team with both vets, Captain Han and a Scoundrel tank. Have 2 rezzes.

    Dont gear up Vet Han. Leave him blue gear 6. He will die a lot and either get auto rezzed by vandor or Captain Han rezzed. Vet Chewie will take 2 turns each time Han dies with bonus offense and reset cooldowns. His furious blow hits really hard, stuns and AOE speed down. Or can do Blue Chewie instead and Han can spam his stun and AOE ability block.

    Just for fun.
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    Ultimately, at least in my opinion, they just aren't worth the farm for anyone save for those lucky few who have nothing left to do. Even if they could top 200 I could think of 3 dozen other characters I'd prefer to waste weeks of precious farm on.

    The fun in the game is collecting all of them & have a variety of teams at your disposal that said yesterday one dude was on my case in arena battling me each time i beat his team were at a stale mate for some time before i just switched up my line up sure he was furious as hell when he couldn't beat the new lineup lol

    While I can agree on the fun part swgoh isn't a game any F2P player can afford to simply farm whatever they want and still be arena viable. If you could care less about arena and only focused on pve then yeah sure, the problem with that however lies in the loss of the daily arena crystal rewards which is crucial for f2p advancement.

    I'll use myself as an example, I'm on a fresh mid January 2018 shard, rank between 4 and 40. As f2p I had to be laser focused on peticular squads and when to farm them to keep up and for the longest time I'd never drop from the top 20. Now however my focus has switched to rebels and gearing up my squad for CLS which means I'm slowly slipping in arena against those still focused on their arena squad. Now chances are I'll move back up once I've completed my rebels but that's because those rebels are top notch, like RHan, R2, CLS, GK and so on, but could you imagine if my focus switched to characters like CWC or these new scoundrels?
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    Hey @InstantDoneWithYou , why don't you get in contact with a friendly neighbourhood whale like @Stormy . Who, i'm sure, will be glad to help you to test these exotic teams that you speak of.

    After that, if successful, you can report it to the forums. :D

    Have a great day or night you two!
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Ultimately, at least in my opinion, they just aren't worth the farm for anyone save for those lucky few who have nothing left to do. Even if they could top 200 I could think of 3 dozen other characters I'd prefer to waste weeks of precious farm on.

    The fun in the game is collecting all of them & have a variety of teams at your disposal that said yesterday one dude was on my case in arena battling me each time i beat his team were at a stale mate for some time before i just switched up my line up sure he was furious as hell when he couldn't beat the new lineup lol

    While I can agree on the fun part swgoh isn't a game any F2P player can afford to simply farm whatever they want and still be arena viable. If you could care less about arena and only focused on pve then yeah sure, the problem with that however lies in the loss of the daily arena crystal rewards which is crucial for f2p advancement.

    I'll use myself as an example, I'm on a fresh mid January 2018 shard, rank between 4 and 40. As f2p I had to be laser focused on peticular squads and when to farm them to keep up and for the longest time I'd never drop from the top 20. Now however my focus has switched to rebels and gearing up my squad for CLS which means I'm slowly slipping in arena against those still focused on their arena squad. Now chances are I'll move back up once I've completed my rebels but that's because those rebels are top notch, like RHan, R2, CLS, GK and so on, but could you imagine if my focus switched to characters like CWC or these new scoundrels?

    Not everyone cares about arena or crystals or needs to be laser focused on teams. For me I have 2 "A" teams, 2 "B" teams, and 10ish g8 C and D teams. The funnest part of the game for me personally is building a bunch of squads out of "useless" characters for TW and seeing how they hold up. IMHO its the most challenging part of the game because it requires you to use everyone.

    I do Ok in arena on a old shard but there is little creativity involved when most of the teams are based around 5 characters. With the change - I just realized Im the only arena team between 30 - 100 with only 2 zetas. Most teams have 5 or 6 or more and Im able to beat them all. (As an aside Im going to miss being able to hide a zeta Savage on a weak team and watching him rack up 9 defensive TW kills).

    Early game its better to focus for certain, but its not required to have fun. Ive been playing for 1.5 year and just leveled Wedge to 85 1 month ago. To each his own.
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    VonZant wrote: »
    Ultimately, at least in my opinion, they just aren't worth the farm for anyone save for those lucky few who have nothing left to do. Even if they could top 200 I could think of 3 dozen other characters I'd prefer to waste weeks of precious farm on.

    The fun in the game is collecting all of them & have a variety of teams at your disposal that said yesterday one dude was on my case in arena battling me each time i beat his team were at a stale mate for some time before i just switched up my line up sure he was furious as hell when he couldn't beat the new lineup lol

    While I can agree on the fun part swgoh isn't a game any F2P player can afford to simply farm whatever they want and still be arena viable. If you could care less about arena and only focused on pve then yeah sure, the problem with that however lies in the loss of the daily arena crystal rewards which is crucial for f2p advancement.

    I'll use myself as an example, I'm on a fresh mid January 2018 shard, rank between 4 and 40. As f2p I had to be laser focused on peticular squads and when to farm them to keep up and for the longest time I'd never drop from the top 20. Now however my focus has switched to rebels and gearing up my squad for CLS which means I'm slowly slipping in arena against those still focused on their arena squad. Now chances are I'll move back up once I've completed my rebels but that's because those rebels are top notch, like RHan, R2, CLS, GK and so on, but could you imagine if my focus switched to characters like CWC or these new scoundrels?

    Not everyone cares about arena or crystals or needs to be laser focused on teams. For me I have 2 "A" teams, 2 "B" teams, and 10ish g8 C and D teams. The funnest part of the game for me personally is building a bunch of squads out of "useless" characters for TW and seeing how they hold up. IMHO its the most challenging part of the game because it requires you to use everyone.

    I do Ok in arena on a old shard but there is little creativity involved when most of the teams are based around 5 characters. With the change - I just realized Im the only arena team between 30 - 100 with only 2 zetas. Most teams have 5 or 6 or more and Im able to beat them all. (As an aside Im going to miss being able to hide a zeta Savage on a weak team and watching him rack up 9 defensive TW kills).

    Early game its better to focus for certain, but its not required to have fun. Ive been playing for 1.5 year and just leveled Wedge to 85 1 month ago. To each his own.

    Preach A Fruitful Day To You
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    VonZant wrote: »
    So, inspired by blue zombie, how about "Blue Han" just for kicks: Zeta Vandor and Put him on team with both vets, Captain Han and a Scoundrel tank. Have 2 rezzes.

    Dont gear up Vet Han. Leave him blue gear 6. He will die a lot and either get auto rezzed by vandor or Captain Han rezzed. Vet Chewie will take 2 turns each time Han dies with bonus offense and reset cooldowns. His furious blow hits really hard, stuns and AOE speed down. Or can do Blue Chewie instead and Han can spam his stun and AOE ability block.

    Just for fun.

    Damnn Good Line Up & Synergy lol
  • Options
    Ultimately, at least in my opinion, they just aren't worth the farm for anyone save for those lucky few who have nothing left to do. Even if they could top 200 I could think of 3 dozen other characters I'd prefer to waste weeks of precious farm on.

    The fun in the game is collecting all of them & have a variety of teams at your disposal that said yesterday one dude was on my case in arena battling me each time i beat his team were at a stale mate for some time before i just switched up my line up sure he was furious as hell when he couldn't beat the new lineup lol

    While I can agree on the fun part swgoh isn't a game any F2P player can afford to simply farm whatever they want and still be arena viable. If you could care less about arena and only focused on pve then yeah sure, the problem with that however lies in the loss of the daily arena crystal rewards which is crucial for f2p advancement.

    I'll use myself as an example, I'm on a fresh mid January 2018 shard, rank between 4 and 40. As f2p I had to be laser focused on peticular squads and when to farm them to keep up and for the longest time I'd never drop from the top 20. Now however my focus has switched to rebels and gearing up my squad for CLS which means I'm slowly slipping in arena against those still focused on their arena squad. Now chances are I'll move back up once I've completed my rebels but that's because those rebels are top notch, like RHan, R2, CLS, GK and so on, but could you imagine if my focus switched to characters like CWC or these new scoundrels?

    You are right about that but you can get chewy quite harmlessly though its just a fun surprise what ive learned about my shard is they learn to beat any new troublesome lineup of teams in 2 days & the bottom 100 & 200 are very competitive once u fall in there its a tougher battle to get back into top 100 so many attacks you can barely climb
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