Ships 2.0 5/22/18 [Mega]


  • ScotBott
    166 posts Member
  • Roopehun
    344 posts Member
    Just a general feedback. This is utter rubbish and im seriously considering leaving, for the first time.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Was there a list of the changes made to each of the ships?

    No, there was not.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Rapid wrote: »

    with respect mate you've only got yourself to blame if you haven't planned accordingly for what is a clear advantage for DS in ships up to this point. It's no secret. Tarkin was the best capital ship before Thrawn.

    with equal respect, that's ignoring my point that they've made an existing problem worse. they claim to desire a rock-paper-scissors relationship, but they've only doubled-down on encouraging tarkin and thrawn dominance.
  • TVF
    36757 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    I need a new message here.
  • Calx
    112 posts Member
    0-6 versus the same guy so far today.
    I have 2501 fleet arena wins, and maxed every ship (but not every pilot):

    Battles take longer, and seem to be completely RNG dependent now.
    Thanks for nothing, CG.
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    You're a joke CG...not even a funny one either like one of those ones that you face palm and be like "that was sad". This ship update is trash.
  • jjkriv
    429 posts Member
    Vyrulian wrote: »
    +1 for ABSOLUTELY HATE the new ship2.0

    Should have been named Ship -20 or Ship RNG

    Its still a Biggs rat race to get his taunt up which favors the A.I. 90% of the time,if your gonna change things,level the playing field please.
  • Mr_Sausage
    1869 posts Member
    Here's a feature I really enjoy: my ships stay put during attack, but their health/protection bars fly around shooting lasers at the enemy. Absolutely fantastic stuff, and worthy of my support.
    I’ve seen this as well. Funny stuff.
  • ScotBott
    166 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Hate to be the guy who hates change but this really sucks they always negate all your hard work and money...
  • Rapid
    421 posts Member
    Rapid wrote: »

    with respect mate you've only got yourself to blame if you haven't planned accordingly for what is a clear advantage for DS in ships up to this point. It's no secret. Tarkin was the best capital ship before Thrawn.

    with equal respect, that's ignoring my point that they've made an existing problem worse. they claim to desire a rock-paper-scissors relationship, but they've only doubled-down on encouraging tarkin and thrawn dominance.

    i'd agree with you on that. it didn't come across as your main gripe on your original post is all.
  • Rapid
    421 posts Member
    Rapid wrote: »
    the latest kick in the **** is i can't even do the new challenge tier for ship omegas. unlike most people i was running mostly light side ships with windu leading, so i do not have and can not get a 6* executrix. apparently the complete lack of balance in ships was not punishment enough for using light side, now i lose an opportunity to strengthen those ships that all the dark side fleets get.

    i'm trying to find a bright side to this mess, but it's just one middle finger after another in my direction.

    with respect mate you've only got yourself to blame if you haven't planned accordingly for what is a clear advantage for DS in ships up to this point. It's no secret. Tarkin was the best capital ship before Thrawn.

    There are some guides out there advising newer players to play to strengths with Phoenix and go all in on Home One so they can go straight to Chimaera, while doing the bare minimum with Tarkin to get to the zeta challenge. Choices? Sure, but it wasn't necessarily bad planning on a newer player's part, it's bad luck that this dropped before their rosters were more developed.

    I can see the logic in that but i don't see why you couldn't be working on both. you don't need phoenix geared high to get chimmy. gear 8 will do fine. it's more having the rebels to get ackbar to 7 that's the much more difficult challenge. that can be mixed up with wiggs, who are still good in the game.

    at the end of the day unlocking chimmy with no DS ships to go with it seems a bit pointless. so i'd try to get a more balanced approach between the two, although i appreciate it's difficult.

    sometimes people on here (including myself) forget that not everyone's been playing since launch so I appreciate your point.
  • Options
    Calx wrote: »
    0-6 versus the same guy so far today.
    I have 2501 fleet arena wins, and maxed every ship (but not every pilot):

    Battles take longer, and seem to be completely RNG dependent now.
    Thanks for nothing, CG.

    Consistently losing to the same guy is the opposite of RNG. You should be closer to 50-50 if randomness was decisive.
  • Pseudot
    102 posts Member
    So far most who hate it are those who were placing high in their arenas and now actually have to work and figure things out again. With things being so new, it would be nice if people gave it more than a few hours before passing judgement.

    I actually like the fact that CG didn't release the ship changes ahead of time and that they still aren't saying exactly what changed. Doing so would put anyone reading these forums at an unfair advantage. This way everyone gets a chance to experiment, read the ability descriptions and be on a fairly even playing field for at least a little bit.

    I'm not sure yet if I like the change or dislike it, but I can accept that a change was needed and reserve judgement for another day.

    I am having fun right now experimenting with things though
  • metal_samurai
    172 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    unfortunately everyone is not on an even playing field because those who were fortunate enough to occupy a high rank at the time of the change have an advantage in maintaining that rank. other like me who usually start outside top 20 and work their way into it every day are now arbitrarily punished. i wish i had the luxury of reserving judgement for another day, but the reality is i'm losing crystals every day this travesty continues until i can learn the new system.
  • Dragonballbb
    10 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    I totally agree with everyone. I've worked hard on my ships and now it's like I'm a Cadet all over. I don't know what the hell they were thinking when they brought this to their boss and then the boss went along with it. I told them before, if I bought a game for my PS4, I would only spend $60 for the game and wouldn't need to spend anymore. This game is a rip off.
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    As someone who invested heavily in ships, the prospect of starting all over again has completely taken the fun out of the game. I'll probably quit after this. Personally, I'm wondering if this is just another cash grab so CG can get players to spend money on previously unwanted ships.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    chewbot wrote: »
    Personally, I'm wondering if this is just another cash grab so CG can get players to spend money on previously unwanted ships.

    "Search your feelings know it to be true."

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Calx
    112 posts Member
    Calx wrote: »
    0-6 versus the same guy so far today.
    I have 2501 fleet arena wins, and maxed every ship (but not every pilot):

    Battles take longer, and seem to be completely RNG dependent now.
    Thanks for nothing, CG.

    Consistently losing to the same guy is the opposite of RNG. You should be closer to 50-50 if randomness was decisive.

    That's actually a really good point.
    It's just really frustrating to have tried half a dozen lineups (and re-tried a few) only to have the AI focus fire my Vader down repeatedly.
  • Rmaxtpmx
    294 posts Member
    Ships was always my favorite thing about this game, and then it got stale. I was genuinely excited for this update, only to find the rng on tie fighter is so much worse now, since you can't avoid hitting it as much, and the matches take at least twice as long in what was supposed to be a faster match. I actually timed out in one match, for the first time ever. So far, there's no reason to believe diversity in teams will exist at all. I really hope things change as we learn more about strategy, and develop the new abilities, or I don't see myself playing by the end of the summer.
  • Rogee
    178 posts Member
    Just saying, the +30 dmg boosts on basics etc. speeds up the battle. Don't complain about battles taking longer, if you haven't made your fleet stronger.
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    Rapid wrote: »
    Rapid wrote: »
    the latest kick in the **** is i can't even do the new challenge tier for ship omegas. unlike most people i was running mostly light side ships with windu leading, so i do not have and can not get a 6* executrix. apparently the complete lack of balance in ships was not punishment enough for using light side, now i lose an opportunity to strengthen those ships that all the dark side fleets get.

    i'm trying to find a bright side to this mess, but it's just one middle finger after another in my direction.

    with respect mate you've only got yourself to blame if you haven't planned accordingly for what is a clear advantage for DS in ships up to this point. It's no secret. Tarkin was the best capital ship before Thrawn.

    There are some guides out there advising newer players to play to strengths with Phoenix and go all in on Home One so they can go straight to Chimaera, while doing the bare minimum with Tarkin to get to the zeta challenge. Choices? Sure, but it wasn't necessarily bad planning on a newer player's part, it's bad luck that this dropped before their rosters were more developed.

    I can see the logic in that but i don't see why you couldn't be working on both. you don't need phoenix geared high to get chimmy. gear 8 will do fine. it's more having the rebels to get ackbar to 7 that's the much more difficult challenge. that can be mixed up with wiggs, who are still good in the game.

    at the end of the day unlocking chimmy with no DS ships to go with it seems a bit pointless. so i'd try to get a more balanced approach between the two, although i appreciate it's difficult.

    sometimes people on here (including myself) forget that not everyone's been playing since launch so I appreciate your point.

    I have to say, I really appreciate the reasonable reply, it can be rare around here :)

    I think the idea is you have time to develop DS ships while you're building Chimaera up - it takes some time to gear Thrawn and get Prestige for the ship - but I don't know from experience, I went the Tarkin route. I just know that building two fleets is slow. I've been playing for about 6 months and I'm just now getting my Rebel ships to 5*. I place top 5 every day and don't buy zeta mats, so all my fleet currency and most of my GW currency has gone into ship shards. I've still got at least a month to go before I'm strong enough for the 6* Ackbar challenge, unless this new 3v3 makes that way easier. Wouldn't that be a silver lining!
  • Paulos999
    315 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    100% agree with this

    Our cap ships are the same speed yet mine constantly goes second even when my TFP dodges and theirs doesn’t.

    Ships have massive damage variance now making every match RNG one minute FOTF is critting for 40k next it’s doing 5k

    Also thrawn is bad now

    Need to fix this quick or I won’t be playing ships either.
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    Are there plans for the specific changes to each ship regarding their abilities and base stats (if applicable) to be documented publicly?

    Thank you
  • TVF
    36757 posts Member
    Kruntzky wrote: »
    Yep, I'm going to stop playing if they don't correct this fast. This isn't a rework, it's total destruction and rebuild.

    How fast? Put a timetable on it and let us know when you quit.

    I love ultimatums like this. :)
    I need a new message here.
  • Bettz
    29 posts Member
    This is needed...really should have done this ahead of time with their commitment to better communication...have been investing in ships recently that just got a massive nerf.
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