Ships 2.0 5/22/18 [Mega]


  • Wookye
    30 posts Member
    How long does CG's contract with EA and Star Wars last? Yes, I know I'm in the ships thread. No, this post is not off topic.
  • TVF
    36757 posts Member
    Well I'd sure hate to be playing Spongebob Galaxy of Fish someday, so hopefully a long time.
    I need a new message here.
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    Ships felt stale? Instead of introducing new ships, let's make it more RNG dependent and use less even toons to make it even staler!
  • TVF
    36757 posts Member
    It's a spam filter. PM Kyno.
    I need a new message here.
  • Manowar
    288 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    [post merged]
    Re: Comparison of before & after ships stats

    I am looking for this information as well.

    If someone has an archived copy of from before the update, perhaps the two could be compared before/after.
    Post edited by Manowar on
  • Xcrit9
    108 posts Member
    Ok the new upgrades are great alittle overwhelming but a great start but, you missed the BIG picture when it comes to ships. It wasn't the way we fought in arena 5v5 that was what was wrong it was that there is absolutely nothing to do with ships other then your 5 battles a day. Actually from what I've tested battles take longer now that's 3v3 you should of left it alone and just added the upgrades and gave us something else to do other then 5 battles a day just my opinion but hey who am I to complain
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    I don't have all the ships, but the ones I have (and were mainly the meta prior to 2.0) seem relatively unscathed, aside from TFPs dodge being lowered and Reaper's TM Reduction being greatly reduced.
    Ally Code 766-465-766
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    CG, The level at which you blundered this one is at a scale that is immeasurable. I can't even begin to fathom how little amount of actual testing and research you did on this new ship 2.0 update before implementing it,because it is a complete and total disaster. That's probably actually an understatement. Just when I think that you guys can't do something worse than the last thing that you tried to do to "improve the game" you go and prove me wrong by epic proportions. If you set out with the goal to make ships the worst possible experience you couldn't have done a better job than you did, and I guess there is at least something commendable in achieving something so immense, even if it is negative. What I just can't understand is how you can release something with certain, very clearly stated intentions, only to have it be the complete and total opposite. Ship battles are exponentially more RNG dependent, take longer (to the point where I am constantly trying not to time out), and more boring. How can you not only fail to accomplish what you set out to do, but instead make things worse in all of those areas? It's mind boggling to me, but whatever. Well played. I'm sure this cash grab will help you rake in a nice chunk of money.
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    I have and your blantantly wrong health pool increases can el it out and i have a measuring tool that pretty much accurate...starting a post with false information is real lame....

    I like the new format a lot dont because they take longer and timeouts are possible. Super possible for early shards. You should delete false info thread
  • Sturmbock
    198 posts Member
    This update is horrible. Worst ever for all of the reasons that were explained above. I’m not sure how playing with less ships is more fun than playing with more...
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    Calx wrote: »
    Calx wrote: »
    0-6 versus the same guy so far today.
    I have 2501 fleet arena wins, and maxed every ship (but not every pilot):

    Battles take longer, and seem to be completely RNG dependent now.
    Thanks for nothing, CG.

    Consistently losing to the same guy is the opposite of RNG. You should be closer to 50-50 if randomness was decisive.

    That's actually a really good point.
    It's just really frustrating to have tried half a dozen lineups (and re-tried a few) only to have the AI focus fire my Vader down repeatedly.

    I know that feeling well lol.

    In 1.0 I could only beat my shard's whale (100k more gp than me) when his AI shot at my tie fighter, missed, and my Thrawn got to go next.

    Some battles that I let the clock run down on and forgot to finish I smoked the guy but had a draw, then I have to refight it and die miserably.

    RNG was very prominent before as well. I don't like the update, but I don't think the rng is much different (just my opinion).

    I just wish they'd added ship slots instead of removing them. Would allow for lots more variety, experimentation, and so on.

    If they wanted a more varied experience, they should have added variables, not removed them.
  • Options
    Ships is unplayable... switch back immediately and get a new plan for ships. It is hard to believe that someone that gets paid to work on this game thought this would be an inprovement. C.G. has broken the game and I am very close to quiting.
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    I just don't get the change. One of the stated reasons for the overhaul was to remedy the fact that many ships weren't being used and didn't have a place in the game. Now that I have two less ships to use in arena, I'm using even less of my roster, which is really frustrating and disappointing given the work and resources that go in to getting ships to 7* and leveled up.

    From my perspective, the update moved the goalposts on me and made two ships I worked hard to get arena viable useless.

    I also am curious why they wanted to make battles shorter, was this really a problem? With five ship teams I still rarely saw a match last longer than 2 minutes. I get bringing the timer down from 7:30 to 5:00, but moving to 3v3 seemed unnecessary and again, gives me less opportunity to actually use the ships I've earned.

    I do like the increase in viable tb/tw teams and a fleet table, so kudos on that at least.
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    Stomper wrote: »
    Ships is unplayable... switch back immediately and get a new plan for ships. It is hard to believe that someone that gets paid to work on this game thought this would be an inprovement. C.G. has broken the game and I am very close to quiting.

    Me too. I was already wearing thin with this game, but I believe that this may have pushed me over the edge
  • Options
    If I can make a suggestion CG might (and should) actually do, it's this:

    Keep all the current changes regarding ships EXCEPT the 3v3 for arena. I know they put a ton of work into this, rolling it back would be dumb and is unrealistic. BUT most people don't like the new arena. Can't hate the pve table as it's not replacing anything.

    So the fix is this: Keep everything as it is now, but make Fleet Arena 5v5 again for now. Then do a Q&A on what people want changed or kept the same about ships. Keep most of the work for good, but scrap 3v3 IN ARENA and figure out with a Q&A what to do next.
  • Manowar
    288 posts Member
    From Tie Reaper:

    "Level 1: Enter Battle: Remove 10% Turn Meter from all Enemies."

    Does this apply to the enemy Capital Ship?
  • Options
    If I can make a suggestion CG might (and should) actually do, it's this:

    Keep all the current changes regarding ships EXCEPT the 3v3 for arena. I know they put a ton of work into this, rolling it back would be dumb and is unrealistic. BUT most people don't like the new arena. Can't hate the pve table as it's not replacing anything.

    So the fix is this: Keep everything as it is now, but make Fleet Arena 5v5 again for now. Then do a Q&A on what people want changed or kept the same about ships. Keep most of the work for good, but scrap 3v3 IN ARENA and figure out with a Q&A what to do next.

    actually a complete rollback would be easier and cleaner. the changes to ships were made to work with 3v3. clearly they missed the mark by a mile, but keeping the current mechanics with more ships would just lead to worse problems, and i'd imagine it would be harder technically to do that than a complete rollback.
  • Strubz
    429 posts Member
    I was looking forward to this update but I think ships took a step back in terms of RNG and time commitment. Also there are bugs like enemy Thrawn getting ultimate after 2 turns that makes things so much worse and incredibly unfair. My ship battles took roughly a minute and 30 seconds prior to the update. They now take 2 to 4 minutes unless of course Thrawn uses ultimate right away and destroys me. How was something that simple not noticed in testing? Did no one battle against Thrawn and see that the ultimate was going off way before the cool down was done?

    It's a great idea with all the reinforcement stuff but again it all boils down to RNG. How many times does TFP get to dodge is still one of the deciding factor in most battles.

    Also extremely disappointed that the higher tier of the ability mats challenge rewards so few ship omegas and still has only 2 sims. This should have been increased to 3. Also freaking announce that you need to manually battle the new tier. The auto sim highest tier button should have given a warning or just been grayed out since the highest tier wasn't done. For a feature supposedly under development for over a year, there should have been more of an introduction and a little more testing with more people like we had with TW. Sure TW had bugs too but we had more notice and got way more of an introduction.
  • Options
    If I can make a suggestion CG might (and should) actually do, it's this:

    Keep all the current changes regarding ships EXCEPT the 3v3 for arena. I know they put a ton of work into this, rolling it back would be dumb and is unrealistic. BUT most people don't like the new arena. Can't hate the pve table as it's not replacing anything.

    So the fix is this: Keep everything as it is now, but make Fleet Arena 5v5 again for now. Then do a Q&A on what people want changed or kept the same about ships. Keep most of the work for good, but scrap 3v3 IN ARENA and figure out with a Q&A what to do next.

    actually a complete rollback would be easier and cleaner. the changes to ships were made to work with 3v3. clearly they missed the mark by a mile, but keeping the current mechanics with more ships would just lead to worse problems, and i'd imagine it would be harder technically to do that than a complete rollback.

    It would be easier, but then they worked like 1.5 years on it for nothing. And they'd have to roll back pve tables too, all the new mats, New energy, etc.

    Easier yes, better no. TF and Reaper needed a nerf anyway (I ran them, I know), now they've got it. Meta is up in the air atm too. Keep everything but add 5v5 to arena again
  • metal_samurai
    172 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    If I can make a suggestion CG might (and should) actually do, it's this:

    Keep all the current changes regarding ships EXCEPT the 3v3 for arena. I know they put a ton of work into this, rolling it back would be dumb and is unrealistic. BUT most people don't like the new arena. Can't hate the pve table as it's not replacing anything.

    So the fix is this: Keep everything as it is now, but make Fleet Arena 5v5 again for now. Then do a Q&A on what people want changed or kept the same about ships. Keep most of the work for good, but scrap 3v3 IN ARENA and figure out with a Q&A what to do next.

    actually a complete rollback would be easier and cleaner. the changes to ships were made to work with 3v3. clearly they missed the mark by a mile, but keeping the current mechanics with more ships would just lead to worse problems, and i'd imagine it would be harder technically to do that than a complete rollback.

    It would be easier, but then they worked like 1.5 years on it for nothing. And they'd have to roll back pve tables too, all the new mats, New energy, etc.

    Easier yes, better no. TF and Reaper needed a nerf anyway (I ran them, I know), now they've got it. Meta is up in the air atm too. Keep everything but add 5v5 to arena again

    right, rollback or not, they have worked on it for 1.5 years for nothing because it's a complete disaster. rolling it back and releasing it as a finished product when it actually is a finished product, pve table and all, is a cleaner solution than keeping some pieces of the puzzle and removing others. those pieces were all meant to fit together, so take them all back and re-introduce them when they're actually ready.

    this overhaul was completely unnecessary anyway. we needed tweaks, not dynamite.
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    You can't say MOST people hate the new can say most people posting hate ships but not most people...because the 99'% of the people who play the game think it's fine, don't care, don't like... so you just saying most people hate it rubbish.

    I actually like the new grind we have, winning is just as easy as before, and defense is probably just as bad as before....

    The only real thing that changed was people had current stuff devalued, and they sold us all a bunch of stuff overpriced and gave us a horrible grind....

    easy 1 before, easy 1 after 1 is 1....

    I like it....

    The thing I like most is as long as you hit the grind hard and long the gap between people who ignored ships until crystals came takes longer to close.... that's the penalty for all the "whaaaa i hate ships, I won't farm this blah..." OH WAIT crystals....... REWORK ships....

    Honestly YOU ALL BEGGGED for a rework... I did not want it....the Forums cried for it....I didn't Well it's been reworked..I thought I woudl hate it but I don't....
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    Strubz wrote: »
    I was looking forward to this update but I think ships took a step back in terms of RNG and time commitment. Also there are bugs like enemy Thrawn getting ultimate after 2 turns that makes things so much worse and incredibly unfair. My ship battles took roughly a minute and 30 seconds prior to the update. They now take 2 to 4 minutes unless of course Thrawn uses ultimate right away and destroys me. How was something that simple not noticed in testing? Did no one battle against Thrawn and see that the ultimate was going off way before the cool down was done?

    It's a great idea with all the reinforcement stuff but again it all boils down to RNG. How many times does TFP get to dodge is still one of the deciding factor in most battles.

    Also extremely disappointed that the higher tier of the ability mats challenge rewards so few ship omegas and still has only 2 sims. This should have been increased to 3. Also freaking announce that you need to manually battle the new tier. The auto sim highest tier button should have given a warning or just been grayed out since the highest tier wasn't done. For a feature supposedly under development for over a year, there should have been more of an introduction and a little more testing with more people like we had with TW. Sure TW had bugs too but we had more notice and got way more of an introduction.

    THIS THIS's garbagte straight up that YOU NEVER TOLD us about the new stage of ships mat's challenge...NEVER... so we go in day in and day out and I simmed both and never even saw the new one....

    That's trash I want my 2 challenges back
  • IG007
    40 posts Member
    "We heard all the people complaining about ships being boring, so we've gone and made it so everyone who did invest in good ships can be beat no problem now, you are welcome!"
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    I am noticing a lot of weird behaviour in the new fleet arena. My last match I sat and counted my opponent attack me 9 times before I got a turn! Running exact same squads - toons all g11/12 between the 2 of us and I had 5 zetas to his 4 on his toons. Both running Chimeara capital. Agree this should open up fleet to more variety but something seems seriously off when I have 1 ship left thats lucky to have 50% health left while he has added 2 re-inforcements and taken 9 turns. Have had 2 other similar battles today against guys I beat easily before.
  • Polaris
    19 posts Member
    I'm disappointed that the Tie Reaper I've worked really hard to gear is now not all that useful at all. Nerfing the TM reduction by 20% is ridiculous. It's a hard-to-get ship for a reason!
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Polaris wrote: »
    I'm disappointed that the Tie Reaper I've worked really hard to gear is now not all that useful at all. Nerfing the TM reduction by 20% is ridiculous. It's a hard-to-get ship for a reason!

    The nerf was necessary. Reaper was meta-warping in the old system and would be even worse with the reinforcement abilities.
  • Polaris
    19 posts Member
    Nauros wrote: »
    Polaris wrote: »
    I'm disappointed that the Tie Reaper I've worked really hard to gear is now not all that useful at all. Nerfing the TM reduction by 20% is ridiculous. It's a hard-to-get ship for a reason!

    The nerf was necessary. Reaper was meta-warping in the old system and would be even worse with the reinforcement abilities.

    Drop it by 10%, may be, but 20% makes it practically worthless. I've taken it out of my fleet entirely. Such a disappointment.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Polaris wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    Polaris wrote: »
    I'm disappointed that the Tie Reaper I've worked really hard to gear is now not all that useful at all. Nerfing the TM reduction by 20% is ridiculous. It's a hard-to-get ship for a reason!

    The nerf was necessary. Reaper was meta-warping in the old system and would be even worse with the reinforcement abilities.

    Drop it by 10%, may be, but 20% makes it practically worthless. I've taken it out of my fleet entirely. Such a disappointment.

    Frankly, I was expecting a complete rework of the passive. Agree that as it is now, it is pretty much worthless.
  • Roopehun
    344 posts Member
    Nauros wrote: »
    Polaris wrote: »
    I'm disappointed that the Tie Reaper I've worked really hard to gear is now not all that useful at all. Nerfing the TM reduction by 20% is ridiculous. It's a hard-to-get ship for a reason!

    The nerf was necessary. Reaper was meta-warping in the old system and would be even worse with the reinforcement abilities.

    Id be fine with this statement, if reaper was on a 8, max 12 cantina node.. But it wasnt. People grinded 4-5 months and now all is waste. Thats the biggest problem conceptually with this update. When the epalp vader rework came, cls didnt become weaker. Yes there were now stronger kids on the ground, but cls still was and is decent both on raids and arena, while reaper.. Well it was nerfed so hard it doesnt have a use any more. Taking away peoples stuff is mean and id really punch the devs in the face.
    But ill probably just download the marvel game instead.
  • Ruprecht
    112 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Sturmbock wrote: »
    This update is horrible. Worst ever for all of the reasons that were explained above. I’m not sure how playing with less ships is more fun than playing with more...
    Stomper wrote: »
    Ships is unplayable... switch back immediately and get a new plan for ships. It is hard to believe that someone that gets paid to work on this game thought this would be an inprovement. C.G. has broken the game and I am very close to quiting.

    I feel you, guys.
    Its really hard to express how much this new ship battles suck.
    The saddest thing is that it was the best part of the game for me.

    Inappropriate quote removed. - EA_Cian
    Post edited by EA_Cian on
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