Ships 2.0 5/22/18 [Mega]


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    terascque wrote: »
    Holy cow does the new ship format suck. Someone please explain to me how to win. I've played something like 20 fleet battles since they rolled it out and won about 5. I used to win about 70% of them.

    I mean I'm just at a loss, how does a group with fleet power of 150k beat a fleet with 200k?

    Sure the simple answer is synergy and I'd buy that if that was really the case.

    Guy starts with tie fighter, jedi counselor, and Heras ship and subs in tie silencer, the other Phoenix ship, and biggs.

    How the heck does that beat both phoenix ships and vader's ship with subs slave 1 to take the heat off the ships I started with, jedi counselor to regain protection, and rens shuttle which I don't have upgraded reinforcement on.

    How does the guy beat me 5 times in a row? I should clarify how does he whip me cause that reallywhat it was. He has 4 ships left at the end when he takes my last ship.

    If it matters at all I'm using tarkin for capital and he was using ackbar. Please for the love of jehosaphat someone tell me what I'm missing.

    I beat teams with 80k-100k more power than my fleet in ships 1.0 on a regular basis :shrugs:
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    i'm going to take a brief break from basing ships 2.0 and ask something else about it. with reinforcements becoming so much more important, on the arena screen where you select an opponent, shouldn't we see their reinforcements along with their starters? those reinforcements are really just as important now and should be a factor in which ships you use yourself.
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    Just when I thought STR was their crowning achievement in terrible game design, they released Ships 2.0. I honestly don't believe they have a single actual gamer on staff. A gamer, even a bad gamer, would have immediately stopped both projects immediately. They would have realized within a couple of fights (you know, like ALL of us have done within 24hrs) that both were horribly designed and neither were fun. I used to like fleet, but this is just stupid.
  • Natos
    138 posts Member
    i'm going to take a brief break from basing ships 2.0 and ask something else about it. with reinforcements becoming so much more important, on the arena screen where you select an opponent, shouldn't we see their reinforcements along with their starters? those reinforcements are really just as important now and should be a factor in which ships you use yourself.

    This might be part of why this was such a half-brained update. We now start 3v3, but have no idea what kind of countermeasure to actually expect. Eventually that will be worked into THE meta, so once you spot the same 3 ships 10,000 times you know what's coming next. However, that gets stale quick (already has gotten stale?).

    Piled on top of the fact that 3v3 starting out affords less actual complexity, and your starter ships take NO benefit from actually investing in their "on reinforce" abilities, it gets hard to imagine what the devs were thinking on this.

    So we have lots more options on how to loose based on what fleet our opponent deemed to pick? If they shift the meta so a starter ship becomes a better reinforcement or vice versa we're screwed out of hours of farm time? Woohoo...
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    I just want to mention it is NOT just people who farmed ____ Nerfed ship, or people in top 50 etc who are disappointed with ships 2.0. I was not crazy about ships 1.0 and was looking forward to 2.0, now I just want it reverted.

    I was getting close to top 500 (yes I did not spend a lot of resources on ships yet, thankfully), and winning maybe 1/3 of the time, now, forget it, I can't even come close just get run right over. I tried different configs even two Geo's etc, no dice. 3 vs 3 just favours some of the strong ships even more so than before.

    I think 4 vs 4 would be worth trying, but 3 vs 3 just seems off as can be witnessed by the growing threads

  • Whatelse73
    2209 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    I haven't won a fleet battle yet since 2.0 started and I keep trying different configurations that I'm being told about. Every AI capital ship always goes first, even I used Tarkin and my TFP "dodged" to give it TM. The AI fleet drops reinforcements first. One of my ships is usually gone or almost gone before I can even get a reinforcement out.

    My lowly 298K fleet was taking down fleets with 100Kish more power and I was sitting at 10th before this update.

    Your Fleet AI still cheats. It still gives itself extra crits, extra attacks, attacks faster, more dodges, gives itself faster cooldowns, etc. (I'm seeing more crits by the AI fleet than non-crit attacks, which I was seeing in ships 1.0 in recent weeks as well.) I had Offense down on the AI Vader ship and that Vader's crit was more powerful than the crit my Vader ship got to do with Offense UP on it. (My G12 Vader with maxed out mods.) The RNG seems to be even worse than it was before. Which means the AI gives itself better odds than the player gets.

    If you'd have at least left it at 5v5, maybe it'd be better? I don't know. But I'm trying configurations even your Game Changers are working with and using (minus the Geo's that of course I don't have due to the other 5,000 things I've had to farm up first.) Granted, Mobile was using his test account that has 700,000 reinforcement pieces and omega pieces where he can max out everything. (easy to say something will work when you can max it out fully....)

    Perhaps I'd be able to build up my ships better if I just got a few more ship credits from challenges? Oh that's right, I keep getting 155K out of it and it takes millions to max out a ship.....)

    So I tried my Tarkin. Actually survived to be able to use Imperial Assault. Yet AGAIN the AI freakin' cheats. One and a half ships left (1 with full health and one almost dead) and my Imp assault can't even kill TWO ships? That was happening in Ships 1.0 as well! Seriously, fix your cheating Fleet AI. Holy crap that is ridiculous. But of course the AI's Imp Assault destroyed any ships I had left. Well, duh! Two ships shouldn't be able to survive that nuke, but it happens with the AI constantly. Please, fix the ridiculous "RNG" swing with the AI.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    i'm going to take a brief break from basing ships 2.0 and ask something else about it. with reinforcements becoming so much more important, on the arena screen where you select an opponent, shouldn't we see their reinforcements along with their starters? those reinforcements are really just as important now and should be a factor in which ships you use yourself.
    Not really. I mean, think about it, does the defender get to know what your reinforcements are when you attack them?

    The attacker already has the advantage of being able to ignore anyone who's harder than they are. Over time you'll develop an eye for who has what in reserve--pick up context clues based on what they have out front, what's popular, and their overall power rating.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    VonZant wrote: »
    Things were not fine. One team with minor variations was being used for the last year. It was horridly broken.

    And your notions of "weaker" and "unbalanced" are no longer valid. Everything is new and strength and balance will take a long time to be determined. You should consider that you need to adapt or you will get left behind.

    It's not about about adapting I've played for a month and already level 64 was holding at rank 15 on ships before update and now can't get past rank 22 that shows how much they broke the system and my Phoenix ships pretty much get 1 shot and home one can use it's ultimate pretty often making endurance and tarken look really weak.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    NicWester wrote: »
    Here's the thing I don't get:

    Why are people who say they've been around since ships were launched complaining about having to farm ships that used to be useless? You had 18 months, dude. Two babies could be born in the time you had to farm them. Why don't you have everything at 7* already?

    Maybe not EVERYTHING, after all, my TIE Reaper is 6* and my Command Shuttle is 4*, but everything else? Yeah, no problem. Had them ages ago.

    Ships need pilots. Pilots fully geared Ave modded. Geonosian Spy, SunFac, KRU, etc. Especially the way they redesigned the abilities - they're all extremely top-end heavy now. That's not an accident.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • BAST420
    33 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Wow these ship battles are trash now!! I mean I thought they were bad before, but they are total GARBAGE now!! Thanks devs! So now if I ever want my Daily activity completion rewards, I have to deal with this ridiculous garbage. I mean really?? Someone thought it was a good idea to take away 2 ships for these worthless reinforcement "bonus"?? That's trash!!!
    At the very best they were mildly amusing before, but now TOTAL GARBAGE!!!
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    NicWester wrote: »
    i'm going to take a brief break from basing ships 2.0 and ask something else about it. with reinforcements becoming so much more important, on the arena screen where you select an opponent, shouldn't we see their reinforcements along with their starters? those reinforcements are really just as important now and should be a factor in which ships you use yourself.
    Not really. I mean, think about it, does the defender get to know what your reinforcements are when you attack them?

    The attacker already has the advantage of being able to ignore anyone who's harder than they are. Over time you'll develop an eye for who has what in reserve--pick up context clues based on what they have out front, what's popular, and their overall power rating.

    i don't understand your point about the defender. the defender is the AI and has no choice but to battle me. whether the AI knows what my reinforcements are is irrelevant.

    and as the attacker the reinforcements have become part of figuring out who's actually well equipped to beat you. they're much more of a factor than they used to be. and it's not just about picking your opponent, but also picking your own reinforcements if you have some options.

    if the opponents' reinforcements are meant to be a surprise by design, that's an unfortunate decision. if not, fix it.
  • jjkriv
    429 posts Member
    The uzpdate is soso but Im just sick of the kittens RNG,every single battle against Biggs,he gets his taunt up after the 1st hit...Im lucky to get the taunt up on the 1st hit 1 out of 4 battles and Its getting frustrating.When Im losing to pilots that arent even gold in almost mirror teams is disgusting.
  • Ludendorff
    51 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    I just dont get this update. It’s not faster. It’s not more versatile. It’s not more strategic. It may be a bit more tactical and its good that ship omegas are finally out. But all in all it’s just a change, for the sake of change it seems.

    What really would have made a change would have been more ships, including capital ships. Grievous capital ship to make the separatists a functioning faction. First order capital ship. Reistance capital ships.

    And an ep IV Millenium Falcon, Red 5 and other classic ships. But no.

    Hell, we could even have bombers in the game, gold leader, which could attack the capital ship and knock out their functions.

    And there could have been a ship raid in the near future.

    But no. Lets scale down things instead.

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    My question is why did they make home one so powerful now like why can it use it's ultimate twice in three rounds and how is it ghost and phantom get taken out so quickly from a lower power team
  • Sky101
    10 posts Member
    This is bull.... 3v3 sucks. Period. I liked fleet battles when they came out, but know it just makes me angry.

    And as far as capital ships are concerned? Well let's see... General grevious has a capital ship. The viceroy had one. And what about general hux or whatever and the dreadnought.... Not to mention senator Voldo could be given command of the ship she destroyed.

    And if you made certain generic pilots interchangeable, you could say... Idk... use a rebel or imperial pilot in...

    +Y-wing= Support. ×Tie Interceptor= Attacker
    +A-wing= Attacker. ×Tie Bomber= Tank
    +B-wing=Tank. ×Tie Phantom= Support/stealth

    Hell, the Millenium falcon is everyone's favorite... it should have a crew of three not just 2 and think of all the people that have been on the Falcon. Lando, Leia, Luke, Han solo and Chewbacca themselves. It seems an insult not to put them on it Han on his own ship.

    And where is commander Luke's X-wing...?! Or Anakin's Jedi fighter?!?! Or how about the Naboo fighter or the fact that both bossk and IG-88 have a ship. There's also a scoundrel in the star wars universe named Dash Rendar who piloted the outrider, I ship like the falcon that he boasted to beat it in a race.
  • ExC
    5 posts Member
    Please return to 1.0 ships
  • ExC
    5 posts Member
    3 ships means less chances to recover, no tied fight, no opportunities, an easy 4 vs 2, no strategy, no fun
  • ChickenFett139
    1484 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Ackbar 6* special under new 3v3

    Biggs, Fives, Jedi Consular (openers), Plo Kloon, Ghost, Phantom (back up in that order of deployment)

    Concentrate Jedi consular down, then Rex until Clone Sgt comes out. Focus keeping target lock up and healing Biggs. Use Plo Kloon special. Once Clone dies take out Rex. Then focus phantom down. Second Jedi consular May come out, but you will 3 Star the event.
  • Roopehun
    344 posts Member
    Another issue with the update: I used to feel like the Fleet Commander of mass scale fleet battles (ever seen a star wars movie? Theyre like that, and not -), but right now its just some pilots that cluld never meet try to kill each other far away from everything, with no reason or impact irrelevant of outcome.
    This seriously takes the fun out of A STAR WARS GAME.
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    Thank you for this disgusting update CG. Now all our investment turns into garbage and you force us to spend more to some ships that are not even used 1%. And you sell the update with a hype by saying that the intention was giving more options. Fleet arena is a mess now and literally we went back 1 year.
  • Mario15011968
    48 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    My guild and I agree, the worst update, right after the sith raid, 36 people in my guild say to not want to play ships anymore
  • ExSoldier
    51 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Yeap, its broken! Three times in a row a five star Home One trashes my six star Executrix on speed and fire power . Executrixes Imperial Assault is just a bad joke, now.
  • Caiaphas
    187 posts Member
    CG: You missed the mark. You SOOO missed the mark.
    Its like your coach asked for a sac fly, but you bunted.
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    this upgrade is horrible...they said that ship arena should be smarter....but now a single battle is longer than before
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  • Nano
    1 posts Member
    I actually really enjoyed fleets 1.0, but 2.0 is horrible. More RNG, less chances to recover... Minmaxing is stronger than before. I do like the reinforcement abilities, but I'd rather have seen 5v5 with slots increased to 7 possible active ships, along with a huge influx of new ships to work towards. I would have liked to see more faction bonuses and synergy if you ONLY use those ships. I would have liked to see no nerfs (at least only stat changes and no changes to the kit), but rather heavier buffs to the ships that weren't used at all, in stats and kits.
    All in all, I don't enjoy ships anymore. It was much better before.
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    we should organize a strike against this update
  • caldera
    109 posts Member
    Yeah... this isn't fun. At all.
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    Strike +1. Probably be banned for this post but dont care.
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    I think it is better, of course I shot up the ranks now because of it, but old ships was getting stale. Everyone has pretty much all the ships unlocked, so it was everyone with the same teams, you could be 100 or 300 depending how hard you worked that day, it **** and was getting worse.

    Now CG, add some more ships to add diversity please!
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