Ships 2.0 5/22/18 [Mega]


  • Scabmaggot
    62 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    I think @CG_Carrie three year plan is to have this game put on the shelf next to KOTOR and Battlefeild 2
    Do they even have real players beta test this stuff or is just their yes men they call game changers that only care about how many you tube hits they get from in game pop-ups because apparently people that put the time effort and money into this game would tell them the truth and not have to worry about their test accounts with max everything taken away from them.
    I'm glad you delayed pve ships delay it till you get ships fixed
  • TehUldan9001
    53 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Played a ton of battles now. Biggest problem is biggs by far.

    Damage of a bunch of the old heavy hitters has been nerfed, target lock options have improved, and biggs can regen even more protection now.

    Not being able to call a reinforcement immediately means if your opponent mows a ship down, you just lose.
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    SBxIronman wrote: »
    I'm still trying to figure out how a heads up matchup of two Chimaera fleets, with my Thrawn zeta'd and max geared, allowed my opponent to get the one shot kill special off before me. I killed FOUR of his ships to his one kill of mine, and yet his went first, and I lost everyone. Game over. This is just ****.
    Did he have Tie Reaper on the field when he killed the one of yours?
    If so, that's 10% TMR to your Chimaera.
    Did he have TF in his line-up & it dodged?
    If so, that's TM increase to his Chimaera.

    The fact that Chimaera's insta-kill, battle ending move is now reduced to 4 CD without being maxxed is the real issue.
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    SBxIronman wrote: »
    I'm still trying to figure out how a heads up matchup of two Chimaera fleets, with my Thrawn zeta'd and max geared, allowed my opponent to get the one shot kill special off before me. I killed FOUR of his ships to his one kill of mine, and yet his went first, and I lost everyone. Game over. This is just ****.

    This is the problem everyone is having I have a maxed out mace with a 3 star capital ship with over 15k power that barely does any damage to a 1 star ship. My ghost and phantom 3 star ships at 8k power get one shot by another 3 star ship. Jedi consular and tano have 9k 2 star ships that get 3 shot by 3 star ships, my clone sergeant ship is 3 star at 5k power and i lose to a team with ackbar's home one at 2 star that pull off its ultimate twice in 3 turns and their total fleet power is 39k you do the math.
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    I just want the full list of changes for the ships, EA. Why u just move my post here???????
  • XKurareX
    478 posts Member
    3on3 is way more randomness reliant. Thumbs down for this patch. You seriously should beta test your stuff and including the capitals (which are not balanced), the ships (which are not balanced) and so much randomness involved inside the whole fight is ridiculous. Your KI is literally stupid as no tomorrow (Tie Silencer) and will never allow clever ships like the Kylo Rens Command Shuttle to seriously be played well...go back to work desk and do your stuff. This comes from someone who pays your bills.

    Here is one moment to dislike to be a Star Wars fan. To pay for something which is just half baked in good hopes...but with every patch be it Sith raid or now the "mega update" to get another 100$ just ask "why do you do this???"
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    Can I just add - I really hate the insane amount of RNG involved with ship battles now, just had one where the enemy TFP Target Locked three times in a row, and mine didn't lock once, his biggs target locked Twice, mine didn't once, my only lock was Vaders, and even then it was like an impossible battle.

    What makes the RNG so bad really is Biggs, Biggs is just so stupidly crazyily overpowered with this update.
  • Piottavo
    12 posts Member
    Not to mention the building phase... How can I have 5 ships on par with the daily challenges, if I had to grow a fleet of 8+8 (dark and light side) for the past 5 months with the small amout of materials I get daily? I was barely able to beat rank III drone ship daily before, now I just can't (and my ships are lvl 75 min while suggested level is 72). I'm basically stuck unless I spend all my money (and I mean real money) on ship materials. Don't worry, it will never happen.
  • C3hyp77
    162 posts Member
    It's just a punch in the face for all the players who farmed and gear their pilots to g12 , farming the reaper , for example ,on a 20 energie takes so much time , and if we did it , it was for a reason : Good ship , good stat , nice capacity . Same as we gear the tfp to g12 etc etc etc ..... With this update , the devs , cg , just shows that they really don't care about their players who worked on ships .Maybe the same update with still 5v5 could have be " better " ... but 3v3 , it's so boring , takes longer with less ships !!!! and of course more rng than before . You wanted , faster , more dynamic , less rng : you just did the opposite . Congrats , don't be surprised if less and less poeple plays with ships ( and it's not given a reward to the top 50 that will changed something ) , don't be surprised if poeple just stopped the game . When you did mistake , on mistake , poeple have their limits .
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    SBxIronman wrote: »
    I'm still trying to figure out how a heads up matchup of two Chimaera fleets, with my Thrawn zeta'd and max geared, allowed my opponent to get the one shot kill special off before me. I killed FOUR of his ships to his one kill of mine, and yet his went first, and I lost everyone. Game over. This is just ****.

    Thrawn Speed?
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    Thanks? Now ship battles are complete randomness in enemies favor, no control from your side at all. This is ridiculously annoying
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    There is something seriously wrong with ships 2.0... ennemy tfp dodge is like 80% and my own is like 10%... battles are draggin forever, i used to beat every other fleet in less than 2 minutes, not fights take close to 5...
    @CG_SBCrumb my feedback to ships 2.0 is it successfully made ships feel like homework again... that part of the game you hate but gotta get on with if you want to perform in the real part of the game (need crystals ans zetas)...
  • DarthBugdrops
    133 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Woodroward wrote: »
    I'm so glad it's going 3v3. Sick of there only being room for minor variations of the same fleet without lots of hassle.

    I do take 1st running a full republic fleet, but RNG on the META target lock fleet is merciless.

    Be nice not to have to worry about my ships getting blown up before I finish my first round of attacks anymore.

    lol in reality ships get blown up just like before. except now there is less variation to tactics like dispels to name one. paper ships die really easy and for mace capital u cant use anything but valor reinforce anymore to stand a chance vs tarkin tie swarm. so in some odd move they prety much have removed all my abilities. not that targetlock ever worked from mace capital, or even hit for that sake. but to put taunt and crit immunity on a ship that can take more then 1 turn before dying, that is very useful. or just on biggs if no target locks are there.
  • Jouh
    64 posts Member
    worse update ever. A slap in the face for all those who farmed ships like reaper and gear those toons to 12. This update is basically a reset in the ships and to pitch those ships once deemed as useless like geososians and now make old players do the grind again or purchase crystal again.

    This add zero value to the gameplay, neither making it more exciting or fun. Just a simple reset of ships for players to make another grind.

    People was naming EA is the worse company ever, even asking Disney to take away the SW license. I can understand why.
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    Probabyl it has been said before but I really need to vent.
    This fleet rework is just complete bullsh**. It's even more rng depended than before, first target lock 99% wins, only 3 ship start makes it nearly impossible to turn around matches that don't start well.
    And to top it off, it's now even more "Chimera or ****" than before. Tarkin is totally useless now since his ultimate won't be ready in 99% matches before it's over anyway. Endurance and heck, even Home One are better now than Executrix.
  • APX_919
    2468 posts Member
    Thrawn also gets his ultimate off 1 to 2 turns faster than he should. I have a faster Thrawn in some cases with Reaper and even after downing many of their ships, their ultimate goes first. I can salvage a win maybe a third of the time because of that. AI needs to learn how to count.
    "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen...mostly"
  • APX_919
    2468 posts Member
    SBxIronman wrote: »
    I'm still trying to figure out how a heads up matchup of two Chimaera fleets, with my Thrawn zeta'd and max geared, allowed my opponent to get the one shot kill special off before me. I killed FOUR of his ships to his one kill of mine, and yet his went first, and I lost everyone. Game over. This is just ****.

    Thrawn Speed?

    I would think so too but in some cases my Thrawn goes first, their TIE doesn't feed TM to the enemy capital ship and I have Reaper to remove some TM with kills yet their Thrawn goes first for ultimate. I am thinking AI glitch.
    "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen...mostly"
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  • BuffedID
    10 posts Member

    The problem is that I have no regrets about the fact that the fleet arena has been changed, that it starts with 3 ships. But here is the fact that max. 7 ships. For example, such an urban starfighter is now completely useless, but clone sergant is one better unit. I regret that I have wasted a lot of time to improve, as it turns out completely useless ships. In the same way, my tarkin is on the highest level, and it is completely useless.
    I wonder if it's worth unlocking the chimera, it's weak, slow. I guess just to get it.
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    Startomsto wrote: »
    There is something seriously wrong with ships 2.0... ennemy tfp dodge is like 80% and my own is like 10%... battles are draggin forever, i used to beat every other fleet in less than 2 minutes, not fights take close to 5...
    @CG_SBCrumb my feedback to ships 2.0 is it successfully made ships feel like homework again... that part of the game you hate but gotta get on with if you want to perform in the real part of the game (need crystals ans zetas)...
    What you described with TF's dodge has always existed, it's not new or exclusive to Ships 2.0.
  • TVF
    36786 posts Member
    Chaoscore wrote: »
    no control from your side at all.

    Your choice of starting lineup is more important now. Your choice to reinforce is more important now. Before it was the exact same battle every single time, with the only differentiation being how many target locks you land, which is completely out of your control. So you have more control now than before. But ok.
    I need a new message here.
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    The point is CG cannot nerf something that is already in the game for more than 6 months. People pays real money to have those ships and suddenly you will see that the content you bought is waaaaay far from what it should be. Its not the end by the way, they also ask from you to spend some more and buy other ships instead.
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    Congrats... ships are now more contrived and less fun. Can’t say I’m happy with the changes. Maybe if upgrade mats were farmable in places other then barris node it might be okay but I doubt it. That’s just rubbing salt in the wound... cantina energy if there is ever any spare goes to mod farming because of the abysmally low drop rate of good mods. Those of us behind in ships... no point even trying at this.

    And yes I still hate donations in chat. That needs to have an option to turn it off.

    The new quests are too cluttery.

    The forced character/tutorial events... if it was my rooster there is no way I’d run the team that way. Tutorial forces really stupid moves... No wonder the ai does so bad if it’s using those tutorials as a guide... I’d never beat anything in Tb using those strats or team makeups...

    I know totally off topic for the last bit but meh.
    I hate these new timesinks called Tb/tw. Annoying features.
  • Ruyen
    46 posts Member
    I can't fully put into words how much I hate the 3v3 change. Makes matches longer, harder, more boring, and still RNG reliant.

    Added abilities and reinforcements is cool. Wish they'd just added those and done any balancing they felt necessary - even though they clearly nerfed some ships after saying they don't nerf.
  • CantWithAU
    158 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Kyleslater wrote: »
    Congrats... ships are now more contrived and less fun. Can’t say I’m happy with the changes. Maybe if upgrade mats were farmable in places other then barris node it might be okay but I doubt it. That’s just rubbing salt in the wound... cantina energy if there is ever any spare goes to mod farming because of the abysmally low drop rate of good mods. Those of us behind in ships... no point even trying at this.
    You are aware that this situation is temporary?
    Expect that Reinforcement mats will be available to farm in Ships PvE table, when that gets finally released in June.
    This will also have its own unique Energy.
    Kyleslater wrote: »
    The forced character/tutorial events... if it was my rooster there is no way I’d run the team that way. Tutorial forces really **** moves... No wonder the ai does so bad if it’s using those tutorials as a guide... I’d never beat anything in Tb using those strats or team makeups...
    Completely agree. Also they're introducing new players to squad tactics using a Mythic (R2), Legendary (CLS) & Raid reward (HS), which most new players will not have access to for quite some time.
    Way to set a realistic expectation.
    The facts that they force you to take moves which are not optimal &, if a new player, force you to use characters that you will not have access to, makes this an extremely strange pair of decisions.
    This would suggest that the people who make this game do not have the 1st clue about playing it.
  • Chaoscore
    81 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    TVF wrote: »
    Chaoscore wrote: »
    no control from your side at all.

    Your choice of starting lineup is more important now. Your choice to reinforce is more important now. Before it was the exact same battle every single time, with the only differentiation being how many target locks you land, which is completely out of your control. So you have more control now than before. But ok.

    guess whose tie pilot evades 5 times in a row (try to calculate chance persentage for that now? (it's 0.0001 by the way) this is just one example of unfair snowballing mode from AI. and 3 ships from start leaves you without possible counters to that (you could actually do that ealier). and enemy just starts to snowball, outnumbers you with 1 vs 4 or 5 ships, and this is not fun at all. You are playing roulette not some chess game.
  • BuffedID
    10 posts Member
    The point is CG cannot nerf something that is already in the game for more than 6 months. People pays real money to have those ships and suddenly you will see that the content you bought is waaaaay far from what it should be. Its not the end by the way, they also ask from you to spend some more and buy other ships instead.
    The problem is that money will not change anything here. Bobba does not sweep at all. Tie advanced is not so good at all. If I do not have them myself, I have only begun to collect, but I can see that you can easily win with the start line: biggs, wiggs and consular
  • TVF
    36786 posts Member
    Chaoscore wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Chaoscore wrote: »
    no control from your side at all.

    Your choice of starting lineup is more important now. Your choice to reinforce is more important now. Before it was the exact same battle every single time, with the only differentiation being how many target locks you land, which is completely out of your control. So you have more control now than before. But ok.

    guess whose tie pilot evades 5 times in a row (try to calculate chance persentage for that now? (it's 0.0001 by the way) this is just one example of unfair snowballing mode from AI.

    No it's just one example of small sample size and confirmation bias.

    I need a new message here.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Chaoscore wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Chaoscore wrote: »
    no control from your side at all.

    Your choice of starting lineup is more important now. Your choice to reinforce is more important now. Before it was the exact same battle every single time, with the only differentiation being how many target locks you land, which is completely out of your control. So you have more control now than before. But ok.

    guess whose tie pilot evades 5 times in a row (try to calculate chance persentage for that now? (it's 0.0001 by the way) this is just one example of unfair snowballing mode from AI.

    No it's just one example of small sample size and confirmation bias.

    then i'm really happy it works for you
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