Ships 2.0 5/22/18 [Mega]


  • weisguy119
    6 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    I'm getting destroyed in Fleet Arena by lesser teams when I used to be able to beat slightly stronger teams. I mean, I'm getting completely smoked. Either something is not working as intended or they enjoy frustrating their player base.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    Of course I have under 1000 wins. I freaking hated 1.0. When was the sexond time Chimaera happened? February? January? Well, whenever it was, that’s the point where I entered fleet battles, then as aoon as it was my turn I hit retreat and then collected my daily activity completion and waited until 7:00 to get my 1k fleet tokens.

    1.0 was bad. I talked enough about it in the early part of this thread and my breaks at work are only a couple minutes. But I—and more than just me—hated, hated, hated 1.0 and refused to interact with it. I liked ships, but I hated fleet arena and that was the bulk of all fleet content.

    So why is it that because I hated the old way and did the absolute minimum back then, that liking it now means I don’t know what I’m talking about?

    I think you just said enough.
    "I hated ships 1.0, so therefore ships 2.0 MUST be good."
    "I did the absolute minimum before and now after the patch I'm winning."

    Bad logic. The second (dumb old phone with the c and x so close together.....) time Chimaera came around was February or January. I stopped caring and started hating ships after that. How many months before that did I care? Go ahead and count.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    I agree. It sucks that it is now all or nothing
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    I agree. It sucks that it is now all or nothing

    I'm fine with all or nothing, but I wish the all were more.

    Anyway, today's going to be easier. The platoon requirements are almost always nutty as hell in the last phase, so we're just going to use our best ships for the battle and use leftovers for platoons. (Although now that I think about it, is platoons the right word? Shouldn't it be wings or troops or squadrons or something?)
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Gibrise
    38 posts Member
    To Summarise this Ships 2.0 update the ideas are there but the execution is just to Random, the net result is most people in our guild are bored senseless with having to spend lots of time re doing ship battles as one slight wrong move or the AI wins 90% of the time, means no skill involved may as well press auto and hope for the best, I see lots of talk about 8mproving slight aspects around ships but the PRIORITY has to be fix the AI RNG, it is just a waster of time and effort with zero enjoyment, feels like a choir for dailies or trying to finish first, games are meant to be fun and enjoyable not go 3 moves in and go oh no not again I may as well have put a dollar on red or black, although the odds are more even on that game....

    DEVS please communicate on the overall RNG AI issues and when they get looked at, it feels like this release is more beta than ready for the player community, whilst I like the intent it just doesn’t play out, hence my disappointment.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Out of curiosity, how often do folks in this thread change their capital ship? Or are you using the same ship all the time, every time?
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Gibrise
    38 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    Out of curiosity, how often do folks in this thread change their capital ship? Or are you using the same ship all the time, every time?

    I stick with Chrimera, but things will change as people boost up other captiol ships and find new combos that improve the meta on ships
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    The issue is that the difficulty increased greatly with no nottification......phase 6 was ridiculously hard.
  • Gibrise
    38 posts Member
    Ok I also just did phase 6 of TB on Ships, WHAT A JOKE, until ships 2.0 I had all ships maxed and not a chance in TB phase 6, so either the bar has been raised or just another Broken TB area, I doubt many people will win a battle on phase 6 the Defence get 4 goes and re enforcements before you have done much, then the attacks barely scratch, then Tarkin tie fighter attacks comes and destroyed everything in one go, even though Poe had foresight up......

    I would raise a ticket but opted to write it here @DEVS as the might read this rather than deal with the “unhelpful desk” who are as much use as a chocolate tea pot at dealing with in game issues, now there is a thread that is needed for discussion :smile:
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    Phase 6 is impossible
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    Out of curiosity, how often do folks in this thread change their capital ship? Or are you using the same ship all the time, every time?

    I would just like to point out that CG manipulating the rework to "force change" the meta is part of the issue. So the idea that everyone has to swap out their maxed capital ship for a "new meta" capital ship is the complaint - not indicative of balance or a good "rework".
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    What ships did you use? I posted what I did in the other thread (Hey, @Kyno, can we close this one and just keep the new megathread active?) and I breezed right on through it. My Ackbar might hit g10 today if I'm lucky and get some more stun cuffs once the 1:00pm free energy comes in, but other than that initial burst (giving Executrix 100% tm to start is mean) didn't have any problems.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • UTmfUT
    47 posts Member
    This change cost my guild 41* after earning a new star in phase 5. Normally not a big deal but 41* is a new prize tier box. I sincerely hope EA/CG will release additional compensation to make up for the lost gear.

    This inattention to detail and lack of testing continues to cause frustrations to guilds at all levels of the game.
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    Rhod101 wrote: »
    By the way, just wanted to add my voice. Ships 2.0 is awful. I used to be in the top 2 at pay out every day that I could get on to play. Now, I lose more battles than I win, despite often having far more Fleet power and more developed ships. This sucks balls.

    Some of us have it the other way around. I couldn't break the top 20 in old ships now I'm comfortably in the top 3 every day.

    I'm really happy they changed things around in fleet so that the rest of the players in the shard have a chance at the top.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Phase 6 is impossible
    Hands up if you beat p6.
    *raises hand*
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    NicWester wrote: »
    Phase 6 is impossible
    Hands up if you beat p6.
    *raises hand*

    Show me your ships
  • Endir
    26 posts Member
    P6 isn't impossible. But it is very hard. I my guild for 15 people only 3 made it or something like that. It is a shame that we will probably do less starts then usually :-( thanks EA

    And for those who say that it is easy or wrong tactics. I think that this kind of change should be done farther in the future ... So people could catch up with new skills and upgrade their ships
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    I also beat p6 used biggs cassian and rex with 5s and resistance the only reinforcements i needed
  • Vertigo
    4497 posts Member
    I think the problem is that in previous TB when we got to wave 3 (Which is clearly the wave we are starting on) we already went through the reinforcement process, so we'd be starting with 5 ships vs their 3 and they knew this was likely to happen so they tuned the ships up a bit for 3v5s/3v4s. Getting thrown in right away makes the battles much harder.
  • Options
    NicWester wrote: »
    Phase 6 is impossible
    Hands up if you beat p6.
    *raises hand*

    Show me your ships

    Why does everyone say something is impossible just because they can't do it? Over tuned? Yeah, probably. Impossible? Obviously not.
  • Tulkas
    253 posts Member
    I have pretty decent ships and I still duffed it.

    Good job cg

    Maybe quit the reworks. You don't have a good success rate.
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    P6 ships is like the rest of ships 2.0
    They only increased the rng part
    Its no fun at all.
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    Phase 6 is impossible

    It is not impossible but definitely bloody difficult (and RNG dependent)
  • Zmobie
    54 posts Member
    After playing p6 now, going to have to agree it is overtuned. Not impossible, if I change up some tactics and manage to actually hit my biggs with taunt probably a whole different match but still way over the top.
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    I think at this point our consensus is that changing from very easy to very difficult all of a sudden is too much
  • Dblade21
    169 posts Member
    Gibrise wrote: »
    Ok I also just did phase 6 of TB on Ships, WHAT A JOKE, until ships 2.0 I had all ships maxed and not a chance in TB phase 6, so either the bar has been raised or just another Broken TB area, I doubt many people will win a battle on phase 6 the Defence get 4 goes and re enforcements before you have done much, then the attacks barely scratch, then Tarkin tie fighter attacks comes and destroyed everything in one go, even though Poe had foresight up......

    I would raise a ticket but opted to write it here @DEVS as the might read this rather than deal with the “unhelpful desk” who are as much use as a chocolate tea pot at dealing with in game issues, now there is a thread that is needed for discussion :smile:

    Let me guess, you just tossed the best ships you had and put it on auto? I beat it easily (never even got to tarkins ultimate) with mace and galactic republic. Rex biggs and bistan to start. That's 3 TL, mace AOE, bring in 5s, game over. Maybe use some strategy
  • Seltgar
    217 posts Member
    Dblade21 wrote: »
    Gibrise wrote: »
    Ok I also just did phase 6 of TB on Ships, WHAT A JOKE, until ships 2.0 I had all ships maxed and not a chance in TB phase 6, so either the bar has been raised or just another Broken TB area, I doubt many people will win a battle on phase 6 the Defence get 4 goes and re enforcements before you have done much, then the attacks barely scratch, then Tarkin tie fighter attacks comes and destroyed everything in one go, even though Poe had foresight up......

    I would raise a ticket but opted to write it here @DEVS as the might read this rather than deal with the “unhelpful desk” who are as much use as a chocolate tea pot at dealing with in game issues, now there is a thread that is needed for discussion :smile:

    Let me guess, you just tossed the best ships you had and put it on auto? I beat it easily (never even got to tarkins ultimate) with mace and galactic republic. Rex biggs and bistan to start. That's 3 TL, mace AOE, bring in 5s, game over. Maybe use some strategy

    Unless you don't have those ships worked up, because screw empire.
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    Pass or fail and the increased difficulty is rediculous. I swear I don’t understand how you can spend weeks programming something but not take 2 min to think through how it will play out. We pay them to be beta testers...
  • LordInuy
    212 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    UTmfUT wrote: »
    This change cost my guild 41* after earning a new star in phase 5. Normally not a big deal but 41* is a new prize tier box. I sincerely hope EA/CG will release additional compensation to make up for the lost gear.

    This inattention to detail and lack of testing continues to cause frustrations to guilds at all levels of the game.

    also us lost a star for this change...we go for the 3* and now with only deploy we hope to get 2 star

    and i don't understand why moderator deletes posts, there is another post reguarding ships and now disappear

    after months to farm the ships for arena and tb maybe we have farmed the best ships, now that **** of mace that has never served anything is necessary to do a battle ??? and then let's be clear to me it does not bother the difficulty, for the tier 6 could also be there, but the ridiculous change is the lowering to a single battle, if you lose 0 points ... in tb it has never been like that, it is a change without meaning and that will lose a star to us as to many other guilds.

    What then let's face it, even with mace is luck, if a tie (one of the many the ai can deploy more than one) dodging at the wrong time and you break the tm maybe anticipates tarkin and you lose badly even with mace
  • jjkriv
    429 posts Member
    Tarkins ship just got his special off not once but twice bc the Light side ships hit like a pile of garbage buuuuutt you need poe,biggs,wedge but their needed in dum.b platoons..what a waste if u cant use your best.
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