Can we talk about new toons in TB platoons? [MERGE]


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    The way the game is going is getting out of hand for non-p2w players. Every time they increase gear level or add new characters, it’s become more of an annoyance than anything. It should be exciting, but instead it evokes the exact opposite reaction, because we all know how long it’s going to take to get the now-required character/gear.
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    Well, CG and EA are definitely not NGO's, so this is just business dude, pretty much a no brainer discussion....
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    So this is what it's come to.....marquee ships in every platoon that you can't even complete Level 1 of the straffing run?
  • Drakkon
    66 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    I mean seriously. . EVERY platoon has at least a Lando M Falcon, or Sith Fighter, and one with both.
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    Yeah I think this is where the line is finally drawn....TB has officially become a p2p mode.....sad
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    I disagree. I think these platoons are enriching my game experience and overall making the game more enjoyable.

    I mean, my guild couldn't fill platoons for a couple of months because of Rose and Holdo so we've been farming them like mad for the last two months. Having them totally removed from platoons as soon as we finish them gives us a real feeling of accomplishment. We'll done!
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    kevsmart wrote: »
    The fact that platoons in TB require brand new characters is terrible and should be changed. We have 2 different scenarios here:

    1) Player is excited about a new character and spends money to star and/or gear said character. Character required for a platoon? Player can't actually USE their shiny new character or else hurt their guild. This is not fun.
    2) Guild not full of whales to buy everything immediately doesn't fill platoons and can't complete further missions because the platoons need characters that have been out for a week. This is not fun.

    Both of these scenarios are especially bad in DS TB right now because of the lack of DS characters in general and the lack of quality DS teams that can actually complete combat missions.

    My solution? Make characters required for platoons available for combats in that territory. Players who actually shell out the cash for brand new characters will be able to use them, albeit with a small restriction. Scenario 2 may be helped somewhat if a guild has a few members willing to spend, but entirely F2P guilds shouldn't expect to get 45* either.

    This is a game that is supposed to be fun. Forcing people to spend money to be able to fill a platoon and then not even be able to use that character is not fun and is anti-player and should have no place in any game.

    I posted that back in February. Still holds true. Platoons are horrible and discouraging and should be changed. Absolutely ridiculous to expect that we should pay money to unlock all these new toons and then not even be allowed to use them. And absolutely ridiculous that a 171M+ guild like mine was only able to fill 6 of 18 squads yesterday and today, and that we can't fill ANY ship squads.

    But hey at least CG fixed the problem of combats freezing in TB!! Oh wait....
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  • Coldth
    29 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    Personally I have no problem with some platoons requiring new marquee characters.

    But 5/6 platoons requiring marquee characters or ships? That's just wrong. At least 2 platoons per territory should be reserved for farmable toons.
  • Froov
    92 posts Member
    My main problem with this is my guys keep filling impossible platoons. I’m not asking for a change to using marquee characters in platoons but I would like to be able to block individual squads! #officertoolsmatter
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    Coldth wrote: »
    Personally I have no problem with some platoons requiring new marquee characters.

    But 5/6 platoons requiring marquee characters or ships? That's just wrong. At least 2 platoons per territory should be reserved for farmable toons.

    100% this. If you're unable to fill even 2/6 the missions get exponentially more difficult. I totally get incentivizing spend in phases 4 - 6 by making the maxed out abilities pay to play, but leaving the rest of the player base with zilch is just a poor gameplay experience. You'd basically need 200+ million GP guild to 3 star every territory because the missions are near impossible to 6/6 (or 4/4 in the case of DS).

    Leave 2 platoons free of characters that are only accessible via crystal spend please.
  • StarSon
    7516 posts Member
    kevsmart wrote: »
    kevsmart wrote: »
    The fact that platoons in TB require brand new characters is terrible and should be changed. We have 2 different scenarios here:

    1) Player is excited about a new character and spends money to star and/or gear said character. Character required for a platoon? Player can't actually USE their shiny new character or else hurt their guild. This is not fun.
    2) Guild not full of whales to buy everything immediately doesn't fill platoons and can't complete further missions because the platoons need characters that have been out for a week. This is not fun.

    Both of these scenarios are especially bad in DS TB right now because of the lack of DS characters in general and the lack of quality DS teams that can actually complete combat missions.

    My solution? Make characters required for platoons available for combats in that territory. Players who actually shell out the cash for brand new characters will be able to use them, albeit with a small restriction. Scenario 2 may be helped somewhat if a guild has a few members willing to spend, but entirely F2P guilds shouldn't expect to get 45* either.

    This is a game that is supposed to be fun. Forcing people to spend money to be able to fill a platoon and then not even be able to use that character is not fun and is anti-player and should have no place in any game.

    I posted that back in February. Still holds true. Platoons are horrible and discouraging and should be changed. Absolutely ridiculous to expect that we should pay money to unlock all these new toons and then not even be allowed to use them. And absolutely ridiculous that a 171M+ guild like mine was only able to fill 6 of 18 squads yesterday and today, and that we can't fill ANY ship squads.

    But hey at least CG fixed the problem of combats freezing in TB!! Oh wait....

    This. We are expected to pay several hundred dollars every month (as a guild) just to be able to fill 2 platoons in each territory (our 171M guild couldn’t do a single ship platoon today), but CG can’t even be bothered to fix bugs that have been in this game mode for almost a year. Completely ridiculous, and as a result I’m putting my 1* review back in.
  • Rojas
    336 posts Member
    Crowny wrote: »
    Thanks, CG, I'm glad we can't even get 1/3 of the ship platoons filled since 5 out of 6 of them require either 5 star Sith Fighter or 5 star Lando's Falcon. Way to make things fun for non-whale guilds.

    tough it out and keep on moving...
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    We’ve had two entirely different star outcomes our last two LSTB due to platoons and freezing of Combat Missions. Hard to gauge performance per member when we have these issues preventing them from completing their daily tasks.
  • StarSon
    7516 posts Member
    Rojas wrote: »
    Crowny wrote: »
    Thanks, CG, I'm glad we can't even get 1/3 of the ship platoons filled since 5 out of 6 of them require either 5 star Sith Fighter or 5 star Lando's Falcon. Way to make things fun for non-whale guilds.

    tough it out and keep on moving...

    Why? It’s going to be at least 4 TB’s before we can farm these ships, during which time non-whale guilds are losing stars.

    This also ignores how awful platoons are. We have to shell out hundreds of dollars to not use the things we buy? ****
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    Having new toons in platoons is expected the issue here was the sheer volume of them released sine the last LS TB and them being required in almost every platoon and needed multiple of the 2 new ships in some of them.
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    StarSon wrote: »
    Rojas wrote: »
    Crowny wrote: »
    Thanks, CG, I'm glad we can't even get 1/3 of the ship platoons filled since 5 out of 6 of them require either 5 star Sith Fighter or 5 star Lando's Falcon. Way to make things fun for non-whale guilds.

    tough it out and keep on moving...

    Why? It’s going to be at least 4 TB’s before we can farm these ships, during which time non-whale guilds are losing stars.

    This also ignores how awful platoons are. We have to shell out hundreds of dollars to not use the things we buy? ****

    And let’s not forget lately at least for light side TB there are almost always new toons released between every TB
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    To be honest, it's not that of a big deal, yes, this is only good news for whales and krakens, yes, screw the p2p system for a full of bugs product... However... your whole GP should be increasing and more important your teams should be more powerful (gear/stars/mod) meaning that you should be able to depend less of those completed platoons
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    Totally bogus
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    It could be balanced better. 4/6 platoons should be tillable with toons not behind a paywall. This does give an advantage to those who pay and keeps the spirit of Tb intact without getting shafted for needing 6 new marquee toons
  • Xcrit9
    108 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    First, just an FYI, we can see all your posts. We dont delete them we move them to the forum trash. You have very few posts there and the ones I see have a warning so they did notify you.

    Some posts are moved and others are merged you should look through the comments on your profile and you may find some of the topics you think were removed.

    Now onto the real topic on hand:

    This is part of the advantage that someone paying gets. Much like other content we will all "roster out" the content just due to sheer GP and have nothing to do with finishing platoons.

    Now I'm a player who buys the 9.99 packs on certain toons but for you to tell us that this is a way for ptp to have an advantage is absolutely crazy.
    1. In order to get these toons to 6 and 7* you are talking 100s of dollars
    2. Doesn't ptp have enough advantages ( raids, arena, fleets, TW) I mean come on
    3. So since I dont spend 1000s but try and spend some I'm still punished
  • btd7001
    54 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    150M GP guild & we're not going to be able to fill a single squadron because YLando's ship or Sith Assassin's ship or both are needed in every single squadron. Platoons/Squadrons are the worst part of this game. Multiple people need to spend thousands in your guild just to simply place a toon in a platoon? Lol, what a dumb thing to irritate so much of your playerbase over CG. Said it when this first started & it's even worse now, SMH.
    Post edited by btd7001 on
  • Viserys
    461 posts Member
    For reference, I posted this a long time ago when the randomized platoons became a thing. I was mostly spot on, and it's doubly relevant now:
    The thing is I just don't think this platoon nonsense is actually motivating any real spending. I think it's probably achieving the opposite -- especially with 11 new light side toons filtering into the platoons. The nonsense with Sith Fighter is truly absurd.
    It's time to actually rethink this, and what it's meant to accomplish. It's a lazy solution, and CG can definitely come up with something better.
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    My guild is having the same problem. I can't understand why they would purposely make it so we can't fill them all. Seems like entirely a money grab. Typical EA
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    I’m honestly surprised T3-M4 wasn’t in platoons lol
    482 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    It's kind of disturbing they would delete your last post
  • Zmobie
    54 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    Sidenote, thread merging makes this thing crazy confusing and is hurting/burying some of the discussion imho. Thinking locks on other threads with a message to continue discussing in a central one would work much better, but I'm not a mod, just suggesting...

    Beyond that, RNG of assignments with a bunch of new toons is still a bad way to manage how the platoons work for the late phases. I get that is how it works, but I'm stating I think it's wrong and a compromise could be reached that would stop some of this randomness that probably is costing some guilds at least a star or two.
  • Poxx
    2288 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    With 50 ppl in a guild, a few working on this ship, a few working on that guy, a few that buy everything shiny and's not like 50 ppl all need 7* whatever to fill platoon squads and the difference in bonuses between 4/6 and 6/6 platoon squads is negligible.

    Our characters and ships are constantly getting stronger while the opponent is not.

    This system encourages cooperation, communication and advancement.

    TB missions are easier for me every week as my squads and mods improve but the difficulty doesn't.

    If you only got 43 stars instead of 44 or for it. You have a goal.
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    It’s a disgrace. 178 mil gp guild, and we were able to complete 1/6 ship platoons. I understand when they load up platoons 5 and 6 with new ships. But three others as well? Just makes ppl angry.
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    I’m honestly surprised T3-M4 wasn’t in platoons lol

    Ok so when he's in tomorrow's platoons we can blame you now, right? :D
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