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    This is more plausible! Affiliated with George Lucas AND Disney.


    Wish i could double like this.
  • Haz001
    7 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    If not a legendary event, could jango be a shard reward for the next territory battle? Would tie in with ROLO
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    AIWA wrote: »
    Excuse the question.

    Is the 9/12 = 9 December or 12 September?
    In some countries, the numbers of the date are written upside down.

    translated by Google

    It is the english date, month/day
    Do or don't there is no try
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    Don’t forget to 7* Mace Windu to cut his head off so you can open him.

    Wait, what?
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    You need 500 mk3carbantis and 2000 stuncuffs with 150 6dot mods and all characters at g12+ and then pay 20000 Crystal's to reveal the picture
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    This is more plausible! Affiliated with George Lucas AND Disney.


    Why just why..... the only thing Disney did to ruin my vacation was make me stand in line to see this garbage.... Worste movie ever!!!!! And for those who didn’t know this is a real thing that exists....


    Female Robot trying to take over the world... MJ seduces her with his sexy dance moves... Crisis overted!
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    I feel like it is probably Jango, but I can see what others are saying about it looking like Revan's or Tulak Hord's mask tilted 90 degrees. I like that we don't know whether or not this is right side up or not. Has anyone tried turning it upside down and increasing the res?

    I think something that would be really cool is if the post was updated every day with slightly better res, so we go from maybe 50 pixels to 60 and then 70 and so on...
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    I'm going with Droideka. They drop hint droid are not meta now but that this was going to change. This would be going to make droid great again before Grievous and separatist come in at some future date.
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    new chewi?
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    DarkISI wrote: »
    Just leaving this here
    nQthing wrote: »
    As if anyone cared about the EU- why do you think their release dates are so long after the US

    Kotor eu does not stand for kotor europe lol.

    Right and NA doesn’t stand for North America? lol
    482 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    I'm confident I know who it is...and it's not Jango. I'm surprised no one has mentioned him yet. I'm not sure it's a legendary, but it's definitely a bounty hunter.
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    I’m almost positive it’s Spock
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    Sep 12th is the day of the Apple Event. Clearly EA is teasing us with the new IPhone
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    looks to me like bounty hunter leia when she's in jabbas palace holding a thermal detonator
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    I don't understand where people are getting Bounty Hunter Leia from, I just don't see it in the image.
    Eh, I get it. She wore brown clothes and there’s a lot of brown in the image.

    I don’t think they’ll add her, though. I bet we’ll see more Leias, to be clear, but I feel like her Endor fatigues or a Resistance Leia are more likely. (Also to be clear—I’m not saying the teaser image is any version of Leia :p)
    AIWA wrote: »
    Excuse the question.

    Is the 9/12 = 9 December or 12 September?
    In some countries, the numbers of the date are written upside down.

    translated by Google

    12 September. Yeah, sorry about that. Just know that a griwing number of people here are switching to Day/Month/Year. It just makes sense! That’s the order that the numbers get bigger in!
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    If this is another marquee character I will be done spending any more money on this game
  • Ultra
    11597 posts Moderator
    rdufield wrote: »
    If this is another marquee character I will be done spending any more money on this game
    What's wrong with marquee? How else do you prefer for a character to release?

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    I think I see Luke when I flip it upside down.
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    Marquee are ok the way they introduced new characters I have no problem with but 30 in a row is ridiculous. In now this when we're all waiting for a new legendary character to be announced in use this to boost sales for a marquee I have a problem with.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    rdufield wrote: »
    If this is another marquee character I will be done spending any more money on this game

    They are basically stating as such, so dont be surprised
  • Ultra
    11597 posts Moderator
    rdufield wrote: »
    Marquee are ok the way they introduced new characters I have no problem with but 30 in a row is ridiculous. In now this when we're all waiting for a new legendary character to be announced in use this to boost sales for a marquee I have a problem with.
    The legendary character anticipation is built by the players. It’s because people started asking for a new legendary toon every day that they said one should appear soon. There is nothing wrong with introducing 30 characters. You don’t have to collect them all. I like Aurra Sing as a character and someone else likes Embo. Another thing about 30 characters is that you can come up with fun compositions. With all the unique abilities

    People will complain if they release 1 toon a month. It’s ok to vent out complaints but it’s better if you can provide alternate ideas for release. Marquee basically means get a 3* toon for free and then 8 weeks later it’s F2P for everyone to farm. It’s not a bad system. It’s where it goes to be farmed that is frustrating to people

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    DarthDuck wrote: »
    Being a master editor for a major corporation, I was able to make a clear image of the new character..... it will be attached below. It makes sense, the most powerful character in Star Wars will be in your inventory soon!tix7004tt4g0.jpeg

    Man...that's going to be coarse and rough and irritating to face in's going to get everywhere...
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    I see what I want to see.

    I see Jabba.
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    It's clearly this bub
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    I see 2 characters...possibly a wookiee in shackles with their captor behind them.
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    Ultra wrote: »
    The legendary character anticipation is built by the players. It’s because people started asking for a new legendary toon every day that they said one should appear soon. There is nothing wrong with introducing 30 characters. You don’t have to collect them all. I like Aurra Sing as a character and someone else likes Embo. Another thing about 30 characters is that you can come up with fun compositions. With all the unique abilities

    People will complain if they release 1 toon a month. It’s ok to vent out complaints but it’s better if you can provide alternate ideas for release. Marquee basically means get a 3* toon for free and then 8 weeks later it’s F2P for everyone to farm. It’s not a bad system. It’s where it goes to be farmed that is frustrating to people
    Not too long ago, when they were working on Ships 2.0, I remember all the complaints about there not being enough new content.
    Still not a he.
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