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    Austin9370 wrote: »
    You know what the best response to all the Revan issues would be... the one thing that could bring balance to the game and then, while there will always be those whom complain, should mitigate about 90 % of the complaints that this all really stems from?

    Here's a novel and logical, so ultimately rejected idea by CG/EA:

    Why not reshuffle all f2p into ONLY f2p squad arena and fleet arena shards, that way everyone can actually be in a shard that is competitive for the type of financial commitment you have in the game.

    This would allow f2p to compete against like players and p2p now actually have to deal with other p2p.

    DOING THAT... would mostly stop people complaining. That would certainly eliminate a lot of the 'unfairness' aspect about how characters are released, because lets face it, CG/EA is NOT going to change their business practices. No amount of complaining will make them change their ways.

    And just so we are all on the same page here, the reasons CG/EA will give for never doing something like this will be, although never will it be publicly stated, is doing that while keeping the game more competitive and fair would also cause them to lose a sizable portion of the player base whose impatience makes them spend money to get ahead.

    Make no mistake, whether you agree with it or not, CG/EA wants MONEY period. All other considerations are secondary.

    Once you understand and accept it as part of the game, u can sort of enjoy the rest of what the game offers.

    This is incredibly naive, all of it.

    I agree this guy is a textbook apologist
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    @Austin09370 Can you explain how it's naive? I basically said it would never come to pass, but it could alleviate some of the frustration the player base has.
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    @Austin09370 Can you explain how it's naive? I basically said it would never come to pass, but it could alleviate some of the frustration the player base has.

    People pay to be the best. If paying didn’t make them the best because they were only competing against others who paid, they wouldn’t pay anymore.
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    I have spent plenty of money on this game over the years but an event like this gives little hope to people unless they are willing to drop hundreds at once. Having an event like this scares away a lot of people from even trying to unlock Revan and therefore they wont sell as many packs IMO. If the end is so far away it is unobtainable then people wont even try. I know I am not going to this time around.

    I was pretty angry the way they did this event early on but I have mellowed out now and realize they don't want my money so I wont give it to them. Might just go FTP from here on out, we shall see.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    Germi wrote: »
    48h of silence is a PR disaster.
    I am not quite sure what is going on.
    @CG_SBCrumb you are the community manager ... please step up !

    Nothing they can say will make an ounce of difference to you guys, so why would they?
    I don't know if you've been watching, but this cycle of waning and waxing anger has been going on for years. This game exists to be full of microtransactions, which means they'll continue to design the game in such a way as to convince you to spend money. Why be surprised?

    I mean, I think the anger is 100% justified. But expecting them to respond is weird. They MAY respond, and they might even offer a carrot, but ultimately their aim won't change. Which means they'll continue to annoy people and the cycle continues.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    Nothing warrants a response. They told you the start date of the event and the requirements. That's all that needs to be said.
    No they told us part of the requirements. 7 star old republic. We knew that to get any event character youd ultimately need 7 star.

    They just confirmed no 5 star or 6 star unlocks, 7 or bust... but i didnt need that to farm like id need 7 star kotor to get the character up to 7 star.

    Now what i need to know is will this be like jtr and cls or will it be like chewy for gear.

    That would be very helpful to know upfront. If they told me that and event length, then id agree with you. Im going to assume 1 week... but i cant assume gear.
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    You know what the best response to all the Revan issues would be... the one thing that could bring balance to the game and then, while there will always be those whom complain, should mitigate about 90 % of the complaints that this all really stems from?

    Here's a novel and logical, so ultimately rejected idea by CG/EA:

    Why not reshuffle all f2p into ONLY f2p squad arena and fleet arena shards, that way everyone can actually be in a shard that is competitive for the type of financial commitment you have in the game.

    This would allow f2p to compete against like players and p2p now actually have to deal with other p2p.

    DOING THAT... would mostly stop people complaining. That would certainly eliminate a lot of the 'unfairness' aspect about how characters are released, because lets face it, CG/EA is NOT going to change their business practices. No amount of complaining will make them change their ways.

    And just so we are all on the same page here, the reasons CG/EA will give for never doing something like this will be, although never will it be publicly stated, is doing that while keeping the game more competitive and fair would also cause them to lose a sizable portion of the player base whose impatience makes them spend money to get ahead.

    Make no mistake, whether you agree with it or not, CG/EA wants MONEY period. All other considerations are secondary.

    Once you understand and accept it as part of the game, u can sort of enjoy the rest of what the game offers.

    What? So u want them to put all of the people who don’t pay anything in together to make it fairer to them and the company (in this case CG) foot the bill( because it costs to run things on a server) yeah that is simply not how the world works. Think about what problem that would cause? Complaining from people who don’t spend is just noise
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    Just so we're clear. I am not complaining as I knew I had no shot at Revan to begin with because I never got to farm OR. As a f2p myself I am in no way able to jump on something because of hints. I don't do anything without concrete information, and Revan, while I like the character a lot, is not someone I'm going to drop everything for when there are far more useful toons to be had.

    I myself, do not expect anything from CG/EA as they are doing what they think is best.

    I was simply stating my idea would eliminate a lot of the 'noise' people are making about how things work.

    I also clearly stated why it would never actually happen.

    I also ended that post with why people just need to let go and play the game in the way you want to play it, and try to enjoy what you can out of it.

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    CG should make an event with a new toon that only players under lvl 60 can get first time around to even it all out.
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    I don't get the **** over this issue. Oh my God I have to spend to get revan first time around. How is this any worse than CLS or JTR? If you've been around for either of those releases then you should have seen this coming. Actually this will be easier than those two because both of the required teams had one character that wasn't farmable (R2 and BB8). The whole Revan team is farmable. Imagine if you had to build up some old Sith team just to get Bastila. This isn't some little indie game that is someone's passion project. It's a massive game made by a massive company and they want to make money. Either pay for Revan or just farm for the second go around (which is what I'm doing) and stop the complaining.
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    I'm sure the devs understand what a horsecrap maneuver this was. It most likely wasn't their decision to make. It's probable that the decision was made by people who've never played the game and never will. The people who code the game don't control how content is released when you're talking about a company as big as EA.
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    I don't get the **** over this issue. Oh my God I have to spend to get revan first time around. How is this any worse than CLS or JTR? If you've been around for either of those releases then you should have seen this coming. Actually this will be easier than those two because both of the required teams had one character that wasn't farmable (R2 and BB8). The whole Revan team is farmable. Imagine if you had to build up some old Sith team just to get Bastila. This isn't some little indie game that is someone's passion project. It's a massive game made by a massive company and they want to make money. Either pay for Revan or just farm for the second go around (which is what I'm doing) and stop the complaining.

    Your point doesn't really fit. FO toons were out long before those were needed for bb8 so it actually acts as one less req since you can get 1 out of 5 from a faction you already have. Or at least could have had if you chose to farm them. Jtr took me until the 3rd time because i worked on other priorities first but it was possible to get them ftp if you already focused of fo prior to that.

    And your at least they didn't req sith too, is just dumb. That would have been better for many that already have a viable sith team as it would only be 4 toons to farm not 5.
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    I'm sure the devs understand what a horsecrap maneuver this was. It most likely wasn't their decision to make. It's probable that the decision was made by people who've never played the game and never will. The people who code the game don't control how content is released when you're talking about a company as big as EA.

    I think they overplayed their hand thinking players would spend on revan no matter what because well it's revan. Now their in a no win situation. Revan isn't op enough the people who did spend will be upset. Revan is too op people who couldn't afford him or are f2p will be upset. Hopefully they can find a happy medium where both groups are happy.
  • Ultra
    11592 posts Moderator
    I'm sure the devs understand what a horsecrap maneuver this was. It most likely wasn't their decision to make. It's probable that the decision was made by people who've never played the game and never will. The people who code the game don't control how content is released when you're talking about a company as big as EA.

    I think they overplayed their hand thinking players would spend on revan no matter what because well it's revan. Now their in a no win situation. Revan isn't op enough the people who did spend will be upset. Revan is too op people who couldn't afford him or are f2p will be upset. Hopefully they can find a happy medium where both groups are happy.
    Making him OP makes the most sense. Revan is one of the most powerful Jedi in his era and when CLS dropped, he was OP for his time. Same thing for Thrawn. Making someone very powerful and making him unavailable for months if you don't fork up is nothing new.
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    Ultra wrote: »
    I'm sure the devs understand what a horsecrap maneuver this was. It most likely wasn't their decision to make. It's probable that the decision was made by people who've never played the game and never will. The people who code the game don't control how content is released when you're talking about a company as big as EA.

    I think they overplayed their hand thinking players would spend on revan no matter what because well it's revan. Now their in a no win situation. Revan isn't op enough the people who did spend will be upset. Revan is too op people who couldn't afford him or are f2p will be upset. Hopefully they can find a happy medium where both groups are happy.
    Making him OP makes the most sense. Revan is one of the most powerful Jedi in his era and when CLS dropped, he was OP for his time. Same thing for Thrawn. Making someone very powerful and making him unavailable for months if you don't fork up is nothing new.

    Yeah but they also want people to still spend to gear up hstr teams. If they make him to OP, then traya becomes less valuable and people spend less on that.
  • Zaxm
    48 posts Member
    Sandybard wrote: »
    All I'm really sort of irritated about at this point is that there's been no kit release. I'm over the timing and requirements and all that. But how do they expect me to spend money on packs when I don't even know what I'm buying?

    Kinda makes me think his kit sucks. Now that would be interesting.
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    There is nothing to be upset about this event.
    I heard people complaining about Veterans bundle not being available but I have just seen it in store and it is the same price as two two-player bundles for OR characters. Difference is that all 5 OR toons are (IMO) much better and more useful than either of Veterans.
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    Zinke7 wrote: »
    There is nothing to be upset about this event.
    I heard people complaining about Veterans bundle not being available but I have just seen it in store and it is the same price as two two-player bundles for OR characters. Difference is that all 5 OR toons are (IMO) much better and more useful than either of Veterans.

    what do vet packs in the store on the 5th time jtr is back have to do with the price of rice in china?
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    Austin9370 wrote: »
    Jaconis wrote: »
    @Austin09370 Can you explain how it's naive? I basically said it would never come to pass, but it could alleviate some of the frustration the player base has.

    People pay to be the best. If paying didn’t make them the best because they were only competing against others who paid, they wouldn’t pay anymore.


    Personally, I always thought this game would be so much better as a subscription game. Probably not near as popular or profitable though.

    Agree thats when mmos were the best. Everyone paid the same. The ones who put more effort and time got better stuff and quicker. Micros came and destroyed that concept, now its about your wallet.
  • TVF
    36772 posts Member
    Austin9370 wrote: »
    Jaconis wrote: »
    @Austin09370 Can you explain how it's naive? I basically said it would never come to pass, but it could alleviate some of the frustration the player base has.

    People pay to be the best. If paying didn’t make them the best because they were only competing against others who paid, they wouldn’t pay anymore.


    Personally, I always thought this game would be so much better as a subscription game. Probably not near as popular or profitable though.

    No thanks. I'd rather the whales get ahead by paying then someone forcing me to pay instead of me paying when I feel it's worth it.
    I need a new message here.
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    I am happy that they finally release revan.

    As ftp i know that i will not get it at first round. Why i should unhappy with that?

    I'm in this thinking.. why should I be entitled to every character every time it comes around? So what if I have to wait 3 months to get him.. or even 6 months.. I just got chewy.
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Nothing warrants a response. They told you the start date of the event and the requirements. That's all that needs to be said.

    "Wah wah we don't want marquees we want more legendaries and heroic journeys"

    honestly if I was a developer i'd say "you asked for this lol"

    People are mad like they always are. They were mad when chewie dropped too. They will always be made because people cannot cope with the idea of not getting a toon on day one. People are spending on Revan like crazy, at least people in my guild/shard have been dumping money to get him. To CG, its business as usual. The ones not spending are complaining and those who want to get it are spending. At least on paper.

    Hmmm no not really. I wasn’t bothered about chewie at all. I could’ve diverted attention to that but instead had my focus on OR, even before the Revan announcement. And before that I missed a couple events first time around but I can only blame myself bc I didn’t farm toons from the start of their availability. I usually don’t complain but I don’t like the idea of putting all your attention into something and it not being attainable. Most of the other events were at least possible without spending money or loads of crystals.
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    CaptainRex wrote: »
    Safe to say a large majority of the playerbase is unhappy (to put it VERY mildly) with Revan. Has there been any dev response yet?

    Most SWGOH players do not participate on this forum, have never expressed an opinion about Revan’s requirements. And yet you presume to know the thoughts and feelings of a “large majority” of people you’ve never met or even heard a word from. Try to become more comfortable speaking for yourself instead of hiding in a crowd you’ve imagined and claim to be real.

    @Mik_Prat_Rel Get your head out of the sand, and read the 41 page megathread, watch the Youtube videos, go on Discord, Reddit etc. People are not happy.
    I stated loud and clear the day he was announced how I felt.
    Don't presume to know what I'm thinking.
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
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    Mr_Sausage wrote: »
    What do you want the devs to say? That they want to collect money? We already know this. Do you want them to acknowledge that FTP was not in their thinking when they release him? We know the answer to this too. I’m not sure what you want them to say.

    If we stay silent and take it, it's a sign that their decisions are acceptable.
    Talk with the devs, listen to their interviews. They seem like pretty cool people.
    Remember when they tried to kill Sith Raid rewards, or the initial NS nerf? They've shown in the past they're willing to listen to reason.
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
  • ÌN_Algorìthm
    77 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    Old Republic toons are pennies on the dollar. 5 good toons at 7 stars and 1 Legendary toon at 7 stars for the price of 1. You people wont be happy until we give away nothing but free, maxed characters.
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    CaptainRex wrote: »
    CaptainRex wrote: »
    Safe to say a large majority of the playerbase is unhappy (to put it VERY mildly) with Revan. Has there been any dev response yet?

    Most SWGOH players do not participate on this forum, have never expressed an opinion about Revan’s requirements. And yet you presume to know the thoughts and feelings of a “large majority” of people you’ve never met or even heard a word from. Try to become more comfortable speaking for yourself instead of hiding in a crowd you’ve imagined and claim to be real.

    @Mik_Prat_Rel Get your head out of the sand, and read the 41 page megathread, watch the Youtube videos, go on Discord, Reddit etc. People are not happy.
    I stated loud and clear the day he was announced how I felt.
    Don't presume to know what I'm thinking.

    U might want to pull your head out of that helmet on those same social media and media platforms there are just as many people who are cool with it or understand basic economics of a free games such as this. How u need events to prompt spending especially in a game in which everything can be obtained for free eventually.
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    Old Republic toons are pennies on the dollar. 5 good toons at 7 stars and 1 Legendary toon at 7 stars for the price of 1. You people wont be happy until we give away nothing but free, maxed characters.

    It's still $300 plus for pixels..... Then add the cost of gearing them for the event....
  • ÌN_Algorìthm
    77 posts Member
    edited October 2018
This discussion has been closed.