Territory Wars: Community Style [MEGA]


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    kello_511 wrote: »
    I was thinking, since my 9 year old daughter enjoys reading, to make things more playful I would ban all of her favorite books and have her vote on whether to read War and Peace, the Obituaries, or the new specials in our local shopper.

    You’re being ridiculous, that’s not even close to what’s happening here!!

    Have her classmates vote on it for her.

    Ha ha ha...no, that still isn't right, have high school students vote.
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    There should be no question that this event style should be canceled, if not for the overwhelming disdain for the idea, then for the fact that the voting is completely fraudulent.

    Not only is it possible for players individually to easily vote multiple times, scripts have been written that can do thousands of votes automatically. Both of which invalidate the results and the desired outcome.
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    kieltrx wrote: »
    Imho the idea of banned characters during TW is not that bad.. as some ppl stated above, this will shake up all those imapassable walls of ns, revans, trayas and whoever else was to be banned.. it might actually help those weaker guilds (that didn't do enough HSTRs to unlock or lvl traya) win the TW.
    Also it might challenge us to get creative with the team comps when their integral parts are out of picture and this really suits me. GA challenged me and I found it appealing, interesting, it pulled me out from the daily hard node/cantina/arena grind routine so I'm eager to see what will become of the upcoming TW. Bring it on CG!

    And see, this illustrates the other problem with "fun and playful" TW. Rather than push players towards developing their rosters so that they can compete better with other guilds, this incentivizes voting out characters that a lot of people who have spent time and/or money on out of... I don't know, spite?
    Your point that this will help lower-GP guilds by eliminating NS, Traya, and Revan is a little questionable. It is doubtful many lower-GP guilds would even run into Trayas and Revans on a regular basis. On top of that, lower-GP guilds might have based their entire GP around developing good teams for TW, which are teams that will be crippled by the toon ban.
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    Comet19 wrote: »
    kieltrx wrote: »
    Imho the idea of banned characters during TW is not that bad.. as some ppl stated above, this will shake up all those imapassable walls of ns, revans, trayas and whoever else was to be banned.. it might actually help those weaker guilds (that didn't do enough HSTRs to unlock or lvl traya) win the TW.
    Also it might challenge us to get creative with the team comps when their integral parts are out of picture and this really suits me. GA challenged me and I found it appealing, interesting, it pulled me out from the daily hard node/cantina/arena grind routine so I'm eager to see what will become of the upcoming TW. Bring it on CG!

    And see, this illustrates the other problem with "fun and playful" TW. Rather than push players towards developing their rosters so that they can compete better with other guilds, this incentivizes voting out characters that a lot of people who have spent time and/or money on out of... I don't know, spite?
    Your point that this will help lower-GP guilds by eliminating NS, Traya, and Revan is a little questionable. It is doubtful many lower-GP guilds would even run into Trayas and Revans on a regular basis. On top of that, lower-GP guilds might have based their entire GP around developing good teams for TW, which are teams that will be crippled by the toon ban.

    I actually found myself forgetting that 'the cripple' will be affecting both sides and I think ppl on this forum forget this as well. It's not like only your guild will have toons banned, the enemy will also struggle with limitations and this will make things very unpredictable.
    Even if the lower GP guilds don't see traya or revan often, they have other difficult times in their GP bracket.
  • kieltrx
    129 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    Just imagine the hussle erupting on every gamechangers' channel, on forums, reddit, discord or whatever you can think of when the bans get announced. Imagine all this think-tanks sweating over creating useful squads out of what's left on the table. It WILL be exciting. The new compilations, unknown synergies.. it's gonna be another GA stir. Didn't you like GA or even better: 3v3 GA? I didn't... have this much fun in a long time trying to get my teams runnin. And guess what, I succeded, I won both full GAs :)
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    kieltrx wrote: »
    Just imagine the hussle erupting on every gamechangers' channel, on forums, reddit, discord or whatever you can think of when the bans get announced. Imagine all this think-tanks sweating over creating useful squads out of what's left on the table. It WILL be exciting. The new compilations, unknown synergies.. it's gonna be another GA stir. Didn't you like GA or even better: 3v3 GA? I didn't... have this much fun in a long time trying to get my teams runnin. And guess what, I succeded, I won both full GAs :)

    What happened with GA=/= toon bans in TW. I would have hated GA if I was suddenly unable to use over half of my decent roster. This is not exciting for me. While I was able to win some of my matchups in GA, I won't even be able to participate in this new TW.
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    I'm not a fan of this idea. I stated before why. It's counter-intuitive to the direction we were heading with the Zombie rework: rewarding hard work levelling and gearing characters. Additionally, the vote only reaches a small portion of the gaming community since it doesn't take place within the game. Poor Planning.

    A few suggestions to CG to tweak/improve the game that may get a warmer reception:

    - Scrap this Community Voting thing before the coming TW commences. Show us our voice matters

    - The previous TW concept with temporary character bonuses was a lot of fun. Can we do it again; maybe switching the characters that get bonuses each month?

    - Spice up the existing raids. Add a Legendary Tier that will be a challenge for guilds completing Heroic raids quickly

    - Mods 2.0 was/has been fun. It was a game changer for mods. Since Mod Energy was introduced, there is a lot more mod-farming and suddenly even E-class mods can be sliced into great mods. Please remove the Mod Cap Limit. There is no Gear Cap Limit. Why for mods?

    - Jedi Luke

    If some of these things were to be considered, it would go a long way with the gaming community ;)

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    Dear CG,

    Its been almost 2 years of playing this game and after countless hours of borderline addiciton to my entire roster, can you please find a way where i can start using my entire roster count towards something meaningful? (and not just in gw, tw platooning, cannon fodder or gp)

    The idea is pretty simple, you worked hard at creating an inventory, we worked hard and building up that inventory. So give us the content and rewards to use it. Instead of restricting toons, or limiting teams, just increase it. I suggest to increase the defensive spots in TW and GA. It balances everything out.

    For those that sandbagged for GA they wont have enough teams, putting a deeper roster at an advantage. For tw it gives some of us more chances to try out different offenses we never used. I know we all love that back row of scrubs for easy points. (Who doesnt love a good 1:1 in TW). Just imagine a tw coming down to a couple of ugnaughts, cups and lobots at gear 8. Or maybe i TW designate certain faction in zones. Or zone bonuses. There are a million things uiu can try that dont involve taking aspects away from us.

    In the end there are over 120, (maybe 160+ characters) and i may be using 1/3 of them at all and more than likely 15 of them on a regular basis.

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    Gannon wrote: »
    If they decide to ignore all of this feedback (which they asked for on this new "community" style) and go foward with the ban I think it will be interesting to see how many guilds ban this community style TW.
    This would give them our true answer to what we think of this idea...

    If they actually go through with the ban idea, I'm definitely not participating.. I'll gladly miss a few rewards rather than give any indication that a new precedent of banning toons is acceptable in any way.

    Pretty much our feelings on this. As I've said before in this thread, we're a very competitive and TW focused guild with 48 wins, finishing in the top 25 for GP defeated every month, and haven't lost since July. Plus, we don't sandbag and very rarely have less than 50 sign up. We certainly don't put forth that kind of effort for one extra zeta. It's the spirit of competition. This idea is NOT competitive, which is honestly more concerning than one TW since they mentioned basically removing the competitive element in the announcement post.

    Winning this farce will probably come down to which guild has enough bored members who feel like dumping whatever's left of their rosters into doing something on offense. I'm sure most will just sign up and take the 2 zetas. Don't forget to set at least 1 crappy broken team on D!
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    Not a Fan of this idea. It seems like they want to try something different which is good, all for mixing it up, however I think the positive feed back they got from last TW was Based on a theme. If they wanted to create themes for TW that be something intresting indeed. Maybe Rogue one and Krennic and troopers would be a theme for some extra bonus in fairness to the movie it was Krennic on the defense and rogue had the offense on scariff, make the bonus match the attack or defense abilities. Capt Han and Rolo and hoth soldiers vs Stark and troopers that be another theme to follow. However eliminating toons will Hurt smaller players in mid size guild more then the larger ones as they may see a overall lose of most of their roster and that's not fun. Picture only have maybe 3 good teams to put up and feel good about and then have scraps to play with. "I have a bad feeling about this."
  • Fringilla_Vigo
    56 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    I already stated quite clearly that, in opposition to the vast majority, I think it would be FUN to have these 28 characters EXCLUDED FOR EVERYBODY (I think many players take it as a personal cut off...) if it is just ONE - TIME event. If it were to be anyhow permanent - I agree -it is plainly stupid. But it isn't!

    But what puzzles me the most, is the amount of rave and bashing that this idea raised... Seriously, are you really that much upset with a SINGLE change to TW, when there are problems that hurts us on a daily basis...

    1) HSR Top 10 rewards distribution vs the rest (and I am regularly top 5, before you start shouting - earn it... I think it is disheartening for the "lower part" of the guild and discouraged them from participation. And increases the gap between "top" and "bottom" ofthe guild
    2) Horrible and practically useless GA rewards last time, not worht any effort at all..

    Yet most seems to be ruined with this (probably) single time event (not the most fortunate idea, but it would be FUN to run it ONCE), and ignore the real problems...

    Seriously guys, get a bit of a perspective...
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    I do not know if this point has already been mentioned, but is it planned that the guild PG will be recalculated to account for banned heroes?

    Otherwise, bad idea. We have some "little" players in the guild whose roster is essentially based on CLS, Palpatine or NS. Where will they find the fun of playing if these heroes are excluded?

    To resume :
    bonus heroes : good idea and fun
    excluded heroes : bad idea and not fun
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    LyceXirec wrote: »
    I do not know if this point has already been mentioned, but is it planned that the guild PG will be recalculated to account for banned heroes?

    As a matter of fact - that is quite legitimate concern - how is the GP calculated for that event? Based on what? Total GP base? Minus excluded characters?
    It would be nice to have the clarification on that...
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    Spidee wrote: »
    Well it is the 7th, let's see what CG has to say today. 50 pages and days of comments saying how bad this idea is.
    Anyone taking bets that they are just going to ghost the fourm?

    Don't ghost this forum...we haven't given them enough feedback yet.
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    I'm not a fan of this idea. I stated before why. It's counter-intuitive to the direction we were heading with the Zombie rework: rewarding hard work levelling and gearing characters. Additionally, the vote only reaches a small portion of the gaming community since it doesn't take place within the game. Poor Planning.

    A few suggestions to CG to tweak/improve the game that may get a warmer reception:

    - Scrap this Community Voting thing before the coming TW commences. Show us our voice matters

    - The previous TW concept with temporary character bonuses was a lot of fun. Can we do it again; maybe switching the characters that get bonuses each month?

    - Spice up the existing raids. Add a Legendary Tier that will be a challenge for guilds completing Heroic raids quickly

    - Mods 2.0 was/has been fun. It was a game changer for mods. Since Mod Energy was introduced, there is a lot more mod-farming and suddenly even E-class mods can be sliced into great mods. Please remove the Mod Cap Limit. There is no Gear Cap Limit. Why for mods?

    - Jedi Luke

    If some of these things were to be considered, it would go a long way with the gaming community ;)


    Regarding your mod cap limit, I'd say they have it because each mod counts as an instance of the mod class (for example), while the amount of gear you have of a specific type is only a counter being incremented.
    The space required, complexity and calculations are far different between the two. So I don't think they'd remove the cap like so.

    I'd vote for a rework on getting the mods and instantly selling them, if you see that the primer Stat is not good for you, so it doesn't get added to your collection and/or sent to the inbox.
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    I already stated quite clearly that, in opposition to the vast majority, I think it would be FUN to have these 28 characters EXCLUDED FOR EVERYBODY (I think many players take it as a personal cut off...)
    I get that everyone will have these toons banned. This is still not okay. We’ve worked hard to gear up the toons we have that are considered useful in every aspect of the game. Sure, in TW, my guild’s opponents will have the same toons banned as we will, but you have to consider the fact that newer players and some older F2P players may not even be able to participate in TW. Off the top if my head, I can think of 5 players in my guild, including me, who would be GP deadweight to the guild if this ban goes through. Sure, the other guild may be in the same boat. Or maybe the other guild will have a bunch of whales in it that will offset their losses, unlike my guild. This simply is not a good idea.
    if it is just ONE - TIME event. If it were to be anyhow permanent - I agree -it is plainly stupid. But it isn't!
    Show me where the devs explicitly stated that this was a one-time only event that will bever be repeated. Hence the reason why we have to express our outrage.
    But what puzzles me the most, is the amount of rave and bashing that this idea raised... Seriously, are you really that much upset with a SINGLE change to TW, when there are problems that hurts us on a daily basis...
    Sure, there are other problems in the game. I could add using total GP to calculate matches as one. Last GA, I faced someone whose defensive fleet power equaled my entire fleet power. Is that broken? I think so. However, the way this was handled and the reasoning the devs had for implementing this idea was insulting to the player base, which is probably why you’re seeing more outrage on this one than other issues.

  • DuneSeaFarmer
    3525 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    They will push the event through, and report it was a fantastic success. Wonder what the next really horrible idea will be? Maybe competitive knitting, or I know.. lets have a spelling contest.. we can vote on which letters to ban. Or just ban vowels.

    On a more serious note. With the short life of developer jobs and frequent search for new employment is it any wonder they will not say who's idea it was lol..
  • IC3M4N
    267 posts Member
    But what puzzles me the most, is the amount of rave and bashing that this idea raised... Seriously, are you really that much upset with a SINGLE change to TW, when there are problems that hurts us on a daily basis

    probably cause many people have sunk a lot of money into this game and they are passionate about their investment and what direction it heads
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    They will push the event through, and report it was a fantastic success. Wonder what the next really horrible idea will be? Maybe competitive knitting, or I know.. lets have a spelling contest.. we can vote on which letters to ban. Or just ban vowels.

    On a more serious note. With the short life of developer jobs and frequent search for new employment is it any wonder they will not say who's idea it was lol..

    What I find most disturbing is that it was thought up, then discussed and somehow made it through all required approvals to get to this point.

    It’s not just one developer having a bad day, it’s an entire team, including management, that are clearly out of sync with their (often paying) customers.

    This is an idea that should never have made it past the initial suggestion meeting. That it got this far is an indictment on CG. Anyone with half a clue would and should have known how this would be received. To announce it and then let it sit because people are on holiday is another ridiculous response. Saying we’ll look at it when we return is more than disappointing. Just shows how out of touch they are.

    This game has a very long track record of dropping junk on us right before the developers are “unavailable” (except for posting puzzles).

    New raids, game modes, announcements of unpopular changes, etc. almost always happen on a Friday afternoon.
    It’s clearly because they know that there will be outrage and they want to give us time to cooldown before they come in and apologize for the “unforeseable” bugs/crashes/anger that they caused.
    Don’t kid yourself that this is a coincidence or “bad timing” - it’s all very intentionally timed this way.
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    This has the potential of tearing guilds apart (on whether to partipate in the next TW or not), making guild members even more appathetic to working together...my guild for example was starting to finally talk more, the number of people signing up for the TWs was increasing. We actually had an amazing strategy for the next Territory war that might have given us our very 1st win. If even one of the toons in our strategy squad is banned we are blown out of the water...it will demoralize many of us. We are one of those lower gp guilds and have players that have low gp...we never ban them from playing, but this toon ban will.
    We are a t.e.a.m (together everyone achieves more). The "e" is missing if they go through with this.
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    PS right now the only sound heard in our chatroom are promtions, upgrades, and crickets.
  • Tanzos
    219 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    While I feel that they should've given us some regular TW's first before trying something new, it seems to me they may not have realized how negative the reactions would be. But others should understand the bias towards negative reactions is because those who hate it will speak up, those who don't won't.

    So why are the reactions negative? Lots of reasons.

    One reason I feel may be a cause is that many players don't have deep rosters. The ban could potentially leave them with some really low gear characters because they've invested so heavily on the elite group which they are banning. I think that's why I'm looking forward to it because I do have a deep rosters. If I had those big hitters banned, I still have a lot to play with. Others may not. Especially if they're lower GP players. I don't know if this is a push from CG to get us to have a developed roster or not, but this isn't how to do it.

    Another reason is TW centered guilds. These guilds have people who love the game mode and strive to be the best in it. They love the game mode as it was because they were good at it. I despised it because it was bland, unevenly matched and stressful if RNG was bad. So any change is a plus for me. However those who love TW, probably won't because they liked the way it was cause they were good at it.

    Those who despise the idea are always going to be the most vocal because they don't want it.

    Those who like it, or at least impartial, won't say anything because they have nothing to change.

    What I'm saying is, there are probably plenty of people who aren't opposed to trying it at least once. It's not an entirely negative response. Above are some valid reasons as to why both sides have their opinions. And all of them are valid and reasonable
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    - Mods 2.0 was/has been fun. It was a game changer for mods. Since Mod Energy was introduced, there is a lot more mod-farming and suddenly even E-class mods can be sliced into great mods. Please remove the Mod Cap Limit. There is no Gear Cap Limit. Why for mods?
    Because gear can stack and mods can't. Therefore mods take up significantly more data.

  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    "We heard you liked bonuses for certain groups...so we're going to BAN certain groups!"

    Ummm....those are almost completely opposite concepts. Thanks for not listening to your player base. As usual. :/
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • LoreleiPhoenix
    148 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    ...It’s clearly because they know that there will be outrage and they want to give us time to cooldown before they come in and apologize for the “unforeseable” bugs/crashes/anger that they caused.

    I believe this situation has cooldown immunity.
  • Gannon
    1655 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    They have a lot to read.. They'll prolly tally up the dozen or so comments that say we should "Just go with it like good little shee-ple," among the other 49 pages of outrage and protest..
    ..maybe they'll admit it's a bad idea and rethink this farce..
This discussion has been closed.