6 star Vader


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    38/85. I keep 300 shard currency on hand for when he appears in the shard shop. Got lucky recently, was in the shop 3 days last week.
  • Big_Russ
    98 posts Member
    I'm sitting at 30/85 currently
  • morcsea
    164 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Post edited by morcsea on
  • Naugrin
    686 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    That is the species commonly known as "cheater vader." @CG_LucifersDaddy has reserved a special place in his son's house for them.
  • Quicksilver
    1175 posts Member
    its impossible anybody could have a legit 7* vader at this point, if I were you i'd report him as hes clearly hacking/exploiting
  • StormTro0p3R_H
    1643 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    That Vader has the power level of my 5* Vader, so it's likely one that was "fixed" from a much earlier time when you could get achievements from two accounts on an iOS somehow. From what I have heard it maybe wasn't even necessarily an intentional exploit. I play on Android, though, so if anyone else knows more they can chime in.

    Edit: I was wrong about the stats being the same...
    Post edited by StormTro0p3R_H on
  • Options
    Yup. Report the 7* Vadar player. It's an iOS exploit that allowed players to use a programming glitch to claim the reward for an achievement multiple times. EA banhammered most of them, but this one must have slipped through the cracks.
  • Amish_Ace
    516 posts Member
    morcsea wrote: »
    One of the guys from my server has a 7* Vader. Not sure how he was able to do it but here is the proof:XU5cha6.png5FFREfm.pngq0HFf5l.pngEFeuUDi.pngxV9AOkI.pngMlmqKzU.png

    @CG_LucifersDaddy, @EA_Jesse, @CG_JohnSalera please take appropriate action against this player. It doesnt matter if he spent thousands, he should be punished like all the other cheaters.
    Darth Saltious - Hoth Ski Patrol
  • StormTro0p3R_H
    1643 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    The guy with the actual screen shots is going to have to PM CG_LucifersDaddy (if he choses to report him.) Calling them here may get those posts edited or this thread closed.
  • morcsea
    164 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Post edited by morcsea on
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    Am I the only one who thinks it is possible? Based on achievements, he could get to 5-6*. Several times I have seen vader shards in my shipments. If he got lucky and purchased every 3 shards over the course of the game, he could easily have a 7* vader.

    Still, obviously you should report it just incase. But a 7* vader is within the realm of possibilities. Unless they removed vader shards.
  • StormTro0p3R_H
    1643 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    @morcsea they may have investigated and saw it wasn't intentional. But they have "fixed" that Vader, like I said. That's not what a 7* Vader will be, that's a 5* Vader's power and stat levels.

    Edit: I was wrong about these stats...
    Post edited by StormTro0p3R_H on
  • morcsea
    164 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Post edited by morcsea on
  • StormTro0p3R_H
    1643 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    @Toukai I've not done the math on getting 3 Vader shards every day since the shard shop, nevermind the incredible luck that would need, but that's not a real 7* Vader's stats so something else must have happened and was already resolved.

    Edit: Nevermind...not my place.
  • Options
    @morcsea , that was how EA/CG handled all the 7* Vaders that would be stranded in the game even if they banned the players. There are other posts about it, not sure why they did it that way but that's how they handled it.
  • StormTro0p3R_H
    1643 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Anyone want to help out with a screenshot of their 5* Vaders? Not on my gaming device atm.

    Edit: I was wrong. This is close to being 1000 power level higher than my same gear but 3 level lower 5* Vader. Since the last three digits nearly matched I was thinking "Same!" but as we all know the first digit is the most important :blush:
    Post edited by StormTro0p3R_H on
  • Quicksilver
    1175 posts Member
    Toukai wrote: »
    Am I the only one who thinks it is possible? Based on achievements, he could get to 5-6*. Several times I have seen vader shards in my shipments. If he got lucky and purchased every 3 shards over the course of the game, he could easily have a 7* vader.

    Still, obviously you should report it just incase. But a 7* vader is within the realm of possibilities. Unless they removed vader shards.

    its not possible, if someone was EXTREMELY lucky they could be close to 6* vader but its simply not possible to have a legit 7* vader

    I have every achievement for vader except for 2, so im missing only a handful of shards for him via achievements, and i've gotten him a lot in shard shop, and even some times in GW, and mine is 54/85
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    Toukai wrote: »
    Am I the only one who thinks it is possible? Based on achievements, he could get to 5-6*. Several times I have seen vader shards in my shipments. If he got lucky and purchased every 3 shards over the course of the game, he could easily have a 7* vader.

    Still, obviously you should report it just incase. But a 7* vader is within the realm of possibilities. Unless they removed vader shards.

    its not possible, if someone was EXTREMELY lucky they could be close to 6* vader but its simply not possible to have a legit 7* vader

    I have every achievement for vader except for 2, so im missing only a handful of shards for him via achievements, and i've gotten him a lot in shard shop, and even some times in GW, and mine is 54/85
    Well, that's why i said still report it. This game has been out for quite some time and since shops are RNG it's highly possible to get him pretty far up there. I really dont focus achievements so I am not really sure how high he can get. Mine is only 55/65 4* so *shrugs*
  • PrimeTime
    111 posts Member
    I'm at 56/85. I regret so much not buying the earlier packs that gave Vader shards :(
  • ChefHaze
    628 posts Member
    That Vader has the power level of my 5* Vader, so it's likely one that was "fixed" from a much earlier time when you could get achievements from two accounts on an iOS somehow. From what I have heard it maybe wasn't even necessarily an intentional exploit. I play on Android, though, so if anyone else knows more they can chime in.

    The bug happened when switching between 2 accounts using Game Center, you received all your achievements, from the beginning, over again. The bug has since been patched, so not a worry any more. There are people who did it without knowing about the bug and immediately reported the issue. Then there are people that found out about it and did it as many times as they could.
    To get Vader all the way to 7 they had to do it more than once, so those are the people that took advantage of the exploit. So the guy above definitely deserves some consequences.
  • Quicksilver
    1175 posts Member
    Toukai wrote: »
    Toukai wrote: »
    Am I the only one who thinks it is possible? Based on achievements, he could get to 5-6*. Several times I have seen vader shards in my shipments. If he got lucky and purchased every 3 shards over the course of the game, he could easily have a 7* vader.

    Still, obviously you should report it just incase. But a 7* vader is within the realm of possibilities. Unless they removed vader shards.

    its not possible, if someone was EXTREMELY lucky they could be close to 6* vader but its simply not possible to have a legit 7* vader

    I have every achievement for vader except for 2, so im missing only a handful of shards for him via achievements, and i've gotten him a lot in shard shop, and even some times in GW, and mine is 54/85
    Well, that's why i said still report it. This game has been out for quite some time and since shops are RNG it's highly possible to get him pretty far up there. I really dont focus achievements so I am not really sure how high he can get. Mine is only 55/65 4* so *shrugs*

    agreed, playing from release date doesnt really matter though because the shard shop was only implemented a couple months ago, shard shop wasnt around since launch so it didnt help those people who have been playing since november/december
  • Jazz66
    212 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    31/85 - so not really close...
    Sith Yoda: mandryk.artstation.com
  • StormTro0p3R_H
    1643 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I was waaaaay off when I was saying this Vader's stats match my 5* Vader's stats...by 1000 on the power level. So that is a 7* Vader at gear 8.

    If this guy didn't intentionally collect the achievements on both accounts and was allowed to keep all his Vader shards and his account, then in his special case this Vader may be "legit." "Legit" as in he got a pretty big head start but since it wasn't intentional he got to stick around with a 5* Vader when he shouldn't even have enough to unlock him, then finished achievements and bought from shard shop.
  • Options
    35/85 here. Will be 50/85 soon via 2 achievements that are close to completing.
  • ChefHaze
    628 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    @morcsea @Amish_Ace

    You guys have to remove the picture with the guys name on it, it's against tos to call out other players by name like that, they'll close this thread otherwise.
    Let's stay on point, this is to see if anyone has legitimately obtained a 6 star Vader. There's got to be someone who's close
  • Orions
    269 posts Member
    41/85, Getting there!

  • Amish_Ace
    516 posts Member
    ChefHaze wrote: »
    @morcsea @Amish_Ace

    You guys have to remove the picture with the guys name on it, it's against tos to call out other players by name like that, they'll close this thread otherwise.
    Let's stay on point, this is to see if anyone has legitimately obtained a 6 star Vader. There's got to be someone who's close

    I'm fairly certain I'm one of the furherest along. This is from a little over a week ago. I've had Vader in my shard shop once since these pics.



    Proves my point there is no legit 7* Vader. Just big spenders and exploiters EA and CG are afraid to take action against cuz they would lose money.
    Darth Saltious - Hoth Ski Patrol
  • Options
    63/85 here. 11 more showups at shard shops
  • Options
    Toukai wrote: »
    Am I the only one who thinks it is possible? Based on achievements, he could get to 5-6*. Several times I have seen vader shards in my shipments. If he got lucky and purchased every 3 shards over the course of the game, he could easily have a 7* vader.

    Still, obviously you should report it just incase. But a 7* vader is within the realm of possibilities. Unless they removed vader shards.

    I agree to this being possible, I am 45/85 - so close to a 6* and not a whale by any means.
    If whales spend thousands on chromium packs, I would assume they could refresh the shard shop and get at least 50 more than me at this point. Luck + achievements + money could do it. I have seen a screen shot of someone getting shard currency from SO many people, they had like 100 extra shards for Aayla already 7*. That's like $2-4k at least. Put this towards shard shop refresh and you are golden. Some people have already done the same for the shipments and the pre-craft gear that is now buy-able.
    Also I am jealous.
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