6 star Vader


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    40/85 ! Been seeing him in shard shop twice a week lately
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    I agree to this being possible, I am 45/85 - so close to a 6* and not a whale by any means.
    If whales spend thousands on chromium packs, I would assume they could refresh the shard shop and get at least 50 more than me at this point.
    You can't pay to refresh the shard shop. It only refreshes that one time per day.

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    I'm at 50/85
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    garublador wrote: »
    I agree to this being possible, I am 45/85 - so close to a 6* and not a whale by any means.
    If whales spend thousands on chromium packs, I would assume they could refresh the shard shop and get at least 50 more than me at this point.
    You can't pay to refresh the shard shop. It only refreshes that one time per day.

    This. It's the only reason whales can't get him to 7 stars yet.
  • 5555
    109 posts Member
  • Reyalp
    738 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Benr3600 wrote: »
    Smapty wrote: »
    Benr3600 wrote: »
    It would be nice if they added a few cheevos relevant to raids/guilds to make 6*ing him possible. I feel he would be relevant at 6* and not just someone that collects dust.

    He's relevant... at 5 stars/ gear 9 only. I have him at 55/85 now.


    I have seen him used exactly once in top 100 arena, that was an 88/Shaman/Vader team I mopped the floor with. What I mean is if he were 6*able he would join the small list of high end arena viable toons at 6*.

    Hes awesome on attack though at 5* gear 9 - just dont leave him on defense as AI is terrible.

    Culling blade can easily dispatch anyone with enough DoTs. I currently run him with Ben, Kylo, Phasma and Han (all gear 9) and I'm 4th for Arena
  • Options
    garublador wrote: »
    I agree to this being possible, I am 45/85 - so close to a 6* and not a whale by any means.
    If whales spend thousands on chromium packs, I would assume they could refresh the shard shop and get at least 50 more than me at this point.
    You can't pay to refresh the shard shop. It only refreshes that one time per day.

    D'oh, me dumb. I never refresh in any shops, I should have looked first!
    OK, maybe a 6* one but now 7* seems a little less believable...
  • Tuscan21
    514 posts Member
    Morning Gang.
    I thought I'd canvass the troops after the 10 Vader shards from the empire event to see who now has a 6 star Vader?
    I'm a few GW from 68/85 so there must be a handful of 6 star Sith Lords now.

  • Skye
    795 posts Member
    at 62/85 atm.. but if I finish the remaining tier 8 hard modes, it'll put me at 72/85... leaving the other three long achievements which will net a total of 18 more shards.. none of those three I will complete in the next three months with maybe the exception of the shipment one if I went bonkers and bought everything at every refresh which I am NOT going to do...

    But I am seeing the vader shards a little more frequently in the shard shop of late
    Former crazy person of the guild "Shard Awakens"... *quit game 13th July 2016*

    Game used to be fun when it wasn't a grind... if I wanted a grind I would have went and played old school Everquest or some Korean MMO!
  • Tuscan21
    514 posts Member
    Yes, I've seen the Vader shards in shard shop more regularly too. Only need 9 more sets to turn up. So probably another three months too.....
  • Super123
    233 posts Member
    6/85 so far...
  • Darth_Nihilus
    97 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    0/85 Just Got To 5* .
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    With the 10 shards from the new events achievement, I got my Vader to 6 stars (except the two arena achievements everything is cleared). I was extremely lucky with shard shop though, also compared to others from guild who have the same achievements unlocked.
  • Darth_Nihilus
    97 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Hes Currently at 6376 Power Gear 9 Level 79.
  • Bostonmess
    176 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I'm now at 85/85 thx to the event :)
  • Tuscan21
    514 posts Member
    Nice work guys!! Is he going to be arena viable at 6 stars?
    Definitely a GW monster.
    99 posts Member
    68/85 GX here. It will take me months to get the achievements, I never pvp refresh apart from guild days.
  • Silleck
    423 posts Member
    My guild mate has a 6*'vader
    Leader and co-founder of BHG
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    Bostonmess wrote: »
    I'm now at 85/85 thx to the event :)

    What are his stats?

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    Had vader show up 4 times in 3 days (1 day he was there 2x, as in 2 separate icons), got him on 46/85 and missing 4 achievments (28 total), and a couple of times i didnt have enough shard currency to buy... could be 6* easy!
    With extremely good RNG, 7* could be possible
  • Crosis
    29 posts Member
    Been very lucky with shard shops and done a lot of the achievement. Will add a screenshot when I get back from work if people want to see.
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    We have a 7* Vader on our server, and he is only level 72-73
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    I have my Vader at 70/85. lvl gr9. Almost max ability. He's one of the most useful toons in GW. Can't wait to promote him. Definitely need patience collecting shards for him
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    Bostonmess wrote: »
    I'm now at 85/85 thx to the event :)

    What are his stats?

    Will take some days before I ll promote him
    He is still poorly developed with lvl 60, 5*, g7
    No need to rush ...
  • M31Andro
    253 posts Member
    15/85 here. Gear level IX and ability level 7 on everything but leader ability. 5971 power
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    It is true, I have been Shard Shopping the Dark Lord for a while now. But alas, I'm only at 19/85.

    I will get there someday. Watch that Red Lightsaber spank Yoda.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
  • Benr3600
    1098 posts Member
    With the 10 shards from the new events achievement, I got my Vader to 6 stars (except the two arena achievements everything is cleared). I was extremely lucky with shard shop though, also compared to others from guild who have the same achievements unlocked.

    Pics or it didnt happen :P
  • Niemsco
    104 posts Member
    Close 81/85

  • Benr3600
    1098 posts Member
    Niemsco wrote: »
    Close 81/85


    Man I'd be farming his gear 100% until I get those four shards. He can get to g10!
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    10/85. He's been in the shard shop the last 5/7 days.
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