TB: both or choose


  • Vartex
    4 posts Member
    Maybe if the Devs could confirm something like YOU WILL NEED SEPARATISTS FOR MISSIONS IN THIS TB, it would help guilds decide if they should even bother trying. For example, the Hoth TB requires Rebels/Hoth-specific rebels specifically for a lot of the base missions on LS, and Empire/Troopers for a lot of the base missions. I think we can all see that the same requirement is coming for the Geo TB (you're gonna need clones for the LS one, so get ready!). Confirmation that this is true would probably help the on-the-edge guilds from wasting their time.
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    As an officer in a 150M guild in a multi-guild alliance already struggling to keep up with the player management issues of 4M gp players on the top end and 1.5M on the bottom this is epically crushing. Will players with under 2M rosters even be able to contribute? If they just do 1of each CM they are losing opportunities to actually play the game.

    Reverse this decision or the guild we have loved being part of for over 2 years will almost certainly split up along with scores of others in the same boat having a mix of players at different points in the development of their rosters.we are forced to abandon friendships and camaraderie to chase gear to be competitive.

    This is a pure insanity on your part to think that is good for the long term health of the game. Get your heads put of the freaking "metrics" for a minute and about why people ay the game.

    To have fun with their friends.

    Make them choose between that and staying competitive and you get neither. Folks just quit. Now I have to go back to the flaming pile of poo on my guild discord and try to find the pony...
  • Bulldog1205
    3573 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    Nothing wrong with differing opinions, but I’m honestly surprised at the reactions. A lot of people have been calling for TBs to be simmable because they are a waste of time. Now they essentially replace Hoth and the majority of people are outraged because they aren’t ready to move on. Is this just an example of how the people upset are the ones that make themselves heard?
    i wonder if people are upset on missing out on Hoth TB because they enjoy playing it or only because of rewards

    But the only info we have on rewards is that we will get both sets of currency. If we get less GET from the new TB than Hoth, then I will understand the frustration. But I don’t see any reason to suspect that.

    I’m looking at this more like raid tiers. Once you can do heroic you don’t care about the lower tiers. You move on as your guild progresses, and you get upgraded rewards. If the rewards are not an upgrade then yeah, I’ll complain too.
  • Ruark_Icefire
    856 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    ShawDou wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    i wonder if people are upset on missing out on Hoth TB because they enjoy playing it or only because of rewards
    I think it is mainly reward problems, but not because it might be less, but because ppl will have to choose between 2 things that each give unique different rewards. I am pretty sure that if Geo would give all rewards you can get from Hoth and more that the backslash would not be so bad.

    How do you know that isn't already true? They haven't release the Geo TB rewards yet so it could very well already have the Hoth rewards rolled into it.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Now I have to go back to the flaming pile of poo on my guild discord and try to find the pony...


    I hate it when we lose the pony.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Bulldog1205
    3573 posts Member
    As an officer in a 150M guild in a multi-guild alliance already struggling to keep up with the player management issues of 4M gp players on the top end and 1.5M on the bottom this is epically crushing. Will players with under 2M rosters even be able to contribute? If they just do 1of each CM they are losing opportunities to actually play the game.

    Reverse this decision or the guild we have loved being part of for over 2 years will almost certainly split up along with scores of others in the same boat having a mix of players at different points in the development of their rosters.we are forced to abandon friendships and camaraderie to chase gear to be competitive.

    This is a pure insanity on your part to think that is good for the long term health of the game. Get your heads put of the freaking "metrics" for a minute and about why people ay the game.

    To have fun with their friends.

    Make them choose between that and staying competitive and you get neither. Folks just quit. Now I have to go back to the flaming pile of poo on my guild discord and try to find the pony...

    I actually think PVE content like this does a better job of keeping guilds evenly distributed, which I personally would prefer. Right now I believe the game encourages guilds to be top and bottom heavy. Having a group of dominant players at the top allows them to claim top raid rewards more easily and then be strong in TW. A group of weak players at the bottom allows them to ride the coattails to higher tier raid rewards and keep the overall GP of the guild down to make TW easier. It seems odd to me that a guild would actually prefer to add weaker players over stronger ones.
  • Options
    So devs spent thousands of hours developing the Hoth TB content, only to take it away from us by making us choose between that and Geo. And since the better rewards are going to the Geo TB, they know Hoth will be going away for many guilds.

    Why not let the guilds decide if we want to run both at the same time? Why force that decision upon us?

    What happened to devs saying the shard drop reduction for Leia and IPD was due to “more consistent and predictable TBs”? Hoth is effectively becoming a non-starter for 80mil+ guilds that don’t want to fall behind the g13 curve, so is it because we will “consistently and predictably” be losing those shards, now that we can’t do Hoth if we are doing Geo?

    This should be a time of excitement for new content. Instead, it’s created an uproar over guilds being forced away from Hoth (if they want to stay g13 competitive). What about the guilds who aren’t Rebel Scum or Vader’s Fist yet? Are they now expected to choose between getting that achievement they have been working towards for years, or staying competitive in arena by getting more g13 finishers?

    Please rethink this decision. Let us rejoice over the new content, not toil in frustration over effectively losing Hoth and it’s rewards.
  • ShawDou
    297 posts Member
    How do you know that isn't already true? They haven't release the Geo TB rewards yet so it could very well already have the Hoth rewards rolled into it.

    You really think new Geo TB will have the IPD shards or possibility to update Boba quest - wampa kills?
  • Catarax28
    184 posts Member
    Maybe this whole problem just has a technical reason. I just had another TW crash today. Last TW we also experienced a major server overload... what was it again....unexpected surge to the servers?


    Probably CG can't handle a TB running next to a TW, cause the latter are probably pretty hard on their servers. Well, they could handle it, if they're willing to invest some of their revenues to resolve it.

    So they decided to run the TBs at the same time, so it wouldn't intervene with a TW, and somehow thought it would be smart, to let guilds choose one at a time. Either to control rewards or control quality of life, we probably never get a real honest answer there.

    Makes me think they got the following commision from the ones with the money bags: No more major investments in hardware or staff. Try to get most out of the content there already is (aka back to 5 attempts), and lastly get the most out of new content that is being developed with the current team (aka artificial game difficulty) .

    I can handle honesty... i just can't handle nonsensical excuses. I stopped investing in this game when the number of attempts went back to 5, so i already voiced my malcontempt about that decision by means of my wallet. If CG isn't investing our money back into this game, but is solely sucking us dry, I don't know if I want to invest in it any more in turn. There should be enough revenue to both let the bosses drive fancy cars AND to invest in creating more game content, instead of just actively slowing everything further down (and increasing player frustration).

    If 90% of the folk here can find different solutions to this TB/TW conundrum, then so did CG. They just didn't want to go for more expensive and better solutions.
  • DeeOhGee
    118 posts Member
    This may have already been answered.

    Since the only Geo DS TB is being release first, Is it only going to run at the same time as imperial Hoth or will it also run with Rebel Hoth As well until Geo LS TB comes out?
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    Hopper75 wrote: »
    Good observation. The solution would have to include letting everyone run both. If a weaker guild can only get 1 Star, it’s okay. At least they can grow into at the same time as they are hitting 25, 30, and 40 stars in Hoth.

    This. The only way to learn the the job is to do the job.

    This is all about too much resource rewards, anything stated now is lip-service after the fact.

    For hysterics, they should make an all wompa special mission in Geonosis
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    There is a very obvious reason for this. We would get too much currency for gear and they have a pace they want us to have too. TO asssume revards for GET are the same if they allowed us to do both they would double our income for gear at no expense on our end. Same goes for crystals from tb. On top of that we would get all exclusive rewards from both tb which would also help. We should not have all those resources from their point of view so we can do only one TB. First class antiplayer policy if you ask me
  • Options
    There is a very obvious reason for this. We would get too much currency for gear and they have a pace they want us to have too. TO asssume revards for GET are the same if they allowed us to do both they would double our income for gear at no expense on our end. Same goes for crystals from tb. On top of that we would get all exclusive rewards from both tb which would also help. We should not have all those resources from their point of view so we can do only one TB. First class antiplayer policy if you ask me

    But we achieved those rewards by playing the game everyday and doing our best. We shouldn’t have to chose content to play. CG set the rewards. We should get to earn them. Let us play both TBs.

    My GP is broad due to the release of TB. I seven starred characters to help fill platoons and I have several teams, some not so great, just so I could complete Combat Missions. I earned those rewards and I want to keep earning them by PLAYING the content. I also want to earn Geo TB rewards and help my guild. My guild is at 170mil and we haven’t achieved full stars on Hoth TBs.

    We are stuck. Do we continue to fully “win” the Hoth TBs or chase the newest greatest gear? We’re getting cheated on PLAYABLE content.
  • Options
    There is a very obvious reason for this. We would get too much currency for gear and they have a pace they want us to have too. TO asssume revards for GET are the same if they allowed us to do both they would double our income for gear at no expense on our end. Same goes for crystals from tb. On top of that we would get all exclusive rewards from both tb which would also help. We should not have all those resources from their point of view so we can do only one TB. First class antiplayer policy if you ask me

    But we achieved those rewards by playing the game everyday and doing our best. We shouldn’t have to chose content to play. CG set the rewards. We should get to earn them. Let us play both TBs.

    My GP is broad due to the release of TB. I seven starred characters to help fill platoons and I have several teams, some not so great, just so I could complete Combat Missions. I earned those rewards and I want to keep earning them by PLAYING the content. I also want to earn Geo TB rewards and help my guild. My guild is at 170mil and we haven’t achieved full stars on Hoth TBs.

    We are stuck. Do we continue to fully “win” the Hoth TBs or chase the newest greatest gear? We’re getting cheated on PLAYABLE content.

    I agree with you totally. I posted what i posted because i didnt see anyone mention it not because I think this is right thing to do
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Nothing wrong with differing opinions, but I’m honestly surprised at the reactions. A lot of people have been calling for TBs to be simmable because they are a waste of time. Now they essentially replace Hoth and the majority of people are outraged because they aren’t ready to move on. Is this just an example of how the people upset are the ones that make themselves heard?
    i wonder if people are upset on missing out on Hoth TB because they enjoy playing it or only because of rewards

    Mostly rewards I would imagine
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    What's with all you masochists who want to do two of these bore fests?

    I mean ...maybe if they let a guild sim phases that have been fully starred it would be ok...

    Otherwise, I would rather not play what I am sure will be the new worst content in the game in addition to the old worst content in the game.....
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    Closing off content is not the way. We saw this when they took toons out of ga.

    Anything can change whenever CG wants it to. From Req toons for journeys to the price of toons in GET store,

    But they do listen and read here (maybe not respond as much as they do on Reddit) so far I haven’t seen any postings even troll-posters that approve of this decision.
  • TVF
    36771 posts Member
    Darth malak farming is gonna suck moving forward

    You do realize that both TB will give out GEC right?
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    TVF wrote: »
    Darth malak farming is gonna suck moving forward

    You do realize that both TB will give out GEC right?

    Right - and we have ABSOLUTELY ZERO idea what the rewards structures look like. Maybe a 200M GP guild that easily gets 45 stars in Hoth gets 23 stars in Geo, and then...GET THE SAME AMOUNT OF GET?!?!?

    Relax and keep calm people, we just don't know. You can always farm ROLO and IPD from Galactic Bounties ;-)
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    Darth malak farming is gonna suck moving forward

    You do realize that both TB will give out GEC right?

    I think the main concern for some folk (not me I'm a long way from worrying about Malak) is they will get less GET from Geonosis than Hoth. I tend to believe it's possible, and wouldnt expect Geo to drop the same amount as Hoth. I want Hoda personally, but again that's far off. I do think this specific issue is a wait and see thing though.
  • TVF
    36771 posts Member
    Slippyfist wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Darth malak farming is gonna suck moving forward

    You do realize that both TB will give out GEC right?

    I think the main concern for some folk (not me I'm a long way from worrying about Malak) is they will get less GET from Geonosis than Hoth. I tend to believe it's possible, and wouldnt expect Geo to drop the same amount as Hoth. I want Hoda personally, but again that's far off. I do think this specific issue is a wait and see thing though.

    Your last sentence is key and most people here just don't wanna hear it.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    They will run simultaneously but the guild's officers will choose which one your guild will participate in. You can't do both Geo TB and Hoth TB at the same time.

    This is stupid. We have the option to launch multiple raids at once, why cant you leave it up to us on if we want to launch them together?!?! So much for MORE content for us to do. Pathetic.
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    Darth malak farming is gonna suck moving forward

    You do realize that both TB will give out GEC right?

    Yeah I'm not illiterate, just concerned it will be a lot less than hoth TB
  • TVF
    36771 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Darth malak farming is gonna suck moving forward

    You do realize that both TB will give out GEC right?

    Yeah I'm not illiterate, just concerned it will be a lot less than hoth TB

    "Is gonna suck" and "I hope it won't suck" are two different things.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Darth malak farming is gonna suck moving forward

    You do realize that both TB will give out GEC right?

    Yeah I'm not illiterate, just concerned it will be a lot less than hoth TB

    "Is gonna suck" and "I hope it won't suck" are two different things.

    Yes, OK. Glad we have you to fixate on my comments use of tenses
  • TVF
    36771 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    You're most welcome.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    TVF wrote: »
    Slippyfist wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Darth malak farming is gonna suck moving forward

    You do realize that both TB will give out GEC right?

    I think the main concern for some folk (not me I'm a long way from worrying about Malak) is they will get less GET from Geonosis than Hoth. I tend to believe it's possible, and wouldnt expect Geo to drop the same amount as Hoth. I want Hoda personally, but again that's far off. I do think this specific issue is a wait and see thing though.

    Your last sentence is key and most people here just don't wanna hear it.

    Frankly, experience had shown we don’t need to hear it.
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    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    They will run simultaneously but the guild's officers will choose which one your guild will participate in. You can't do both Geo TB and Hoth TB at the same time.

    horrible decision in a line of awful decisions.
  • Anariodin
    159 posts Member
    The devs come out with new content, then closer to release state that only 1 TB can be active at a time. Way to ruin the hype train. It got derailed.
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Kokie wrote: »
    Well that is about a big of a crock of excrement that you can get. Promised new content but now you have to sacrifice old to participate. So the whole reason they gave for rolo and ipd shard reduction was a total sham. Not too often I get ticked off at this game but this one has done it.
    I'd rather have more Geo TB than Hoth TB

    Hoth TB is boring at higher GP and knowing that Geo TB has better rewards and new GET Mk II, it would be awful waiting once a month to play Geo TB

    The expectation is that if done right, Geo TB should be so good that you don't even want to go back to Hoth TB

    You can always choose to play old content so its not a total loss

    I am at higher GP as is my guild i don't find hoth boring. I find Pvp annoying, i like Pve.

    And When has CG ever even met expectations?

    Either or is a horrible decision on my opinion.

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