Choosing between Geno and hoth is a terrible idea.

Carrie defiantly came up with it.
No. Just No.


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    I agree if, let us launch both if we want and decide for ourselves if it is too much to handle
  • Mikek
    110 posts Member
    i knew they find some way to screw this up. its what they do.

  • Armatores
    248 posts Member
    This is idea that I was writing about a long ago - for further increasment of game modes they need to find a way to not overload players with daily activity, there must be a balance. And only way to do it - make modes selective, then we can have many types of TB, GA at same time and just choose what we like to participate. I gave this idea at some post, and I'm extremely happy that CG heard it, or just maybe added my opinion on to their own intentions.
  • plindboe
    281 posts Member
    People would complain that there was too much to do if they ran both TBs at the same time. CG could of course have chosen to space them out more, but then people would complain that this new TB wasn't running frequently enough. A lot of players complain that the Hoth battles have become too easy and tedious, so it makes sense that CG has chosen this route. Unsurprisingly people are complaining about that as well.
  • Fixer
    150 posts Member
    Armatores wrote: »
    This is idea that I was writing about a long ago - for further increasment of game modes they need to find a way to not overload players with daily activity, there must be a balance. And only way to do it - make modes selective, then we can have many types of TB, GA at same time and just choose what we like to participate. I gave this idea at some post, and I'm extremely happy that CG heard it, or just maybe added my opinion on to their own intentions.

    There's not even that much in the way of daily activity? Are you high rn? Like seriously there's such a gap in events most of the time these days, there's no need to even fight in bloody raids anymore, GA only appears what feels like once every month or so, GW is simmable for most, all energy is simmable in minutes for most, events are even simmable half the time and challenges were reduced to 5 second refreshes so they can be done in 25 seconds... seriously revisit your brain til you have thought it through on how much there actually is on a daily basis
  • Fixer
    150 posts Member
  • super_ro
    53 posts Member
    It makes perfect sense why they have done this.
    There would be double the amount of GETs for high end guilds than lower.
    Halving the rewards for those that chose to do both, would require more money to be spent by them.
    It’s less content which nobody wants but it’s fairest system they could do
  • Othorion
    33 posts Member
    I also don’t understand how anyone can state, that more content would be too time consuming! As long as there is no training mode most of the time there is nothing to do in this game! Well except playing with your mods, looking at your shiny collection and swearing about how many Stun Guns, Eyballs, Carbantis and not to forget the new kid on the block named kyrotech shock prod you are missing!
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Othorion wrote: »
    I also don’t understand how anyone can state, that more content would be too time consuming! As long as there is no training mode most of the time there is nothing to do in this game! Well except playing with your mods, looking at your shiny collection and swearing about how many Stun Guns, Eyballs, Carbantis and not to forget the new kid on the block named kyrotech shock prod you are missing!

    Not to mention that they could let us sim TB phases that we can complete consistently or something like that...
  • HJoci30
    154 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    Siming old TB is a way you should consider. My guild has 175 mill. GP. Until the 5th phase we dont really do much effort. 5-6th phase is where we can loose 1-or 2 stars. So the new TB is 4 day long, we should do the 5-6phase of the Hoth TB and sim the previos ones. Of course you can put in restrictions like the guild have to do the 4 phases to 3 star X times to simable and/or fully fill the platoons till that point. This can be the best way I think!
    Post edited by HJoci30 on
  • CadoaBane
    563 posts Member
    I love the game and hate this new idea. I was so looking forward to more playable content! And now my guild will have to decide, either 7 days of the event we know and all like - and have not "mastered" it with full stars yet for the last phases - or give it up for the new 4 day content with better rewards (while better is still relative when you're still in the need of probe droid shards etc.) . We wanted new content and more to do in the game, not having to choose! :(:(:(
  • Gavsta
    203 posts Member
    It's not fair, we've got 4m+ GP (towards 4.7/4.8) guild members and 1.5m-2m GP members. We take on weaker but driven guild members who will hardly be able to contribute if it's the Geo TB, but we'll also miss out on moving towards max stars in Hoth.
    This will lead to mass guild movements to rebalance guild members at the same level.
    Yes, being competitive is one thing so peeps can argue our guild is 'imbalanced' but with attrition from the guild, we take on new members who fit in with our ethos, not solely a guild member who has 4m GP and all legendary and necessary TB/TW/raid toons.
    I hope they rethink this, and that you can play both at the same time. The choice hinders some and helps others... rather than being mutually beneficial.
  • Bandu
    10 posts Member
    I can see this breaking up a lot of guilds. . .
  • Mikek
    110 posts Member
    Everyday we have a problem that there is nothing to do in game. And yet, when there is finally some new content which could give us more things to do, they take away old content, so we will actually have even LESS things to do (becouse new TB is shorter by 2 days). This is the worst thing they have done to the game since I started play it.
  • Options
    "there gonna get too much free stuff we gotta cap this!!!!!!!!"

    I wonder if there is a Barney Fife in the corner screaming "We go to **** this in the bud!"
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    there no excuse no matter how many fake accounts carrie makes to try and make look good, its a terrible idea. .

    haha, the sad part is that i believe you actually believe that is what happening.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Options
    I have to agree 100% This is a horrible. We should be the ones who determine what is too much for us to handle. Limiting our participation in any part of this game is a gigantic slap in the face, especially to those of us who have spent a considerable amount of money on this game.

    When people are begging for more content this actually limits it further. Why? Because if you decide to go Geonosis TB they said it's a shorter experience hence giving us a few more days with even less to do if we decided to go Hoth. Terrible decision, CG kindly reconsider.
  • EdSolo
    420 posts Member
    It is only horrible if the rewards aren't scalable between the two TB's. Right now my guild is around 20 million GP short of getting 48* for Hoth DS. So if whatever we can accomplish in Geonosis should be on par with the 47* rewards for Hoth. If it is less, then all we are gaining is some of the new currency while getting less of the old currency or less gear.
  • Options
    I have to agree 100% This is a horrible. We should be the ones who determine what is too much for us to handle. Limiting our participation in any part of this game is a gigantic slap in the face, especially to those of us who have spent a considerable amount of money on this game.

    When people are begging for more content this actually limits it further. Why? Because if you decide to go Geonosis TB they said it's a shorter experience hence giving us a few more days with even less to do if we decided to go Hoth. Terrible decision, CG kindly reconsider.

    I hope they do reconsider.
  • Options
    Armatores wrote: »
    This is idea that I was writing about a long ago - for further increasment of game modes they need to find a way to not overload players with daily activity, there must be a balance. And only way to do it - make modes selective, then we can have many types of TB, GA at same time and just choose what we like to participate. I gave this idea at some post, and I'm extremely happy that CG heard it, or just maybe added my opinion on to their own intentions.

    Then those who want to participate in both should not be penalized to choose one or the other. It should be that if you want to run the new one and not the old one because it’s boring, then do your thing.

  • Valariel
    161 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    I realize many will disagree, but my personal preference would be to do both TBs and not have to do TW. I'm a player that prefers pve over pvp though.

    I think the reason they dont let us "choose" whether or not to do both is because obviously the best guilds will do both and then anyone who wants to be competitive will also feel forced to do both. But I do think a lot of it was them trying to not increase the rate at which we accumulate GETs.
  • C4L3B87
    52 posts Member
    Yep it’s a really bad idea.... I’m very courious to see their thought process on paper.
  • Ryejin
    12 posts Member
    Speaking from a higher end guild, this is stupid. It's like saying we introduced the Death Star raid, so now you must pick between that and STR, not both. It's that level of stupid. There's 24 hours per phase. I'm sure no one will complain about spending an extra 10 to 15 min or so on doing both Geo & Hoth, rather than one or the other. There's already little to do as is. Hell, until phase 4 to 5 of Hoth, you don't even really have to try if you're in a higher end guild, (honestly I wanna say phase 5 is kind of where it starts). The stars are easy enough to get until then, and by that point, Geo would be over since it's a 4 day event.

    What exactly was the problem with letting people do both, and removing the **** 80 million entry point?

  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    Ryejin wrote: »
    I'm sure no one will complain about spending an extra 10 to 15 min or so on doing both Geo & Hoth, rather than one or the other.

    You'd be wrong, very wrong.
    Also factor in that if they decided to let us run both at the same time the rewards would be way less. They're not just going to add a TB and effectively double the rewards.
    However, you can reasonably assume that the rewards for the geo TB will be better than the hoth TB rewards.
    So it has never been a choice between double the work and double the rewards and only doing the new TB. Knowing that, i'm sure most would prefer to do just 1 TB for more rewards than hoth than having to do both for roughly equal the rewards as the new TB.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Options
    leef wrote: »
    Ryejin wrote: »
    I'm sure no one will complain about spending an extra 10 to 15 min or so on doing both Geo & Hoth, rather than one or the other.

    You'd be wrong, very wrong.
    Also factor in that if they decided to let us run both at the same time the rewards would be way less. They're not just going to add a TB and effectively double the rewards.
    However, you can reasonably assume that the rewards for the geo TB will be better than the hoth TB rewards.
    So it has never been a choice between double the work and double the rewards and only doing the new TB. Knowing that, i'm sure most would prefer to do just 1 TB for more rewards than hoth than having to do both for roughly equal the rewards as the new TB.

    IF they leave the reward structure alone, I would do both. We would get rewards for Hoth TB and Geo TB.
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