Choosing between Geno and hoth is a terrible idea.



  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Ryejin wrote: »
    I'm sure no one will complain about spending an extra 10 to 15 min or so on doing both Geo & Hoth, rather than one or the other.

    You'd be wrong, very wrong.
    Also factor in that if they decided to let us run both at the same time the rewards would be way less. They're not just going to add a TB and effectively double the rewards.
    However, you can reasonably assume that the rewards for the geo TB will be better than the hoth TB rewards.
    So it has never been a choice between double the work and double the rewards and only doing the new TB. Knowing that, i'm sure most would prefer to do just 1 TB for more rewards than hoth than having to do both for roughly equal the rewards as the new TB.

    IF they leave the reward structure alone, I would do both. We would get rewards for Hoth TB and Geo TB.

    yea, but realistically speaking that was never going to happen.

    That would be like saying that when they introduced HAAT that they should nef HPIT. Same when they introduced HStr.And they didnt do it. They should give us 2 tbs and double the rewards. It is not like we didnt get shitton of new characters that need gear from GET store. I understand that they need to earn money but this is not a good way to make people spend

    I get what you're saying, but i also realize that they're managing the amount of rewards they send out to the players.
    Do you feel like the geo TB would have rewarded GET aswell as GET2 if we got to play both maps simultaniously? I think not, hence me thinking the rewards would be significantly less if we got to play them simultaniously.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Hortus
    652 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    avihas wrote: »

    The guild that can pass the GTB thresshold would get to choose what they want, just like in a raids when the guild gets to decide if its good enough for hstr or settle for lower tiers..
    It's a decision between dealing with lower difficulty for lower rewards and dealing with harder difficulty with better rewards.

    Again, it's wrong statement.

    There is no choice between "lower" and "better" rewards. There is choice between different reward sets, both useful to all guilds except those who farm Hoth for a long time. High-end guilds will be fine. Developing ones will be hurt.
    For the guilds that can't pass this thresshold everything will be as before

    And that's also not a good thing at all. Some guilds will be just cut from new content based on very bad criteria. Guild with 25 3m players (can't pass the barrier) will probably be much more successful than 50 1.6m players (can pass) in any aspect except hitting "deploy" button. There is absolutely no problem to tune event in a way which allows weaker guilds to get a couple of stars and allows stronger guilds to fight epic battles against top-tier enemies.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Ryejin wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Ryejin wrote: »
    I'm sure no one will complain about spending an extra 10 to 15 min or so on doing both Geo & Hoth, rather than one or the other.

    You'd be wrong, very wrong.
    Also factor in that if they decided to let us run both at the same time the rewards would be way less. They're not just going to add a TB and effectively double the rewards.
    However, you can reasonably assume that the rewards for the geo TB will be better than the hoth TB rewards.
    So it has never been a choice between double the work and double the rewards and only doing the new TB. Knowing that, i'm sure most would prefer to do just 1 TB for more rewards than hoth than having to do both for roughly equal the rewards as the new TB.

    I don't think I would. Why would the rewards be way less? Rewards aren't penalized for having extra raids, why should this be? Rewards for new raids are always better than the previous tier, and yet all guilds, still do Rancor and HAAT despite having HSTR on farm. Even before Rancor was simmable no one didn't not do it.

    Your whole argument is flawed because you're just making up excuses for CG as to why it's bad, when prior to this, it's always been this way. Content was never taken away, and there's no reason to start now. At best things became simmable. So please this "white knight" **** needs to stop, it serves no one.

    You'd be wrong about no one complaining about having too much to do. People always complain, about everything.
    I think its naive to believe that ea/cg would just hand out double the rewards for playing both TB's at once. Just like i think it's naive to think they only reason for not being able to do them both at once is the one they gave us;
    First, we decided early on in the development of Geonosis that we would be running Geonosis concurrently with Hoth. We weighed the pros and cons of running them back to back versus running them concurrently and ultimately decided that we didn’t want to ask guilds to engage in such a heavy coordination exercise in addition to the Territory War coordination. If we have Territory Battles every day you will end up overlapping with Territory Wars which could be exhausting (and we’ve talked a lot with our beta testers about how the game can already be demanding for veteran Guilds).
    I'd say rewards have been discussed during the weighting of pros and cons.
    So I, apparantly a white knight, assume that because we can't play them both at the same time, the rewards for the geo TB map will be significantly better than they would have been if we could play them both at the same time. You're free to believe whatever you want though.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    there no excuse no matter how many fake accounts carrie makes to try and make look good, its a terrible idea. .

    haha, the sad part is that i believe you actually believe that is what happening.

    She give you a free pack for defending her again?

    haha, i'm not defending her, i'm just laughing at people who think she makes fake accounts to defend her actions on the forum. Or that she hands out packs for that matter ;)
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Options
    leef wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Ryejin wrote: »
    I'm sure no one will complain about spending an extra 10 to 15 min or so on doing both Geo & Hoth, rather than one or the other.

    You'd be wrong, very wrong.
    Also factor in that if they decided to let us run both at the same time the rewards would be way less. They're not just going to add a TB and effectively double the rewards.
    However, you can reasonably assume that the rewards for the geo TB will be better than the hoth TB rewards.
    So it has never been a choice between double the work and double the rewards and only doing the new TB. Knowing that, i'm sure most would prefer to do just 1 TB for more rewards than hoth than having to do both for roughly equal the rewards as the new TB.

    IF they leave the reward structure alone, I would do both. We would get rewards for Hoth TB and Geo TB.

    yea, but realistically speaking that was never going to happen.

    You can't prove that will happen.
  • dogwelder79
    1525 posts Member
    Lasod wrote: »
    Man ppl really care about those ipd shards.

    50 IPD shards can get you lots of gear in shard shop currency.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Ryejin wrote: »
    I'm sure no one will complain about spending an extra 10 to 15 min or so on doing both Geo & Hoth, rather than one or the other.

    You'd be wrong, very wrong.
    Also factor in that if they decided to let us run both at the same time the rewards would be way less. They're not just going to add a TB and effectively double the rewards.
    However, you can reasonably assume that the rewards for the geo TB will be better than the hoth TB rewards.
    So it has never been a choice between double the work and double the rewards and only doing the new TB. Knowing that, i'm sure most would prefer to do just 1 TB for more rewards than hoth than having to do both for roughly equal the rewards as the new TB.

    IF they leave the reward structure alone, I would do both. We would get rewards for Hoth TB and Geo TB.

    yea, but realistically speaking that was never going to happen.

    You can't prove that will happen.

    Ofcourse i can't prove that it was never going to happen.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Daishi
    718 posts Member
    I think the best solution is allow guilds to run HOTH TB LITE alongside Geos. Basically just the special missions. It would still award some GET from hoth (2-3k), and allow players to earn shards of the character, as well as validate their investment in certain characters needed to run those special missions.

    So allow players to run Hoth, or run Geo and Hoth LITE.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Ryejin wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Ryejin wrote: »
    I'm sure no one will complain about spending an extra 10 to 15 min or so on doing both Geo & Hoth, rather than one or the other.

    You'd be wrong, very wrong.
    Also factor in that if they decided to let us run both at the same time the rewards would be way less. They're not just going to add a TB and effectively double the rewards.
    However, you can reasonably assume that the rewards for the geo TB will be better than the hoth TB rewards.
    So it has never been a choice between double the work and double the rewards and only doing the new TB. Knowing that, i'm sure most would prefer to do just 1 TB for more rewards than hoth than having to do both for roughly equal the rewards as the new TB.

    I don't think I would.

    You don't think you would be wrong that people wouldn't complain? Seriously? There have been tons of complaints in the past about the game taking too much time and people quitting because of it. Where have you been?
    Ryejin wrote: »
    Why would the rewards be way less? Rewards aren't penalized for having extra raids, why should this be? Rewards for new raids are always better than the previous tier, and yet all guilds, still do Rancor and HAAT despite having HSTR on farm. Even before Rancor was simmable no one didn't not do it.

    See Grand Arena. Also, the rewards for the new raids were largely not additive. Tank got its own exclusive gear and doesn't give out droid callers or furnaces or carbantis or stun guns. Here, since we are getting both types of GET, the reward structure has likely been decided based on the fact that people won't be doing both.

    And when you say "no one didn't not do it," too many negatives aside, you are talking about guilds as a whole. Guilds did both raids, of course, but there were many individuals who did not. They posted a zero and didn't actually participate in the raid, or in some cases they didn't even bother to do that. And it would be the same issue here -- all guilds would feel like they needed to do both TBs if both offered rewards, but some individuals within those guilds would not want to do more TB battles (did you also miss all the complaint threads about how horribly boring the current TBs are?) but would feel pressured by their guilds to participate in everything and would feel more burned out and more driven towards quitting.
    If players can spend all day bickering on the forum surely they have time to do all the content and then some. No need for them to make content selective. Would give players something to do besides trolling on here.

    Possibly the people CG is concerned about are not the ones spending their days on the forum, no?
    No_Try wrote: »
    everyone needs GET. at all times. anyone who defends this is stupid. its a dumb decision and they need to reverse it.

    Are we allowed to disagree?

    Only if you want to be called stupid.
    Boros wrote: »
    Armatores wrote: »
    Most funny that raid structure was always selectable. You must choose what tier you will participate. You cannot run all raid tiers at same time. Nobody complained about it. Now, suddenly everybody became enraged against tier system? What is new Geos TB? Its a higher tier of this game mode. If devs will call it Hoth tier II TB I guess nobody will complain, or what?

    Looks like most people's who making such posts thinking only about their desires - we want everything and now, we don't want to think, analyze, make decisions. But devs decided that game will benefit for other types of players, so, just accept it.

    You said it yourself NEW GEO TB, yes new not extra hard heroic instead of heroic battle, noone would had made such a big deal if they added a heroic TB for each hoth battle for guilds to choose. If they told you, you have to decide between running Hrancor or HAAT, people would had lost their mind just like now.
    So no, no one is complaining for not being able to run all tiers of a single raid or TB in this case they are complaining for not being able to run 2 DIFFERENT TB not Heroic vs normal,

    So if they had done a lot less work and just upped the difficulty of the existing TB, you would be fine with it? But since they instead made the effort to make the map look nice and different and less repetitive, the same outcome is suddenly a problem?
    Othorion wrote: »
    high end guild buy thier way, if anything this would help out the non p2p more which im guessing is why there dfdoing it, cant have none payers geting too much goodies.

    I mean...yes. I assume you have a job and expect to get paid for it.

    If they gave everything away easily to people that didn't give them money, there would be no game in the long run. This is an odd thing to get all bent out of shape over. If you wanted to rage about predatory practices, I think you look no further than Malak (maybe Padme, but Malak was a pretty clear revenue optimization event).

    I always have to smile about people defending the financial exploitation of us Star Wars Junkies called SWGOH. Remember good old PC games? Like Diablo 3? You paid once like 40 bucks, maybe another 40 for some Add ons, and you can play for years! Whenever you want! As long as you want! Against KI! Or against others! You alone decide! On a server! With new content coming along, mostly for free!

    I mostly remember games that you bought for $40 and then there was no new free content for them ever, that was just the game and when you played everything you had to get a new game.

  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Boros wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    everyone needs GET. at all times. anyone who defends this is stupid. its a dumb decision and they need to reverse it.

    Are we allowed to disagree?

    Remember what they've done when they doubled GA schedule, they cut the rewards. So since they won't simply add rewards on top of keeping hoth as is if they ran 2 of them seperately playable...I don't want to do 2X the work either (+all the new investment for Geonosis).

    This is what expect to happen. There will be a GP figure players will determine after it's released, that figure is where it's more beneficial to play Geonosis instead of Hoth. Guilds above will play it, below will play Hoth simply since they get more stuff out of it. That figure will be quite a high number, nothing close to the entry barrier.

    Personally I add +1 -no extra playing game- argument. If the game requires more time from me, that'll slide me towards quitting if not right away. And I'm a very competetive player.

    Guess u got plenty of time to be on the forums but not competitive enough to play the game for more then an hour lmao

    Guess what. Check my sig to see competetive or not I'm.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Liath wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    everyone needs GET. at all times. anyone who defends this is stupid. its a dumb decision and they need to reverse it.

    Are we allowed to disagree?

    Only if you want to be called stupid.

    I don't mind. Everyone's posts are representative of themselves.
  • Aggaire
    11 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    No_Try wrote: »
    ...I don't want to do 2X the work either (+all the new investment for Geonosis)...

    ...Personally I add +1 -no extra playing game- argument. If the game requires more time from me, that'll slide me towards quitting if not right away. And I'm a very competetive player.

    Here is where I disagree. I do not see the game as work. I am here to play and have fun.

    I was looking forward to more content that I can play, because I enjoying playing the game (not farming).

    I am not getting more content (under 80mil guild). Even once I’m in an over 80mil guild, I will get LESS play time if we’re running Geo TB.

    That’s my complaint.

    If there were a way they could add some playable content that others didn’t feel they “had” to do to stay competitive, I’d be fine with that. I just want to play.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Aggaire wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    ...I don't want to do 2X the work either (+all the new investment for Geonosis)...

    ...Personally I add +1 -no extra playing game- argument. If the game requires more time from me, that'll slide me towards quitting if not right away. And I'm a very competetive player.

    Here is where I disagree. I do not see the game as work. I am here to play and have fun.

    I was looking forward to more content that I can play, because I enjoying playing the game (not farming).

    I am not getting more content (under 80mil guild). Even once I’m in an over 80mil guild, I will get LESS play time if we’re running Geo TB.

    That’s my complaint.

    If there were a way they could add some playable content that others didn’t feel they “had” to do to stay competitive, I’d be fine with that. I just want to play.

    I definitely see some parts of the game as a chore which is an ends to reach the parts I rather enjoy. It's cool you enjoy all of it and simply desire more stuff to do. While my own equation of chore/enjoy is my own, it's how the game shapes as such an equation at large.
  • Vinniarth
    1859 posts Member
    TW are much funnier to play than raids... i’d prefer they reduce raid times instead of tw.
  • SemiGod
    3001 posts Member
    Terrible idea? Do you know who the devs are? They expect people to spend their yearly salary on this game to catchup lol.
  • Vinniarth
    1859 posts Member
    And, let me play advoco diaboli.
    Ok they had a choice: they introduce new TW so it so either to include log GET or not. If they include and allow players to play both TW, they would increase the gap between high-end guild and old one.
    I think new TW is veeeery hard. So just a few guilds can do it at 25-33 stars.
    In this case, if they don’t add old GET to new TW then... ok, don’t see drawbacks here :/ I can presume, it connected with quantity of old GET in new TW: i think the quantity is the same for FULL pass: like for 33 stars in new TW we get the same quantity of old GET as for 45/48 stars in old TW.
    This means the guilds who choose to try new TW will get much less old GET at the beginning...

    Soooo, Just leave us old TW and don’t add GET to new TW!!
  • Options
    Thanks...having the discussion...again. And it's not a good choice, see we need GET1 to buy Malak and the Medpacs G12+ pieces. But we get more rewards from Geo TB. We CAN'T make this choice. Make Malak buyable with GET2, and throw some more Medpac options in the other stores. Hint....the GA store would be a great idea, cause it's terrible at the moment.

    Worst decision ever... get's me all flared up again..thanks a lot CG
  • Options
    IF they leave the reward structure alone, I would do both. We would get rewards for Hoth TB and Geo TB.

    And that is where most of the angst is coming from. Some people seem to think they’d get double the TB rewards every month...that’s the main reason they want to be able to run both. But the rewards would just be cut in half. This is a leveling/progression game. They have to gate resources and aren’t going to just double the TB rewards per month. When the number of GAs increased per month, they reduced the rewards per event so they stayed similar cumulatively each month.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Catarax28 wrote: »
    Thanks...having the discussion...again. And it's not a good choice, see we need GET1 to buy Malak and the Medpacs G12+ pieces. But we get more rewards from Geo TB. We CAN'T make this choice. Make Malak buyable with GET2, and throw some more Medpac options in the other stores. Hint....the GA store would be a great idea, cause it's terrible at the moment.

    Worst decision ever... get's me all flared up again..thanks a lot CG

    I’m betting you can, and will, make this choice.
  • Options
    Just add an option to buy GET with GET-mk2, 1-to-1, **** deal, but any dilemma resolved.
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    Liath wrote: »
    Catarax28 wrote: »
    Thanks...having the discussion...again. And it's not a good choice, see we need GET1 to buy Malak and the Medpacs G12+ pieces. But we get more rewards from Geo TB. We CAN'T make this choice. Make Malak buyable with GET2, and throw some more Medpac options in the other stores. Hint....the GA store would be a great idea, cause it's terrible at the moment.

    Worst decision ever... get's me all flared up again..thanks a lot CG

    I’m betting you can, and will, make this choice.

    Maybe they can't, then no TB all for this person. Im ok with that.
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