P2P shafted with malak release?


  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Danubiss wrote: »

    Yeah, if I pay to unlock a character I 100% expect that character to be at 7*. Yes, it’s my decision if I want to pay and nobody is forcing me. Again, if I do pay, I expect it to be 7* because that’s what every other event has given.

    You can expect anything you want, you were never warranted that's what you'll be getting though. I still don't have my Malak 7*'ed either. I got exactly what I got promised, rest is on me whether to go the extra mile.

  • TVF
    36786 posts Member
    I'm really enjoying catching up on this thread. Thanks for the laughs.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Gair
    616 posts Member
    Danubiss wrote: »
    For another opinion. I have Malak, I also spent a lot of money to get him. Yet, I haven’t used him once. He’s sitting at 5* and g8 because I refuse to spend another $100 just to gear him up. I also don’t have enough GET to even 6* him. Imagine how I feel about spending so much on a character that I haven’t used once.

    Hidden gem of a comment there. CG really punishing everyone.
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    I have Malak and I'm kinda with this guy on this one. After this TB I will have my Malak at 6 stars. Many poeple who unlock Malak this time around will have him immediately at 6 star. Yeah we've had the chance to use him up until now but mainly at 5 stars. Only a few 6 star Malaks in my shard. SO yeah I'm with this guy. It's kinda cheap. I don't get too bothered that many other people will have him. That's not my gripe. Mine is that it is turning out to have been a pointless action. He's been fun. But, not really worth it. I'm glad I had all toons max geared and zetad long befor ethe event. because that would have cost a lot. And those who spent clearly did not get their money's worth. In my humble opinion.
  • Dnoff423
    403 posts Member
    I would love to have Malak at 5 star right now but I decided to farm BH ships. Thats on me. He is still extremely viable at 5 star and you've had almost 3 months to gear him the regular way. I'm mostly F2P and I've gotten enough gear that I should have him maybe next round.

    They were also pretty clear about how he was to be acquired. I rarely if ever defend the devs on this forums as I'm sure @TVF can attest lol. But in this instance there really isn't anything to complain about. They told us how to acquire him it's up to us to decide whether we want to spend money to do that and also to plan accordingly. Also I'm not sure wherr this magic $400 number to get a 7 star character comes from because there absolutely isn't a post anywhere from the developers saying how much money it should take to get a specific character to 7 stars. But that's just like my opinion man.

    I usually plan to get the new toys the second round. Thats on me. The developers don't tell us to spend money on this game they offer the opportunity to spend money on the game. No one is forcing us. Anyway that's my two cents.
  • TVF
    36786 posts Member
    Sorry to say I don't recognize your username lol. Apparently you aren't enough of a serial complainer ;)
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Dnoff423 wrote: »
    I would love to have Malak at 5 star right now but I decided to farm BH ships. Thats on me. He is still extremely viable at 5 star and you've had almost 3 months to gear him the regular way. I'm mostly F2P and I've gotten enough gear that I should have him maybe next round.

    They were also pretty clear about how he was to be acquired. I rarely if ever defend the devs on this forums as I'm sure @TVF can attest lol. But in this instance there really isn't anything to complain about. They told us how to acquire him it's up to us to decide whether we want to spend money to do that and also to plan accordingly. Also I'm not sure wherr this magic $400 number to get a 7 star character comes from because there absolutely isn't a post anywhere from the developers saying how much money it should take to get a specific character to 7 stars. But that's just like my opinion man.

    I usually plan to get the new toys the second round. Thats on me. The developers don't tell us to spend money on this game they offer the opportunity to spend money on the game. No one is forcing us. Anyway that's my two cents.

    I guess it comes with the assumption everything that goes into achieving the thing has to get bought. Still on 0 spending and had everything. Not denying most will have to spend a bit, nowhere near that figure though.
  • Dnoff423
    403 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Sorry to say I don't recognize your username lol. Apparently you aren't enough of a serial complainer ;)

  • Dnoff423
    403 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Sorry to say I don't recognize your username lol. Apparently you aren't enough of a serial complainer ;)

    In all fairness I do try to limit myself to legitimate complaints most of the time.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    As for the **** saying I should have saved GE tokens, we had 3 days notice. How can I save GE tokens at 3 days notice, how could we anticipate his GE token price would be double HY or Wampas. How could we anticipate journeys would require g12 and zetas? I had planned for basic journey 7* g8 and that wasn’t enough so had to spend (I don’t mind that too much) but we’ve had no 7* malak to warrant our spend. I can 7+ in a week or so, he’ll be released a week later and f2p will 7* g12 instantly. No advantage, won’t be spending again simple as that. All you dossers can moan about p2p, but we stop paying and your game dies.

    You could have saved GET well before that, because it was obvious that more characters were going to be added to the store. And saying you got no advantage is ridiculous. 5* Malak for several months >>>>> no Malak at all for those months.
    leef wrote: »
    1) you’ll still have a pay to play gold Malak for some time before the new Malak become 7⭐️

    2) TRUE whales had him g12 the first day. They did in my shard.

    3) OP post is dumb.

    TRUE whales, lmao

    Perhaps I should have said “REAL whales, in the most accurate sense of the word” already have had him g11&12 or 7⭐️ Since mere days after the event. Which was the case for the whales in my shard and others.
    That paywall gear isn’t an issue for their crystal hoards and wallets. Also, many saved GET currency for some time.

    Point is, they had their time with the advantage already, and as they are all becoming 7⭐️ Right now for those that didn’t have GET saved, they all still have the advantage for a while when event returns and others have to save and max.

    Some people saved GET and some people didn't. I don't think the dividing line has much at all to do with whether the person is a whale.
  • Nurgle
    252 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    We all had the same time to collect GET for Malak. The difference is, that I couldn‘t spent it on Malak shards yet.
    Edit: and not many people have collected gear for Malak in advance, I assume.
  • TVF
    36786 posts Member
    Collecting gear and currency in advance is one of the ways you can compete without paying.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • jhbuchholz
    1966 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Collecting gear and currency in advance is one of the ways you can compete without paying.

    The other way is by paying and then demanding a refund from Google or Apple. All the best whales do this. It is known.
  • Nurgle
    252 posts Member
    jhbuchholz wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Collecting gear and currency in advance is one of the ways you can compete without paying.

    The other way is by paying and then demanding a refund from Google or Apple. All the best whales do this. It is known.

    Not in Germany. That support sucks big time.
  • Options
    Liath wrote: »
    As for the **** saying I should have saved GE tokens, we had 3 days notice. How can I save GE tokens at 3 days notice, how could we anticipate his GE token price would be double HY or Wampas. How could we anticipate journeys would require g12 and zetas? I had planned for basic journey 7* g8 and that wasn’t enough so had to spend (I don’t mind that too much) but we’ve had no 7* malak to warrant our spend. I can 7+ in a week or so, he’ll be released a week later and f2p will 7* g12 instantly. No advantage, won’t be spending again simple as that. All you dossers can moan about p2p, but we stop paying and your game dies.

    You could have saved GET well before that, because it was obvious that more characters were going to be added to the store. And saying you got no advantage is ridiculous. 5* Malak for several months >>>>> no Malak at all for those months.
    leef wrote: »
    1) you’ll still have a pay to play gold Malak for some time before the new Malak become 7⭐️

    2) TRUE whales had him g12 the first day. They did in my shard.

    3) OP post is dumb.

    TRUE whales, lmao

    Perhaps I should have said “REAL whales, in the most accurate sense of the word” already have had him g11&12 or 7⭐️ Since mere days after the event. Which was the case for the whales in my shard and others.
    That paywall gear isn’t an issue for their crystal hoards and wallets. Also, many saved GET currency for some time.

    Point is, they had their time with the advantage already, and as they are all becoming 7⭐️ Right now for those that didn’t have GET saved, they all still have the advantage for a while when event returns and others have to save and max.

    Some people saved GET and some people didn't. I don't think the dividing line has much at all to do with whether the person is a whale.

    To be fair, this was the FIRST time that we needed, or could, or had to use GET currency for a character we unlocked for an "event". Who would have guessed?

    When they said new characters for GET, I think that was in a new Geo TB post. One likely would make the inference that they meant characters from the new TB would be available. Not Malak.

    And that post didn't come out that far ahead of Malak. A week or two? Like --- I'm sorry I don't agree with you on this. Yes resource management, but this was an out of left field case.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Liath wrote: »
    As for the **** saying I should have saved GE tokens, we had 3 days notice. How can I save GE tokens at 3 days notice, how could we anticipate his GE token price would be double HY or Wampas. How could we anticipate journeys would require g12 and zetas? I had planned for basic journey 7* g8 and that wasn’t enough so had to spend (I don’t mind that too much) but we’ve had no 7* malak to warrant our spend. I can 7+ in a week or so, he’ll be released a week later and f2p will 7* g12 instantly. No advantage, won’t be spending again simple as that. All you dossers can moan about p2p, but we stop paying and your game dies.

    You could have saved GET well before that, because it was obvious that more characters were going to be added to the store. And saying you got no advantage is ridiculous. 5* Malak for several months >>>>> no Malak at all for those months.
    leef wrote: »
    1) you’ll still have a pay to play gold Malak for some time before the new Malak become 7⭐️

    2) TRUE whales had him g12 the first day. They did in my shard.

    3) OP post is dumb.

    TRUE whales, lmao

    Perhaps I should have said “REAL whales, in the most accurate sense of the word” already have had him g11&12 or 7⭐️ Since mere days after the event. Which was the case for the whales in my shard and others.
    That paywall gear isn’t an issue for their crystal hoards and wallets. Also, many saved GET currency for some time.

    Point is, they had their time with the advantage already, and as they are all becoming 7⭐️ Right now for those that didn’t have GET saved, they all still have the advantage for a while when event returns and others have to save and max.

    Some people saved GET and some people didn't. I don't think the dividing line has much at all to do with whether the person is a whale.

    To be fair, this was the FIRST time that we needed, or could, or had to use GET currency for a character we unlocked for an "event". Who would have guessed?

    When they said new characters for GET, I think that was in a new Geo TB post. One likely would make the inference that they meant characters from the new TB would be available. Not Malak.

    And that post didn't come out that far ahead of Malak. A week or two? Like --- I'm sorry I don't agree with you on this. Yes resource management, but this was an out of left field case.

    You mean this announcement?


    That was from the January Road Ahead post. And even before that post I was assuming that there would be additional characters added to the GET store at some point. I didn't need to predict that it would be specifically a Malak-style event to save the currency.
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    Still doesn't take away from the fact they let us know that Darth malak would be farmed through GET when they released Malak. Point was there wasn't any indication of this prior. In fact, weren't people surprised to see Malak at all that fast? surprise launched and with only --what did we have 3 days?

    They purposely did this. GET takes a while to build. They raised the amount of the cost too.

    It was designed so that people would struggle to get him to 7 star so they didn't over populate a new meta and make others even more angry.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Still doesn't take away from the fact they let us know that Darth malak would be farmed through GET when they released Malak. Point was there wasn't any indication of this prior. In fact, weren't people surprised to see Malak at all that fast? surprise launched and with only --what did we have 3 days?

    They purposely did this. GET takes a while to build. They raised the amount of the cost too.

    It was designed so that people would struggle to get him to 7 star so they didn't over populate a new meta and make others even more angry.

    Of course they purposefully did it. They are monetizing it...naturally. So what? I don't understand this extreme desire to have a 7* Malak when simply a 5* can do. And both gets beat by teams without Malak (Dr,Jkr GR). You want the absolute maxed one? Then pay the GET.
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    The core of what makes Malak a great character is there at 5 stars and is not handicapped at a lower star level like most tanks. Having an extra 1 speed on your Fallen Bastilla compared to the opponent's Fallen Bastilla is infinitely more important than having Malak at 7 stars vs 5 stars.
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    There’s always next time 😂😂
    TVF wrote: »
    Sorry to say I don't recognize your username lol. Apparently you aren't enough of a serial complainer ;)

  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    I see the argument. Even though Malak is good at 5* still he becomes quite a bit stronger at gear 12. One also can't use him in raids until gear 12. Mine is 90/100 and I have been spending just about all guild event tokens on him so it does feel weird I will be 7* him about the same time as people getting him the second time around. It also is tricky on bringing back characters earlier than usual (yes I know Malak was released later the first time around, but I judge by when he was released, not when he was initially due to be) as people who got him feel they didn't get an advantage for as long as they expected, but it is what it is. Darth Revan teams, like Jedi Knight Revan is extremely powerful and would cause quite an imbalance in the grand arena championships.
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    I said this from the beginning. I did not whale out and decided to save all my GET. I'll reach 7* close to when the suckers who paid do.
  • Kokie
    1338 posts Member
    Am I missing something here? Like the date of his return? Because I'm seeing a lot of post of people saying that they will get him 7* the same time as the people that got him the first time
  • Options
    Kokie wrote: »
    Am I missing something here? Like the date of his return? Because I'm seeing a lot of post of people saying that they will get him 7* the same time as the people that got him the first time

    I was wondering the same thing. Good to know I'm not alone.
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    I don’t plan ahead too well and always end up p2p’ing for major events like cls, jtr, JKR, DR and then DM which I would rather not but I don’t mind when it gives you a significant advantage.

    Revan coming back too soon is a kick in the teeth after spending on that but the worse one is malak.

    I’ve not spent any GE tokens except for on malak since his release, and I’m still 25 shards short from 7*. With their being a huge delay in TB recently, he’ll be released again within a few days of me 7*ing.

    So where was the so called p2p advantage if we can barely even get to 7* before he’s re released?

    Those who didn’t unlock knew to save their GE currency so they’ll 7* immediately. Bit harsh imo and I’ll have to re evaluate before considering ever spending on these events again.

    Curious on other players thoughts on this.

    Don't cry man, find an alternative. I mean that in a good way and not being a **** at all, that said I feel your frustration. This game has been on a spiral downward. It's on it's way out for me if things don't change for the better.
  • CosmicJ
    348 posts Member
    I don’t plan ahead too well and always end up p2p’ing for major events like cls, jtr, JKR, DR and then DM which I would rather not but I don’t mind when it gives you a significant advantage.

    Revan coming back too soon is a kick in the teeth after spending on that but the worse one is malak.

    I’ve not spent any GE tokens except for on malak since his release, and I’m still 25 shards short from 7*. With their being a huge delay in TB recently, he’ll be released again within a few days of me 7*ing.

    So where was the so called p2p advantage if we can barely even get to 7* before he’s re released?

    Those who didn’t unlock knew to save their GE currency so they’ll 7* immediately. Bit harsh imo and I’ll have to re evaluate before considering ever spending on these events again.

    Curious on other players thoughts on this.

    This would be true if Malak was useless at 5 and 6*

    We all know he is amazingly broken at 5* and 6*. Personally i wouldn't say you got your money's worth as the amount cg charge for early access to content in this game is downright ridiculous. However to say you didn't get a p2p advantage is completely inaccurate.
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    Malak shouldn’t be released again for another couple months.

    At this point F2P can get a 7* Malak as a P2P simply hoarding like we did and that’s stupid. Just as P2P gets a 7* F2P can get him 7* too.
  • TVF
    36786 posts Member
    F2P get shafted multiple times every day, P2P get shafted multiple times every day, game is dying every day. RIP game.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    They announced a while ago that there would be new GET toons this year.
    And a lot of people that just unlocked him at 5⭐️, are now getting him to 7⭐️ After this TB.
    Agreeing with comments above that having Malak for months>>>> than not having him.

    And yes. To a whale, the gear wall at least to g11 would be absolutely nothing. They have the hoards saved and money to spend.
    Sure some may have not saved enough GET in advance, but their amount of GET has nothing to do with them being a whale or not.
    The gear wall DOES. And they owned that ****.
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