P2P shafted with malak release?



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    If you didn’t see them say that more toons would be coming and require GET currency, that’s on you. Not them.
    I elected to spend it on gear. Knowing full well I could have otherwise saved it in anticipation of these new said toons.
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    People are always going to **** no matter when they bring him back.
    Look, you had your time with him. Like every other toon he is coming back. Buck up and prepare to be a 1st timer on the next big release, that will surely have a counter as well because the game has an assload of toons now
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    I don't know why you think that F2P players can
    • collect GET for Malak
    • gear 10 chars to 17.5K (probably more G11+)
    • gear separatists for Padme
    • gear Geos for upcoming Geo TB
    • gear clones and GR for whatever will be coming
    simultaneously. Most F2P players that didn't unlock Malak first turn are far away from the top of arena ranks (where the whales with 5/6* Malaks are sitting) and don't have the chance to gear all the needed chars to G11+ while hoarding GET tokens. There will be a handful of people who were able to manage all these things and they have well deserved a 7* Malak.
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    SianMhaboo wrote: »
    I don't know why you think that F2P players can
    • collect GET for Malak
    • gear 10 chars to 17.5K (probably more G11+)
    • gear separatists for Padme
    • gear Geos for upcoming Geo TB
    • gear clones and GR for whatever will be coming
    simultaneously. Most F2P players that didn't unlock Malak first turn are far away from the top of arena ranks (where the whales with 5/6* Malaks are sitting) and don't have the chance to gear all the needed chars to G11+ while hoarding GET tokens. There will be a handful of people who were able to manage all these things and they have well deserved a 7* Malak.
    They can do it because they aren't doing all these events at the same time

    Geos should be geared up since Ships 2.0 was released, you don't need to gear all 10 OR toons, since JKR was meta and in preparation for Darth Revan, F2P and non-F2P usually have some of them g12 at 17.5k power already, and with the knowledge of Darth Malak, they had 3 months and counting to work on them

    gearing for Padme was/is doable

    Working on clones should be the last concern for people until they have everything else taken care of -- trying to do it simultaneously is the problem

    either work on the current stuff or abandon all that and work on things that might be needed 3 months later. You can't win at everything unless you've been ahead of the game
  • EdSolo
    422 posts Member
    Unfortunately I haven't really been able to hoard GET since I have been using it to buy gear. I have around 8,500 or so plus we'll get a 45* on the current tb. I used four stun guns today (two on DR, one each on Bastila and Sith Soldier). Now I have to hoard gear for Malak. I managed to get two of the new gear through farming, but those both went on DR. I think Malak needs three. I think I have about 40/50 on one of the two and maybe 2/50 on the other, so there is a long way to go there without spending crystals. I also have to hoard zetas and omegas again even though I have some Separatists that need their abilities maxed out. It is a tough road without spending money. At least I have all the toons ready for Malak. Hopefully my Separatists will be ready for both getting the last star on Padme and the new tb.
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