Without 7* C3PO, Spending money pointless? General Anakin Unlock. Don’t bother?



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    Did Malak have JKR & DR paired with it?


    Should this event have 3PO & Padmé paired with it?

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    I just don't know if people are capable of thinking anything other than CG is impervious.

    Believe me, I'm about as far from a fan of CG as you can get. My posting history and multiple warnings stand testament to that.

    But that doesn't mean I'm oblivious to them when they do it right, also. I'll gladly call 'em out when and as they are wrong or need it.

    Same for players. You keep saying they made an "error" by not letting you buy C3PO; there's no error. YOU chose not to engage with his event at any point when it was previously available.

    That's the error. It's yours.

    I could see that could be the case if CG is changing their overall approach again. It wouldn't be the first time they changed their stance on unlocks. My reasoning is mostly based on past approaches in all honesty.
  • InfamousJay
    104 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    Did Malak have JKR & DR paired with it?


    Should this event have 3PO & Padmé paired with it?


    There was a general awareness that DR and JKR would be needed for Malak event though. Prior to the Malak event. So following that logic. DR representing C3P0. We had no awareness this time that C3PO would be required for Gen. Anakin. Yes/No? Following my logic here?
  • Options
    Did Malak have JKR & DR paired with it?


    Should this event have 3PO & Padmé paired with it?


    There was a general awareness that DR and JKR would be needed for Malak event though. Prior to the Malak event. So following that logic. DR representing C3P0. We had no awareness this time that C3PO would be required for Gen. Anakin. Yes/No? Following my logic here?

    Well I mean it's not like 3PO was created by Anakin and was an iconic character to the CW trilogy. Oh wait.

    And I mean hey, it's not like hes amazing for a Padmé team & been accessible for ages & just recently came out.

    Gotta use some logic out here.
  • Options
    Did Malak have JKR & DR paired with it?


    Should this event have 3PO & Padmé paired with it?


    There was a general awareness that DR and JKR would be needed for Malak event though. Prior to the Malak event. So following that logic. DR representing C3P0. We had no awareness this time that C3PO would be required for Gen. Anakin. Yes/No? Following my logic here?

    Well I mean it's not like 3PO was created by Anakin and was an iconic character to the CW trilogy. Oh wait.

    And I mean hey, it's not like hes amazing for a Padmé team & been accessible for ages & just recently came out.

    Gotta use some logic out here.

    I applaud you for making that connection! I assumed Padme myself. The ships are a nice new inclusion in my personal opinion.

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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Most all unlocks if you could bankroll it you could unlock the character. No amount of money will help if you missed the C3PO event. If they are trying to encourage spending this seems like a big Faux Pas.

    Honestly, to me the bigger mistake is making a ship requirement, since this is the first time a specific ship has been required for a character unlock in the history of the game. It's particularly weak because they've basically ignored ships since their release....then punished players who have done the same. Whatever. CG has made it clear that it is their game to dictate play, not ours to play how we want.

    I wish I could take back the $8 I wasted on that gear pack a couple weeks ago. Oh, well. Slow learner. Wallet closed for another 2+ years. :D

    what about the chimera needing ghost and phantom II specifically?
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    flux_rono wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Most all unlocks if you could bankroll it you could unlock the character. No amount of money will help if you missed the C3PO event. If they are trying to encourage spending this seems like a big Faux Pas.

    Honestly, to me the bigger mistake is making a ship requirement, since this is the first time a specific ship has been required for a character unlock in the history of the game. It's particularly weak because they've basically ignored ships since their release....then punished players who have done the same. Whatever. CG has made it clear that it is their game to dictate play, not ours to play how we want.

    I wish I could take back the $8 I wasted on that gear pack a couple weeks ago. Oh, well. Slow learner. Wallet closed for another 2+ years. :D

    what about the chimera needing ghost and phantom II specifically?

    Is Chimera even meta? :D . I kidd Thrawn's ship is pretty excellent an my personal favorite.
  • flux_rono
    2138 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    flux_rono wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Most all unlocks if you could bankroll it you could unlock the character. No amount of money will help if you missed the C3PO event. If they are trying to encourage spending this seems like a big Faux Pas.

    Honestly, to me the bigger mistake is making a ship requirement, since this is the first time a specific ship has been required for a character unlock in the history of the game. It's particularly weak because they've basically ignored ships since their release....then punished players who have done the same. Whatever. CG has made it clear that it is their game to dictate play, not ours to play how we want.

    I wish I could take back the $8 I wasted on that gear pack a couple weeks ago. Oh, well. Slow learner. Wallet closed for another 2+ years. :D

    what about the chimera needing ghost and phantom II specifically?

    Is Chimera even meta? :D . I kidd Thrawn's ship is pretty excellent an my personal favorite.

    when he first came out, yeah he was. lol

    but yeah hes also my favorite ship personally.... until the malevolence
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    True True. I would imagine that the number of players without an Endurance is probably significantly less than Chimera's or C3PO's but then who knows!
  • StarSon
    7509 posts Member
    Did Malak have JKR & DR paired with it?


    Should this event have 3PO & Padmé paired with it?


    There was a general awareness that DR and JKR would be needed for Malak event though.

    This is false. We didn’t know there was going to be a Malak event until the last tier of the DR event. Until Malak we had never needed a Journey character to obtain a character so there was no reason to believe JKR would be needed in that manner.
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    I know of a couple 4 million or almost 4 million gp accounts that don’t. First hand.

    Means they decided not farming ewoks...
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    StarSon wrote: »
    Did Malak have JKR & DR paired with it?


    Should this event have 3PO & Padmé paired with it?


    There was a general awareness that DR and JKR would be needed for Malak event though.

    This is false. We didn’t know there was going to be a Malak event until the last tier of the DR event. Until Malak we had never needed a Journey character to obtain a character so there was no reason to believe JKR would be needed in that manner.

    JKR was the only Meta Team for almost a year or more. It may have not be said explicitly. C3P0 barely makes meta with CLS and Padme. Also for significantly less time. Top meta champs have been used for unlocks, thats not surprising or shocking.....
  • StarSon
    7509 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    Did Malak have JKR & DR paired with it?


    Should this event have 3PO & Padmé paired with it?


    There was a general awareness that DR and JKR would be needed for Malak event though.

    This is false. We didn’t know there was going to be a Malak event until the last tier of the DR event. Until Malak we had never needed a Journey character to obtain a character so there was no reason to believe JKR would be needed in that manner.

    JKR was the only Meta Team for almost a year or more. It may have not be said explicitly. C3P0 barely makes meta with CLS and Padme. Also for significantly less time. Top meta champs have been used for unlocks, thats not surprising or shocking.....

    Meta is irrelevant. JKR and DR are Journey chars. They were the first time in the over 3 years of this game that a Journey was needed for an unlock. So no, the community at large did not know it was coming. You are making that up because you think it helps your case. It does not.

    The bottom line: CG doesn’t want these events to be a gimme. They WANT to limit the numbers. That is why they picked this particular list of characters.
  • InfamousJay
    104 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    Using your logic you could Omit the Malak event which is the only event that they have ever limited to "non-farmable" characters. That just doesn't make sense. Other events are our only basis for uniformity or lack thereof.
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    JKR was the only Meta Team for almost a year or more. It may have not be said explicitly. C3P0 barely makes meta with CLS and Padme. Also for significantly less time. Top meta champs have been used for unlocks, thats not surprising or shocking.....

    If by "year or more" you mean a little over 5 months, then yes he was. As far as "top meta champs have been used for unlocks," please enlighten us as to which ones, other than the Revans have.....

    Jedi were horrible when GMY came out. Palpatine came out right around the start of the Wiggs meta. R2 was unlocked by empire, who were not meta. Phoenix, who unlock Thrawn, were not meta at that time (they now have a place in the meta for newer players, but not at the time of the Thrawn release). FO, who unlock BB8, have never been meta. JTRey has never been required for an unlock. BHs, who unlock Chewie, have never been meta. Ewoks have never been meta. Separatists haven't been meta (other than Dooku lead back at the beginning of the game).

    As far as top characters go, no legendary characters have ever been specifically required for unlocks except R2 for CLS and BB8 for JTRey. CLS and JTRey have never been required for another unlock. Prior to this event, no raid character has ever been specifically required to unlock another character. As for R2 and BB8, the only reason they came back with the first run of their respective journey characters is because they had only run once at the time of the journey event. Here, Padme has run two or three times and C3PO has run four already.

    If you have a top meta champ in a faction, sure you use them to do legendary unlocks, because it would be foolish not to. That doesn't mean they were required. These epic confrontations, however, are meant to have high requirements, in terms of both character depth and gear.
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    Using your logic you could Omit the Malak event which is the only event that they have ever limited to "non-farmable" characters. That just doesn't make sense. Other events are our only basis for uniformity or lack thereof.

    You can't omit the Malak event because it's the only other epic confrontation event we've had. Pretending the "rules" that apply to legendaries or journeys apply to epic confrontations, which are specifically classified separately, is ridiculous.
  • K331
    168 posts Member
    No spend money seriously, spend it on a 6 pack of beer and watch someone on YouTube get him...lol
  • InfamousJay
    104 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    K331 wrote: »
    No spend money seriously, spend it on a 6 pack of beer and watch someone on YouTube get him...lol

    This thread is beginning to make me want to, haha! At this point that may be the only viable option.

    Let’s get wriggity wrecked bro! Lol.
  • Vertigo
    4497 posts Member
    K331 wrote: »
    No spend money seriously, spend it on a 6 pack of beer and watch someone on YouTube get him...lol

    Why stop at a 6 pack?
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    I know 3p0 has been our for a minute but I was kinda mad seeing him needed. After my break I came back and came to the census that I wasn’t going to pursue him. Well that’s biting me in the **** now. Not happy about farming ewoks. So i hate that he’s in this event cuz I really want GAS. Oh well
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    I did in fact create this thread.

    You really do struggle with reading, don't you?

    You said:
    Can you explain what you're doing on my thread?

    I replied:
    Just because you started a new thread doesn't mean that anyone has to justify their presence or comments to you.

    No one needs your permission to be here. No one owes you an explanation. If they want to post, they can post until EA/CG decides they can't. Acting as if people have to explain to you why they want to comment on a thread IS entitled behavior.

    If you're interested in what makes a person tick, feel free to ask nicely, but no one has to reply, and you don't "own" the thread just because you started it.
  • DarthPurgatory
    626 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    Why are people still entertaining this guy; he says he wants to debate but he won't engage with
    anyone except to spout the same nonsensical and unexplained argument about there being some kind of mistake...which multiple people have attempted to rationalize and explain to him.

    And of course to defend his position that he's linking this thread from everywhere else. You'd almost think he was getting click revenue!

    @Kyno you have closed far more productive threads than this. Wouldn't you agree this one has served its purpose?
    Porgatory demands fresh souls.
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    I know of a couple 4 million or almost 4 million gp accounts that don’t. First hand.

    There are currently over 140,000 C3P0 in-game, compared to let's say Darth Revan (which was required for Malak) and even now there are only about 100,000 DR in-game, and I'm pretty sure there were far less than that when the first Malak event dropped and they seemed to still make plenty of money from Malak...
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    This thread has gone off topic.

This discussion has been closed.