Return of GAS

Clash on Kamino - General Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker has been many things over the years; pod racer, droid builder, Jedi padawan and even a legendary pilot, but his confidence and his exceptional connection to the force was clear to anyone who came in contact with him. Now a General in the Grand Army of the Republic, Skywalker fights to stop the growing Separatist threat along side the 501st Clone Troopers.

Event: Dec 27th - Dec 29th

Who’s ready? Not sure I am just yet.


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    I'm getting there.
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    Awhhh yeah
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    I hope I am there.
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    This is what, 6 weeks earlier than Malak’s first return? Easily 4 weeks. Who has the math handy?
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    Nope RNG has hosed me on Shaak Ti shards.
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    Nope. I am looser.
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    Asajj, B1 and B2 at R4. Magna and Droideka at R3. Hopefully I’m ready
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    Haha this is really funny to me. All the suckers who unlocked him the first time around can get him to 7* at the same time or even later than those unlocking him the second time. Good lesson CG is teaching us all!
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    Maybe End Game isn't for you
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    Got my stash ready. I have enough to get everyone to the recommended gear levels.
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    noseyjones wrote: »
    Haha this is really funny to me. All the suckers who unlocked him the first time around can get him to 7* at the same time or even later than those unlocking him the second time. Good lesson CG is teaching us all!

  • aperingo
    173 posts Member
    edited December 2019
    Toooooo soon IMO....
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    Waaaay too soon, mine is not even 7* yet. 6 months is reasonable schedule for second run of epic confrontations, like Malak
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    Desperate decisions to try to get more people to put in ridiculous amounts of money. They know they can't make any money releasing GAS later.

    A ridiculous TB nobody is even playing.

    I'm not sure what's left here to keep people playing.
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    Waaaay too soon, mine is not even 7* yet. 6 months is reasonable schedule for second run of epic confrontations, like Malak

    Malak was 4 months....where’d 6 months come from?
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    Waaaay too soon, mine is not even 7* yet. 6 months is reasonable schedule for second run of epic confrontations, like Malak

    Malak was 4 months. I agree though, this is too soon for him to come back already.
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    What a major slap in the face to those who paid for him and still can't 7* him yet. Just unbelievable business ethics!
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    This is complete ****. I was one of the ones that unlocked a barely usable 5* GS the last time. I havent been able to 7* him because I am locked behind the GET currency wall and the fact that LS Geo TB is broken hard and wont give me the currency I need to finish. And NOW, a bunch of FTP guys that didnt work to get GS the last time and have been running the old territory battles are going to get 7* GS before I can because they have plenty of notice and have been able to hoard GET for it? This is a HUGE slap in the face to everyone that whaled out and worked to get GS thr first time around.

    IMO, they should give everyone that got GS the first time bonus shards for completing the event again this time. Not full shards, but 50 to 75 total for the second time so we can 7* GS after this event. It is only fair.
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    HokieFiend wrote: »
    Desperate decisions to try to get more people to put in ridiculous amounts of money. They know they can't make any money releasing GAS later.

    A ridiculous TB nobody is even playing.

    I'm not sure what's left here to keep people playing.

    My guild is playing it and I am already to unlock GAS this time. Great news was all the characters required are good for TB.
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    This CG_apologist is returning his badge. I can not believe they’re re-running that event so soon.

    All those of us who unlocked him but hadn’t hoarded GET look like proper fools now.

    There is one positive - as soon as I read that part of the announcement, it saved me the bother of reading about all the Festive packs they’re hawking.
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    So stupid. It was the last time i spend for a toon. Thx CG
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    Monel wrote: »
    HokieFiend wrote: »
    Desperate decisions to try to get more people to put in ridiculous amounts of money. They know they can't make any money releasing GAS later.

    A ridiculous TB nobody is even playing.

    I'm not sure what's left here to keep people playing.

    My guild is playing it and I am already to unlock GAS this time. Great news was all the characters required are good for TB.

    Define "playing it". If you mean deploying a bunch of characters, sure.
  • Ultra
    11590 posts Moderator
    edited December 2019

    Returning him so quick is unfair to the 80% of the players that weren't able to enjoy the advantage of getting him early.

    A lot of people in my guild are angry and they have every right to be
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    I spent more than 200 Euros to get him first time,only to find out that I wont get anything out of him,any advantage due to him being absolutely useless on less tha G13 R5+. I didnt get any advantage out of spending that much and now you do this ?!
    Thats a kick to the balls to anyone who spent and got him the first try.
    You got yourself another F2P here CG. Get your act together
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    What a major slap in the face to those who paid for him and still can't 7* him yet. Just unbelievable business ethics!

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    Ultra wrote: »

    Returning him so quick is unfair to the 80% of the players that weren't able to enjoy the advantage of getting him early.

    A lot of people in my guild are angry and they have every right to be

    I agree.

    The problem is with the state of the game, it's the only way they could make more money on it. Wait any longer and the people still playing this game that don't have him would already be ready. Releasing it earlier is an attempt to get these people to spend money to be ready now for FOMO.

    Unfortunately this probably triggers another huge wave of players leaving the game. 100% agree it's a huge slap in the face to the people who got him the first time and I wouldn't blame people for saying enough is enough this time.
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    What really chaps me is that if you went and continued with Geo LS TB you are hurt to the tune of about 7K GET 1 when compared to hoth. So this a double in your face
  • Ultra
    11590 posts Moderator
    I just felt awful for everyone with 5* or 6* GAS reading that announcement, and I have a 7* Gen Sky.

    Lack of empathy, and a terrible way to start everyone's holidays
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