Why did they do this???


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    Read the HODA forums, similar end result. Players waiting for content. They finally released it a year too late after many walked away. Some came back but overall, the tarnished reputation couldn't be overcome...
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    I think us old timers are definitely ready for the cap increase. Except for 50 gear pieces at level 8 I have maxed out my top characters. I have 20 at level 70 and have no interest in leveling up toons with less than 4 stars as it is a waste. Haven't lost GW in weeks, so no more need for depth. Low spender, but doubt that ftp players would disagree who have been playing since November or December.
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    The meta not happening with it makes a huge difference because those resources you spent on current meta toons could have gone into the new one
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    The biggest flaw was choosing CG to develop this. They're far too small to produce a title like SWGOH. They could barely handle HODA and that game is still going. Adding SWGOH is their breaking point, it's clear to anyone playing...
  • slmcmr
    875 posts Member
    The meta not happening with it makes a huge difference because those resources you spent on current meta toons could have gone into the new one

    That's why i won't use the gears until we get that change. I don't care if i lose my rank in arena for two weeks. I don't want to i lose my hard collected gears on characters that will get nerfed soon after.
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    Qeltar wrote: »
    They do whatever they want. I won't say they don't care at all what we think, but they don't appear to care enough to have it affect major decisions.
    Gamers are the most tolerant product customers on the planet. They have no power, will tolerate almost anything, some percentage will defend the developers no matter what they do, and anyone who leaves will be replaced by the next guy.
    This is what's easy for them, and so it's what they are doing, there's nothing more to it than that.

    That is because gaming is becoming one of the top addictions on this planet. Video game designers, like anyone else trying to make a profit, are always looking for ways to get more people playing their games. They accomplish this by making a game just challenging enough to keep you coming back for more but not so hard that the player eventually gives up. In other words, success for a gamer often feels just out of reach. In this respect, video game addiction is very similar to another more widely recognized disorder: Gambling addiction

    Video game designers, like anyone else trying to make a profit, are always looking for ways to get more people playing their games. They accomplish this by making a game just challenging enough to keep you coming back for more but not so hard that the player eventually gives up. In other words, success for a gamer often feels just out of reach. In this respect, video game addiction is very similar to another more widely recognized disorder: gambling addiction.

    Some of the emotional signs or symptoms of video game addiction include:

    - Feelings of restlessness and/or irritability when unable to play
    - Preoccupation with thoughts of previous online activity or anticipation of the next online session
    - Lying to friends or family members regarding the amount of time spent playing
    - Isolation from others in order to spend more time gaming

    Some of the physical signs or symptoms of video game addiction include:

    - Fatigue
    - Migraines due to intense concentration or eye strain
    - Carpal tunnel syndrome caused by the overuse of a controller or computer mouse
    - Poor personal hygiene

    And so like Qeltar said gamers will tolerate anything because they have no choice.
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    I have no issue with the cap increase for several reasons-
    1.) It's inevitable.
    2.) The current state of the game (especially arena) has become a bit stale.
    3.) Higher ability levels will offer a more diverse meta.

    That being said, I do have several issues-
    1.) Cap increase before combat mechanics are worked out. This creates a lottery system, as I may devote resources to toons who will lose their usefulness post combat mechanic rework. Those who may have guessed right and went after certain toons who will flourish after the combat fix will have a timely advantage.
    2.) The lack of real content is disturbing. Outside of cap increases, a few new toons, and a fairly useless shard shop, we haven't seen any new game features. I've been on auto grind for a few months and I'm tired of logging on just to farm gear. This may cause some folks to walk away from the game, as I, myself, have been thinking about.
    3.) Devs don't listen to the community for ideas that would keep them playing and potentially making purchases. The community has wanted guilds since the inception of the game, yet no mention of when that's going to be. Making gear more accessible through bundles or better drop rates.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Rafini wrote: »
    No content? I'm also ftp, let me get that out there before anything else. But they said in the developer notes that new cantina battles and light side/dark side batted are coming with the cap increase.

    Most people don't consider this "new content" - it's really just existing content with a new (tweaked difficulty) skin. By "new content" most people mean things like guilds, new modes of game play, new events (real events - not shoot 3 jawas once a day), ships, etc.

    Honestly, the forums have been full of great ideas by players for new modes - some of which would seem fairly simple to implement - most of those ideas have seemingly fallen on deaf ears.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    Qeltar wrote: »
    You guys are so weird when you call creators of games greedy.
    All creators of games are out to make money. Only some are routinely labeled as "greedy".
    If you don't understand why, it's doubtful anyone can explain it to you.
    I run a web-based business. Its goal is to make money. However, I do not do everything I could to make the absolute maximum amount of money possible.
    I keep my prices reasonable because I want to make my product accessible to people on lower budgets. I often give things away to people who can't afford them, such as those in poorer countries, or students. I give away things to members of the military. I don't load my pages down with as much advertising as possible, because it would detract from the experience.
    There are many others like me. People who take a long view, who value their customers and doing the right thing, not just the easy thing or the most profitable thing.
    Most famously, the creators of South Park, who could make millions crafting a game like SWGOH using South Park characters, said they would not follow the "freemium fleecing" model because they felt it was wrong.
    This is not a fledgling game put out by a startup. EA made almost a billion dollars in profit last year. SWGOH generates over $1 million a week in revenues. They can afford to listen to their customers and be more generous. There have been a couple of signs recently that they are listening -- the 200 crystal compensation after that bug, bringing back the droid pack for Android without bumping the cost up, and there's supposed to be a giveaway next week. This is good, and worthy of recognition (as I am doing here). But they also have a long, long way to go (in this galaxy, mind you).

    beauty of capitalism. they are obviously doing something right because they rake in 1mil per week (as you say). mobile games don't have a lifecycle beyond 2-3 years so don't expect this game to stick around. they've got a short term plan that's working for them and a plan for the long haul as well, before they churn and burn and roll out the next mobile title.

    i personally don't work in the mobile gaming industry, but having played several titles that were in the top 10 for a year before dropping off the radar and pushing out a new game...this is what i expect.
    mighty chlorians
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Calus_78 wrote: »
    That is because gaming is becoming one of the top addictions on this planet.
    Yep. And unlike real gambling, legally open to teenagers and eager to exploit their vulnerabilities.
    I have no issue with the cap increase for several reasons-
    1.) It's inevitable.
    2.) The current state of the game (especially arena) has become a bit stale.
    3.) Higher ability levels will offer a more diverse meta.
    4.) You are willing to spend unlimited amounts of money to buy whatever you need so you won't face the issues that nearly all other players will. I'm not trying to "whale-bash" here but let's be real, you are in the top 0.01% of spenders on this game, so this simply doesn't affect you like it will others.
    As for your other points, #1 is bogus (nobody expects it to not to happen, just to be postponed until real changes are ready), #2 is somewhat valid (again, more stale to you because you've maxed everything), #3 is somewhat valid (the "diverse meta" will last two weeks, and again, won't matter to you because you have maxed everything).
    This is just a bad move. A game that has taken in probably over $100 million in revenues after 4 months, and still no content, just more monetization and grinding. Sad.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    If you want them to listen posts like this won't help. They have already shown that they don't care. Now if you keep posts warning new players not to spend money on the front page...
  • Options
    Plenty of data to be mined here EA/CG, make use of it for God's sake...
  • ioniancat21
    2091 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Whether it me, Qeltar, yoyoyoda369 or others, we all voice opinions because we want new content and we care about the game. If you could understand that EA/CG, you'd be the wiser instead of defensive...
  • Ztyle
    1970 posts Member
    reizse wrote: »
    Qeltar wrote: »
    You guys are so weird when you call creators of games greedy.
    All creators of games are out to make money. Only some are routinely labeled as "greedy".
    If you don't understand why, it's doubtful anyone can explain it to you.
    I run a web-based business. Its goal is to make money. However, I do not do everything I could to make the absolute maximum amount of money possible.
    I keep my prices reasonable because I want to make my product accessible to people on lower budgets. I often give things away to people who can't afford them, such as those in poorer countries, or students. I give away things to members of the military. I don't load my pages down with as much advertising as possible, because it would detract from the experience.
    There are many others like me. People who take a long view, who value their customers and doing the right thing, not just the easy thing or the most profitable thing.
    Most famously, the creators of South Park, who could make millions crafting a game like SWGOH using South Park characters, said they would not follow the "freemium fleecing" model because they felt it was wrong.
    This is not a fledgling game put out by a startup. EA made almost a billion dollars in profit last year. SWGOH generates over $1 million a week in revenues. They can afford to listen to their customers and be more generous. There have been a couple of signs recently that they are listening -- the 200 crystal compensation after that bug, bringing back the droid pack for Android without bumping the cost up, and there's supposed to be a giveaway next week. This is good, and worthy of recognition (as I am doing here). But they also have a long, long way to go (in this galaxy, mind you).

    beauty of capitalism. they are obviously doing something right because they rake in 1mil per week (as you say). mobile games don't have a lifecycle beyond 2-3 years so don't expect this game to stick around. they've got a short term plan that's working for them and a plan for the long haul as well, before they churn and burn and roll out the next mobile title.

    i personally don't work in the mobile gaming industry, but having played several titles that were in the top 10 for a year before dropping off the radar and pushing out a new game...this is what i expect.

    Supercell is running two mobile only games that are almost 4 years, and still both are in the top, and it looks like it's staying there, and I think the reason is if you put one of their games down, and return a couple of months later, there has been added a lot of new stuff, and they seems to use the strategy, a happy customer is more willing to spend money
    I'm Danish , Leader of the Space Slug Alliance , living the SlugLife , My collection
  • Krey
    341 posts Member
    Rafini wrote: »
    No content? I'm also ftp, let me get that out there before anything else. But they said in the developer notes that new cantina battles and light side/dark side batted are coming with the cap increase.

    "New" content is not doing the exact same thing we have been doing for weeks with higher level AI opponents. Basically, you'll do each "new" mission one time to get 3 stars on it, and then you'll use SIM tickets in an effort to farm ever increasing and more annoying amounts of purple gear that you have to have to fill out the next level of gear slots. We'll be right back where we are now in the 2 or 3 weeks it takes to reach 80, only the credit grind will be far worse and the gear grind will be more annoying.
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    Ztyle wrote: »
    reizse wrote: »
    Qeltar wrote: »
    You guys are so weird when you call creators of games greedy.
    All creators of games are out to make money. Only some are routinely labeled as "greedy".
    If you don't understand why, it's doubtful anyone can explain it to you.
    I run a web-based business. Its goal is to make money. However, I do not do everything I could to make the absolute maximum amount of money possible.
    I keep my prices reasonable because I want to make my product accessible to people on lower budgets. I often give things away to people who can't afford them, such as those in poorer countries, or students. I give away things to members of the military. I don't load my pages down with as much advertising as possible, because it would detract from the experience.
    There are many others like me. People who take a long view, who value their customers and doing the right thing, not just the easy thing or the most profitable thing.
    Most famously, the creators of South Park, who could make millions crafting a game like SWGOH using South Park characters, said they would not follow the "freemium fleecing" model because they felt it was wrong.
    This is not a fledgling game put out by a startup. EA made almost a billion dollars in profit last year. SWGOH generates over $1 million a week in revenues. They can afford to listen to their customers and be more generous. There have been a couple of signs recently that they are listening -- the 200 crystal compensation after that bug, bringing back the droid pack for Android without bumping the cost up, and there's supposed to be a giveaway next week. This is good, and worthy of recognition (as I am doing here). But they also have a long, long way to go (in this galaxy, mind you).

    beauty of capitalism. they are obviously doing something right because they rake in 1mil per week (as you say). mobile games don't have a lifecycle beyond 2-3 years so don't expect this game to stick around. they've got a short term plan that's working for them and a plan for the long haul as well, before they churn and burn and roll out the next mobile title.

    i personally don't work in the mobile gaming industry, but having played several titles that were in the top 10 for a year before dropping off the radar and pushing out a new game...this is what i expect.

    Supercell is running two mobile only games that are almost 4 years, and still both are in the top, and it looks like it's staying there, and I think the reason is if you put one of their games down, and return a couple of months later, there has been added a lot of new stuff, and they seems to use the strategy, a happy customer is more willing to spend money

    **** is one of how many mobile games in the ocean? i would venture to say that it's not indicative of a typical mobile game and it's not representative of the norm. it's great that their business model works and many developers can learn a thing or 20 from supercell, but the fact remains that virtually no title lasts more than 2-3 years. players move on. businesses move on.
    mighty chlorians
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    If you want them to listen posts like this won't help. They have already shown that they don't care. Now if you keep posts warning new players not to spend money on the front page...

    Good luck. Threads like that get locked/disappear quicker than cap level increases hit. ;)
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    You would be ready if you spent more money...

    I see your point and for me at Level 70, this won't be a big deal to get 5 toons to 80 but what about new players?? What about F2P players, who happen to be 99% of their player base?? Most people who spend on this spend a few hundred maximum, not thousands...

    These people are good friends of yours? What do you care?

    Be happy. You are winning. Let the Flounders flounder.

    If they make no investment, they get what they are given and like it or lump it.
  • Pilot
    470 posts Member
    To OP: It's a great thing! It is like a reset without losing all of your work: like the game was when it was new. Want more of the same? I dont!
    "There is no 'try'." - Master Yoda
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    slmcmr wrote: »
    All the buffs/nerfs make me think twice before i pay for anything in the game. Since we are about to have a new tuning change and cap increase i won't spend for anything until i see what is happening. Even if i pay to get the characters (bundles, aurodium etc) it takes forever to gear up them to the current cap, and it will take even more after cap increase. The dark days are ahead...
    I think I have to agree. My wallet, which was spending freely to the tune of 200 dollars, is now slammed shut for good until they convince me that this game is more than a way to make a quick buck

    You thought they produced this game because they like entertaining people?
    Be thankful the cash grabs are obvious, because they can be avoided if you choose.
    Business is business.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    The sole reason I'm 100% F2P is because of EA and CG, not because I'm cheap. When I started playing back in the soft launch in November 2015, I already could see the smoke and mirrors and that convinced me..

    *cough* **** *cough*
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    WalkrCnc wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    You would be ready if you spent more money...

    Trolling again I see..

    Why yes, yes you are...
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    It's actually sadly ironic.

    Many have been saying "please more content - but not a cap level increase" Others have correctly even pointed out that a level increase is really NOT new content.

    Some have pointed out that a level increase was inevitable, but as long as it comes with new game modes, new content or maybe even a shift in the meta, they'd be okay with it.

    So what will get next week? A cap increase...and no other new content.

    "Let them eat cake." Wow. At times it seems as though the devs try to figure out exactly what a majority of the players want...and then do the exact opposite. Well if that's the plan, they are absolutely hitting it out of the park. Great work. :/

    If a console FPS releases 2 new single player levels, is that new content? Yes.

    Level 80 includes 10 new single player levels across 3 tables of play. New FREE content.

    People seriously need to stop complaining about game improvements.

  • ichotolot
    229 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Simple solution: Play for fun, not the meta. Isnt boring to have the same cookie cutter team like everyone else anyway?
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Don't misunderstand me, I understand this is a business and the goal is making money. What I don't understand is ignoring the player base who is only trying to make the game better with good ideas, not looking to save $20 on an upgrade.

    People will gladly pay if there is good stuff to do and content comes quicker than asked for. What EA and CG do is the opposite, offer little or no content than want to make money,. This angers people FYI...

    Its a phone app, your development expectations are unrealistic.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    I think us old timers are definitely ready for the cap increase. Except for 50 gear pieces at level 8 I have maxed out my top characters. I have 20 at level 70 and have no interest in leveling up toons with less than 4 stars as it is a waste. Haven't lost GW in weeks, so no more need for depth. Low spender, but doubt that ftp players would disagree who have been playing since November or December.

    You could cap a character you think is FUN. It isnt an investment. It is a game.
  • Baggodi
    404 posts Member
    The short answer to why did they do this is another question- why wouldn't they?

    They're still making money. People are lining up to buy crystals. Video game junkies are like smack addicts. They have no reason to produce new content until no players are sitting around the park twitching and trying to score some chromium.

    Once the cash flow drops enough they'll give us a hit of new content. Just a bump to get us hooked again. Until then a level increase, bug fixes, and a new toon or two are enough to allow them to claim they're doing something. That's just ea's business model. Make as much as you can as fast as you can and when the revenue stream dries up you get the junkies hooked again.
  • Options
    Timitock wrote: »
    Don't misunderstand me, I understand this is a business and the goal is making money. What I don't understand is ignoring the player base who is only trying to make the game better with good ideas, not looking to save $20 on an upgrade.

    People will gladly pay if there is good stuff to do and content comes quicker than asked for. What EA and CG do is the opposite, offer little or no content than want to make money,. This angers people FYI...

    Its a phone app, your development expectations are unrealistic.

    This game is making millions weekly. You are out of touch with reality and are unaware of what the players are looking for.

    There is no reason to argue with me here. If you are happy with the game, bypass a thread like this.....
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Krey wrote: »
    Rafini wrote: »
    No content? I'm also ftp, let me get that out there before anything else. But they said in the developer notes that new cantina battles and light side/dark side batted are coming with the cap increase.

    "New" content is not doing the exact same thing we have been doing for weeks with higher level AI opponents. Basically, you'll do each "new" mission one time to get 3 stars on it, and then you'll use SIM tickets in an effort to farm ever increasing and more annoying amounts of purple gear that you have to have to fill out the next level of gear slots. We'll be right back where we are now in the 2 or 3 weeks it takes to reach 80, only the credit grind will be far worse and the gear grind will be more annoying.

    How is this any different than Borderlands increasing the level cap and you just fight stronger versions of the same dudes in a different arena/sandbox? On console, that is a DLC expansion pack.

    And how do you know you will 3* this level 80/gear 9 CONTENT, first try, with your level 70/gear 8 dudes?

    Your description of the new content is a description of the game itself, and you either like the model or you do not.
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    There is hardly any content in this game. I rarely play anymore because of it. It takes me roughly 40 or less minutes to complete everything for the day. No wonder so many people are here in the forum, there's nothing to do in the game!
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