Why did they do this???


  • Rafini
    299 posts Member
    edited March 2016
  • Rafini
    299 posts Member
    I mean I started the game a couple months ago when already level 70 people existed and I still love it. I don't imagine new people will be scared BECAUSE THEY WONT KNOW ANY BETTER!
  • Options
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Rafini wrote: »
    No content? I'm also ftp, let me get that out there before anything else. But they said in the developer notes that new cantina battles and light side/dark side batted are coming with the cap increase.

    Most people don't consider this "new content" - it's really just existing content with a new (tweaked difficulty) skin. By "new content" most people mean things like guilds, new modes of game play, new events (real events - not shoot 3 jawas once a day), ships, etc.

    Honestly, the forums have been full of great ideas by players for new modes - some of which would seem fairly simple to implement - most of those ideas have seemingly fallen on deaf ears.

    It's not new at all. It's alrready in the game, just has to be unlocked. This is a minimal effort move from them
  • Options
    @Timitock We all love the game, see the potential and don't want the game to die out and end result, all our commitment is a wasted effort....
  • Options
    Its very simple Its a cash grab, despite what mods will try to tell you.

    The update with the meta change is still being tuned. They could very easily wait on the cap increase until the update is ready. Buuuuut...that would mean no way to go for our wallets in the meantime. So this is what they are doing. They are rushing the cap raise out now for one reason: They want you to level current meta toons to stay competitive in arena for the next couple of weeks. Then they'll drop the meta change and you'll find out the resources you spent on those toons was wasted as other toons that you didn't work on are now the top toons in arena. Then you'll spend to catch up.

    Its a smart, but very underhanded, devious tactic. Don't be fooled by their greed. hold onto your resources, take the hit in arena now, to be ready when the update hits.

    The guy knows how it works
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Don't misunderstand me, I understand this is a business and the goal is making money. What I don't understand is ignoring the player base who is only trying to make the game better with good ideas, not looking to save $20 on an upgrade.

    People will gladly pay if there is good stuff to do and content comes quicker than asked for. What EA and CG do is the opposite, offer little or no content than want to make money,. This angers people FYI...

    Its a phone app, your development expectations are unrealistic.

    This game is making millions weekly. You are out of touch with reality and are unaware of what the players are looking for.

    There is no reason to argue with me here. If you are happy with the game, bypass a thread like this.....

    You think the "million a week" gets rolled right into development, immediately and 100%, but call me out of touch with reality?

    Have fun on your Easter vacation from Junior High, and leave the development stuff to the grownups.
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    You would be ready if you spent more money...

    Happy and willing victim of the cash grab smh
  • Eris_Discordant
    223 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Rafini wrote: »
    So why should a level increase seem scary when you will likely achieve level 80 on par with the best of them

    Generally speaking, in this thread and others, it's not that people are scared of a cap increase.

    It's that they are annoyed because this is just more milking of the cow, when we all want a bigger and better farm.

    Edit: I assume the split is that players new to 70 or sub-70 are "scared" but I haven't read from anyone who's a veteran 70 that they are concerned out of fear, they are just concerned that this doesn't make the game any better...and in fact with gear grinding growing exponentially with each cap increase the game will get objectively worse.

    I'm sure most people will continue to play at 80 as-is, but at 90 or 100 with that AWFUL gear grinding...who will stick around to sit and sim-farm 1000's and 1000's of times just to fill gear slots?
  • Options
    What the developers don't seem to grasp is that this experience with an EA/CG title will make me very reluctant to ever play another one developed by either.

    They can act slick now, release very little and play this strategy for the cash grab but long term, the hurt will be far greater. Reputation is important. The last thing you want is people rejecting your games at sight just due to who the developer is...
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    There is hardly any content in this game. I rarely play anymore because of it. It takes me roughly 40 or less minutes to complete everything for the day. No wonder so many people are here in the forum, there's nothing to do in the game!

    You complete 2 full cantina energy sims, 3 full battle energy sims, 8-24 autoplay challenges, 5 Arena battles, and a complete GW in less than 40 minutes?

    No, you do not.

    Also, its a phone app, it is not designed to be played nonstop 24/7. Take walk or a shower or something.
  • Krey
    341 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Timitock wrote: »
    Krey wrote: »
    Rafini wrote: »
    No content? I'm also ftp, let me get that out there before anything else. But they said in the developer notes that new cantina battles and light side/dark side batted are coming with the cap increase.

    "New" content is not doing the exact same thing we have been doing for weeks with higher level AI opponents. Basically, you'll do each "new" mission one time to get 3 stars on it, and then you'll use SIM tickets in an effort to farm ever increasing and more annoying amounts of purple gear that you have to have to fill out the next level of gear slots. We'll be right back where we are now in the 2 or 3 weeks it takes to reach 80, only the credit grind will be far worse and the gear grind will be more annoying.

    How is this any different than Borderlands increasing the level cap and you just fight stronger versions of the same dudes in a different arena/sandbox? On console, that is a DLC expansion pack.

    And how do you know you will 3* this level 80/gear 9 CONTENT, first try, with your level 70/gear 8 dudes?

    Your description of the new content is a description of the game itself, and you either like the model or you do not.

    Wow...did you really just compare a mobile game to a real game?


    In depth character development.

    Actual story.

    Intelligent AI scripting and varied combat scripting. Should I go on?
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    Rafini wrote: »
    No content? I'm also ftp, let me get that out there before anything else. But they said in the developer notes that new cantina battles and light side/dark side batted are coming with the cap increase.

    Sure GW may suck for a couple weeks until you level up to around level 75 to be able to compete with level 80 potential teams but it's not a huge deal. How many people realistically will max out at level 80 on day one? Less than 1%. I can't even begin to guess how much money t would cost to be able to buy enough refreshes/gold/training droids to be able to spam sim battles and level up?

    The majority of people on these boards seem to be level 70 or close to level 70... And it seems like you all play this game a lot during the day (myself included).. So why should a level increase seem scary when you will likely achieve level 80 on par with the best of them OTHER than those few who can spend thousands needlessly buying training droids and refreshes and gold to be able to uber fast level up.

    I do all my refreshes I can with what crystals I earn playing freely and assume in roughly two weeks I'll be level 80. All my characters might not be but that's just a simple grind. When I'm level 80 my characters might be 75. That should be enough to beat most GW and arena teams. And then the new meta won't change until two weeks after the cap increase which is perfect because we will be level 80 by then.. So it's as if the meta happening first doesn't make a difference!

    +lmfao keep thinking that
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Krey wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Krey wrote: »
    Rafini wrote: »
    No content? I'm also ftp, let me get that out there before anything else. But they said in the developer notes that new cantina battles and light side/dark side batted are coming with the cap increase.

    "New" content is not doing the exact same thing we have been doing for weeks with higher level AI opponents. Basically, you'll do each "new" mission one time to get 3 stars on it, and then you'll use SIM tickets in an effort to farm ever increasing and more annoying amounts of purple gear that you have to have to fill out the next level of gear slots. We'll be right back where we are now in the 2 or 3 weeks it takes to reach 80, only the credit grind will be far worse and the gear grind will be more annoying.

    How is this any different than Borderlands increasing the level cap and you just fight stronger versions of the same dudes in a different arena/sandbox? On console, that is a DLC expansion pack.

    And how do you know you will 3* this level 80/gear 9 CONTENT, first try, with your level 70/gear 8 dudes?

    Your description of the new content is a description of the game itself, and you either like the model or you do not.

    Wow...did you really just compare a mobile game to a real game?


    In depth character development.

    Actual story.

    Intelligent AI scripting and varied combat scripting. Should I go on?

    60$ purchase vs. free to play
    Intel processor vs. iOS 9
    32gb memory vs 2TB
    Major title release team vs phone app devs

    Fact of the matter is YOU are comparing them by having the same development expectations from these apples and oranges platforms.

    Unreasonable expectations are unreasonable.
  • slmcmr
    875 posts Member
    What really bothers me is the reaction of developers to the threads like this. In the first days of the game EA_Jesse used to respond to the most of the questions. Nowadays it is impossible to get an answer or comment about almost anything and this makes me feel like we are being ignored. We had a full Q&A thread which was long forgotten(i'm sorry but 6 answers to 100+ questions is not good enough). Some people (mostly Qeltar :)) had great ideas about different aspects of the game which devs said they would think about, again no response. Now we have this cap increase and meta change thing ahead of us. I want to stay positive i really do, but it is getting more difficult ever time.
  • Zen
    126 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Everybody is in the same boat. You need to realise that you're not supposed to be ahead of the meta, unless you're a whale spender with everything unlocked.
  • Krey
    341 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Krey wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Krey wrote: »
    Rafini wrote: »
    No content? I'm also ftp, let me get that out there before anything else. But they said in the developer notes that new cantina battles and light side/dark side batted are coming with the cap increase.

    "New" content is not doing the exact same thing we have been doing for weeks with higher level AI opponents. Basically, you'll do each "new" mission one time to get 3 stars on it, and then you'll use SIM tickets in an effort to farm ever increasing and more annoying amounts of purple gear that you have to have to fill out the next level of gear slots. We'll be right back where we are now in the 2 or 3 weeks it takes to reach 80, only the credit grind will be far worse and the gear grind will be more annoying.

    How is this any different than Borderlands increasing the level cap and you just fight stronger versions of the same dudes in a different arena/sandbox? On console, that is a DLC expansion pack.

    And how do you know you will 3* this level 80/gear 9 CONTENT, first try, with your level 70/gear 8 dudes?

    Your description of the new content is a description of the game itself, and you either like the model or you do not.

    Wow...did you really just compare a mobile game to a real game?


    In depth character development.

    Actual story.

    Intelligent AI scripting and varied combat scripting. Should I go on?

    60$ purchase vs. free to play
    Intel processor vs. iOS 9
    32gb memory vs 2TB
    Major title release team vs phone app devs

    Fact of the matter is YOU are comparing them by having the same development expectations from these apples and oranges platforms.

    Unreasonable expectations are unreasonable.

    No. I am saying adding levels does not equal new, unlike all the actual new content that has been hinted at that would give us more to do each day besides making us hit the sim ticket button in endless tedium.
  • Paule
    39 posts Member
    Everyone plays differently. My best friend and brother in law both play, and each of us play differently. I would consider myself a whale, whereas my brother in law and best friend are FTP. Schedules are different, focus is different and favorite teams are different.

    You can't automatically assume that everyone fits in a cookie cutter mold. There are many like me who are sitting on many maxed out toons ready for the level increase, but I don't see this affecting others to the point of quitting if they are still working on other characters.

    What I love the most about this game is the diversity of your options. You can go with a team of your favorite Star Wars characters, you can go after the current meta, or you can focus on unlocking every toon in the game if you want.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    This forum, though official, is full of whiners and exploiters, seeking to manipulate development to their personal benefit.

    Good example: Dooku lead is generally accepted to be broken in a good way since being enabled. Instead of avoiding this bug,veveryone has piled on to the Dooku lead bus, trying to exploit it. Same happened with Poe and Barriss and Old Ben.

    You want the game to be better? Start by improving yourself.

    People that follow the reddit are generally nicer and less whiny and more constructive, I do not blame devs for trying to get some work done over there.

  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Krey wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Krey wrote: »
    Rafini wrote: »
    No content? I'm also ftp, let me get that out there before anything else. But they said in the developer notes that new cantina battles and light side/dark side batted are coming with the cap increase.

    "New" content is not doing the exact same thing we have been doing for weeks with higher level AI opponents. Basically, you'll do each "new" mission one time to get 3 stars on it, and then you'll use SIM tickets in an effort to farm ever increasing and more annoying amounts of purple gear that you have to have to fill out the next level of gear slots. We'll be right back where we are now in the 2 or 3 weeks it takes to reach 80, only the credit grind will be far worse and the gear grind will be more annoying.

    How is this any different than Borderlands increasing the level cap and you just fight stronger versions of the same dudes in a different arena/sandbox? On console, that is a DLC expansion pack.

    And how do you know you will 3* this level 80/gear 9 CONTENT, first try, with your level 70/gear 8 dudes?

    Your description of the new content is a description of the game itself, and you either like the model or you do not.

    Wow...did you really just compare a mobile game to a real game?


    In depth character development.

    Actual story.

    Intelligent AI scripting and varied combat scripting. Should I go on?

    60$ purchase vs. free to play
    Intel processor vs. iOS 9
    32gb memory vs 2TB
    Major title release team vs phone app devs

    Fact of the matter is YOU are comparing them by having the same development expectations from these apples and oranges platforms.

    Unreasonable expectations are unreasonable.

    100% agree. people have set their bars way too high for a MOBILE GAME that's NOT supposed to take over their lives (like setting alarms to get all 4 shipment refreshes), spending more time complaining on the forums, grasping at anything that can provide any degree of entertainment once they finish the 1-2 hours of play that the game is designed to give...
    some people wish they had more time in their days to you know...spend time with their family, complete their work, go for a hike, enjoy their vacation for a bit longer...and then you have people who wished they could stretch out the content of a mobile game cover an entire 24 hour period (including playing at work...WHAT?) then complain about how it sucks up all their time, while also complaining that 1-2 hours is far too little for what the game actually gives them...lol
    mighty chlorians
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    reizse wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Krey wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Krey wrote: »
    Rafini wrote: »
    No content? I'm also ftp, let me get that out there before anything else. But they said in the developer notes that new cantina battles and light side/dark side batted are coming with the cap increase.

    "New" content is not doing the exact same thing we have been doing for weeks with higher level AI opponents. Basically, you'll do each "new" mission one time to get 3 stars on it, and then you'll use SIM tickets in an effort to farm ever increasing and more annoying amounts of purple gear that you have to have to fill out the next level of gear slots. We'll be right back where we are now in the 2 or 3 weeks it takes to reach 80, only the credit grind will be far worse and the gear grind will be more annoying.

    How is this any different than Borderlands increasing the level cap and you just fight stronger versions of the same dudes in a different arena/sandbox? On console, that is a DLC expansion pack.

    And how do you know you will 3* this level 80/gear 9 CONTENT, first try, with your level 70/gear 8 dudes?

    Your description of the new content is a description of the game itself, and you either like the model or you do not.

    Wow...did you really just compare a mobile game to a real game?


    In depth character development.

    Actual story.

    Intelligent AI scripting and varied combat scripting. Should I go on?

    60$ purchase vs. free to play
    Intel processor vs. iOS 9
    32gb memory vs 2TB
    Major title release team vs phone app devs

    Fact of the matter is YOU are comparing them by having the same development expectations from these apples and oranges platforms.

    Unreasonable expectations are unreasonable.

    100% agree. people have set their bars way too high for a MOBILE GAME that's NOT supposed to take over their lives (like setting alarms to get all 4 shipment refreshes), spending more time complaining on the forums, grasping at anything that can provide any degree of entertainment once they finish the 1-2 hours of play that the game is designed to give...
    some people wish they had more time in their days to you know...spend time with their family, complete their work, go for a hike, enjoy their vacation for a bit longer...and then you have people who wished they could stretch out the content of a mobile game cover an entire 24 hour period (including playing at work...WHAT?) then complain about how it sucks up all their time, while also complaining that 1-2 hours is far too little for what the game actually gives them...lol

  • YoYoYoda369
    181 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Calus_78 wrote: »
    That is because gaming is becoming one of the top addictions on this planet.
    Yep. And unlike real gambling, legally open to teenagers and eager to exploit their vulnerabilities.
    I have no issue with the cap increase for several reasons-
    1.) It's inevitable.
    2.) The current state of the game (especially arena) has become a bit stale.
    3.) Higher ability levels will offer a more diverse meta.
    4.) You are willing to spend unlimited amounts of money to buy whatever you need so you won't face the issues that nearly all other players will. I'm not trying to "whale-bash" here but let's be real, you are in the top 0.01% of spenders on this game, so this simply doesn't affect you like it will others.
    As for your other points, #1 is bogus (nobody expects it to not to happen, just to be postponed until real changes are ready), #2 is somewhat valid (again, more stale to you because you've maxed everything), #3 is somewhat valid (the "diverse meta" will last two weeks, and again, won't matter to you because you have maxed everything).
    This is just a bad move. A game that has taken in probably over $100 million in revenues after 4 months, and still no content, just more monetization and grinding. Sad.

    What exactly does my spending on this game have anything to do with the upcoming changes? As always, you think those that spend money can't think outside of spending more money. You may not choose to believe this, but I am able to emphasize with f2p players and often make arguments FOR f2p players. I am quite capable of understanding that since I am (as you say)in the top 0.01% of paying players that any change made would then affect the bottom 99.99%....

    Now, if you noticed, I quite openly expressed my issues with the the cap increase during my post. I absolutely agree that changes need to be made and more content needs to be added as soon as humanly possible. This game will soon collapse if the devs don't begin to listen to the community (which, again, was something I pointed out in my previous post).
  • Krey
    341 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Krey wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Krey wrote: »
    Rafini wrote: »
    No content? I'm also ftp, let me get that out there before anything else. But they said in the developer notes that new cantina battles and light side/dark side batted are coming with the cap increase.

    "New" content is not doing the exact same thing we have been doing for weeks with higher level AI opponents. Basically, you'll do each "new" mission one time to get 3 stars on it, and then you'll use SIM tickets in an effort to farm ever increasing and more annoying amounts of purple gear that you have to have to fill out the next level of gear slots. We'll be right back where we are now in the 2 or 3 weeks it takes to reach 80, only the credit grind will be far worse and the gear grind will be more annoying.

    How is this any different than Borderlands increasing the level cap and you just fight stronger versions of the same dudes in a different arena/sandbox? On console, that is a DLC expansion pack.

    And how do you know you will 3* this level 80/gear 9 CONTENT, first try, with your level 70/gear 8 dudes?

    Your description of the new content is a description of the game itself, and you either like the model or you do not.

    Wow...did you really just compare a mobile game to a real game?


    In depth character development.

    Actual story.

    Intelligent AI scripting and varied combat scripting. Should I go on?

    60$ purchase vs. free to play
    Intel processor vs. iOS 9
    32gb memory vs 2TB
    Major title release team vs phone app devs

    Fact of the matter is YOU are comparing them by having the same development expectations from these apples and oranges platforms.

    Unreasonable expectations are unreasonable.

    Also, if you think this game is free to play, you aren't paying attention to the massive amounts of money this game brings in every week. Bet this game is bringing in way more money than Borderlands ever did. Anyone got the actual numbers for comparison to this game and the original Borderlands?

    For the amount of money this game is bringing in, the expectations I have are not even close to high enough.
  • ChazSunray
    223 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I would level your current arena team to 80 IF you see that your competitors in arena are doing the same. You could hold off on the gear grinding and ability maxing until the new meta becomes clearer. That way you can still compete, but not throw everything to the wind. Of course, if you see that others are holding back on leveling toons, then by all means hold back your own resources until you see fit.

    Edit: In my thinking, that would help you stay somewhat on par with your current course, and not drop in rank too harshly, if at all.
  • Daryth
    93 posts Member
    I will preface this by admitting my Whale status, but a lot of arguments I see are invalid.

    I agree with this being too early to boost level cap again, and this coming from a person with 8 chars not at level 70. However, argument about it screwing new players is invalid. Eventually levels will raise and new players will always be a bit behind, but can catch up.

    Cash grab? Not really. They could make more by making new tables with same refresh scale as current. This is just laziness to be honest, throw some stuff up that's easy to code to keep people occupied.

    Lack of new content is disturbing because it hints devs are in over their heads. Or... it means they're trying not to rush things out before they are ready.

    Balance in a game like this is always tricky. Barris needed to heal less than Lumi because the HP balance makes her heal much more effective overall. Tie Pilot needed to have fewer HP, he's a glass cannon not a tank. Mace, Ahsoka, and Savage became average instead of sucky. ERG became awesome, probably a little too much so. Overall balance is fairly good regardless of Meta, I use tons of toons and have fun.

    Gear drops need to be raised or as mentioned in other posts, make a scaled upgrade/downgrade system so you can turn 5 or so mk1 into a mk2, etc. You pulled sell function, give us something to do with our 600 mk1 baw armors

    Overall game is excellent, hopefully we will see further improvement as time goes on without breaking the game.

  • DarthMasterShawn
    3064 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I have no issue with the cap increase for several reasons-
    1.) It's inevitable.
    2.) The current state of the game (especially arena) has become a bit stale.
    3.) Higher ability levels will offer a more diverse meta.

    That being said, I do have several issues-
    1.) Cap increase before combat mechanics are worked out. This creates a lottery system, as I may devote resources to toons who will lose their usefulness post combat mechanic rework. Those who may have guessed right and went after certain toons who will flourish after the combat fix will have a timely advantage.
    2.) The lack of real content is disturbing. Outside of cap increases, a few new toons, and a fairly useless shard shop, we haven't seen any new game features. I've been on auto grind for a few months and I'm tired of logging on just to farm gear. This may cause some folks to walk away from the game, as I, myself, have been thinking about.
    3.) Devs don't listen to the community for ideas that would keep them playing and potentially making purchases. The community has wanted guilds since the inception of the game, yet no mention of when that's going to be. Making gear more accessible through bundles or better drop rates.

    Completely agree here. On the issues.
  • Options
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Calus_78 wrote: »
    That is because gaming is becoming one of the top addictions on this planet.
    Yep. And unlike real gambling, legally open to teenagers and eager to exploit their vulnerabilities.
    I have no issue with the cap increase for several reasons-
    1.) It's inevitable.
    2.) The current state of the game (especially arena) has become a bit stale.
    3.) Higher ability levels will offer a more diverse meta.
    4.) You are willing to spend unlimited amounts of money to buy whatever you need so you won't face the issues that nearly all other players will. I'm not trying to "whale-bash" here but let's be real, you are in the top 0.01% of spenders on this game, so this simply doesn't affect you like it will others.
    As for your other points, #1 is bogus (nobody expects it to not to happen, just to be postponed until real changes are ready), #2 is somewhat valid (again, more stale to you because you've maxed everything), #3 is somewhat valid (the "diverse meta" will last two weeks, and again, won't matter to you because you have maxed everything).
    This is just a bad move. A game that has taken in probably over $100 million in revenues after 4 months, and still no content, just more monetization and grinding. Sad.

    What exactly does my spending on this game have anything to do with the upcoming changes? As always, you think those that spend money can't think outside of spending more money. You may not choose to believe this, but I am able to emphasize with f2p players and often make arguments FOR f2p players. I am quite capable of understanding that since I am (as you say)in the top 0.01% of paying players that any change made would then affect the bottom 99.99%....

    Now, if you noticed, I quite openly expressed my issues with the the cap increase during my post. I absolutely agree that changes need to be made and more content needs to be added as soon as humanly possible. This game will soon collapse if the devs don't begin to listen to the community (which, again, was something I pointed out in my previous post).

    I don't think he meant that you throw shade on F2P, just that you are a player who has the ability to just level your characters and not worry about cost. I can imagine you'll probably be able to get to Level 80 in less than 24 hours if you wished whereas some just can't achieve that.

    I'm sure I can speak for Qeltar when I say we appreciate your contributions to the cause...
  • Options
    slmcmr wrote: »
    What really bothers me is the reaction of developers to the threads like this. In the first days of the game EA_Jesse used to respond to the most of the questions. Nowadays it is impossible to get an answer or comment about almost anything and this makes me feel like we are being ignored. We had a full Q&A thread which was long forgotten(i'm sorry but 6 answers to 100+ questions is not good enough). Some people (mostly Qeltar :)) had great ideas about different aspects of the game which devs said they would think about, again no response. Now we have this cap increase and meta change thing ahead of us. I want to stay positive i really do, but it is getting more difficult ever time.

    They made their feelings very clear when Jesse shut down my thread telling people to "Beat the Cash grab." within minutes of it going up.

    I feel for the guy, he's just the messenger. But EA gets scared when people sniff out their schemes.
  • Options
    1. First of all, going to 80 will pretty much kill any new players starting now because it'll cost them $7M to level a character from 1 to 80, $35M to create a 7* meta team. Remember, players need a B-Team for GW which will also cost them another $30M or more, do the math EA, most of your customers don't have thousands to drop on the game..


    Why do feel someone should be able to go from level 1 to 80 without putting any time into the game? It should cost "tons" if someone can just log on and become lvl 80 in a matter of seconds.
  • ChazSunray
    223 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    chainsaw wrote: »
    1. First of all, going to 80 will pretty much kill any new players starting now because it'll cost them $7M to level a character from 1 to 80, $35M to create a 7* meta team. Remember, players need a B-Team for GW which will also cost them another $30M or more, do the math EA, most of your customers don't have thousands to drop on the game..


    Why do feel someone should be able to go from level 1 to 80 without putting any time into the game? It should cost "tons" if someone can just log on and become lvl 80 in a matter of seconds.

    I will let ioniancat give an elaborate answer, but I do not believe he/she thinks someone should log on and insta-80 anything, unless they spend money. Anyway, I didn't read it that way...
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Krey wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Krey wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Krey wrote: »
    Rafini wrote: »
    No content? I'm also ftp, let me get that out there before anything else. But they said in the developer notes that new cantina battles and light side/dark side batted are coming with the cap increase.

    "New" content is not doing the exact same thing we have been doing for weeks with higher level AI opponents. Basically, you'll do each "new" mission one time to get 3 stars on it, and then you'll use SIM tickets in an effort to farm ever increasing and more annoying amounts of purple gear that you have to have to fill out the next level of gear slots. We'll be right back where we are now in the 2 or 3 weeks it takes to reach 80, only the credit grind will be far worse and the gear grind will be more annoying.

    How is this any different than Borderlands increasing the level cap and you just fight stronger versions of the same dudes in a different arena/sandbox? On console, that is a DLC expansion pack.

    And how do you know you will 3* this level 80/gear 9 CONTENT, first try, with your level 70/gear 8 dudes?

    Your description of the new content is a description of the game itself, and you either like the model or you do not.

    Wow...did you really just compare a mobile game to a real game?


    In depth character development.

    Actual story.

    Intelligent AI scripting and varied combat scripting. Should I go on?

    60$ purchase vs. free to play
    Intel processor vs. iOS 9
    32gb memory vs 2TB
    Major title release team vs phone app devs

    Fact of the matter is YOU are comparing them by having the same development expectations from these apples and oranges platforms.

    Unreasonable expectations are unreasonable.

    Also, if you think this game is free to play, you aren't paying attention to the massive amounts of money this game brings in every week. Bet this game is bringing in way more money than Borderlands ever did. Anyone got the actual numbers for comparison to this game and the original Borderlands?

    For the amount of money this game is bringing in, the expectations I have are not even close to high enough.


    Multiply by 60$ = 360 million

    So 120 weeks at 3 mil a week...

    Makes you wrong

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