Ahnalds account [MERGE]


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    Ronin7275 wrote: »
    Well if he’s a class action litigator then great. Just seems like we’ve all spent money and have been defrauded by this organization. It also seems that legal avenues are all they listen to. I say let’s take our money back. Calling all LAWYERS!!!! Or JG Wentworth. Lol

    EA TOS states by downloading and installing their software you agree to NOT bring any legal action against them. Or words to that effect. so yeah.. nope

    Ok so not to support the previous poster because of course no lawsuit about this is going to work, but literally every EULA, Contract, Waiver (and so on) says you agree to not bring legal action. In practice that doesn't work so well.

    People can still sue. In order to win they just have to prove something is illegal or negligent or not covered by a contract etc...

  • CoastalJames
    2971 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Kyno wrote: »
    Thank you for the clarification. I was having a hard time finding information.

    But a few posts earlier you said, "I actually know for a fact that this happened"...like you got the inside scoop...which we all know you don't.

    When you're in a hole mate it's always best to stop digging :)

  • Options
    Ronin7275 wrote: »
    Well if he’s a class action litigator then great. Just seems like we’ve all spent money and have been defrauded by this organization. It also seems that legal avenues are all they listen to. I say let’s take our money back. Calling all LAWYERS!!!! Or JG Wentworth. Lol

    EA TOS states by downloading and installing their software you agree to NOT bring any legal action against them. Or words to that effect. so yeah.. nope

    Ok so not to support the previous poster because of course no lawsuit about this is going to work, but literally every EULA, Contract, Waiver (and so on) says you agree to not bring legal action. In practice that doesn't work so well.

    People can still sue. In order to win they just have to prove something is illegal or negligent or not covered by a contract etc...

    I've always wondered if it would hold up.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Thank you for the clarification. I was having a hard time finding information.

    But a few posts earlier you said, "I actually know for a fact that this happened"...like you got the inside scoop...which we all know you don't.

    When you're in a hole mate it's always best to stop digging :)

    G'Day, where you been?
  • Iy4oy4s
    2946 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Bottom line is that the way the TOS is worded, it doesn’t “tie their hands” on any issue. They could of handled it differently with way better results while staying within the limits of the TOS.

    Lots of use of the word “may” below.
    If you or someone using your EA Account violates these rules and fails to remedy this violation after a warning, EA may take action against you, including revoking access to certain or all EA Services, Content or Entitlements, or terminating your EA Account as described in Section 8. In case of severe violations, EA may take these actions without issuing a prior warning. Some examples of severe violations include, but are not limited to: promoting, encouraging or engaging in hacking, selling EA accounts or entitlements (including virtual currencies and items) without EA’s permission, extreme harassment, or threatening illegal activities. When practical, EA will notify you of the action it will take in response to violations of these rules or breach of this Agreement.[\quote]

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    Not going to sue them for the download, or install. Just Fraud and anything else we can manage. Have a lawyer tell us where to start. Hence the all call for them. This is amazingly stupid. Anyone can say what they want, ever since Disney took over Star Wars as a whole this game has taken a nose dive. They, I guess can make promises and not keep them. But if we look sideways at the forums, youtube or reddit they boot us. I’ve been talked to a few times by moderators on this thread, as I’m sure a few others have. I’d like to see these folks end up like talcum powder. Handing out wallet shims to everyone they have messed over. (Trying not to use such harsh words so as to not get my peepee smacked.)
  • khdelboy
    754 posts Member
    Excellent moderating going on here. Truly marvellous.
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    "Their hands were tied" is going to go down in history along with Carrie's "tip of the spear" comment.
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    Ronin7275 wrote: »
    Anyone can say what they want, ever since Disney took over Star Wars as a whole this game has taken a nose dive.

    Disney took over Star Wars before this game was ever released. Just Saying....
  • Monel
    2794 posts Member
    Ronin7275 wrote: »
    Anyone can say what they want, ever since Disney took over Star Wars as a whole this game has taken a nose dive.

    Disney took over Star Wars before this game was ever released. Just Saying....

    It was premeditated!
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    "Their hands were tied" is going to go down in history along with Carrie's "tip of the spear" comment.

    What else do you think they should do when there is a clear case of account transfer in front of them?
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    You’re right. I missed stepped! Lol see I can say when I’m wrong.............EA/CG YOU SHOULD TRY IT SOME TIME. Getting pretty fumed over this. I know, let’s rock, paper scissors to see who goes next. Go ahead guys, you can do it. Tell us you were wrong and fix this!!!!
  • Options
    "Their hands were tied" is going to go down in history along with Carrie's "tip of the spear" comment.

    What else do you think they should do when there is a clear case of account transfer in front of them?

    Well duh! Obviously they should give preferential treatment to someone with a bunch of fanboys, and create a precedent that accounts can be sold and transferred thus opening them up to gambling regulation!
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    Time to put the blasters and lightsabers down. There is going to be a bad ending to this.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    daxxzannon wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    I actually know for a fact that this happened because he brought the account to them and showed them exactly what he was doing and it was a violation of the ToS.

    "Their hands were tied" at that point.

    So Ahnald is parallel parking near a police station and accidentally bumps one of their squad cars. Ashamed, he walks into the police station to see a corporate CEO being let out after serving a week in minimum security prison for embezzlement, co-incidentally the CEO has made a sizable 'donation' to the department. Ahnald approaches the police desk clerk, and admits that he bumped a cruiser, and asks about what can be done. Without a word, a flurry of officers jail him indefinitely for his crime.

    "Their hands were tied."


    Do you have a date on the communication he showed?

    Did he do this as an exposé or a reaction? I'm not defending the negotiations, but it seems like he had this in his back pocket, and didnt necessary do this "for the community".

    This was actually already exposed prior to them banning Ahnald. However the ghosting of him and proof of further arbitrary punishment is what set it off

    If that happened before they made the stated changes to their policy and this happened after, doesnt that remove some of the "arbitrary" part ?

    Whether or not anything happened "Before" or "After" some half-believable "promise" to police their game in regards to hackers and cheaters, does not condone the actions of a developer who's SOLE JOB IS TO POLICE THEIR GAME.

    I didnt say it did. I actually said I'm not defending the negotiations.

    But there are comparisons made between a statement made and these actions, and which came first matters in that comparison.

    If they made that statement and have followed through with that since, then the whole "what is going on with the negotiations with cheaters" point is "moote" as far as the future is concerned.

    That doesnt mean you can't feel the need to pass judgment on what they did in the past, but it doesnt bring into question the current state of things.

    I don't think the precedence set by enforcing the TOS is moot at all.

    From what I've observed, it's not the order or the future of how it's handled. I imagine there will always be some disgruntled anyways.

    Consistency and communication are what is expected of a business.
    They lack both here.

    But that's not true, because if the order of operations is what makes it consistent or not.

    If they change a policy and follow it, then they are being consistent, no matter what happened pre policy
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kyno wrote: »
    Thank you for the clarification. I was having a hard time finding information.

    But a few posts earlier you said, "I actually know for a fact that this happened"...like you got the inside scoop...which we all know you don't.

    When you're in a hole mate it's always best to stop digging :)

    You are mixing up 2 different elements.
  • Monomer
    139 posts Member
    "Their hands were tied" is going to go down in history along with Carrie's "tip of the spear" comment.

    What else do you think they should do when there is a clear case of account transfer in front of them?

    Well duh! Obviously they should give preferential treatment to someone with a bunch of fanboys, and create a precedent that accounts can be sold and transferred thus opening them up to gambling regulation!

    By “preferential” do you mean typical? And by “create precedent” do mean continue it? You do know that account transfers are extremely common and have been for years right? CG is being selective in their enforcement of the rules; that’s the entire issue. Modding services are account sharing too, and those are commonly advertised without CG seeming to care at all.
  • Options
    "Their hands were tied" is going to go down in history along with Carrie's "tip of the spear" comment.

    What else do you think they should do when there is a clear case of account transfer in front of them?

    Oh, I don't know, communicate with him the same way they did with a blatant cheater?

    The end result could have been the same, but handled on a "case by case basis" like the said they would.

    I'm less incensed by the banning of his account than I am the way a cheater was coddled and catered to. It undermines the integrity of the "anti-cheating" stance they seem to like to throw around.

    I would say the lost my respect, but let's be honest... they lost that a long time ago

    Chained since '16
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    You tried to make out you had the inside scoop mate, you haven't. You know that, we know that :)

    Anyway..keep digging.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kyno wrote: »
    "Their hands were tied" at that point.

    Really mate? You're really saying that? Honestly?

    That's hilarious :smiley: keep on, keeping on. You're not on the side of right here, and I know you know that.

    Not on the right side?

    He broke the rules and got punished for it..... that part of it is pretty straightforward.
  • Bulldog1205
    3573 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    "Their hands were tied" is going to go down in history along with Carrie's "tip of the spear" comment.

    What else do you think they should do when there is a clear case of account transfer in front of them?

    Oh, I don't know, communicate with him the same way they did with a blatant cheater?

    The end result could have been the same, but handled on a "case by case basis" like the said they would.

    I'm less incensed by the banning of his account than I am the way a cheater was coddled and catered to. It undermines the integrity of the "anti-cheating" stance they seem to like to throw around.

    I would say the lost my respect, but let's be honest... they lost that a long time ago

    The cheater getting preferential treatment was despicable. It was also in the past. December to be exact. And they’ve already gotten heat for it. They corrected it with a permaban. Isn’t the resolution to that to stop giving people preferential treatment?

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    So much for the moderator staying neutral. And you volunteered for this? Sure they aren’t paying you?
  • Easybee
    140 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    I actually know for a fact that this happened because he brought the account to them and showed them exactly what he was doing and it was a violation of the ToS.

    "Their hands were tied" at that point.

    So Ahnald is parallel parking near a police station and accidentally bumps one of their squad cars. Ashamed, he walks into the police station to see a corporate CEO being let out after serving a week in minimum security prison for embezzlement, co-incidentally the CEO has made a sizable 'donation' to the department. Ahnald approaches the police desk clerk, and admits that he bumped a cruiser, and asks about what can be done. Without a word, a flurry of officers jail him indefinitely for his crime.

    "Their hands were tied."


    Do you have a date on the communication he showed?

    Did he do this as an exposé or a reaction? I'm not defending the negotiations, but it seems like he had this in his back pocket, and didnt necessary do this "for the community".

    You really are CG's slave

    So you dony have an answer?

    I'm sure he'll answer once CG does. Like AT ALL.

    How about we talk about the motivation of CG to allow cheating cheaters to continue to cheat?
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    "Their hands were tied" at that point.

    Really mate? You're really saying that? Honestly?

    That's hilarious :smiley: keep on, keeping on. You're not on the side of right here, and I know you know that.

    Not on the right side?

    He broke the rules and got punished for it..... that part of it is pretty straightforward.

    Is that then what happened to CG_Carrie when she used a modding service?
    Chained since '16
  • Options
    Monomer wrote: »
    "Their hands were tied" is going to go down in history along with Carrie's "tip of the spear" comment.

    What else do you think they should do when there is a clear case of account transfer in front of them?

    Well duh! Obviously they should give preferential treatment to someone with a bunch of fanboys, and create a precedent that accounts can be sold and transferred thus opening them up to gambling regulation!

    By “preferential” do you mean typical? And by “create precedent” do mean continue it? You do know that account transfers are extremely common and have been for years right? CG is being selective in their enforcement of the rules; that’s the entire issue. Modding services are account sharing too, and those are commonly advertised without CG seeming to care at all.

    EA is most certainly not explicitly monitoring for account transfers/sales/sharing, but if one is brought to their attention, they are likely always taking action. I certainly know that the one account on my shard that I provided proof of being transferred disappeared.

    So unless you saying that you have proof of people previously reporting account transfer or sharing violations (with proof) and not being banned, then EA has been consistent in their actions.

  • Options
    ZAP wrote: »
    "Their hands were tied" is going to go down in history along with Carrie's "tip of the spear" comment.

    What else do you think they should do when there is a clear case of account transfer in front of them?

    Oh, I don't know, communicate with him the same way they did with a blatant cheater?

    The end result could have been the same, but handled on a "case by case basis" like the said they would.

    I'm less incensed by the banning of his account than I am the way a cheater was coddled and catered to. It undermines the integrity of the "anti-cheating" stance they seem to like to throw around.

    I would say the lost my respect, but let's be honest... they lost that a long time ago

    The cheater getting preferential treatment was despicable. It was also in the past. December to be exact. And they’ve already gotten heat for it. They corrected it with a permaban. Isn’t the resolution to that to stop giving people preferential treatment?

    December was after they made the no tolerance statement and also, what heat did they get for it?

    You don’t remember the iN Skywalker debacle? That 1 week ban ended up being a 5 month ban. Then 2 weeks ago I called them out for it in a video and as a result they changed it to a permaban.

  • Options
    "Their hands were tied" is going to go down in history along with Carrie's "tip of the spear" comment.

    What else do you think they should do when there is a clear case of account transfer in front of them?

    Oh, I don't know, communicate with him the same way they did with a blatant cheater?

    The end result could have been the same, but handled on a "case by case basis" like the said they would.

    I'm less incensed by the banning of his account than I am the way a cheater was coddled and catered to. It undermines the integrity of the "anti-cheating" stance they seem to like to throw around.

    I would say the lost my respect, but let's be honest... they lost that a long time ago

    The cheater getting preferential treatment was despicable. It was also in the past. December to be exact. And they’ve already gotten heat for it. They corrected it with a permaban. Isn’t the resolution to that to stop giving people preferential treatment?

    It being in "the past" has no bearing on the fact that it happened. By the guy who is supposed to be protecting us from shady people and practices. Did LD lose his position? Nope. If we are supposed to be held to a higher standard, then I would argue CG and their employees must be held accountable as well. Let's not give preferential treatment, shall we?
    Chained since '16
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