Ahnalds account [MERGE]


  • Redd007
    56 posts Member
    The fact this thread has over 1000 replies says how angry people are with this decision
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    Just looked at your history @bulldog, seems you have a lot of how to videos. Maybe you are defending this corruption because you want his fan base. If that’s the case, CG is accepting applications/resumes. So if someone murders it’ll be ok in 6 months. That must be how it goes for CG. They have obviously not dealt with this whole matter or we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Wish you well at your new job over at capital games.
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    "Their hands were tied" is going to go down in history along with Carrie's "tip of the spear" comment.

    What else do you think they should do when there is a clear case of account transfer in front of them?

    Speak to the person involved. Find out the details behind it and then take an informed decision on what they deem to be an appropriate punishment.

    Account transfer doesn't have to be a permanent ban without exception unlike APKing to gain a competitive advantage. If someone gives an account to a friend or relative for example, I don't think it benefits anyone to permanently ban the account.

    In this particular instance I think you can make a decent case for banning the account but their hands certainly were not tied. They've already shown a willingness to bargain with those breaching their Terms, as you and Ahnald showed.

    And all that having been done, it probably would be a good idea to communicate to their customers to explain the rationale behind both the ban here and the negotiations with cheaters "in good standing".

    Why are they not taking a zero tolerance approach on GAC cheats as we were told? Are they still handing out light-touch bans to those who APK? If so why should any of us spend money knowing that no matter how much we spend, someone in "good standing" could just "bad battle" their way to victory over is?

    Pulling up the shutters and maintaining radio silence is an excellent way to upset your customers.
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    people loose there jobs all the time for stupid stuff that they did 10+ years ago when it comes back up now a days and most of the time they were just bad jokes for that time. LD help cheaters and was dumb enough to leave a record of it and if CG hands were tied with this then there hands are tied and LD has to be fired
  • WulW
    30 posts Member
    Its not only about this particilat ban, it is how we are treeted by CG for way to long.

    No content for 7 months?
    Every single promisse they have made with new content have been delayed/deleted from theirs calendar.

    GL was a totaly failure (event itself was a totaly joke, balance of the characters, even now after Kylo buff it is not still the way it should on such a investment).

    Blocking Anthnald now was a block on us - players for the way to evolve in the game. They have closed our eyes on new stuff, even if ever we will see any new content, than we will not be able to see if it's woth a try to take a part of it...

    The only solution i see is a reanimation of test accounts and give access to every youtuber, exactly the same as they have wrote when they announced they are stopping to support test server. They have wrote they are working on bigger one.

    I as a player also expect any statement made by CG - if they made any decisions for the future, than they should anounce it, and keep it as a unbreakalbe promisse.
  • WulW
    30 posts Member
    CG's approach to us - players must change. Now we are treated as a necessary evil ... that's how I perceive as a player for 4.5 years.

    I dont remember when CG lastly made anything for us - players to make our gaming expirience better, to simply enjoy the game. Thats the case now, it's not even about Anthnald.
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    ZAP wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    "Their hands were tied" is going to go down in history along with Carrie's "tip of the spear" comment.

    What else do you think they should do when there is a clear case of account transfer in front of them?

    Oh, I don't know, communicate with him the same way they did with a blatant cheater?

    The end result could have been the same, but handled on a "case by case basis" like the said they would.

    I'm less incensed by the banning of his account than I am the way a cheater was coddled and catered to. It undermines the integrity of the "anti-cheating" stance they seem to like to throw around.

    I would say the lost my respect, but let's be honest... they lost that a long time ago

    The cheater getting preferential treatment was despicable. It was also in the past. December to be exact. And they’ve already gotten heat for it. They corrected it with a permaban. Isn’t the resolution to that to stop giving people preferential treatment?

    December was after they made the no tolerance statement and also, what heat did they get for it?

    You don’t remember the iN Skywalker debacle? That 1 week ban ended up being a 5 month ban. Then 2 weeks ago I called them out for it in a video and as a result they changed it to a permaban.

    Not a slight on you, but I’ve watched a couple of your videos in the past, nothing this year.

    Thank you for starting this, I never saw it brought here. Maybe it was and was deleted? In any case I’d say that the majority of us didn’t see it.

    I wouldn’t call a video by you as them getting heat for this, I’d say what’s about to happen is them getting heat.

    My reference to getting heat wasn’t my video. I meant when it originally happened they took heat, and then they backtracked and we thought turned it into a permaban. It came to light again recently because the account popped back up unbanned.
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    Ronin7275 wrote: »
    Just looked at your history @bulldog, seems you have a lot of how to videos. Maybe you are defending this corruption because you want his fan base. If that’s the case, CG is accepting applications/resumes. So if someone murders it’ll be ok in 6 months. That must be how it goes for CG. They have obviously not dealt with this whole matter or we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Wish you well at your new job over at capital games.

    1) I would get more of his supporters if I defended him.
    2) I was the one who originally called out this corruption and have not been shy about bashing CG on numerous occasions.
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    "Their hands were tied" is going to go down in history along with Carrie's "tip of the spear" comment.

    What else do you think they should do when there is a clear case of account transfer in front of them?

    Oh, I don't know, communicate with him the same way they did with a blatant cheater?

    The end result could have been the same, but handled on a "case by case basis" like the said they would.

    I'm less incensed by the banning of his account than I am the way a cheater was coddled and catered to. It undermines the integrity of the "anti-cheating" stance they seem to like to throw around.

    I would say the lost my respect, but let's be honest... they lost that a long time ago

    The cheater getting preferential treatment was despicable. It was also in the past. December to be exact. And they’ve already gotten heat for it. They corrected it with a permaban. Isn’t the resolution to that to stop giving people preferential treatment?

    It being in "the past" has no bearing on the fact that it happened. By the guy who is supposed to be protecting us from shady people and practices. Did LD lose his position? Nope. If we are supposed to be held to a higher standard, then I would argue CG and their employees must be held accountable as well. Let's not give preferential treatment, shall we?

    I’ve been very vocal and made recent videos about how CG shouldn’t be giving preferential treatment. Which is exactly why I wouldn’t support them turning a blind eye to Ahnald getting an account transfer just because he’s an important piece of the community.
  • x72821
    46 posts Member
    Disappointed in the direction the developers have decided to go, hope the issue is resolved soon
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    ZAP wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    "Their hands were tied" is going to go down in history along with Carrie's "tip of the spear" comment.

    What else do you think they should do when there is a clear case of account transfer in front of them?

    Oh, I don't know, communicate with him the same way they did with a blatant cheater?

    The end result could have been the same, but handled on a "case by case basis" like the said they would.

    I'm less incensed by the banning of his account than I am the way a cheater was coddled and catered to. It undermines the integrity of the "anti-cheating" stance they seem to like to throw around.

    I would say the lost my respect, but let's be honest... they lost that a long time ago

    The cheater getting preferential treatment was despicable. It was also in the past. December to be exact. And they’ve already gotten heat for it. They corrected it with a permaban. Isn’t the resolution to that to stop giving people preferential treatment?

    December was after they made the no tolerance statement and also, what heat did they get for it?

    You don’t remember the iN Skywalker debacle? That 1 week ban ended up being a 5 month ban. Then 2 weeks ago I called them out for it in a video and as a result they changed it to a permaban.

    Not a slight on you, but I’ve watched a couple of your videos in the past, nothing this year.

    Thank you for starting this, I never saw it brought here. Maybe it was and was deleted? In any case I’d say that the majority of us didn’t see it.

    I wouldn’t call a video by you as them getting heat for this, I’d say what’s about to happen is them getting heat.

    My reference to getting heat wasn’t my video. I meant when it originally happened they took heat, and then they backtracked and we thought turned it into a permaban. It came to light again recently because the account popped back up unbanned.

    So obviously they haven’t received nearly enough heat. I appreciate this isn’t news to you and some others, but it is to the vast majority of players.

    This isn’t something that should be swept under the rug. I’m glad the Star Wars community at large is now starting to hear about this and hopefully enough public heat will illicit some real change to the culture and attitude at CG.

    I am glad he gave that screen shot more exposure and is generating more outrage over that. CG deserves it. For me that incident and Ahnald being banned are two completely separate situations though. He’s done a tremendous job of using the first situation to generate outrage regarding his own.
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    If Arnold quits the game because of his ban, i will also quit
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    "Their hands were tied" at that point.

    Really mate? You're really saying that? Honestly?

    That's hilarious :smiley: keep on, keeping on. You're not on the side of right here, and I know you know that.

    Not on the right side?

    He broke the rules and got punished for it..... that part of it is pretty straightforward.

    Is that then what happened to CG_Carrie when she used a modding service?

    Iirc didn't she even go as far as to promoting this said service? 🤔
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    ZAP wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    "Their hands were tied" is going to go down in history along with Carrie's "tip of the spear" comment.

    What else do you think they should do when there is a clear case of account transfer in front of them?

    Oh, I don't know, communicate with him the same way they did with a blatant cheater?

    The end result could have been the same, but handled on a "case by case basis" like the said they would.

    I'm less incensed by the banning of his account than I am the way a cheater was coddled and catered to. It undermines the integrity of the "anti-cheating" stance they seem to like to throw around.

    I would say the lost my respect, but let's be honest... they lost that a long time ago

    The cheater getting preferential treatment was despicable. It was also in the past. December to be exact. And they’ve already gotten heat for it. They corrected it with a permaban. Isn’t the resolution to that to stop giving people preferential treatment?

    December was after they made the no tolerance statement and also, what heat did they get for it?

    You don’t remember the iN Skywalker debacle? That 1 week ban ended up being a 5 month ban. Then 2 weeks ago I called them out for it in a video and as a result they changed it to a permaban.

    Not a slight on you, but I’ve watched a couple of your videos in the past, nothing this year.

    Thank you for starting this, I never saw it brought here. Maybe it was and was deleted? In any case I’d say that the majority of us didn’t see it.

    I wouldn’t call a video by you as them getting heat for this, I’d say what’s about to happen is them getting heat.

    My reference to getting heat wasn’t my video. I meant when it originally happened they took heat, and then they backtracked and we thought turned it into a permaban. It came to light again recently because the account popped back up unbanned.

    So obviously they haven’t received nearly enough heat. I appreciate this isn’t news to you and some others, but it is to the vast majority of players.

    This isn’t something that should be swept under the rug. I’m glad the Star Wars community at large is now starting to hear about this and hopefully enough public heat will illicit some real change to the culture and attitude at CG.

    I am glad he gave that screen shot more exposure and is generating more outrage over that. CG deserves it. For me that incident and Ahnald being banned are two completely separate situations though. He’s done a tremendous job of using the first situation to generate outrage regarding his own.

    I’ll watch your videos if you read my posts in this thread, deal?

    Yeah, I have always said Ahnaldt’s ban was justified and that if they were to move that account out of country it be nearly as bad as negotiating with the cheater.

    I still believe they were chomping at the bit to ban his account though and the opportunity was delivered to them by him. He also had no other choice, but to give it a shot, as he couldn’t spend on that account anymore.

    None of that matters much to me though, it’s the culture that has been cultivated at CG that allowed the cheating negotiation to take place that is concerning to me. Once that culture is in place only real reform will change it.

    My apologies if I’ve misrepresented something you’ve stated. I haven’t read every post in this thread and certainly can’t remember who said what, but I’m not under the impression that we have any major disagreements here.
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    KYNO40Virgin—- who are you? You made an account this morning and seem to be just trying to instigate. There is plenty of volatility in here. If your’ intentions are to blow this up more, please stop. Thx.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    I actually know for a fact that this happened because he brought the account to them and showed them exactly what he was doing and it was a violation of the ToS.

    "Their hands were tied" at that point.

    So Ahnald is parallel parking near a police station and accidentally bumps one of their squad cars. Ashamed, he walks into the police station to see a corporate CEO being let out after serving a week in minimum security prison for embezzlement, co-incidentally the CEO has made a sizable 'donation' to the department. Ahnald approaches the police desk clerk, and admits that he bumped a cruiser, and asks about what can be done. Without a word, a flurry of officers jail him indefinitely for his crime.

    "Their hands were tied."


    Do you have a date on the communication he showed?

    Did he do this as an exposé or a reaction? I'm not defending the negotiations, but it seems like he had this in his back pocket, and didnt necessary do this "for the community".

    This was actually already exposed prior to them banning Ahnald. However the ghosting of him and proof of further arbitrary punishment is what set it off

    If that happened before they made the stated changes to their policy and this happened after, doesnt that remove some of the "arbitrary" part ?

    Whether or not anything happened "Before" or "After" some half-believable "promise" to police their game in regards to hackers and cheaters, does not condone the actions of a developer who's SOLE JOB IS TO POLICE THEIR GAME.

    I didnt say it did. I actually said I'm not defending the negotiations.

    But there are comparisons made between a statement made and these actions, and which came first matters in that comparison.

    If they made that statement and have followed through with that since, then the whole "what is going on with the negotiations with cheaters" point is "moote" as far as the future is concerned.

    That doesnt mean you can't feel the need to pass judgment on what they did in the past, but it doesnt bring into question the current state of things.
    The fact you're attempting to justify any thing CG has done makes you a pawn, and an enemy of the Community

    Personally I find it amazing you are not yet banned given your repeated personal attacks on a moderator in violation of forum guidelines. Heck, your very name is ban worthy. Kyno is showing far more restraint in allowing you to vent than I ever would.
  • Starl0rd
    97 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    "Their hands were tied" at that point.

    Really mate? You're really saying that? Honestly?

    That's hilarious :smiley: keep on, keeping on. You're not on the side of right here, and I know you know that.

    Not on the right side?

    He broke the rules and got punished for it..... that part of it is pretty straightforward.


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    ZAP wrote: »
    I still believe they were chomping at the bit to ban his account though and the opportunity was delivered to them by him.

    Honestly this isn't logical. If they were chomping at the bit to ban his account, why leave his other account unbanned? or for that matter why not just copyright strike him on Youtube? If they had some sort of vendetta, they could have easily pulled the plug on him completely and utterly at any time.
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    Thats the last time i will be spending. Cg has already done a peach of a job of making the game feel completely stale, but then go and top it off by banning your no.1 promoter and revenue generator. This all stinks of cg taking swgoh towards the big collapse thats been brewing for far too long now
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    Can’t pull the plug on YouTube though. Not being a ****. Simply put.
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    Thats the last time i will be spending. Cg has already done a peach of a job of making the game feel completely stale, but then go and top it off by banning your no.1 promoter and revenue generator. This all stinks of cg taking swgoh towards the big collapse thats been brewing for far too long now. This has put me on the verge of quitting
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    Ronin7275 wrote: »
    Can’t pull the plug on YouTube though. Not being a ****. Simply put.

    Sure they can. They can copyright strike use of their game images at any time for any reason.
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    Ya, because copyright infringement is governed so well. Internet is a big place. There are a lot of hackers here. Sure hope they aren’t that dumb. I speak very little code so it wouldn’t be me. Just know at this rate the game won’t make it through the year. Especially when everyone who spent money gives a new review and tanks it all. The voice of the people is very powerful and unity is already happening. Good luck slowing this roll!!!
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    ZAP wrote: »
    I still believe they were chomping at the bit to ban his account though and the opportunity was delivered to them by him.

    Honestly this isn't logical. If they were chomping at the bit to ban his account, why leave his other account unbanned? or for that matter why not just copyright strike him on Youtube? If they had some sort of vendetta, they could have easily pulled the plug on him completely and utterly at any time.

    What's logical about stopping the game changer program? This is the only EA Games mobile without one, that I know Copyright strikes don't work if it's fair use. You see the outrage from a justified ban? Imagine if they just banned him for no reason.
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