Ahnalds account [MERGE]


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    You don’t find it ironic animal mother your name comes from a movie and its all over the web. Now, that name is specific, but that is ok. Obviously you and CG have the same standards. Good luck to you. Here’s hoping for your’ permaban! Get a new name hypocrite.
  • 7AnimalMother
    2053 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Vi1teran_ wrote: »
    Copyright strikes don't work if it's fair use.

    You can read Youtube's fair use policy. Video game content of the type SWGOH Youtubers create does not apply.
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    Shiftyund wrote: »
    Ronin7275 wrote: »
    Ya, because copyright infringement is governed so well. Internet is a big place. There are a lot of hackers here. Sure hope they aren’t that dumb. I speak very little code so it wouldn’t be me. Just know at this rate the game won’t make it through the year. Especially when everyone who spent money gives a new review and tanks it all. The voice of the people is very powerful and unity is already happening. Good luck slowing this roll!!!

    I mean you can ask @Bulldog1205 if you don't believe me. Likely he got a copyright strike when his cheating video got taken down. Its very easy for a copyright holder to send a takedown request to Youtube. If EA had a vendetta against Ahnald, they can easily prevent him from posting any video showing their game.

    As to the rest... meh. People have been saying the game is gonna tank forever; but the whales keep on whaling. Ahnald may have his little fanboy following, but not all of them are spenders, and not all of them would quit even if Ea did cut him off completely. His viewers are a drop in the bucket. Heck I'd wager there are at least as many people (if not more) who dislike him as there are who follow him.....

    @Bulldog1205 if I remember correctly weren't you at least given the opportunity to remove your video titled something along the lines of hacking my way through gac

    They basically said “Will you take it down so we can look into this.” I told them the video is already out and footage has been provided to other larger YouTubers, so it’s basically too late. I’d look like a coward if I backed out now. Then the next message from them was that I was banned. So yes, they did, although there was no type of discussion about why I should or what the consequences would be or any type of negotiation.
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    I'm confused as to how him buying an account from someone and then spending money in the game on said account, is so evil and worse than people actually cheating at the game.

    Also, I've read some comments that mentioned "warnings" for account transfers. What does that even mean? You get a warning that says something to the effect of "you broke TOS by obtaining this account and if you obtain this account again we will punish you"? Is that what that means? Do they somehow take the account back from them at that point?

    Bottom line is there in nothing wrong with account sharing, transferring, selling, buying, gifting, etc. Any money that was ever spent in that account is still in SWGOH's pockets. It isn't like that money disappears somehow. It should not make one bit of difference as to who is in control of the account. It's not like multiple people can play with those purchases at the same time.

    The cheating is what the focus should be on, and they should just abolish this account transfer TOS stuff completely. It doesn't make any sense in an equitable fashion.
  • 7AnimalMother
    2053 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Ronin7275 wrote: »
    You don’t find it ironic animal mother your name comes from a movie and its all over the web. Now, that name is specific, but that is ok. Obviously you and CG have the same standards. Good luck to you. Here’s hoping for your’ permaban! Get a new name hypocrite.

    Ok. Step away from the methamphetamine, son. It never ends well.....
  • Straegen
    194 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    This entire thing could easily be standard procedure and nothing to do with him being a SWGoH celebrity they don't get along with. The crystal purchases disappearing may likely be because the account was still flagged as a Chinese account somewhere in their database because it was originally. He then registered a ticket with CG/EA to restore the crystal store and when a support rep reviewed the account they noticed the transfers and then simply banned the account per their policies.

    I don't know that is what happened but the scenario above seems just as likely as CG going after Ahnald. Virtually nobody that started screaming foul knows the full history of that account other than CG, probably not even Ahnald. The "content creators" losing their collective crap before we have more information is unjustified in my opinion.
    Post edited by Straegen on
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    CG in a nutshell:
    Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
    When to see a doctor
    People with narcissistic personality disorder may not want to think that anything could be wrong, so they may be unlikely to seek treatment.
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    How's this okay: https://www.patreon.com/hotutils

    But Ahnald gets banned
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    Son? You’re of no relation to me and probably younger. As far as ****? Oh please elaborate from your’ extensive experience. I pity you. I had no idea of your problems. Just not sure you’re in the right forum.
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    Can we please just move forward? I love this game and all I want is to keep playing it and to see more content
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    I'm confused as to how him buying an account from someone and then spending money in the game on said account, is so evil and worse than people actually cheating at the game.

    Also, I've read some comments that mentioned "warnings" for account transfers. What does that even mean? You get a warning that says something to the effect of "you broke TOS by obtaining this account and if you obtain this account again we will punish you"? Is that what that means? Do they somehow take the account back from them at that point?

    Bottom line is there in nothing wrong with account sharing, transferring, selling, buying, gifting, etc. Any money that was ever spent in that account is still in SWGOH's pockets. It isn't like that money disappears somehow. It should not make one bit of difference as to who is in control of the account. It's not like multiple people can play with those purchases at the same time.

    The cheating is what the focus should be on, and they should just abolish this account transfer TOS stuff completely. It doesn't make any sense in an equitable fashion.

    I think we pretty much all agree the apk cheating stuff is ridiculous and CG shouldn’t be making exceptions for people and should be focusing on that more.

    That said, the biggest reason CG cares about account transfer Is because there is a lot of fraud and theft there. If they allowed account transfers they could then be potentially held liable if they go wrong. By making them against the rules they wash their hands of any issues there.

    And of course money. It’s more expensive to build up a new account than buy and existing one.
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    Reagan wrote: »
    FIRE CG!! Hire Ahnold!! EA you need to fire CG. I am a whale in this game I'm sure you have ways of looking up the Thousands I have spent with you. You want my money any longer we as a community demand a change.
    Disney. Lets start from the top
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    I'm confused as to how him buying an account from someone and then spending money in the game on said account, is so evil and worse than people actually cheating at the game.

    Also, I've read some comments that mentioned "warnings" for account transfers. What does that even mean? You get a warning that says something to the effect of "you broke TOS by obtaining this account and if you obtain this account again we will punish you"? Is that what that means? Do they somehow take the account back from them at that point?

    Bottom line is there in nothing wrong with account sharing, transferring, selling, buying, gifting, etc. Any money that was ever spent in that account is still in SWGOH's pockets. It isn't like that money disappears somehow. It should not make one bit of difference as to who is in control of the account. It's not like multiple people can play with those purchases at the same time.

    The cheating is what the focus should be on, and they should just abolish this account transfer TOS stuff completely. It doesn't make any sense in an equitable fashion.

    As much as we players find cheating to be the worst part of a given game, from a business standpoint account/sharing/transfers are viewed much worse (especially in a PTW mobile game).

    Here is why. Cheating, as everyone knows, makes games worse. It makes players less engaged with games, and some players may even quit because of it. That said, in general, cheating doesn't seriously impede a games ability to generate revenue. SWGOH has had known cheats since it started, and despite that fact, has been a very monetarily successful game. Additionally, when cheaters cheat in SWGOH, there isn't an obvious direct hit to the bottom line. Sure the cheaters are getting higher spots in raids, arena, & GAC, but the additional crystals they earn there is offset (for the developer) by the fewer crystals some non-cheater is now earning.

    Sharing or Selling an account, on the other hand, from a developers perspective is not much different than someone buying 3rd party crystals. Let's say player A has spent $1000 on his account. If player B buys an account from or shares an account with player A, that is lost $ in the eyes of the developer. If player B wants to use an account that had $1000 worth of value, then by golly, the developer wants player B to spend that $1000 with their own account! After all, $2000 > $1000.

    Now, developers do know that in-spite of their wishes that everyone has their own account that many accounts are still shared or sold. Monitoring for these types of account movement is not cost effective. So why care at all? Well, that's where another reason for not allowing transfers/selling comes into play. PTW mobile games are essentially gambling. People are paying money for virtual chances at drops. Legislators have been looking at these games as such for quite some time now. The main argument that prevents these types of games from being regulated as gambling is the fact that people are not able earn any real world money off of them. But wait! What happens if in game items or accounts are suddenly able to be sold with a developers blessing? Ooops... that argument about people not being able to earn real world money suddenly doesn't hold water. Hello regulators! Hello extra taxes! Goodbye under age 18 players! Goodbye a certain percentage of profit!

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    Lol and now my comment has to be approved @kyno ? What a joke. There wasnt even a swear and no way I tripped a spam bot.
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    Good! Then they will be held accountable. I’m all for it!!!!!!!!!
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    Lol and now my comment has to be approved @kyno ? What a joke. There wasnt even a swear and no way I tripped a spam bot.

    Copyright strike! Had to be!
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    ZAP wrote: »
    Can we please just move forward? I love this game and all I want is to keep playing it and to see more content


    Haha, unfortunately, it does feel like that’s what “moving forward” might look like :(
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    Ronin7275 wrote: »
    Lol and now my comment has to be approved @kyno ? What a joke. There wasnt even a swear and no way I tripped a spam bot.

    Copyright strike! Had to be!

    Bro I literally just quoted his tweet with proof to the contrary of what his overlords told him and its waiting for approval. But no censorship, right? Lol
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    This is a big mistake. He actually motivated me to spend money. I won't anymore until he is restored. Just a huge mistake.
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    CG, I've been playing this game since Nov 30th, 2015 and this is probably one of the biggest disses I've seen since playing. He is the leading content creator for this game and you banned one of his accounts? I've gone back and forth between FTP and dolphin status but with what you did to Ahnald in light of how you have treated cheaters in the past I'm beyond disappointed. That being said I'm not spending any more money on this account until you make things right with AhnaldT101.
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    Depending on what CG's response is I may be done with the game as much as I love it.
  • Iy4oy4s
    2947 posts Member
    AhnaldT101 posted another video. He does make a convincing argument. I believe he is correct and I am not spending any more (wallet was closed before, by but it’s pretty much welded shut now). Standing by for CG’s response, hopefully they make the right call.
  • khdelboy
    754 posts Member
    He’ s posted a new video.

    He’s done on spending money on this game. He accepts he broke the rules, but he doesn’t accept that it was him who got targeted as many others broke it, and the cheater negotiations as well.

    CG, sweep this under the rug would be a huge mistake.
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    Capital games your not handling this issue properly. I've been a player of this game since it was started please reconsider your decision and allow Ahnalds account to be restored. Work with him and together make SWGOH better for everyone like we expect you too. nuff said.
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    I have spent a good bit in this game and have enjoyed a lot about this game despite the lack of content. But seeing the way CG is treating AhnaldT101 and their willingness to show favoritism to confirmed cheaters has killed any interest I have in the game. I will not be spending anymore money on this game and I am about ready to quit playing all together. If CG doesn’t fix Ahnalds account or at least gives a refund and makes a statement about the issue I am done.
  • DylarrTS
    126 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    I've spent roughly 10k on this game and have never broke a ToS. Im suspending spending until something is done. I'm not saying they should "make good", but they have to improve their relationship with the player base.
  • Walrus
    11 posts Member
    When are these cowards going to make a response. Anything other than bringing back test accounts and giving Ahnaldt101 some sort of compensation is unacceptable.
  • Lordul
    31 posts Member
    i play this game for years...i love star wars but i stop spending a while ago because is become a milking cow,no new content and you need to pump more and more just to be on top...after spending thousands and GL was released with that ridiculous requirements i said is enogh...i still play but to be honest i dont now for how long...
    i watch ahnald streams every time..not because of the new realesed toons just because he knowhow to make a show from this...it is huge what he can do and how much love SWGOH and for the benefit in the end..but i dont think we like to watch him just because of his new caracters release every time ,i like to belive all like him because of how he do that show in the first place...
    to came back on the issue i dont think CG will do anything and if they do will be a huge surprise for me at least...
    they can make this game worth 2 bil $ not one if they have the right ppl there...
    and this cover most of what was on my chest
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