Ahnalds account [MERGE]


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    jman1234 wrote: »
    I think if they're gonna give Ahnald his kraken account back, they gotta give Bulldog1205 his account back as well. Tbh, this fiasco they created for themselves is probably delaying the RA.

    Tbh they should have thanked him for his service and given him a medal. All we got was "hes banned but we'll work harder to get cheaters" which now we know is clearly not the case
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    Fix it now
  • nmilitello
    33 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Crayvis01 wrote: »

    Did you guys hear that one?

    I think it’s been too long, if you guys wanna walk it back now your prolly gonna have to fire someone and blame them.

    This is why we don’t declare war on our players CG, please take notes this time.

    I changed my review to 1 star a few days ago based on customer service and community interaction. This is the only way voices will be heard. The current rating is 4.2/5 and I am sure many people would not agree with that. At one time yes, but not anymore. Ratings need to be changed to reflect the current state of the game.
  • Brown89
    174 posts Member
    I only spent on this game after watching youtubers and getting really into it. I'm with Ahnaldt if they treat the community and creators so badly they cant have any more of my money.

    If someone who makes more than it cost to buy the characters back from the video he makes is stopping, why would I spend.

    Balls in your court CG. Dont make it another Malakstrophe
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    AlexanderG wrote: »
    Star Wars: Galaxy of Drama.

    Galaxy of Fanboys

    Cry more that no one likes you lol
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  • VaderB1
    146 posts Member
    AlexanderG wrote: »
    Star Wars: Galaxy of Drama.

    Galaxy of Fanboys

    Clever here have a cookie
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    yankeeh8er wrote: »
    n51_rob wrote: »
    This seems so short sighted by CG. Yes, Ahnald was critical at time (fairly if you ask me). But he also provided free marketing for EVERY new character and ship you released...better than providing you free marketing he actually paid you for the privilege to market EVERY new character and ship to more viewers than anything you did.

    I went to look at some of the views "Galactic War Report" gets 77 views on their last video which was a month ago and this is the channel CG uses to promote things and have developers interact with the "community" its laughable.

    To be fair galactic war report is a podcast. I have listened to them for a long time and I had no idea they even do a video version of their show.

    Thanks, for the clarification wasn't aware of that.
  • dsdsds
    72 posts Member
    Kyno is working overtime for CG saying they communicate often lol

    CG and the game, like this forum, are selectively enforced.

    Kyno is full of it.

    That said i dont envy his job, guessing he knows as little as us

  • Mitch08
    303 posts Member
    Crayvis01 wrote: »

    Did you guys hear that one?

    I think it’s been too long, if you guys wanna walk it back now your prolly gonna have to fire someone and blame them.

    This is why we don’t declare war on our players CG, please take notes this time.

    Starting to see it pop up on some large discord servers too. I hope people keep it up!
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    There is a sizeable minority of the community who seriously must have Stockholm syndrome! This studio has gone from one controversy to the next, raking in the money at each turn. They know players will continue to play because no matter what, this game is star wars and actually built on pretty solid foundations.

    The ToS breach would be understandable if it were equally applied, clearly it is not. This is a deeply personal and spiteful move from CG and they are so out of touch at this point there is not much they can do short-term to fix this. The price model of the game has become an absolute joke anyone outside of this community will testify to that! Enough is enough.
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    I think, at this point, it would be a huge mistake for CG to carry on with their typical modus operandi.

    Chained since '16
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    I had to change my review to 1 star. I can't believe that they still have not even cared enough to comment on this matter.
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    I created an account just to support this. ArnoldT's videos were the most enjoyable aspect of GoH. Now that he got banned and not doing awesome videos anymore. This game is not fun anymore
  • AlexanderG
    1930 posts Member
    yankeeh8er wrote: »
    I had to change my review to 1 star. I can't believe that they still have not even cared enough to comment on this matter.

    The laptop is in for repairs.
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    I think it's more than that. It's about how the ToS is applied unevenly even after a clear zero tolerance policy was set. They can't apply it to some and not others. A zero tolerance policy means you DO NOT negotiate. In what was brought to light, CG negotiates with cheaters even though there is a zero tolerance policy against cheating. That's the beef.

    If CG is targeting players, that's a whole other issue that could end in a lawsuit.

    The ToS is fairly lengthy and violations of given sections likely have different enforcement policies. Would you agree that having an inappropriate in game name shouldn't get the same punishment as someone who used a cheat?

    In other words, different rules should and do have different punishments for breaking them. As long as EA enforces a singular specific rule consistently, then they are indeed not applying the ToS unevenly. So unless someone has specific examples of other people who were found by EA to have a transferred/sold account and did NOT get banned, then I do not see an inconsistency here.

    Also, while I agree that cheating should result in a permanent ban, I understand why a developer sees that as a lesser violation than an account transfer/sale.

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    They probably won’t yankeeh8er
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    yankeeh8er wrote: »
    I had to change my review to 1 star. I can't believe that they still have not even cared enough to comment on this matter.

    If their history of communication is any gauge, they will respond with a short vague banal post at closing time on a Friday, and go radio silent over the weekend.

    Chained since '16
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    Rex76 wrote: »
    Lots of reports/rumors that the account he acquired was a Chinese account that had illegitimate crystals

    "Lots of reports" based on absolutely no evidence. If CG has evidence that the account benefited from fraudulently obtained crystals they should say so. We shouldn't hypothesise based on unfounded reports or rumours. It's unlikely to lead anywhere intelligent.

  • ImaSmakya
    1068 posts Member
    I think, at this point, it would be a huge mistake for CG to carry on with their typical modus operandi.

    I'm ok with it at this point, I'm quite enjoying MSF.
    DISCLAIMER: Post is subject to change.
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    I read nearly every post and comment under General Discussion, but I have never commented. I started playing this game because of Ahnald. I watch every single video of his. This is just not a smart move for CG. So this is just me saying I support Ahnald, and will not spend any more money on this game unless they rectify their mistake.
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    ZAP wrote: »
    AlexanderG wrote: »
    Star Wars: Galaxy of Drama.

    Galaxy of Fanboys

    2 bedroom apartment of apologists

    Except I'm not an apologist. The game has been in the **** for 1.5 years and unlike those in this thread that are changing their app store reviews to 1* on account of a youtuber who got what he deserved, my rating didn't need to get changed off of the 1* its been at for quite some time.
  • Monomer
    139 posts Member

    Sharing or Selling an account, on the other hand, from a developers perspective is not much different than someone buying 3rd party crystals. Let's say player A has spent $1000 on his account. If player B buys an account from or shares an account with player A, that is lost $ in the eyes of the developer. If player B wants to use an account that had $1000 worth of value, then by golly, the developer wants player B to spend that $1000 with their own account! After all, $2000 > $1000.

    Except that, regardless of your assumptions on their perspective, it's incorrect to claim it's a loss of revenue. Someone buying an account wasn't going to spend that same $1000 to build one up from scratch. They bought a built up account because it is/was a bargain in that regard. You can argue that CG loses whatever was spent on the account transfer, but there's probably a large percentage of those who simply wouldn't bother and would find a different game to play if they couldn't do that. Additionally, by blocking an account transfer, CG is orphaning an account that could have produced additional revenue (and did in Ahnald's case). He spent money on the account that he obtained. You don't honestly think he would create a brand new account and whale it to 7 million GP do you? Transference of that account -made- CG money; it didn't cost them anything.
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    This is not about anything we don’t already know. CG does not care a about us, they care about the all mighty dollar. They are the only developer I know that hates content creators and anyone that doesn’t spend money on their game. I have no issue with making a profit, this game would not still be here if they weren’t making money. But to make the profit off lacklustre content, lack of communication and a poor overall product that does nothing but leach off the good Star Wars franchise name is nothing short of despicable.

    We make this game CG, maybe you should learn that if you want to continue making money. And maybe you should start giving content creators the credit they deserve because they are the only reason this game is surviving, not you.
  • Banjo
    40 posts Member
    Review changed to 1 star. All the good reviews are from 2+years ago
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    Speak on the situation and FIX YOUR BILLION DOLLAR GAME
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    I wonder what MSF and DSA reviews look like.
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